
Ridazz Roulette!

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The Days of Our Ridazz.

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Thread Box:
Thread started by Aktive_420 at 10.27.10 - 6:51 am

so LACM is this friday...

lets remember to stay to the right of the double yellow lines

lets remember not to cork




Come out and be part of traffic!


If it does indeed rain we are looking at a much smaller much funner critical mass.
In addition to all the ticketing that took place last month, I am guessing we will see smaller numbers.

We still have yet to hear back from Sgt Krumer about the breakdown of last month's tickets. But I am pretty sure less than 1/2 were for double yellow violations.

I'm personally very disappointed with how the police performed last month.
There was aggressive splitting of the ride and they issued lots of tickets for things other than 2x yellow & corking, which is very different from than how they portrayed their intended actions before the ride.

So rather than emphasize the the 2x yellow & corking we should be honest and upfront that the cops will be present and they will be ticketing people at random for ANY VIOLATION THAT THEY SEE.

If they would have told us that last month, we could have properly warned the ridazz.

As it is a lot of kids got tickets last month, and from some reports here not all of those tickets were issued safely or fairly.

10.27.10 - 9:33 am


I agree with trickmilla--I'd love to chalk up last month's seemingly heavy enforcement to LAPD just being confused on what to enforce and what to not (as suggested in today's Streetsblog article about this Friday's LACM), but I'm not comfortable going along with that. As I commented there:

Riders, beware of running red lights. Last month LAPD gave out plenty of citations for red-light running (regardless of the confusion presented by LAPD’s sometimes-corking intersections). The unofficial tally was somewhere between 30-50. So, if you choose to run red lights, watch out for cars–and watch out for LAPD.

responding to a comment by trickmilla
10.27.10 - 9:47 am


Just don't go. Fuck it. Spend Friday night doing something fun.

Hippy Sippy
10.27.10 - 2:16 pm


i say we all join the bike/fight club

RickerRicker 1-9
10.27.10 - 5:21 pm


I thout we ware sending the leaders to the valley this time?

wat happen?

r u going aktive?

10.27.10 - 7:14 pm


Is this LACM a Halloween ride? Anyone dressing up?

10.28.10 - 10:40 am


Of course I'm going ...what else would I do ...oh yeah I can go get faded!

I wonder how many will dress up!

responding to a comment by fixie4life
10.28.10 - 10:41 am



10.28.10 - 11:51 am


Weather now says Friday should be free of rain.

10.28.10 - 12:25 pm


i doubt is going to rain Friday..

responding to a comment by outerspace
10.28.10 - 2:03 pm


Lets pray for rain.

Rain dance maybe...

el sabroso
10.28.10 - 2:19 pm


Hi All,

I have a final breakdown of the tickets from the last Critical Mass...they are as follows and I will post this on the MR forum as well:

(13) for 21210(D)1 VC No Bike Light at Night

(4) 45.03(A) LAMC Curfew

(2) 21212(A) VC No Helmet Juvenile under 18

(13) 21453(A) VC Failed to stop for red tri light

(1) 594.1(E)1 PC Juvenile in possession of spray paint can

(1) 41.27(c) LAMC Drinking in public

(2) 22400 (a) VC Impeding Traffic

(3) citations issued for unknown sections.

I will be discussing the red light violations with the officers tomorrow during the roll call.

Sgt. David Krumer
10.28.10 - 2:47 pm


they must have been talking mad shit to get a no light ticket.

patrick chewing
10.28.10 - 3:02 pm


There are your tickets stats bro!

I asked Sgt for them earlier today

responding to a comment by trickmilla
10.28.10 - 3:02 pm



Is there any hot woman in your department...

10.28.10 - 7:39 pm


What can I say?
I'm really disappointed.

LAPD reached out to us last month to ask us if we could communicate to the bike community that they would be cracking down on people for crossing the double yellow & corking.

Then it turns out, out of almost 40 citations issued, (maybe) 5 were for the violations they were "focusing on".

I feel like an ass for even being surprised.

responding to a comment by Aktive_420
10.28.10 - 8:22 pm


Aktive, you forgot: DONT GET KICKED!!!

officer kicks alot

10.28.10 - 8:24 pm


That cop's an idiot. A moment of silence for all the 'dumb people' in the world.

.... .... .... .... (thank you)

10.28.10 - 8:26 pm


Well in their defense, they were following their superior's orders just like tackling me off my ass off my bike from bedhind, as we all know is what followed this crap....

responding to a comment by ^olsko*jr7
10.28.10 - 8:30 pm


**Well in their defense, they were following their superior's orders just like tackling my ass off my bike from bedhind, as we all know is what followed this crap....

10.28.10 - 8:31 pm


Hey what's up manny how's it going..how's your case going bro..I don't want to get kick again Sgt..

responding to a comment by MannysCarWash
10.28.10 - 9:12 pm


hey man. . . you're not the only one...

we all worked hard, but unfortunately they focused elsewhere and ..poof! citations!


responding to a comment by trickmilla
10.28.10 - 10:02 pm


You at least get the ball rolling on having this troglodyte removed from the welfare collection list?
Do it before he gets his 20 year completed, or we'll all be fools for paying into his "sit-on-my-ass-cuz-I'm-olde" fund.

responding to a comment by MannysCarWash
10.28.10 - 10:09 pm


well, I for one am glad the LAPD supports LACM

LACM should not accept this petty policing.

Isn't the mantra something like:

"Who's streets?"

LAPD: "Our streets, so pull over."

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.28.10 - 10:11 pm


Let's keep it fun.

You know it's not going to be a fast ride, so if you have teenage angst to release, get some pushups, dips and situps in before you come out to Wilshire and Western.

See you all there. Let's not give the police any reason to ticket, aaaite?

responding to a comment by bentstrider
10.28.10 - 10:11 pm


thats awesome u going to the valley for LACM!!!!

can u take the other leaders and the pigs with u?

thanks bro fo getin outa town!

responding to a comment by Aktive_420
10.28.10 - 10:18 pm


Are we really heading to the valley??..so no peoples ride..

10.28.10 - 10:34 pm


I'm just saying any grievances that any one has with LE should be handled through proper channels as opposed to acting like a typical protested on a neutral ride.

responding to a comment by jericho1ne
10.28.10 - 10:40 pm



Too much substance on the keyboard, late nights and xXx.

10.28.10 - 10:42 pm


All is well, thanks.. As far as the incident, we (my attys & i) are currently awaiting the completion of the IA investigation. Maybe one of the officers or one of the lapd liaisons that posts on these threads would be able to give us a better update on the investigation culmination or stats on if there are empty lockers at hollywood station yet or if someone has been promoted to the position of the watch commander who ordered the attack on us??? It should be straight forward as I was shown surveillance video which would of recorded the attacks.

As far as the lapd joining us on lacm, i think ifs great as long as they stop this bullshit cherry picking people to cite & tricking ridazz into committing traffic violations. They should do their job and cork all the lights for us instead of praying on us.

Trickmilla, I am totally with you... we have been stabbed in the back. I can attest to at least 3 of those red light citations where the officers riding along would see a changing light and begin telling ridazz to stop and who ever crossed the crosswalk was gaffled, harassed and cited. As far as the mechanical citations: well, I think if you wanna ride dirty, you better be ready to face the consequences cuz if they don't get u there they might get you on your way home...

LACM is YOUR ride people, there is NO LEADER. It goes where the mass goes. Don't let the lapd tell us where we have to ride. We have the whole city and LACM doesn't have a route if they tell you there is, then I smell NARC.


Like NWA's other famous saying goes: "AM I RIDE WHERE I WANNA RIDE, FUCK THAT!" (Chin Check, NWA)

responding to a comment by El_Fredone
10.29.10 - 12:06 am


So Stoked!!
I just lined up some killer LACM Tickets...
3rd row center!
Can hardly wait. but I better, at the red light, lol.

10.29.10 - 5:19 pm


Are you saying they ticketed riders that did not run red lights?

No matter how much you want it to be, it is not the job of the police to cork intersections for CM.

But keep saying that it is and maybe they'll feel sorry for you and start doing it.

Running reds is illegal, period. Why are we still discussing this?

responding to a comment by MannysCarWash
10.29.10 - 5:59 pm


It's not that people expect the cops to cork lights. They expect consistency. Last LACM the cops were corking lights for people and then blocks later -apparently- they didn't and gave people tickets who otherwise were taught (blocks earlier) that it was ok to ride through to keep the ride contiguous.

responding to a comment by outerspace
10.29.10 - 6:43 pm


Hello All,

I will unfortunately not be able to participate in this month's LACM. My primary duty assignment requires my attention at this time. I communicated to the LAPD folks in charge of this months LACM the concerns of the last ride.

It is my hope that all goes well. I will be looking forward to your comments tonight and tomorrow and continue to address issues where progress can be made.

Have a happy Halloween and ride safe!


Sgt. David Krumer
10.29.10 - 7:29 pm


Hey I'm wondering how long we rode because that shit was long as fuck and I was roller blading motherfuckerssss ........I think just for that I should be name rider of the day. So someone give me a muddafuckin number.


"All night" "kushtown"

10.29.10 - 11:40 pm


heard a cop mention to one of his buddies next to him that he wants to crack a few skulls and hes waiting for someone to fuck up so he can get a chance to do it. he was an asian cop. i asked him why this was his intention and what his badge number was, he refused to give an answer to me. very cool officer, very cool...

little to no corking happened and the ride was super fragmented.
i made it a fun ride but all in all... kind of up in the air?

