NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Thread started by toweliesbong at 12.6.07 - 4:42 pm
Trail of Slime Productions Presents:
Get Your Fix on Route 66
Saturday April 19, 2007, 10am to 4pm
Amboy, CA
20 miles of fixed, single speed, BMX, or cruiser friendly riding in the beautiful low desert on Historical Route 66. 10 miles from Roy's Cafe out to the Road Runner's Retreat Restaurant and 10 miles back, 300 ft of easy climbing on the way out, 200 ft on the way back. 5 miles of extra credit. Easy ride if it's not windy, hot, or cold, or all three at the same time. In my experience April should be pretty nice out there.
This will be an honor system poker run. For those not familiar with poker runs along the way you'll stop and pick a sealed card at each of 5 stops. There will be one SPECIAL JOKER hidden in the desert that can be used in any manner by the lucky finder. Vague instructions on it's general location and what to look for will be on the spoke card. And as mentioned, there will be an extra credit of 5 miles for the first few finishers. This extra credit will entail finding a secret spot using the directions on the extra credit spoke card where there will be extra cards stashed.
Pick up a spoke card at 10am or later, ride the course, pick up your cards along the way, KEEP THEM SEALED, and turn in your cards by 4pm or so, and we will unveil everyone's cards at 4:30pm (these times may be adjusted closer to the event).
Prizes (NOT WORTH CHEATING FOR) will be handed out for Low Hand Fixed, High Hand Fixed, Low Hand Freewheeler, and High Hand Freewheeler.
This is not a race, explore the desert, that's what it's all about. But those who start early can search for the joker, and those who finish early can do the extra credit. And then maybe ride some more.
If you stay overnight in the area we'll ride on Sunday and/or climb Amboy Crater.
There's plenty of camping around Amboy Crater (primitive car camping, no tables, or bathrooms, and a very noisy train track that is in use constantly 24 hours a day), camping and hotels in 29 Palms 40 miles away, and camping at Granite Pass 26 miles away. Camp Trail of Slime will be in the Amboy lava flow 3 miles west of Amboy.
Unfortunately this event is going to require cars for most people so car pooling is encouraged.
There is practically no cell coverage in Amboy, and Roy's may or may not be open by April. They may be serving food by then but I doubt they will have their gas pumps ready. Be prepared.
Oh, yeah, espresso shots at the start while they last.
Ah, Amboy.
That ill, forgotten town off the 40 that everyone else seems to skip by due to hyperspace.
This area is most likely 50-70 miles away from Victimville, and even more desolate.
One of the many towns that existed simply due to the constant claims of gold being found in the nearby mountains.
This is far enough in the near future that this might be a possibility.
As always, I have mad-fuel money available.
All that matters is that my work won't be stepping on my neck.
In addition to the stuff that's already out there we're hoping to add some more stuff along 66 between the start and turnaround before the ride weekend.
Fatter tires, 25mm and up are preferred, Route 66 ain't the smoothest and the extra credit has about 3/4 mile of smooth but soft off-road action.
There will be two SPECIAL JOKERS hidden in the desert that can be used in any manner by the lucky finder. Vague instructions on their general location and what to look or LISTEN for will be passed on via the time honored tradition of verbal communication at the start. There will probably be a few more jokers randomly scattered around, bring a bag or backpack because the jokers will be attached to things you need to bring back to the finish.
Prizes (NOT WORTH CHEATING FOR) will be handed out for Low Hand Fixed, High Hand Fixed, Low Hand Freewheeler, and High Hand Freewheeler. WE HAVE OUR FIRST PRIZE SPONSOR, but I'm keeping the prizes secret until event day. I'm still working on the other 3.
And then maybe ride some more, ride out and get 5 more cards even! Only one joker per person, though.
Special Bulletin: I just found a second sponsor that will probably go with the first one. I'm still working on sponsors for prizes two, three, and four. If you have suggestions for sponsors who will put up small prizes feel free to email me and I'll contact them.
I've finished my first and biggest piece, it's 8 ft tall and 4 ft wide, hopefully it will make ridazz laugh, and get some Route 66 tourists out of their cars and make them laugh, too.
