Thread started by
tomato at 08.17.09 - 10:39 am
THE (new and improved) FEAST OF THE WEEK!!!
Cubby Den Dinners are a Bi-Weekly Tradition.
Join the CUB Family at our life changing pot-lucks. Bring an item to be consumed by yourself and the other beasts that will be present. Please reserve your spot on the cubcamp forum with your name, # of guests and what you will be bringing. It seems as though musical instruments are a big hit at these events...and they are MORE than welcome! (most of the time).
The location all depends on the host who has graciously volunteered their home. The Host also decides the theme of the dinner.
Start time is usually 8pm, but again, this is in the Hosts Hands.
in DD v4.0 we will be emphasizing the NOM aspect. Please bring something more than what you would consume. For Example, bringing a 6-pack is just enough to cover what you are drinking for the night, or dessert. Bring FOOD for everyone else too!
Push harder, Eat faster. Sweat don't come easy, Toughen up.
Length of feast: TIL YOU GET KICKED OUT
looks like the West Side Mosey is taking over this wednesday. maybe i'll bring my goodies there instead =)
tomato08.17.09 - 10:51 am
maybe we can have den dinner then ll ride the mosey... eh eh eh
Thegirlinglass08.22.09 - 2:23 pm
ASIAN THEMED. (i'm partial to thai)
p.s. easy for all the vegetarians.
Frozen Fingersss11.11.09 - 3:59 pm
there is no Mosey this week. I talked to Johnnyboy last night.
FuzzBeast responding to a
comment by Frozen Fingersss
11.11.09 - 5:06 pm
it seems like location is often the problem. just have it at a park, or in one of the tunnels, or at a food court with open seating, or on a traffic island.
alec11.11.09 - 6:05 pm
Does Den Dinner still happen?
Was/ is it only a Cub Camp hosted thing?
Could I have a Den Dinner?
Would anyone come?
Inquiring minds want to know..
imachynna04.10.10 - 9:33 pm
I was in the Valley last night and didn't see you or my mistress, coldcut.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by imachynna
04.11.10 - 1:46 am
haha a birthday den dinner would be cool, again. But it was crazy
Gav04.11.10 - 3:45 pm
is the pope catholic?
do bears shit in the woods?
spiraldemon responding to a
comment by imachynna
04.13.10 - 12:36 pm
bacon bits and cheeze whiz on baked potato chips
spiraldemon responding to a
comment by slowrighthand
04.13.10 - 2:22 pm
never ask permission.
alec04.13.10 - 3:48 pm
Would anyone come?
04.11.10 - 12:33 am
Kakihara responding to a
comment by imachynna
04.13.10 - 5:00 pm
cool! i'm going to get working on this.
imachynna04.13.10 - 5:20 pm
hey so what's the deal? chynna have you done it already or still planning? we'll come fo sho.
we can host one as well. i really really really want to bring these back.
i miss you gaise
tomato04.26.10 - 2:20 pm
yaaaaay doo it.
I'll be moving soon, so I'll host one when that happens :]
Gav responding to a
comment by tomato
04.26.10 - 4:01 pm
I am extremely down for this. I really enjoy dinner party-type things with friends.
Mike and I would host but we have a roommate who lives in the dining room. not really optimal.
anyways. go chynna!
Frozen Fingersss04.26.10 - 4:08 pm
k i talked to m-hawt and he said we can host 5/12. details to come later.
hope to see you then =)
tomato04.26.10 - 5:53 pm
You guys are good for coming over the 12th? I can post it! I'll post it now... sorry it took so long!
imachynna responding to a
comment by tomato
04.27.10 - 1:34 pm
we wanted to host on the 12th, but you revived the thread first so you get to pick.
we could do the week after. den dinner is bi weekly originally but i don't think two weeks in a row would hurt.
tomato04.27.10 - 1:41 pm
per fb, sounds like 5/12 works for chynna
we can host on the westside on 5/19
tomato04.27.10 - 1:48 pm
i'll bring....
maybe some awesome rice dish.
chicken and rice dish? hmmmm.....
alien invasion responding to a
comment by imachynna
04.27.10 - 3:58 pm
chynna's chicken noodle soup is orgasmic. so good. cilantro.
Candy Cane05.7.10 - 8:35 am
Is this still happening on the 12th? If so contact me via Facebook as I have some questions.
Jazzy Phat Nastee responding to a
comment by imachynna
05.9.10 - 7:30 pm
Den Dinner is tomorrow! Get your food prepared and your stomachs hungreeee!
imachynna05.11.10 - 11:15 am
westside den dinner was a success last night! great to see all that came out. the food was delcious.
i do have to apologize for letting it slip my mind to post on MR like i'm supposed to..before the event =/ sorry gaise. facebook has taken over my life it seems.
den dinner revival ftw! let's keep it going...
tomato05.20.10 - 9:14 am