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.29.10 - 11:41 pm


The cops were being dicks the whole time what's up with that..and why we went so far homeboy..

responding to a comment by tchap
10.30.10 - 12:01 am


around 30 miles. i remember seeing you a few times. props for doing all that on roller blades that must've been tough. wanna get a bike now?

responding to a comment by Pnut90005
10.30.10 - 12:31 am


I agree with El_Fredone.

On LACM I got cited for running a red by a motorcycle cop after a BICYCLE COP said it was ok for us to go. I tried to explain this to the motorcycle cop and pretty much yelled at me and accused me of being a liar. The cops tonight definitely had a different vibe. The last few months prior they have been very helpful. Not so much tonight.

In terms of the ticket, what are my options to fight this? I honestly do believe I was cited unfairly.

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 12:32 am


cops were acting like dicks period!!!!

Pedal Feens
10.30.10 - 1:57 am


I give thanks to those who gave me a hand through out the ride... Thanks
And to those foos that I asked and just ignored me SUCK MY DICK........lames

10.30.10 - 2:17 am


Officer Conrad in particular and the rest of the officers on bicycles did a superb job trying to keep the ride safe and law-abiding.

However the motorcycle officers and some of the officers in cars did not, but rather attempted to harass and break the ride up even in the face of malfunctioning lights, particluarly as in at Lincoln and Jefferson. Motorcycle officers did not understand what was going on: that the light was inoperative for bicycles, and created a hazard and a traffic backup when they decided to break the mass in two. Motorcycle officers in general showed a disregard for safety of participants and a zeal for ticketing bicyclists. However I did not see them pay the say atttention to the many cars that ran red lights throughout our journey this evening. Thankfully I did see one female officer in a squad car give a motorist a ticket for aggressive driving.

Public safety is not served by the motorcycle officers. Please pull them off of the critical mass duty.

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 2:26 am


I agree wit gregb the motorcycles cops out the lacm ride....they were asking poorly after we left the ride ross and the super market parkinklot

responding to a comment by gregb
10.30.10 - 2:50 am


yea the motorcycle cops were being really aggressive.. one came right behind me.. i was on the right side too.. he was just revving his motorcycle.. didnt say a word for me to move.. he just get revving and revving. then i moved to the left slightly to give him some room to pass.then he moves up finally.. and like someone said earlier.. the vibe tonight with the LAPD was DIFFERENT from the pasts LACM, none wanted to cork for us or cite some aggressive drivers... there was motorcycle cops every signal light waiting for a cyclists to pass. I saw a guy or girl(couldnt tell,it had long hair) get citied for riding past a yellow...and guess who gave the ticket.. a motorcycle cop... me and my friend stopped and he said.. u crossed a red..anyways.. todays LACM was awful..felt no support was given.. to US tonight.. the LAPD was there but did nothing but be aggressive... it felt like they were just there to bait us... like how the motorcycle cops were waiting in each corner...

@Sgt K.
is this how its gonna be when your not joining us on CM?
if so.. i like to know when your gonna be with us and not be with us.
feels like we get more LAPD support when your there..but w/o you...
it feels like some arsehole is just using us as bait...

just my 2 cents..

10.30.10 - 3:29 am


Yeah the motorcycle cops weren't helping public safety, they were just hanging out in the shadows hoping bicyclists went through the yellow so they could ticket them.

It did almost seem to be the strategy: motorcycle officers break group into pieces, then give tickets to those running yellows to try to catch up and bring the groups back together, as the groups disintegrated into more and more pieces, and in the end the squad cars show up, blocking lanes of traffic while arresting those without ID.

responding to a comment by tekmo
10.30.10 - 4:05 am


Route Selection:

There did seem to be a route selected and known by officers ahead of time.

Before we got to Melrose (i.e. while still headed north) I heard on an officer's radio a question, "When are they getting to Culver City?" I yelled out, we're not going to Culver City! But lo and behold, we went to Culver City.

10.30.10 - 4:36 am


Freaking ass holes I heard at least 3 people get scream by this motorcycle officers last night..

responding to a comment by trickmilla
10.30.10 - 4:38 am


wow. im disappointed to hear all these issues surrounding LAPD officer's conduct...

what other issues need t0 be addressed?

10.30.10 - 7:15 am


Seriously we're missing a huge opportunity to have some fun with this. Next month, at the start, vote on a destination agree on a time to meet, draw some boundaries and then let the mass get fragmented by obeying the lights. Play a fun and completely legal game of hide and seek with all the fragmented groups within the zone and have fun.

Does anyone else feel this?

10.30.10 - 9:03 am


I do.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.30.10 - 9:44 am


It would be great to stretch and break their group(Cops) as well but, if they foresee this they will add more officers and you know that after all, you and I and everybody else are paying them for the opportunity to "have fun" trying to find some "skulls to break".
Let's not forget, a lot of this cops are nothing but a gang of kids who were bullied in school and have in turn, become bullies themselves.
I gave somebody an inner tube last night(did not get his name, sorry) and He said something that makes a lot of sense and kind of goes along the same lines as yours, why not have 3,4,5 different starting points(each with one or two guide) and ride to a previously agreed upon location and then from there just take the whole group somewhere?

I know this will create an even bigger mess for driver and I know a lot of them are just trying to get home after a hard day of work but the truth is, LAPD is not helping them either because by breaking the ride, the only thing they do is make it longer.

We have the right to be on the street, We are TRAFFIC!

10.30.10 - 10:06 am


Hello krowfeather,

Anyone who received a ticket for a red light violation will have to fight it in court...but keep in mind you have a pretty valid excuse. Throughtout these forums there are instances where riders have complained about the confusion created by officers with regards to red lights. SOme corking and other citing. I believe that if you challenge the ticket in court with a few printouts that support your point, the Judge may throw out the citation. It at least improves your odds as it is not your word against the officers. You will basically be bringing in witness statements.

Good luck!

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by krowfeather
10.30.10 - 10:22 am


The motorcycle officers fall under a different command. I will bring this to the attention of their Captains.


Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by gregb
10.30.10 - 10:25 am


Santa Monica Critical Mass, while under pressure from the SMPD, did something like this on at least one ride. I enjoyed it, but some riders complained because they didn't know where the next stop was or how to get there. The police also picked out people and would pull them over for not having lights, not staying to the right, not riding in the bike lane, etc. A lot of people who got tickets such as for not having lights didn't realize that they were fix-it tickets and SM police told them they were not fix-it tickets. A lot of people didn't realize that getting a ticket for riding outside the bikelane when there are 300 bicyclists on the street is fightable, or didn't want to fight. Participation declined. It almost takes too much education to do this well.

Can you supply some possible re-group spots beside pan-pacific park that are large enough for 1000+? I would enjoy trying it.

responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.30.10 - 10:30 am


Those are some issues I have brought to you before ; the fact that u have officers corking and telling Ridaz to roll through the red yet motorcycle officers behind those Ridaz issuing citations

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 10:31 am


Hi tekmo,

It is the position of the LAPD that the rules of the road (including the red light) must be followed if the LACM wants to ride as traffic. Cyclists have the right to assert their right to fair use of the road...but in doing so the rules of the road must be followed. While we may have corked in the past while we were learning about Critical Mass and speaking with several cycling representatives, the default position is that we will not be corking or allow others to cork. If you want a fluid ride with streets blocked off you will need to provide a route.

Please do not interpret this as hostility. The element in Critical Mass that says that they should be able to ride unbroken without stopping are basically saying they want special treatment. The point of Critical Mass is to demand equal treatment.

Assuming that a violation was committed, the LAPD will support that officer in writing that citation...the LAPD however will not support an officers unprofessional or discourteous comments or behavior.

The complaint hotline to Internal Affairs is 1-800-339-6868

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by tekmo
10.30.10 - 10:37 am


I agree with Roadblock,

Since no route can be provided and LACM does not want to be considered a parade, it will most likely be fragmented if you stop at the reds. Picking a destination allows you to collectively ride and take the street (many streets in fact) and still gather as a group without risking citations.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.30.10 - 10:42 am


We have the right to be on the street, We are TRAFFIC!

ABSOLUTELY...you are traffic!!! Don't worry about the impact on those driving home. They need to know that cycling is alive and well in LA. So long as you behave as traffic let the motorists deal with it as you have to deal with motorists everyday.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by ericduville
10.30.10 - 10:45 am


What if in November we do a critical mass in which we have a bunch of meeting points where numerous cyclists wait for the mass to swing by and they join as we roll by.

A significantly smaller group can start at western and leave as usual and tour the city picking up Ridaz


10.30.10 - 10:46 am


Krumer, your coworkers seem to be fucking up your PR with cyclists. Do something about it or Get The Fuck Out.

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 10:46 am


Thank you Sgt. Krumer for your advice/input. Now, when you say printouts are you referring to forum posts?

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 10:48 am


Hi Aktive,

I think that is the result of poor communication...but I believe those tickets are fightable.
In any case since there was no corking going on this ride there should not have been a situation where someone is basically enticed into running the red by one officer only to be cited by another

When I get to work on Monday I will request a citation breakdown again.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by Aktive_420
10.30.10 - 10:49 am


We have the right to be on the street, We are TRAFFIC!
ABSOLUTELY...you are traffic!!! Don't worry about the impact on those driving home. They need to know that cycling is alive and well in LA. So long as you behave as traffic let the motorists deal with it as you have to deal with motorists everyday

Well put officer.