I also have two out of the 4 trophies made, I still need to collect a few more small items from the desert when I head out there for recon on 3.16.
If you're interested in coming sign up on the Google Group. And if you can't make it but would like to have a piece displayed along Route 66 for the weekend sign up, too.
Is there a scenic route out to your place? Can you make one for us? You think the wildflowers will still be in effect out there? I was thinking of leaving LA Friday and coming back Sunday. Anything you would recommend other than your event during those days?
I was looking to see if Barker's Ranch is close to you, but it's 192 miles away.
Sunday we'll be hiking over to the crater, one of the reasons I went out there last weekend was to a scout a route over to the crater from the camp spot.
On the way out you could head through Joshua Tree, check out the sites in the natl park or in town, and try and find High Desert Test Site stuff on Friday.
Do the ride on Saturday and party Saturday night.
Then on Sunday do the crater hike. Or drive to the north up into the Mojave Natl Preserve to check out Kelso Dunes and Kelso Depot, Cima Dome, come out on to the 15 in Baker and head home. Or ride around a little on Sunday, then head home on route 66, stop and check out my Lo Desert Lodge, the ruins in Ludlow, and some of the route 66 stuff between Ludlow and Barstow.
Trophies are finished, prizes are being procured, exhibits are being built.
The theme is the Hardluck Casino, come dressed as your favorite shill, cooler, banker, dealer, mechanic, card sharp, cashier, whale, crossroader, eye in the sky, fish, flea, high roller, pigeon, shark, or a free drink!
Remember to sign up on the google group if you're interested.
This dood mentioned Amboy Crater,
"The area around Amboy Crater is a hot spot, with desert lily in full bloom and carpets of desert sunflower and sand verbena that fill the air with an almost overpowering scent. There’s an incredible mix of annuals, including yellow cups, brown-eyed primrose and pygmy poppy. Looking down from the crater’s edge, you’ll see masses of Emory’s rock daisy looking back at you, following the sun. The whole area is peppered with unusually large plants of desert five-spot, with up to a dozen flowers each."
Is this guy right? Don't BS us man! Will it be dried up and dead when we get out there?
""The area around Amboy Crater is a hot spot, with desert lily in full bloom and carpets of desert sunflower and sand verbena that fill the air with an almost overpowering scent. There’s an incredible mix of annuals, including yellow cups, brown-eyed primrose and pygmy poppy. Looking down from the crater’s edge, you’ll see masses of Emory’s rock daisy looking back at you, following the sun. The whole area is peppered with unusually large plants of desert five-spot, with up to a dozen flowers each."
Is this guy right? Don't BS us man! Will it be dried up and dead when we get out there?""
It's all going to be shriveled up like, like, like, [come up with your own simile or metaphor].
If I say there's going to still be a lush carpet of amazing flowers then they will definitely all be gone by then. The purple verbena has been out since January and seemed to be spreading so it will probably still be going strong. The daisies, I don't know. But the desert lilies are just barely starting to pop up "It blooms in April and May", so I'll bet they'll be all over the place for the poker ride. I'm crossing my fingers!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think the Crater is on the Marine Base propety. When I goto work tonight Im going to look at our maps and see. I can't remeber for sure but I do know the propety extends along amboy road and right by the Crater.
The crater is on BLM land with a bonafide trailhead with toilets and info kiosks, etc. Our campsite is right against the lava flow about two miles west of the crater entrance.
Check out the rest of the Lo Desert Proto Sites for other stuff I've done out in the area.
For the poker ride I'm going to have various exhibits along Route 66 that will hopefully get Route 66 tourists out of their cars and checking things out along with Ridazz.
going to be some absurdist sights and sounds along route 66, handmade trophies, a small amount of merchandise for each winner including beer, maybe a visit to Poplight if I hear back from her before the event, maybe still some flowers to roll in at camp, and maybe some random surprises.
(This offer limited by the State of California to just the change and spare dollars that you find under the seat of your car, in your ash tray, or in the crack of your ass).
