NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
tHeY sAy ThEiR sTaNd tImE Is A ''dOnAtIoN'' bUt wHeN YoUrE bRoKe aNd rEaLlY NeEd tO FiX YoUr bIkE ThEy gIvE YoU ShIt aNd cAlL YoU tO haRaSs YoU aBoUt NoT DoNaTiNg fOr sTaNd tImE dAwG.
you know what i'm not sorry y'all need to fuckin CHILL with your bike gang beef and forum shit talking and people shit talking and like for real....
it's the strangest thing to me it realy is.
i'm sitting with a bunch of seemingly unserious stoners drinking cheap beers...
and they just go off
on drama
about some bike gang
or some dude
or some drama
or some BS
that really
from an outside observer (me)
doesn't really seem all that important
when all we're doing is going on bike rides, stopping a couple itmes to party, and riding some more.
it's dramadramadrama that i really wish i didn't have to listen to with what i hoped seemed lke the least serious crew around (that would be your mom)
but i do
i mean
it's ridiculous
get over yourselves
you ride bikes and drink beers.
it should be more fun, less stress and drama.
i'll roll you a joint
just please
even funnier is you all talk shit BEHIND each other's backs.
which make all the friendliness and even the shit talking irrelevant
because you're talking shit on someone
and are friendly with them the next minute.
it's stupid.
consider yourself called out.
chill the fuck out and stop taking yourselves so seriously
you ride bikes and get drunk
when people have nothing else in common other than that they ride bikes smoke weed and drink beer, sometimes all they have left to talk about is drama/other people. so it goes.
and yes, that WAS too harsh. Who are you to tell her to shut the fuck up? This is a forum to express opinions, and you are going to call her names and swear at her for it?
First off I apologize for what busride420 called you. That's not something we do.
Your welcome to come on our rides but don't come on the forum acting like you personally know any of us besides delirium. Don't call people out that you don't know.
There's a bunch of other rides you can visit. Don't let us slow you down...
Debut213 responding to a comment by brittany
10.13.09 - 8:49 pm
If you don't like what their talking about, leave. did you think of that? It's not that hard to get on your bike and say peace out. But then again, you might not have anyone to hang out with. But i could be wrong because i don't know you and i wouldn't make an assumption. Neither should you because, frankly, it makes you look bad.
I'll talk shit about my mom ridaz because i know they love it. I'll tell someone drooby he's an ass, but then, ill tell him too. Because he enjoys being insulted. It gives him a tickle. I don't have to explain our ride to you, you obviously don't get it, so maybe come on a few more rides and really get to know us, then decide if you want to "call us out" And how exactly are you calling us out? Want to draw pistols? Fisticuffs? If you want to "call us out" maybe think about what your doing.
oh, by the way, you're contradicting yourself. You talk about how you think its stupid, the things we talk about, and the 'beef' we have with other people, yet you try to start "dra-dra-dra-drama" about something that doesnt even concern you.
Who cares what busride said. He's an idiot, a mom rida, but an idiot. Don't listen to some stupid assholes opinion. He just wants to hit you with some high school insults to see how angry he can get you. Look. It worked. You really responded. Just calm down.
And please, come roll me joint. I'd like that. Let's you and i talk and really get to the root of your problem with the mom ridaz.
Anna.annA responding to a comment by brittany
10.13.09 - 9:36 pm
to debut and all :: Brittany doesn't know me personally she never took the time, once I gave her a ,sweater i had sewn a reflector strip onto to be nice thinkin she'd like it b/c it was fucking pink.. she didn't seem the least bit appreciative, if you know me at all you know that if i have something that I think someone would like i have no problem giving it away. then i gave her a Velcro matching pink reflector and her response was "so you're just gonna keep giving me things?" at that moment i had figured out what kind of person she was.
-negatively opinionated
-beer leech
to Busride::: no need to calling her a bitch..
to Brittany::: I dont' see it on his shoe but The only shit i smell is whats coming out of your mouth(exclamation)
Please don't come to me with complaints about her, I didn't bring her to the community, talk to her man about that one..
we've been focusing on Brittany for too long, this thread isn't about her.
back to the important stuff
anyways I hope the beef is not left out raw. apologize and have a drink if things are still uneasy.
innocent bystander gets struck in face by tool bag a result of too much drunken rough housing with ridaz.
things happen, though i still wish it didn't because I can't begin to imagine how much that hurt her.
things should be worked out,
hmm should there be a meeting between them?
it's family... c'mon u guys :0(
This forum has been talking about dicks long before you came around to visit us. This isn't anything new. Don't be so judgemental! we don't want to be percieved in that way either...
Debut213 responding to a comment by Anna.annA
10.15.09 - 12:33 am
1) seriously busride, who are you, shouldn't i know who you are?
2) i like, wasn't all that serious. i was talking shit.
something that like, none of you are good at.
ohhhh mi dear.
things have gotten interesting.
3) Miss E, I'm sorry but I just have a pink bike and backpack, I'm not like, mad pink crazy. I didn't ask you for a sweater. And I was soooo highhh when you gave it to me. And not that it matters, but I knew when I saw it it wouldn't fit. I figured I'd cut off the sleeves and make a vest or something. I did my best to seem appreciative, but being full of shit isn't my best attribute.
Sorry for not wanting something I didn't ask for.
Like comeon. didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
seems disrespectful and rude to me to be full of shit. OMG I love it. and oh, you never see me wear it. I appreciated it enough to decide i'd do SOMETHING with it.
i'm just tellin yah, i can't wear it.
it doesn't fit.