We are traffic so we will ride. If they don't like cyclists ...tough.

Just like some cyclists don't like cars...tough.

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 10:53 am


Is it just me or was the ride very fragmented a few minutes after we left the Ralph's on Lincoln?

By the time we caught up & hit Western on Venice we asked around & everyone said that was pretty much the rest of the ride. So we just ended up taking Normandie up to Sunset home.


30.18 miles not including the ride to the Starting Line.

10.30.10 - 10:56 am


I've had an interesting morning filled with calls emails and texts concerning LACM 10-2010

Good comments
bad comments


I'm working on getting back to everyone in a timely manner



Happy 420! Lets blaze!

10.30.10 - 11:07 am


This is never going to work man every month is going to get worst and worst the cops are not helping..by the way the route was sick I feel bad for the first timers..

responding to a comment by Aktive_420
10.30.10 - 11:51 am


I dropped out of the ride after Ralphs. Had to do some homework. Where did the ride go from there? Cos on my way home going East via Venice the cops on motorcycles were still following some of us that were heading in that direction. I was just trying to get home so I was surprised by the heavy police presence if the ride didn't go that way.

10.30.10 - 12:18 pm


I'm a pretty happy go lucky guy and it takes a lot to even get me irritated
but the actions made by the lapd against my fellow riders last night actually had me seething...

Ninja biker
10.30.10 - 12:22 pm


Hi Ninja biker...can you be specific as to which actions.

I read about the discourtesy...but aside from that I did not read about anything else.

While I read about tickets, I have not heard of any allegations that the citations were wrongfully issued....can you give me some details as I missed the ride last night.

If its all about the discourtesy I am hopeful that the folks affected will call that number I provided for IA.



Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by Ninja biker
10.30.10 - 12:44 pm


One that pissed me off the most was two motorcycle cops tackling and smashing a riders face down on the pavement,talking shit to him and giving him a ticket.
Unnecessary force especially when the rider was just a fucking kid.
Because he ran a YELLOW light.
Video will be up soon as I get a response from a lawyer.
It's actions like these that gives lapd such a negative profile .

Ninja biker
responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 12:53 pm


Can we get a ticket count again? How many red light violations, how many missing headlight violations, etc?

To be honest I don't get the point of a mass group ride is if it is going to get broken up into smaller and smaller pieces. That's fine for individuals who are used to riding around the city and know their routes, but seems hardly for the inexperienced riders who are trying this out for the first time.

LACM has the potential to be a place for positive outreach by LAPD and the city in general to the young cyclists who show up. Why not hand out cheap headlights at the beginning of the ride? If the mayor likes helmets so much, why can't he be there handing out helmets to the under 18 crowd (with info on how they are required)? Promote safe cycling via positive messages. I don't see how the current contentious relationship from certain parts of the LAPD is helping anything apart from $ for the city from tickets. And likely discouraging younger cyclists.

10.30.10 - 12:57 pm


last nights motorcycle army of cops had no fucken idea how to hold a fucken line those crazy muthas! I was involved in an incident with atleast like 15 of them just for me one cyclist, what kinda shit is that?!?! long story short the cop said i hit him on my bike when in reality he hit me not being able to keep a straight line but i guess in all cases like this its always the weightless bike that is at fault...

10.30.10 - 1:10 pm


Again, I was at the front as I am always and we had a great ride. I was hearing on the radio of all the issues that were occuring to the middle and rear of the ride. Since I was not there (middle or rear) I can not comment on it. Having said that, the front was moving well and fast and we had minor issues. I was ensuring with the group up front by asking them (politely) to please stop at the red lights. We had a group of about 30 that chose to ignore my requests and while the rest of us stopped they would continue to ride through the red lights at the front makeing it very dangerous because there was no Police support that was in front of me. I can not and I'm suggesting that I or anyone from the LAPD controls the ride. There were two people who were up front suggesting a route to travel and they notified me as a courtsey, however, not madatory. Please listen to Sgt Krumer so that we can make this ride safe for everyone and not have any accidents like we did last night. Critical Mass invited us to participate, not to facilitate. We had an average speed of 19mph and rode for over 30 miles. It was much easier on a road bike this time.

10.30.10 - 1:13 pm


there seems to be more problems now that lapd is here than before...just saying

10.30.10 - 1:21 pm


If the "front" of the ride would stop at every stop light and NOT continue until the entire ride was caught up then that would solve the problem, and the ride would stay together and be more cohesive and fun.

Girl Power
responding to a comment by thecrazywall
10.30.10 - 1:30 pm


As a veteran of this ride, I'de like to say in the most respectfu way.
This ride sucked nuts. LAWENFORCMENT made it worse, spread the whole damn ride out, and venice??


10.30.10 - 1:38 pm


When you ride towards the back of LACM you get to see all of the flashing lights and riders pulled over by the LAPD. Those who tend to ride towards the front may want to give it a try to see if their perspective changes with respect to LAPD treatment. Especially when you're trying to keep up with the pack and it's a rider near you who gets picked out of the crowd and made an example of by the police.

10.30.10 - 2:07 pm


@Sgt Kumer

Is it possible to get a ticket count by issuing officer? I thought there were some who were particularly aggressive at issuing tickets. I'm thinking of one motorcycle officer. It seems I kept seeing him writing tickets. I was left with the impression he'd issue a ticket then ride up to the next point to nail another rider.

At the same time, I pointed out to another motorcycle officer that I noticed the car in the number one lane was driving without headlights. I pointed at the car and he just kept riding.

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 2:15 pm


last night was chill, the LAPD that were on bikes riding along with us were the only ones looking out for us ridazz. all the other LAPD were such dicks.Espaically the motorcycle cops and cops in cars cornerning people in and they rushing them and tackling them to the ground. it was uncalled for. I saw about 3 or 4 incidents like that occuring. It was just bad vibes through the night. Saw a kid get shoved off his bike because he wasnt holding his line. but come on now.. shove a kid off his bike and hit the ground just because of that...sure most people cant hold a line but that was uncalled for.
For the ride breaking up like that just makes it worst IMO. the more ridazz we have spread out will just cause havoc all through out LA. if we had the ride stick together, we wouldnt have the problems we are expierencing. We just need to go back to the LACM we had when LAPD where WITH us not against us. It seems like LAPD is just doing this to look the part of helping out the bike culture.

10.30.10 - 2:33 pm


Good job Ninja Biker.

forget lights and helmets, bring your video cameras to LACM for now on.

responding to a comment by Ninja biker
10.30.10 - 2:52 pm


Once again, LAPD is going to make many of us cyclists rich.

responding to a comment by md2
10.30.10 - 3:00 pm


Yes...from the forum posts....including some of my response to those posts.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by krowfeather
10.30.10 - 3:51 pm


When you get the video up please let me know. What you are describing is a use of force. Our policy is that if there is a use of force a supervisor needs to come out to the scene and begin an investigation...officers would not be allowed to just issue a ticket and ride away. If you know the affected person please have them contact me. Did you personally observe this? If so please email me...35128@lapd.lacity.org.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by Ninja biker
10.30.10 - 3:55 pm


An average speed of 19 and you guys ran red lights at the front?

You are an asshole and a big part of the problem.

responding to a comment by lacycle24
10.30.10 - 3:56 pm


I will post a ticket count and breakdown. Although not by officer as I do not receive the info that way.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by mk4524
10.30.10 - 4:00 pm


It's like talking to a wall.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by gregb
10.30.10 - 4:12 pm


Hello All Ridazz,

If you believe that excessive force was used or if you feel that an officer was unprodfessional than you can make a complaint...and I encourage you to do so. Most of these incidents seem to be in conjuction with a ticket. Since you have the officers name on that citation we can investigate that and take responcibility for the actions of our officers.

The LAPD can not and will not take responcibility for the length or pace of the ride, or the fact that it became fragmented. Additionally the officers can not be blamed for issuing citations itself so long as the citation was for a valid violation. Now if the issue is the manner in which that citation was issued (see first paragraph) than as I said we will take ownership of that.

To assist you I suggest the following:

Start a thread that indicates that you were the subject of a use of force or unprofessional behavior...state where you were and at what time and see if any other ridazz are witnesses. Make a complaint at the number I provided and get an investigator assigned...as witnesses identify themselves to you via the MR forum you can refer then to your investigator.

I highly recommend that on future rides you bring video/audio recorders and tape the behavior at issue. Because the LAPD does not tolerate some of the things you indicated, we welcome any audio/video evidence that will help us identify officers who do not live up to the standards we set. The LAPD thanks you for helping us weed out bad officers.


Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 4:22 pm


We try to police ourselves, and you are not happy.
You bring your friends out to police us. They are now breaking the laws as well.
So now you ask us to police you? Grow the fuck up Krumer. You guys are public employees, do your fucking jobs.

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 4:26 pm


I didn't realize you were an officer.

If you are an officer, and you saw multiple people repeatedly run red lights dangerously at the front of the pack, why did you not ticket these people? Why not call for backup to ticket these scofflaws? They are the problem. I don't understand LAPD.

responding to a comment by lacycle24
10.30.10 - 4:29 pm


Sorry but most of you on this forum just don't get it.
The LAPD is out to disrupt and discourage participation of the ride.

Sgt Kummer is playing the role of good cop, attempting to put a happy face
on the goon squad that is the LAPD.


10.30.10 - 4:37 pm


Internal affairs is a joke as you Police police yourself's,
and I do know what I am talking about as I was involved in a law suite against
the LAPD. The settlement I received was sweet justice for bad police conduct.