Is there anything I can bring, such as potable water for washing hands, cleaning ect, I've got these G.I. 5 gallon jugs I can fill and bring. If there is something you think of please let me know.
Also I live in this area and wouldn't advise traveling by yourself, no cell coverage, dessolate and the perfect place to drop off those dead bodies clogging up your trunk or basement. Anyways it's not the place to get a flat tire on your own. If anyone is driving up through hwy 62 or into 29 Palms let me know and maybe we can get a convoy going out to the ride. Any ideas Towelies?
Also if anyone plans on staying in 29 let me know and I'll give you numbers to places far better then Motel 6 for around the same price, just minus the roachs and overall dirtiness.
"Is there anything I can bring, such as potable water for washing hands, cleaning ect, I've got these G.I. 5 gallon jugs I can fill and bring. If there is something you think of please let me know."
Awesome. I'm going to pick up some more collapsible 5 gal camping containers but everyone at our trip to the Salton Sea was pretty set with water, and the poker ride weekend will be shorter. The nice thing about the Salton Sea was that we had porta potties with soap, water, and paper towels. That rocked.
Let me start thinking if there's anything else I need help with but for this type of planning use the Google Group. Where's the farthest east CVS or SavOn or RiteAid in 29 Palms? We'll probably come into town Friday night for some small last minute supplies.
"Also I live in this area and wouldn't advise traveling by yourself, no cell coverage, dessolate and the perfect place to drop off those dead bodies"
Speaking of which, my friend's (who will be at the poker ride) dad found a body out there 25 years ago while we were off riding motorcycles and his dad stayed riding close to camp. One of my exhibits for the poker ride is inspired by that weekend!
But your point is well taken, I spend a lot of solo time out there riding my bike and there is not much cell coverage, at least for my Nextel.
"Anyways it's not the place to get a flat tire on your own. If anyone is driving up through hwy 62 or into 29 Palms let me know and maybe we can get a convoy going out to the ride. Any ideas Towelies?"
Just keep an eye on the Google Group as it gets closer. There was a flurry of activity for the Salton Sea trip during the week before it.
"Also if anyone plans on staying in 29 let me know and I'll give you numbers to places far better then Motel 6 for around the same price, just minus the roachs and overall dirtiness."
Cool, hey, I'm going to be out at Joshua Tree on 4/5 and 4/6 with my gf, don't know if I'll have time to break away but you never know. I'd really like to drive over to the show to talk to Helena.
Cool man, I'll try and keep it to the google group from now on. If your in town and can break away let me know. I'll be on the LACM blue balls and tbone rides, hope I get to meet you!
I'm considering bringing an above ground pool out to the ride because there is a really cool water company about 15 miles away from camp. After all, the theme of the ride is gambling which happens to take place in casinos and what's a casino without a pool? How does lounging around the pool after the ride sound?
Sorry to disappoint guys but I'm gonna have to back out of this trip, right now my finances are pretty tight and I need to save the money for other (bike related) things.
Get on the Google Group, get organized NOW! Because, srsly, this is not something you want to miss. This will be right up there with the Salton Sea trip, and if you missed that, you missed out... a lot.
Don't forget to bring spare change or a buck or two to put in the Cans o' Money for the winners.
Remember, trophies and prizes for:
Hi Hand Free
Lo Hand Free
Hi Hand Fixed
Lo Hand Fixed
Hi Hand Freak (two freak bikes committed, ride a freak bike for your best chance to win!!!!!!!!!)
No need to know poker, just ride and pick up cards, we'll sort the hands out Saturday afternoon!
Fame and Fortune, or Eternal Annonimity??? Make YOUR CHOICE today!!!
Spot on with those temp figures, but make sure you have something other than beer to drink. I'm going to bring a ton of water, casue it's super dry out here and if you are even moderatly active it sucks the water out of you. Not good for hangovers, or heat cramps. I drink at least a gallon a day out here, and durring the summer months I'm up to at least two a day. I think I've got one or two extra camel backs if anyone is interested. I know I know towlie I'll post this in the groups....