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.30.10 - 4:43 pm


"Please listen to Sgt Krumer so that we can make this ride safe for everyone and not have any accidents like we did last night."

What does this mean? Were there accidents last night or not? Was the ride safe for everyone last night or not? Your sentence can be read two ways; that we listened to Sgt Krumer last night and didn't have any accidents and need to keep doing that, or that we didn't listen to Sgt Krumer and had accidents.

Also, how are one thousand plus people 90+% of whom never read this website going to listen to Sgt Krumer? A 90 second PSA before the ride?

Despite all the problems, I rode all night from Del Rey to Western and Wilshire, back to Venice, back to Western and Wilshire to drop off two riders for whom this was their first ride, and then back to Del Rey. 55 miles in total. I didn't get home til 2 am. The two new riders loved it.

responding to a comment by lacycle24
10.30.10 - 4:47 pm


We averaged less than 10mph.

10.30.10 - 4:49 pm


Man this is never going to work this was a bad idea..Sgt is it going to take you a month again to get us the info on does infractions..I'm pretty sure you could get the name of does cops too..

10.30.10 - 4:56 pm


Don't underestimate how many people read this site. Traffc
is typically 7-8k unique visits per day. Just cause they don't all bicker on the forum doesn't mean they aren't reading and lurking.

responding to a comment by gregb
10.30.10 - 5:14 pm



responding to a comment by El_Fredone
10.30.10 - 5:52 pm


One of the cops yelled at me for going faster than him. We shouldn't tolerate that!

10.30.10 - 5:53 pm


This CM really did suck. The leaders split the ride, the cops split the groups. Glad I didn't take the bmx last night.

10.30.10 - 6:08 pm


Operation Right Turn--

Critical Mass November 2010--

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left--

If you get stopped for a light, convince everyone to turn right. Critical mass doesn't have leaders. You don't have to catch the pack. YOU are the leader. Make your own mass!

If your group makes a light, its your turn to lead. Fight to the front of the pack and get them to turn right. YOU are the leader. Make your own mass! No rider left behind!


responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.30.10 - 6:24 pm


I'm not the only one who got good videos either.

But seriously this needs to be seen by Chief Beck so we can ask him WTF happened to his promise about protecting cyclists, when it's his own guys doing most of the harm.

Ninja biker
responding to a comment by md2
10.30.10 - 6:27 pm


This guys think we are a threat..worst LACM hopefully next month is not like this..and about turning right I don't think that's a good idea..

10.30.10 - 6:49 pm


Welcome to the wonderful world of "Us vs. Them".

A sick and twisted land where wars of attrition between two major elements in a large city tear the fibers of sanity apart and unleash a flood of wholesale maelstrom.

10.30.10 - 7:29 pm


Left turns suck.

Only about 10 riders can legally make it through. Every other one is running a red light or impeding traffic coming from the other direction. Then the motorcycle cops randomly pick one of the next 50 riders to ticket and break up the mass.

Left turns suck.

responding to a comment by El_Fredone
10.30.10 - 7:36 pm


you know what the cops should cork for us when we make left turns..

responding to a comment by gregb
10.30.10 - 7:49 pm



responding to a comment by trickmilla
10.30.10 - 8:02 pm


"The LAPD is out to disrupt and discourage participation of the ride."

Not quite right...we encourage responcible participation. If requiring cyclists to stop at the reds is disruptive than I guess we are...but not because that is the intent.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by Dedicated818
10.30.10 - 8:24 pm


anyone wanna reply


10.30.10 - 8:32 pm


I'm not the only one who got good videos either.

But seriously this needs to be seen by Chief Beck so we can ask him WTF happened to his promise about protecting cyclists, when it's his own guys doing most of the harm.

If you get me the videos or post them and send me the link, Chief Beck will see it.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by Ninja biker
10.30.10 - 8:33 pm


they they didnt cork bitches just gave tickets

responding to a comment by gregb
10.30.10 - 8:33 pm


What we need are semi-tractors randomly breaking down in the middle of the intersections.
Mass swerves around the blockage, driver takes the heat for unexpected mechanical difficulties, we all ride to a clear place and sing "cum bai yah" at the end of the night.

responding to a comment by gregb
10.30.10 - 8:38 pm


wassup dawg!

responding to a comment by lacycle24
10.30.10 - 10:07 pm


Did you lead this CM?

responding to a comment by Aktive_420
10.30.10 - 10:17 pm


we should have a huge smoke out, chill.... ride.... just ride.

10.30.10 - 10:20 pm


i didnt make it out to LACM at all. im fighting of a cold so i just stayed home... why do you ask?

responding to a comment by gregb
10.30.10 - 10:21 pm


Did one of your homeboys lead the ride..

responding to a comment by Aktive_420
10.30.10 - 10:37 pm


I have issues with the route from last night. I was in the middle of the pack, and we never stopped at a Ralph's or anywhere else. We rode for two hours straight; we had bicycle cops with us, and no one knew where the front of the pack was. A few of us pulled off the road near Bikerowave and watched for over 20 minutes as intermittent packs (large packs, some with cops--motorcycle and bike) would pass by--mostly looking lost. So no one knew where the ride was going, since we weren't leading, and no one knew where to re-group. I don't care about staying together but we can't be a Critical Mass if after a few miles we all string out. The re-groups at parks and rolling out together helps to strengthen the ride and bring us all back together for a strong end.

Sorry to say, this ride really did suck. The PD did make it more dangerous--there were times I would yell stopping at a red, and LAPD bike cops would run it, and instead of riders behind me following my example, they saw LAPD running lights and went right with them, which probably earned the tickets from overly aggressive and dangerously driving motorcycle cops.

The ride home was fantastic because eventually another small group on the way home caught up with us and we had a guy with a music box, plus Alex's huge bike cart with the Cyclist's Bill of Rights. Most in our group were dressed up, and so we had a little parade from Venice back to Hollywood. Rocked out to the tunes, got some positive notice from motorists, and it was chill all the way home--with no LAPD.

I second Roadblock's suggestion. I would prefer to know the re-group points, and enjoy a chill, law-abiding commute with my group of friends to the re-group. The way it is now--at the start, the slow speed is extremely dangerous because most of the riders can't control their bikes at 5mph. I had a number of close calls with wobbly riders because of the slow speed with a very dense pack. Then towards the end it was more dangerous because the LAPD was giving mixed signals and doing the whole leapfrog thing. Plus, LAPD would pull over someone and stop their car or bike right in the path of where the mass was coming. So all of a sudden the pack would yell STOPPING or SLOWING, and again we'd have the dangerous density issue. Is it really so important to nab that cyclist that you put other citizens in danger?

Roadblock's idea--if we announce the re-groups, it's still not announcing a route. And it can be more fun. You might hook up with a variety of different groups, then peel off and make your own route. And drivers would have more trouble trying to avoid us as we would be on every street, not just an unannounced parade route.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving mass; hoping it's better.

10.30.10 - 11:17 pm


"Again, I was at the front as I am always and we had a great ride. I was hearing on the radio of all the issues that were occuring to the middle and rear of the ride. "

Then you are to blame for the fragmented ride. Your average speed of 19mph, expllains how we got so steatched out from the get go.

Your route, I can only say that last months ride was so much better.

What where you doing hearing on the radio?

The police last month vs ths month . It was night and day. The motorcycle units sat at every intersicton to give tickets,last month they corked the intersections for us.

Last month they kept telling us to stay to the right, this month twice I had motor units force to the right of the right lane into the curve.

Name change for LACM...LA Ticket in Mass.

responding to a comment by lacycle24
10.30.10 - 11:19 pm


Just saying this now I led Critical Mass with a friend (I was dressed as a skunk) First of all, some of you need to stop complaining about the ride going to the Westside. If you have a suggestion for the route, speak up! Just because the people's ride starts at ten doesn't mean that we are going to make LACM short and rush to People's Ride. Second, if you attend CM and complain about the LAPD being there, then why go? Yea I understand that cops on motorcycles were being dicks and all but why complain on the forums. Why don't you actually DO something about it. Arrange meetings to help find a more peaceful solution to this problem. Don't just sit there and wait for a response because in reality you aren't gonna get anything solved. Hopefully if there is meeting about this problem, i better hope to see you all there. Dont hide behind a monitor and actually stand up for your rights as a cyclist!

10.31.10 - 3:05 am


Very well said

responding to a comment by palucha66
10.31.10 - 7:12 am



So Rad.

Just follow PEPE LE PEW!

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by palucha66
10.31.10 - 8:37 am


fuck palucha!...


responding to a comment by palucha66
10.31.10 - 8:52 am


@ sgt. krumer videos wont work if i remember hearing a lady cop that seemed to have more stripes on her arm then most cops did say to the rest of them and thre had to have been atleast 15 - 17 cops for me she said "hey guys there is a person recording over there control yourselves!" i find that funny giving how all the cops instantly stopped being dicks and haveing their attitudes and such.

10.31.10 - 9:47 am


Fuck the police! There purpose on lacm is to fuck your night up..... fuck you pigs

10.31.10 - 10:04 am


Hi crazywall,

Well thats why I encourage as many people recording as possible. The goal is to insure that officers live up to the standards that the Department sets. The supervisors can not be looking over every officers shoulder (and really don't need to as most officers do the right thing)...by having a recording device you become the "supervisor" in a sense by identifing inappropriate behavior that a LAPD supervisor may not be present to see. As you mentioned, after the warning the officers began to behave differently. Just as officers try to compel certain behavior (i.e. observance of the traffic laws)...you can compel certain behavior as well (i.e. professional and curteous enforcement practices by officers).

An officer doing the right thing has nothing to hide and should not fear being recorded.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by thecrazywall
10.31.10 - 11:39 am


Sgt Krumer,

I know you've given your email out in the past but right now can't find it. Could you send it to me? I'd like to send you a more personal note.

I'm at mk4524 at yahoo dot com.


responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.31.10 - 12:43 pm



Sgt. David Krumer
10.31.10 - 4:20 pm


@palucha66 My problem is not that the ride went to the Westside; it's that the ride never re-grouped. You've got a ride of 1000+ spread out across LA and Venice in groups of 20 to 30 and it never re-grouped. at 9:15 we were still riding straight out with no sign of a destination.

"If you have a suggestion for the route, speak up! Just because the people's ride starts at ten doesn't mean that we are going to make LACM short and rush to People's Ride. " That's exactly what we are doing. You go on to say if we are unhappy then do something about it. We are: we are on a forum discussing what we thought worked and didn't work. Telling people to "stop complaining" is to say that no one is allowed to offer any feedback on the ride. How else are we supposed to effectively allow thousands of people to voice an opinion of what's working and not working? Are you going to schedule a community meeting to talk about it? I don't think so, so please don't come on the forum and tell everyone that posting a comment here is just "complaining". I came on here and made my suggestion, which was to make sure there is a point at which we re-group. As another poster commented, if you're always in the front, you don't really know how the ride is going, you're just dictating the route. I thought the route was fine, but the ride was a mess.

A lot of us are complaining about LAPD because of their behavior; and to say "do something" is just...a lot of people who are posting here ARE doing something. They are filing their reports, going to meetings where LAPD are present, and asking questions, etc. Just because they post it on a forum doesn't mean thats all they are doing. The forum is here to let us share opinions about what's going on.

How can you say you want people to "speak up", yet you don't want them to post what they didn't like and what they do want on the forum? You can't have it both ways.

It's also funny that you're at the front dictating the route, but you think you're leading CM. If you're in the middle or near the back, you weren't leading the route. When it gets broken up into 15 or more groups of riders, there are many leaders, and a lot of us take on leadership roles to make the ride safe--yelling out to stop at a light or having to determine the route because the rest of the mass is nowhere in sight but there are 200 riders behind me and we have no clue where the re-group will be. It's total chaos. If you were leading the ride, then you would have remembered that back at Wilshire/Western there were more than 1000 riders and that a re-group point was going to be needed at some point between the start and Venice Beach.

Dude, my beef isn't with you though. You're just trying to make a great route and hold to the spirit of LACM--and I loved taking Mass through WeHo and then to Venice. But again, to second Roadblock's suggestion, this would have been better to just pinpoint different regroup points--one in WeHo, one in Culver City, and one all the way out in Venice Beach, and we all break into 4 or 5 groups to get there however we wish. We were basically in 20 groups last night anyhow, doing 20 different rides. The only thing we needed was actual re-group points. There's nothing wrong with a planned re-group point. We already post the beginning and the usual end at Western and Sunset.

So chill out, know that people are going to post what they like and don't like on the forum no matter what, and enjoy your Halloween.

responding to a comment by palucha66
10.31.10 - 4:28 pm


This is just my thought i believe the next critical mass route should be planned out ahead of time like destination and or re group stop. So at least other riders should have a general idea just in case the group breaks up. Last months ride i believe was more organize and i had a great time.

10.31.10 - 7:46 pm


Where are the 1000+ people the other 29-30 days of each month?

10.31.10 - 10:12 pm


jeez, will you stop your complaining already?

responding to a comment by danceralamode
10.31.10 - 10:43 pm


As palucha once said, "hiding under your bed with El cuy cuy".
Honestly, this is a good question that has perplexed most for some time.

My unadulterated guess would be the generic one of most of them being composed of cool kids who look forward to this ride as something on their "personal activities calendar".

responding to a comment by barleye
11.1.10 - 1:47 am


I have some suggestions:


Police aren't to blame, we are. If riders at the front don't wait for the mass, the police can pick us off with ease. If we stay tight in one mass, it's just not gonna happen.

11.1.10 - 7:30 am


hmm, I believe there was a route and destination.... motorcycle officers were ahead and aligned throughout the route before we hit certain streets... and now we now there were two leaders (palucha & friend)...but I will not call them leaders this time since I have been corrected many times and call them influencers....

to these influencers... how was the route & destination selected? why was it selected? my question arrives because selecting melrose while a great street to ride on with a mass of cyclists, it appeared that bicycle officers did not "cork" and wanted cyclists to stop at every red light and on melrose those lights are not far from each other....

but this ride does illustrate what i have been trying to say for awhile... the mass, the cyclists in the middle or the back do not have any influence on where the ride may or could go... I still would like to see some kind of system set up were random people are selected and let that rider start the ride and head in the direction...if they dont know the area... better...

@barleye... as i rode, i thought the same thing... where are these 1000 + riders... for fast cyclists...they should come out to WPH... that is an intense speed ride...

Influencers need to remember that new cyclists come out and may not be in riding shape... my first CM was an awesome experience and i remember those influencers had re-groups and those influencers would allow some green lights to cycle over to wait for the mass....

@palucha.... I do not know danceralamode personally or anything, however, following her blog or twitter feed (i am not endorsing either) she has been active in cycling meetings, bike plans and other cyclists rights events, she has fallen into or somewhat become a bicycle activist....

@alex.... I read your blog and your ideas are good, hopefully we can get some of them implemented...

responding to a comment by ehilado
11.1.10 - 9:19 am


In honor of dia de los muertos LACM is dead.

Every month a LACM thread is started with "lets make this better" yadda yadda yadda and at the end of the ride a thread is created "critical mass sucked"

Same story gets old......


11.1.10 - 9:25 am


@ Sgt. David Krumer well said but what happens to us that got tickets? the rumor is they might get dropped? so i heard from the people that were riding LACM hopefully they do because it was so unfair that police in cars and motorcycles didnt block for us so we can make the right/left turns, they just watched us turn and gave tickets away by stopping 2 people while 50-80 cyclist making that turn didnt get any.

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
11.1.10 - 9:30 am


I think I'm steering towards Foldie's revelation.....LACM IS DEAD...at least for me as of today...I may be back or I may encourage others to come to another bike ride I or someone else may put on the same night....

It's been said many times on this site...There are group rides EVERY night of the week making a presence on Los Angeles streets. We don't need 1000+ riders to make the point that we do the other 30 days each month. If L.A. didn't have the rides nightly, I would think otherwise.

responding to a comment by Foldie
11.1.10 - 10:24 am


I consider myself new to Critical Mass so I'm asking this:
When, where and what time are this CM discussion meetings taking place?
Do they happen at a time when most people(those not in "the industry") can assist?
Because if these happen at 2:00 P.M. on a Tuesday, Most people with a regular job are not going to show up.

responding to a comment by dayone
11.1.10 - 10:25 am


LACM is not dead. The LACM you knew might be, but like any living organism it changes over time. Embrace change and you'll live a longer happier life.

It's frustrating to hear cyclists complain to the police for being cited for violations of the CVC. The CVC is the document by which all vehicles are able to coexist peacefully, in theory.

Yesterday I saw a cyclist pull up to a red light next to an LAPD cruiser. He looked both ways and ran the red light. He was pulled over half a block later. Thank you LAPD. We don't yet have Idaho Stop rules in Los Angeles, so what he did, as safe as it may appear, was a violation of CVC.

Critical Mass is an event chock full of CVC violations, and the fact that police aren't sending hundreds of officers out to cite every single offender is a good thing. From what I saw, they were citing cyclists who were egregiously ignoring warnings about crossing the double yellow, riding without lights, riding without helmets for the youngins, or running red lights outside of the Mass. I have no problem with any of these citations.

We're doing something ILLEGAL! Remember that. The fact that we have such a great relationship with LAPD is awesome, but don't forget you're violating not just a law, but the most sacrosanct taboo in all of car culture, the red light! People get very emotional when they see us running the red, and it's not just because it's a violation of CVC, it goes much deeper than that.

11.1.10 - 10:27 am


Hi Oiler10,

The LAPD will not cancel the tickets but you may be able to challenge them in court.

At one point the LAPD offered to cork if a route was selected and if there was a little preplanning. Basically if LACM was going to be treated as a rolling parade or cycling "event" than we would faciitate. There was great resistance to giving LACM structure and the powers that be decided that they just want to ride the streets as traffic. Becuase you are riding as traffic you have to follow the rules of the road...without any special accomodation.

You mentioned that it was unfair that we did not cork, but I would say it is unfair for ridazz to expect us to cork as they want to receive all the benefits of a parade without complying with any of the requisites.

There are many who say that it is unfair that only a few people get cited rather than the 50-80 who might have committed the same violation. As far as challenging the citation in court this logic will not fly as the pertinant question is whether the 2 or 3 folks that did get caught actually comitted the violation. A better strategy would be to claim some of the things that were discussed on these forums such as the confussion created by inconsistant corking, the fear of being rear ended by cyclists who would not stop, etc.

Hope that helps.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by Oiler10
11.1.10 - 10:37 am


palucha gives me hope.

In fact, I watched The Omen for the first time last night and it was a documentary I can really get behind. It gave me this sense of optimism that I haven't experienced before. Damien was 5 years old when the film came out, so he must be about 40 years old now. I think we're on course for really great changes in society once he finally takes his seat in the political world, and he's at the age to do so.