I just talked to my pit boss and we should have shade, tables, and bulk water (please bring your own cold drinking water as this bulk water will be drinkable but in those 5 gallon collapsible water containers and at air temp).
^^^ Haha, that'll be a blast, expecially if your riding! Oh wait though, doesn't nitrious make your voice super deep? Oh shit.....sounds like we could form a band!! squeaky + ultra Deep + mega phones + fire works!!!!! Please someone bring a video camera for this!
In your car!! I'm either crashing on the bed of my buddies truck, or on the ground! I'm gonna see about hooking up some cots for this, anyone interested in under the stars but on a cot? I need numbers to see if it's something I can work out.
Just as a heads up and I'm not sure how it will be this weekend, but this is wind season here is the high desert. From about 7:30-11:00 am and 3:30-10:30 pm are windy. it seems to be about 15-30 knots sustained gusting 40-50 knots. The morning isn't as bad as the evening but both are tollerable. Consider bringing sunglasses and bandana's just in case some sand gets kicked up. Other wise the weather is great all beit a bit warm and gueass what??? Only three more dayzz!!!
If it's comperable to Yucca Valley then it's getting what I get. Yucca in about 15 miles south of me so I get sloppy second from them with wind, rain and anything else. It shouldn't be too bad though.
Hey,you guys should stop by pioneer town on the way back
Rockin' For Joshua Tree
FRIDAY April 18 & SATURDAY APRIL 19, 2008
4:00 – 10:00 PM
some good local bands,and all the proceeds go the Eagle Mountain Dump fight(As proposed it would be the largest mega dump in the world surrounded on three sides by the national park)
If you see Larry or Donna Sharpied(the farmers who are single handedly fighting this monster)tell them Art sent you!
lol are you sure they weren't cyotes that had just finished eating a group of people five miles down the raod and all the blood made them red like foxes but in reality you have no clue at how lucky you were to come back alive?????
The start of the ride is at the intersection of Amboy Rd and Natl Trails Hwy (US Hwy 66), and camp is 2.6 miles to the west on Route 66. I recommend taking I15 to I40 to Ludlow and then following the Route 66 signs.
i'll go so long as someone forces me to leave saturday by 5pm. girlfriend has threatened castration if i'm not back in la by 8pm. damned jew holidays always interfering in my good times.
Big Beard Mike is out in my car. So there's room for one non-irritating person. Must have gas money, willing to leave Friday when we damn well feel like it, and come back Sunday when we damn well feel like it. Being smaller and lighter is a plus since there's already two fat fucks in the tiny car already. Can carry your bike too.
I was waiting till i knew for sure that I had my shift covered for Saturday, it is official! I AM GOING! are you sure I don't need to know how to play poker!? YIPPEEEEE ANOTHER FUN WEEKEND!!!
I just remembered Annie, I have room for you in my car but not your bike, since my rack can hold 3 bikes. Do you think you can have someone else bring it? I'll try and call ya tomorrow on my break or after work.
Let me know if you still need that fuel tomorrow, I'll check and see if we have some at our local stores. bad part is that they may not because this is busy season for camping with all the plowers and what not going right now. But let me know and I'll check before I head off!
My ass has got an appointment tommorrow for a produce-hauling job, looks like I'm not hitching a ride.
It's a smaller, trucking outfit, so it's a plus, being that I want to get back to what I was doing.
Keep the wind outta yer ears, and the sand outta yer face buccarroos!!!
Ok, now that Bentstrider can not make it. i have an extra spot in the car. Sexy or Annie, are you still interested? Don't fight too hard. I'm also leaveing really early. like 6:30.. eyah...
Yes, that's where I used to see it. We used to go up there all the time when I was a little PC because our family car was an old '63 Land Rover that broke down all the time, and the only place in Southern California that worked on them was in Pasadena. It's all coming back. Thanks for making me sappily nostalgic for my childhood, fucko. Aren't there any photos of the building online? Google isn't finding anything.
Well, since I feel guilty that I left anyone hanging, stay tuned for a near-future, ghost-town ride.
Kind of like what Roadblock and that other guy did up in Death Valley.