With the elections tomorrow, I don't feel like my Netflix queue was a coincidence.

This is hope you can believe in.

responding to a comment by Foldie
11.1.10 - 10:44 am


read between the lines.

11.1.10 - 10:48 am


Yesterday I saw a cyclist pull up to a red light next to an LAPD cruiser. He looked both ways and ran the red light. He was pulled over half a block later. Thank you LAPD.

I too thank law enforcement whenever they enforce the law. Sure in the future our current CVC and laws in general may be found unjust or erroneous, but that matters not. Just knowing that laws are being enforced really makes my day -- Thank You LAPD.

I recall the stories my ancestors spoke of when the courts entered their private bedrooms, since it was a capital crime to have "unnatural sex" in some states and around the world. I sometimes sit back and retroactively thank those officers for doing their duty in those times.

Sure, it harmed no one (and evidently no one outside a couple's bedroom) via their sexual choices, but let's not think about what appears to be safe and seemingly okay to do, for it is THE LAW that matters. Today, yes, we know they were wrong and unjust, but I follow the law only.

And we all know laws are crafted for everyone's benefit and good.

responding to a comment by alexdc
11.1.10 - 10:58 am


And we all know laws are crafted for everyone's benefit and good

"the safety of citizens, the preservation of states, and the tranquility and happiness of human life." In this view, "wicked and unjust statutes" are "anything but 'laws,'" because "in the very definition of the term 'law' there inheres the idea and principle of choosing what is just and true."[16] Law, for Cicero, "ought to be a reformer of vice and an incentive to virtue."[17] Cicero expressed the view that "the virtues which we ought to cultivate, always tend to our own happiness, and that the best means of promoting them consists in living with men in that perfect union and charity which are cemented by mutual benefits."

responding to a comment by md2
11.1.10 - 11:05 am


If you don't like the law, then work to change the law.

Let's have an Idaho Stop themed bike ride! Let's get a parade permit and simulate how cyclists would behave with Idaho Stop laws in effect.

For those that don't know, in Idaho, a cyclist can treat a stop sign as a Yield sign & treat a red light as a stop sign.

responding to a comment by md2
11.1.10 - 12:57 pm


well am done with LACM for now, cant afford to get another ticket if police aint going to block for us like they used to and just watch us by waiting to get hit by a car,all i can say is get ur shit straighten out . PEACE LACM have fun with dirty cops that got punked in middle school/high school and pick on small kids. enuf said ┌∩┐ (>_<) ┌∩┐

11.1.10 - 1:01 pm


Damien got into the political world at 32 in Omen III.

responding to a comment by md2
11.1.10 - 1:07 pm


Did you look at this?


Did you look at this?


Good luck with your ticket.

responding to a comment by Oiler10
11.1.10 - 1:24 pm


oh, well then, I shall familiarize myself with his political party. Thank you.

responding to a comment by graciela
11.1.10 - 1:27 pm


That's too bad. We'll miss you.

responding to a comment by Oiler10
11.1.10 - 1:30 pm


i think everyone will lol

11.1.10 - 1:36 pm


This ride isn't fun anymore.
Sorry, Get over it.

11.1.10 - 1:39 pm


This is what I dont get.

If you think the Idaho law makes sense and should be adapted in CA, then why would you thank an officer for enforcing a portion of the CVC you want to see changed?

Maybe you have a hierarchy of principles where enforcement of laws trump whether a law is bad or not. So then laws must be adhered to unless changed? Why is that?

But forget these seemingly meaningless asks of civil disobedience in general. My point is more about why you would "thank" the LAPD in that case.

In fact, I still wonder whether L.A. has "order". Does it? Is this order? Do the cops maintain the degree of order that exists? Or do they help create the lack of a better ( more ideal) order in society? If you restrict our analysis toward traffic -- I dont think order exists, so I dont think the LAPD is maintaining anything worthwhile anyway (if the argument is that they do).

responding to a comment by alexdc
11.1.10 - 1:47 pm


All of you guys just worry and complain too much.

Just shut up and ride your bikes.

Joe Borfo
11.1.10 - 1:52 pm


I know, it's hard to understand.

Let me put it this way. I hope the LAPD enforces all laws at all times equally and without prejudice. I'd be much safer riding my bike on the road if that was the case. This includes a cyclist running a red light RIGHT IN FRONT OF A SQUAD CAR! (Note the all caps, that's for emphasis.) That cyclist was basically saluting the cops with a middle finger, begging for a ticket. His wish was answered.

I hope the LAPD has a chance to enforce Idaho Stop someday, so today I support them enforcing existing CVC.

I'm sorry, I don't understand. What is bad about the law compelling vehicles to stop at red lights? That's not meaningless to me, or anyone hit by a red light driver.

Yes, laws must be adhered to. Why is that? So there is order. As citizens, we surrender some of our liberties so that we may coexist peacefully. Liberties like shitting in the street or driving on the sidewalk have a way of interfering with other people's lives.

Cops, as you call them, aren't here to babysit the public. They are here to maintain order, as best they can, given the resources they're provided and the political pressure they are placed under. If you aren't happy with the LAPD, and you are a citizen, I suggest you vote for someone who represents your values into City Council, City Attorney, Mayor and any other elected office you're eligible to vote for. Or, you should run yourself if you fail to find a suitable candidate. Alternatively, there are other places you could choose to live.

Why do you think LAPD attends Critical Mass? Because they like writing tickets for cyclists? Think hard about that question, and you might find someone better to blame for whatever grievences you might have against the police.

Personally, I think LAPD is doing a fine job. Every officer I spoke to at Critical Mass is aware of the tragedy of hit and runs and wants nothing more than to see the streets become safer for all of us.

responding to a comment by md2
11.1.10 - 2:20 pm


Critical Masses don't die, we multiply.

11.1.10 - 2:20 pm


Agreed, and OWN IT! If you're gonna run that light, respect yourself enough not to whine about your ticket.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
11.1.10 - 2:22 pm


Zoom Wheeeee!

Joe Borfo
11.1.10 - 2:24 pm


Well, just to note, by "meaningless" i meant the act of running a red does little in regard to substantive civil disobedience. It's a stupid act of disobedience in my mind, IF, the goal were some kind of way to change or expose existing laws.

The point was that you noted the cyclist seemed to do so safely, and you appeared to believe the Idaho law was something worth adopting. I do believe that it is okay for cyclist to run reds if done so safely. I dont care what the law says about reds, but of course everyone runs the risk of getting a ticket if a cops is present. Does this mean you would thank a cop who spotted you safely jaywalking?

I see nothing special in noting a squad car was present, because if you think you're riding safely, etc., why should you fear the police more than another car/person you see (this all plays into the hierarchy that poisons society, in my opinion) ? The point being, sure you take the risks if you run a red hoping the cop notices you're doing so with a sense for safety (opposed to running a red in front of non squad cars). However, I'm not going to praise an officer for ticketing a rider just because his ego got hurt.

And I think you're playing more into the equation that officers ticket out of hurt egos more than a concern for "actual" safety. How dare someone break the law in front of cop, right? Why is that different than the doing so in front of you or I?

So, why do I think LAPD attends Critical Mass?

Because they got caught on video kicking and tackling a cyclist. Why do you think they attend?

We're largely on the same page -- we want safer streets.

So, yes, lets go out and ride our bikes (for now Im stuck inside/ online, sorry).

responding to a comment by alexdc
11.1.10 - 2:42 pm


"Does this mean you would thank a cop who spotted you safely jaywalking?"

YES! I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, the reward for the chase, all that darwinism shizz!

"why should you fear the police more than another car/person you see (this all plays into the hierarchy that poisons society, in my opinion) ?"

Who's talking about fear? It clearly mattered to the guy who got the ticket! He should have communicated before running the light if he was at all worried about receiving a citation. I don't know, maybe he wanted to be cited so he could have an excuse for missing a date with his girlfriend. I try not to ascribe motivations to people's actions.

"And I think you're playing more into the equation that officers ticket out of hurt egos more than a concern for "actual" safety. How dare someone break the law in front of cop, right? Why is that different than the doing so in front of you or I? "

I wish I was an undercover cop soo bad! And it's not because I was picked on as a kid. From my perspective, there are a lot of absolute morons milling about Los Angeles. Some happen to ride bikes, and that's OK.

"Why do you think they attend?"

Because the city attorney is getting heat from higher ups and is putting heat on the Chief to reign us in. Cyclists are a political force in this town, but we're not the most powerful political force. With a little elbow grease, we could be pressuring the city council to pass better laws protecting us, we could pressure LADOT to pass a better bike plan for us, we could pressure LAUSD to educate kids on bike laws at a young age, like they do in Copenhagen.

Agreed, that we are on the same page, and I'm looking forward to riding my bike, hopefully today!

responding to a comment by md2
11.1.10 - 2:58 pm


we could be pressuring the city council to pass better laws protecting us,

--CVC is state law, anything city council will do it toothless

we could pressure LADOT to pass a better bike plan for us,
--Like the great plan in 1972 or 1996 they implemented. Good luck with that!

we could pressure LAUSD to educate kids on bike laws at a young age, like they do in Copenhagen.
--LAUSD can't handle teaching kids the basics of reading and writing, so teaching law is a far stretch!

responding to a comment by alexdc
11.1.10 - 3:05 pm


Fuck all this, I'm bringing a horse on LACM and jumping over traffic!!!



responding to a comment by alexdc
11.1.10 - 3:10 pm


so lay down and take it like a?????

responding to a comment by Foldie
11.1.10 - 3:12 pm


YES! I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, the reward for the chase, all that darwinism shizz!

awesome, you would make a good wingman at the local watering hole. Til then.

responding to a comment by alexdc
11.1.10 - 3:13 pm


That is what I usually do but only with md2 or borfo.......Your mileage may very.

responding to a comment by alexdc
11.1.10 - 3:15 pm


I'll file that under "stay away from foldie, md2 & borfo"

responding to a comment by Foldie
11.1.10 - 3:18 pm


politically speaking, we're still learning to walk. But without goals, what can you do? Look at Stephen Box, Bikeside, Roadblock, and all the rockstars of cycling advocacy in Los Angeles. They inspire me with what they are doing. I'm just a schmohawk with a bicycle rickshaw!

responding to a comment by Foldie
11.1.10 - 3:22 pm


I agree there are some good folks out there doing some good work. I am just a schmuck with a foldie. what do i know.....

responding to a comment by alexdc
11.1.10 - 3:37 pm


I sell foldies!


responding to a comment by Foldie
11.1.10 - 3:42 pm



Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by alexdc
11.1.10 - 3:44 pm


I saw a dude with one of those in Subway the other day. The chrome ones look sweet.

responding to a comment by alexdc
11.1.10 - 3:45 pm


Nice. Metro is thinking about offering a 25% off rebate for people to buy folding bikes, to increase ridership.

responding to a comment by Foldie
11.1.10 - 4:06 pm


Apparently, LACM and LAPD need to take a trip to Long Beach to show Chief McDonnell how to handle a Crticial Mass ride:


11.1.10 - 4:20 pm


u didnt lead the ride fo!!! I was in the front and never saw u!!! i did c u takin to the pigs so i guess u could b a narc. how come they didnt arrest u for curfew violation?

responding to a comment by palucha66
11.1.10 - 8:28 pm


quiet down allan.

responding to a comment by fixie4life
11.1.10 - 8:32 pm


all the leaders ware gone on the CM!!!

Aktive_420 GONE
| Roadblock GONE
Joe Borfo GONE
trickmilla GONE

if ur goin to change the ride u should ride it right? dont invite the pigs then never go on the ride!!!!


11.1.10 - 8:35 pm


this is why i dont stay here more than 10 minutes.

y do u lie to people pacuby666?

responding to a comment by palucha66
11.1.10 - 8:37 pm


So what's the plan..or are we going to wait till next month..

11.2.10 - 2:33 pm


The plan is we ride.

The end.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by El_Fredone
11.2.10 - 2:35 pm


This shit is dead we should of never invited the cop..

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
11.2.10 - 2:38 pm


You can call it whatever you want but there was never an invite.

If we keep breaking road rules then the cops keep inviting themselves. It's not really that complicated.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by El_Fredone
11.2.10 - 2:46 pm


If you can't take the heat, then stay out of the kitchen.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
11.2.10 - 4:02 pm


"all the leaders ware gone on the CM!!!

Aktive_420 GONE
| Roadblock GONE
Joe Borfo GONE
trickmilla GONE

if ur goin to change the ride u should ride it right? dont invite the pigs then never go on the ride!!!!


11.1.10 - 11:35 pm"


I showed up about 15-20 mins late to find a group of 5 people who also missed the ride we had one clue as to where LACM was headed, then rode for about an hour until we got our next tip.

We mashed all over the city linking up with more and more ridazz.
We hardly ever stopped except to regroup.
We held tight as a group for about 90 mins picking up a few awesome peeps along the way.

So many beautiful happenstances such as seeing roadblock ripping through the city on a mission and flagging him down asking for CM directions.

We were clueless in west hollywood, then one of our ridazz got a call from a friend (not even on the ride) that was at the bikrowave and just mass blow by.

Then we picked up a rollerblader who was cool a fuck and super fast he was keeping up better than some of the bikes.

About 2 hours in we were rolling in a group of about 15 when we finally caught the ride.
It was so rad, To have chased it so long, then to be cutting into the front group.

Many had already peeled off for various reasons.
Bu we rode in the big group all the way back to mid-city where i peeled off.

As usual.
Late to critical mass
and as usual
I had a blast meeting people, working together, and chasing the ride.

The only downer was that a lot of people we talked to were annoyed by the cops behavior on the ride and on our way back up venice they seemed to be creepin around almost every corner and poppin kids for bullshit.

responding to a comment by fixie4life
11.2.10 - 5:06 pm


I think its fucking hilarious that the only thing i have ever been accused of being a "leader" of, is a bike ride that I am usually late to, occasionally dropped from and have spent maybe 1% of my time anywhere near the front of.

I'm redefining leadership yo! ... jes we can!

11.2.10 - 5:17 pm


hmmm, I believe aktive420 tried many times to have gatherings of individuals that wanted to try and guide and influence the ride in a positive manner... however, i am not sure if anyone showed up, a handful, or 500 ppl.... he attempted to have the meetings at different days, times, and locations...

what i would like to see is perhaps some positive ideas thrown out here... the rock stars of cycling or people of influence should consider coming to an understanding of guidelines that could work for LACM...whether they are true to the CM ideology or an evolved version of CM...

Alexdc blog has some good ideas and no one is expanding on it or criticize it constructively....

I do not agree with Alexdc about laws and police officers following those laws straight by the book.... Police officers are able to use discretion when they pull ppl over and discretion demonstrates restrainst and understanding... if that cyclists did not impede any vehicles, did not make a vehicle honk, stop, screech their tires... those officers could pull over the cyclists and have a discussion with him and realize that no one was hurt... they could have used thier discretion and not tie up the court system with a cyclists that did not hurt any part of society, they did not destroy someone's property, did not rape, murder, and so forth....

Arizona has laws that stop individuals because of their skin color, name or assumed birth place... I would prefer those officers using their discretion and realize a law like that is wrong... laws that prohibited ppl from voting or eating at places was wrong and it would have made the civil rights movement progress faster if those police officers would open their minds and realize that that was wrong....

responding to a comment by ericduville
11.2.10 - 5:20 pm


u and the other 3 welcomed the pigs to a ride u guys dont even do!!!

in 2 months u guys will b long gone n we are stuk with the pigs!!!

the best thing we can do now is to have spots to ride to and just slit up every one so the pigs would have a hard time busting any one. all they did this last ride is site at the entersectin n bust ppl. we can just ride in groups of 50to100 to a park n FUCK DA PIGS!!!
n stop listenin to the fake ass leaders.

responding to a comment by trickmilla
11.2.10 - 9:12 pm


we also need to find out what area the LAPD cant go.

11.2.10 - 9:15 pm


Not that I'm advocating a pre-determined route, but who is it that's refusing to give a route to the LAPD? This ride has morphed greatly in one year. Last Halloween, there were maybe 500 people, and that was a big month. Thanksgiving, maybe 300, and the months between Christmas and that fateful May mass? Somewhere between 200 to 500 max. We are topping over 1000 easily every month now. Even with school starting and bad weather. A lot of people on the ride don't know that there's no route. And they don't care. They are there to be with their kin, their fellow cyclists, and to experience LA on a bike and feel safe in the pack while doing so. Of course some come as a protest. Some come to celebrate. Everyone has different ideas about LACM, but really do they all honestly think that there's no route? Do they even care? Would it be so hard to just try one month with a route provided to LAPD so we can see how it goes?

It's actually sort of ironic--as a group we've reached a real critical mass, and our current paradigm no longer supports the group. We need a new paradigm. Maybe different checkpoints is the answer, maybe a determined route is. But the question is, can't we just try it once? See what happens? See if it totally ruins the ride? Or are we being sticklers for a very specific philosophy of the ride that perhaps doesn't suit this group anymore?

The relationship between LAPD and LACM is deteriorating quickly--for a variety of reasons. It seems like we should try something different before something really serious happens.

I think we should try giving them a route for November, and just see how it goes. If it's completely reprehensible, we can do it differently in December.

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
11.2.10 - 9:44 pm


private property

responding to a comment by fixie4life
11.2.10 - 9:44 pm



responding to a comment by danceralamode
11.2.10 - 9:51 pm



11.2.10 - 9:54 pm


The Triple Frontier?

responding to a comment by fixie4life
11.2.10 - 10:03 pm


a real leader is one that gives up control not like these a holes we got now. and you lead with a group. a group that is on the ride.

responding to a comment by Pnut90005
11.2.10 - 10:13 pm


i think it is better to fight for more freedom amd less of police crakin heads. giving them a route will make there job eazy n our job hard. having riders taking diferent routes will make there job hard and our free and more fun. having differnt routes means they have to get more officers or we will have more freedom.

responding to a comment by danceralamode
11.2.10 - 10:25 pm


I say we have a designated decoy contingent.

responding to a comment by fixie4life
11.2.10 - 11:21 pm


Its pretty hilarious you are only one calling anybody a "leader" and your are actually the one riding in front helping to direct the ride.

But nobody has every accused you of being burdened with an excessive amount of self-awareness.

We (LACM) never had a choice to welcome the police or not.
They inserted themselves in the ride and we have had to make the most of it.
The only choice we had was how we intended to deal with the cops.

Ignore them? Talk shit to them? Start shit with them? or Talk with them, explain to them why critical mass is a good thing for the city, and why they should respect critical mass and not harass people who ride it.