Except this time, I want to pick and poke around the dead-towns.
Thanks to Towliesbong for this excellent trip. For those who missed it, you don't realize just how much fun it was. Maria and I had a blast, and we look forward to doing this again next year.
GREAT TIME IN THE DESERT!!! I think I gained some serious experience points out there. Thanks to towlies for hosting this thing! the art, the route, the f.u.n. and the road signs were awesome!! I'm super sad I didn't win one of those awesome trophies! ha! also thanks to scott for the pit bossing and fireworks show!!! i'm glad we didn't kill towliesbong with that giant bottle rocket because next year would be in jeopardy, ha! but yeah... I can't wait til a billion of us invade next year!
What a fun ass bunch of great people. Next year don't miss the Salton Sea in February or the 2nd Annual R2RRRR Poker Ride moved up to a new timeslot in March!!!
I'd like to thank (in approximate order of appearance):
Scott bananaphone
mrs borfo
alice strong
I wish it hadn't been so fucking windy, I wish that bananaphone's bike hadn't fallen off my roof rack not 5 minutes before we arrived, but I'm happy that overall everything went really well this weekend.
I just wanted to Thank Towlie and Scott for everything they did. An amazing ride!!! You guys put in so much work and the memories and stories will last forever, whether we like it or not. I'm glad Towlie didn't get blown up and no one was blown away. Also thanks for bringing the telescope, I had never seen the rings of staurn or the moons of jupiter before, too bad our moon was soo damn bright. But you guys put on an amazing event and I'm so glad I was allowed to take part in it! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
Also I'm really glad I got to meet so many people and put faces with the names, see you guys on future ridezz! The only thing that sucks is out of the bajillion dollars I've invested into all my camera stuffs, I forgot to bring it.
Major props to Towelie for putting on this ride, it was AMAZING. The installations along the route, the great base camp spot, lots of work involved and he really definitely put forth a massive effort. It was SO WORTH IT.
When my bike came off the rack and ate pavement, I thought my weekend was over. Somehow by the time User1, mook, and brassknuckle were done with it, it was rideable enough to go the route and the extra credit. I can't thank you guys enough for helping me!
Scott was an awesome pit boss/pyrotechnician, put on a great fireworks show. FUNDERSTORM you guys rocked!
Here's my checklist for some other random happenings over the weekend:
Planets seen via high powered magnification: 2 (moons: 5)
Train warnings given via megaphone: many
Number of times I burned myself/others while playing fire devilsticks: none!
Number of times I burned myself/others while tending the fire: 2
Number of times I almost killed Greg with a bottlerocket: 1
Beers consumed: many
Water consumed: MANY
thanks to towelie's dong, scott, and everyone who came out for a unique ride in the future!
all of your hard work and experience paid off in another successful trip to the middle of nowhere. I felt like a kid again: smashing pennies on the railroad tracks, shooting my pellet gun, flying kites, burning suff, and of course riding on the poker run. I'm already looking forward to the next desert road trip.
don't look now, but there's a TRAIN!!!
I particularly thought that the exhibit dedicated to "bodies-dumped-in-desert" was pretty, cool-looking.
So, many hundreds of square miles to dump things and people that, for the sad part, won't be missed.
Towliesbong and Scott, you guys put so much work into this weekend and it really showed. The installations were amazing. The poker run was a blast. Fireworks, Uhaul disco party, 44mph gusts of wind. I want to go camping every weekend. I really can't thank you enough for such a superb weekend. Everyone should definitely go next year. Trust me it will be worth it.
It will take me a day or two to get to my photos but I'll start with my very last one of the weekend. That's everyone except for Tony and his two kids, Jarrett and Wyatt, who had already left for the Black Mountain Ranch in the hi desert, a location where we may hold a future Trail of Slime event.
I hope there are some good photos of the crater since I didn't take my camera on Sunday.
Oh yesssss, I remember that drop in wind speed between 3 and 4am Sunday morning well. It was the only time I wasn't fighting to keep my sleeping bag on me. Next time I'm bring my tent!