I got invited to a meeting the cops were holding with some bike activists
I took a chance to go mostly so I could hear what they were planning to do and report back to the people.

Not everybody in the room at those meetings even understood what critical mass was. I was happy to be there (when people were suggesting things like routes, leaders, and permits) to remind everybody that critical mass is an international movement that will not change is structure or format for any government, agency, group, or person.

I'm no more a "leader" of critical mass for having weaseled into some meetings with the cops to record them and report what happened back here, than you are a "leader" for riding in the front of the LACM and helping to direct where it goes.

Critical Mass has no leaders.
You get it, right?

now we are all welcome to express our ideas and nobody's idea about critical mass is more relevant than another person's idea.

This is the history of critical mass. Debate and discussion. And for most of us mutual respect despite disagreement.

Personally I think ideas should be discussed on their merit and individuals judged by their actions rather than silly name calling.

I'm not sure if you have read much of what I have written about critical mass but I am really happy that you are supporting what many of us have been advocating for for a long time:

1) respecting the fundamental structure of critical mass (no routes, permits, or leaders).

2) thinking of creative ways to break the ride in to smaller groups to attract less negative attention, and make it more complicated for the police to monitor / follow the group.

Structurally, I agree with you 100%

I know my statement is not worded as artfully as:
" we can just ride in groups of 50to100 to a park n FUCK DA PIGS!!!"
and of course my statements lack the exuberant desire to have intercourse with farm animals ... but aside from that we are pretty much exactly on the same page.

We both want a fun critical mass that is safe and free of harassment from cops and cars. We both want a critical mass that respects the roots and culture of critical mass.

If you ever bothered to contact me directly instead of just throwing out petty insults you would have figured that out a long time ago.

Its OK
You can pretend to talk shit to me here if you need to keep up your street cred.
I'm just glad to know we are on the same page. ;-)

responding to a comment by fixie4life
11.3.10 - 4:41 pm


One of the reason Critical Mass is so successful is that is has a very simple structure:
Meet at a time and place to ride bikes: no leader, no route, no permit.

It is an extremely open format with very simple guidelines.
Those guidelines work throughout the world for almost 20 years,

Critical Mass may need to change tactics ... but there is no reason to meddle with the fundamental structure.

Especially to deal with a problem that was created by the police.

responding to a comment by danceralamode
11.3.10 - 4:48 pm


Especially to deal with a problem that was created by the police.

Just to play Devil's advocate (my favorite afternoon activity), the police didn't create this problem. Bitch-ass impatient drivers caused this problem by whining to the city that some bikes were causing 5 minute traffic delays. Then the police (I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt here) got involved to try to mediate the situation between stubborn, hypocritical cyclists ("we are traffic" then break all the traffic laws in the book) and impatient, selfish drivers who can't deal with waiting for a line of bikes to pass, or god forbid take a different route to get where they're going.

It's fair to blame the police for some of their more poorly conceived methodologies, but the source of this problem is the conflict between car culture / general impatience / unwillingness to act like an adult on the part of drivers, versus cyclists' insistence on breaking traffic laws to get their jollies off rolling through lights, occupying more than the right lane, allowing some riders to ride across double-yellows and on sidewalks, etc.

I dunno why I'm even typing this, I'm certain we've had the same conversation roughly ten thousand times before...

On the other hand, you have convinced me that giving LAPD a route, settling for a permit system, and other allowances of government control over Critical Mass would be a sin.

responding to a comment by trickmilla
11.3.10 - 5:16 pm


before LAPD got involved LACM was a much more manageable size.

the cops can not be blamed for all problems on LACM but they should take some responsibility for growing it unnaturally fast, then taking a zig zag approach to responding to problems that they themselves have exacerbated.

responding to a comment by outerspace
11.3.10 - 5:23 pm


no comment.

responding to a comment by outerspace
11.3.10 - 5:23 pm


Hey ninjabiker,

Yesterday I filed an official complaint based on your post that motor officers used excessive force by slamming someones head down. You mentioned that there is video. I asked you to contact me and provided you my e-mail. I really need your assistance if this complaint is going to go anywhere. As I mentioned the LAPD will not tolerate excessive force and will take appropriate action. Since you are a witness I need your cooperation. Please contact me! If anyone else witnessed the incident ninjabiker refers to above please speak up.

35128@lapd.lacity.org Please use "LACM EXCESSIVE FORCE COMPLAINT" as the subject line.


Sgt. David Krumer
11.3.10 - 5:48 pm


let m lead the ride........

11.3.10 - 7:48 pm


This was my first Critical Mass ride--my first night time group ride actually. I was a little concerned about the lack of structure and size of the ride, but decided to go anyway. My overall impression was that the ride, while it lasted, was amazing. That being said, the "amazing" part of it didn't last very long due to the mass splitting up.

After I passed Melrose, the crowd around me pretty much thinned out into sparse groups of 4 to 8 riders. I kept riding, but after awhile, I just felt lost. I didn't know whether the ride was over, or whether I was so far behind that it was pointless to keep riding. I was getting ready to just turn around and backtrack. Luckily, however, I had been riding at about the same pace as gregb, who I met that night, and his friends. They somehow knew (I'm still not sure how) where the mass had gone, so I just rode with them. Eventually, we caught up with the mass who were waiting at some (parking lot?) out on venice and got to ride as a large group again. This lasted for a few miles, before it thinned out once again.

We rode a couple more miles, and suddenly, to my surprise, gregb told me, "that's it. the ride is over" lol. I guess I'm just missing some biking/crowd cues because it felt exactly the same as when we passed melrose, only this time, the ride was over. haha.

Anyway, I'm really thankful I ran into a group of great people on my first ride. I witnessed Gregb and his friend repeatedly stop to help and offer help to bikers with mechanical problems, ride into the crosswalk to push the button so that the green would last longer for trailing riders, help lost riders (me!), and bringing an overal positive vibe to the ride. I might be a new to midnight riders, but I think that's what the spirit of what we're doing is all about.

As far as the ride structure itself goes, I believe there are small, yet significant changes that can be made without compromising what Critical Mass stands for: "no leader, no route, no permit."

1. I think a pre-announced *destination* for the ride would be helpful. Get there however you want or can, but that's where the ride is going. Note, a destination is _not_ the same thing as a route. Intermediate destination points between the start and end locations that double as rest/catch-up/information points for the mass would help keep the crowd together and moving in the same general direction.

2. Reverse rides FROM critical mass. There's already rides from various locations *TO* critical mass. If we have an announced destination, these same groups, or groups meeting at the CM location, can continue in their own predetermined routes to the destination. The result would be that you have several more manageable groups, each riding out to the destination in their own unique paths. There are routes, but they belong to the individual groups, not Critical Mass. Also, there may be leaders of these individual groups, but they are not the leaders of Critical Mass.

As many of you have noted, the ride has changed drastically throughout the years and months. The crowd size has changed, LAPD has changed, law enforcement strategies around the ride and riders have changed. It's naive to think that the ride can retain its former quality without adapting to these changes.

Also, I understand that riders want to preserve the original qualities of, "no leader, no route," but I believe those qualities are either already gone or unenforceable. There already *is* a route--the guys at the front of the mass have it plotted in their heads and dictate it as they ride. I also have a suspicion that the LAPD had a heavy hand in dictating the route (I might be new, but why would a ride standing for equal road rights travel along a LARGE stretch of dedicated bike paths?). The guys who want to be ride leaders, let them lead their own rides out of CM--don't let them lead the entire CM as they are already doing now. Worse yet, don't let LAPD lead and dictate the route for CM, as they might already be doing.

anyhow, I'll get off my soapbox.

1. Pre-announced destination
2. Several reverse rides from CM to #1

Think about it.

11.3.10 - 8:20 pm


Let his lawyer take care of it!

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
11.3.10 - 10:25 pm



responding to a comment by seamonster
11.4.10 - 2:35 pm


the cops can not be blamed for all problems on LACM but they should take some responsibility

Like I said. ;]

responding to a comment by trickmilla
11.4.10 - 6:53 pm


Hello All,

The below represents the LAPD's enforcement on the October Critical Mass.

21453(a) CVC - 28 citation issued (Red Light)
21201(d)(1)CVC - 13 citations issued (Lighting)
21212(a)CVC - 8 citations issued (Helmet)
21650.1 CVC - 1 citation issued (wrong side of road)
45.03 LAMC - 6 citations issued (Curfew violation)
21456(b)CVC - 1 citation issued ("Don't Walk" Crosswalk violation)
3 arrests for warrants

57 citations total and 3 arrests. Please bear in mind that some of the persons issued an equipment citation may have actually been stopped for a moving violation and the officer opted to only cite for the equipment.

Sgt. David Krumer
11.4.10 - 7:19 pm


Sgt Krumer,

Would you advise cyclists who plan on violating CVC to ride without a light so as to give the officer an option of citing them for equipment violation instead of the red light violation?

responding to a comment by Sgt. David Krumer
11.4.10 - 7:22 pm


I would not make that recommendation because you may get an officer who cites you for both.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by alexdc
11.4.10 - 7:37 pm


Just to make sure, isn't the helmet law only for minors?

And just out of curiosity, what hours does the curfew law cover? I believe it begins at 10pm, when does it end?

11.5.10 - 3:21 pm


Helmet law is for minors (under 18).

Curfew begins at 10:00 pm and ends at 6:00 am.

Sgt. David Krumer
responding to a comment by outerspace
11.5.10 - 3:31 pm


bump! stfu ! just stfu!

11.24.10 - 3:09 pm



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