Great time everyone! Greg and Scott did a marvelous job putting this together. Everything was well planned out and executed. Loved the poker run and couldn't have asked for a better day. The nights having a rip roaring fire was awesome. As was having Funderstrom playing. Was a blast exploring abandon buildings and dreams. The desert is such a surreal magical place. Everyday there was fun time being out there with me riding buddies! It was great meeting the new peeps too. I look forward to more fun times to come.
One more thing. On the way back BBD and I stopped by a CalEarth
a href=",+Hesperia+CA+92345&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.80241,59.765625&ie=UTF8&ll=34.435427,-117.357006&spn=0.001042,0.001824&t=h&z=19">Google map of CalEarth
One more thing. On the way back BBD and I stopped by CalEarth. We stopped by around 6pm. The place is fenced off but the gate was open, so we walked in. We were going to play it friendly, curious and naive if we saw anyone. As we were walking around, we spotted a small SUV with the back open. I whistled to try to get someone's attention, no one responded. So we continued walking around. We were able to walk into just about every building there. The place is incredible. BBD got pics and video, hopefully it will be posted. We left everything as we found it. I think there is someone that lives on the grounds, they just never saw us or we saw them. At some point the peeps in the SUV left as it was gone later.
a href=",+Hesperia+CA+92345&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.80241,59.765625&ie=UTF8&ll=34.435427,-117.357006&spn=0.001042,0.001824&t=h&z=19">Google map of CalEarth
-Someone has to be living on the premises.
Nader Khalili passed away not too long ago.
He definitely left behind a legacy of sustainable ideas, that's for sure.
Wow I didn't know he passed away. I wonder if someone is continuing his work? His houses are unique, and really admired his techniques at making something out of practically nothing. It was a real treat to have walked threw his works last night.
Yeah,I mentioned it briefly (just scroll up past all the klucks klucks)and It was in pioneer town(it's why I couldn't go,setting up bands and crap)
and the turn out was lame,but there should be another one in october,better bands and more shirts(ehh...)
there should also be a coyote music fest(in jt) and a bunch of other shit then too.
That's one thing I didn't get a chance to do. I'm going to start talking to them to see how ready they'll be for next year. When I stopped in at Roy's back in March I asked when the cafe would be open and the guy said "two or three years".
Yeah,he's like the 5th owner of amboy, he own everything but the school,which is currently being used for military maneuvers,he's trying to renovate the whole town but it will fail,expect to see it on ebay again before this time next year.
I didn't take any pictures but this is a drawing I did of Friday night.
If there is ever a recorded history of this scene, or this time and place and people and culture we are involved in, I hope this last weekend gets its own chapter. The efforts put into this ride are unparalled by any other ride I've ever been on. I really tripped out on the way home just thinking about all that went into this: the overall idea, the planning, the creativity, and the sweat that went to this event. Definitely it was fun, but more than anything its an inspiration for all to put more into the events that we fill our calendars with. I am inspired for sure. So glad I scalped the tickets to the Annual Meeting of the American Cleft Palate - Craniofacial Association... Anyhoo,
"So glad I scalped the tickets to the Annual Meeting of the American Cleft Palate - Craniofacial Association."
That's right, I hope you didn't miss anything F.U.N. there!!!
I just have two regrets for the weekend, that I didn't take enough pictures, and that I didn't have a chance to hang out under the bridges or at the RRRR with everyone. Next year we'll get a volunteer to take care of the start/finish so I can roll out with a group.
Yea that part was a huge bummer, Iwould have riden the ride a second time with you if my legs hadnt been so burnt. I should have done it anyways. But thanks again Towlie for everything, it was monumental, and thanks to Scott for his sacrfices in the name of our enjoyment. As the ydish would say, what a mench you are!
Not to get all nerdy about it, but pre-settlement, most of LA was chaparral or coastal grassland, with patches of woodland here and there.
Since most of the area gets less than 50cm of precipitation per year, I guess you could call it a desert under some really broad classification, but if you were here 200 years ago, you wouldn't be looking at the landscape and thinking "that's a desert." Even before it started sucking up massive amounts of water from around the West, LA never looked like Amboy.