And i really do regret and am sad I don't have the time to come on more rides, get to know you guys, etc, but I've stated and I'll state it again, I have time to go out maybe once a week, maybe, I don't have time to make this rida shit my life.
I have a life outside my bike.
it's kind of bullshit i get hated on for it.
i'd be happy for people i care about for having other things going on with their life.
all i did was try to tell you guys to chill.
it all seems way too high stress.
and now it's obvious
it is
i've seen you guys give people shit for going on rides other than MoM (do you not realize you have rides 2-4 times a week)
y'all are grown adults, and it just doesn't add up to me!
I see grown adults
I see grown adults talking shit on other grown adults (not the fun kind, the serious kind)
I see grown adults being all friendly-like to the grown adults they were talking shit on
I see grown adults giving other grown adults shit for making their own decisions and not being a sheep to the MoM
i've said it before
i have time to go out maybe once a week.
I just want to go on a ride once a week, maybe every two weeks.
drink some beers
go have fun
get some exercise
get to know the city
meet interesting folk
go home
no, i don't want to be part of your crew
or go on three rides a week (i can't!!)
or no, i don't want to get to know you
i don't want to be your friend
because i'll never see you outside of a ride
you'll never call me
we'll never "kick it"
you'll never come to my house and smoke a bowl
we'll never ride in the daytime
you won't be celebrating my birthday with me (unless i made a ride for it)
we won't be sitting at the park smoking a bowl discussing...anything of substance, except MR politics
i'm a grown ass adult who doesn't have time to be part of your club
nor do i want to
most likely, because i'm a grown ass adult who makes grown ass decisions and I will be DAMNED if shepard Drooby or anyone else is going to peer pressure me into being a sheep in his army (i had nothing against you. funny how you all HERD together. lol. in fact, i have a little tickled respect for you for creating this army of people, without them ever knowing this was your original intent. props droobs, props)
maybe i don't want to be a sheep in your army (gasp!)
maybe I want to check out the other armys (except, I don't have time, so I go on a MoM ride every so often)
i don't have time for the politics
i barely have time to go on a ride
i don't have time to dedicate my life to a bunch of people who couldn't give a fuck less about me if I didn't have a bike.
so because of the previous stated facts
maybe i'm a little irked and maybe i lost some respect for the grown ass adults in front of me when they give me shit for not coming on more rides
or not worshiping the MoM
or going on another ride!!! (GASP)
or having to leave a ride because I have a life outside of riding
i don't think there is anything wrong with making this shit your life
have a blast
you are part of the new cycle, rejoice!
it will end
you'll ride less
get over it
do other things
make fun of the next cycle of hipster kids going BIKE LIFEEE and giggle at their obsession and reminisce about how great your cycle was and how much these new kids suck.
but if i don't want to make it my life
fuck off!
making somebody feel UNWELCOME becaues they don't want to be part of your god damn bike gang is ridiculous
maybe somebody just needs to get out on their bike once a week
so this leads me back to my original statement.
you all take yourselves way too seriously.
most people were only ever nice to me because i have a pussy
and wear skirts and dresses
go fuck yourself
you didn't want to be my friend
you wanted to get me as part of your army
you wanted to attract more pussy
you wanted to bone
you wanted to make barely legal jokes
if i was a dude
and showed up
i'd be lucky to have someone talk to me
ugh brittany me thinks the only one taking themselves too seriously is you...
im sorry you cant handle shit talking but want to dish it out,
and was it not you who was asking if she could make a pink vest???
nobody cares if you ride other rides, in fact please do...
i think you are taking every thing we say way too seriuosly by even calling it drama in the first place, look brittany nobody hates you for not being a mom rida, but to come hang with us all the time and now say were not friends, i mean really... you brought me thera-flu, you think i wouldnt do the same for you or any other rida, your out of your mind.
the only reason we are a crew is that we are family... not the family youre born with the family you choose. we all grew up together, in a round about way. mom ridaz for the most part even went to the same high school. theres nothin i aint said behind nobodys back i cant say to thier face. we REALLY dont care what you do but if you wanna talk a bunch of shit expect youre gonna get some of it back!!! point a finger at me and three are pointing back at you
Drooby420 responding to a comment by brittany
10.15.09 - 10:44 am
3) Miss E, I'm sorry but I just have a pink bike and backpack, I'm not like, mad pink crazy. I didn't ask you for a sweater. when you introduced yourself to me you and i Quote """"""I'm a pink perfectionist"""""
you're so full of shit with your witty come backs, yea Brittany your are good at talking shit, you can stop bringing it up, you're smart ass remarks are what made you look like the like "bitch" people see you as.
like like like Liiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeejust go away now.
hey MoMs ya know i love you guys, we're just sheep who smoke weed n talk shit, life is heaven! see ya later!
Delirium responding to a comment by brittany
10.15.09 - 11:02 am
its funny,
brit, You're funny,
a couple of jokes about you being barely legal was bound to be made, don't take our jokes so seriously, they don't want to fuck you.
he's like that friend who quotes Pig lyrics: "every holes a goal"
and then you realize... that fucker wasnt lying. And then you end up having these debates with him... dude, youre not that bad looking...what the fuck are you doing?
Its all so weird really
md2 responding to a comment by angrytoaster30
10.15.09 - 12:25 pm
What's funny is that she goes all crazy and wet when ever donnie darko comes around. ( its so obious, we all wait for it on que)
I noticed since day one brittany was on cock patrol. Its so obious when dudes are just @ a ride to talk to girls and are there just for that purpose alone and the same goes for girls who show up looking for cock!
Brittany I actually would preffer if u don't come on my tuesdays.we always have some issue with you if it isn't your stupid bike exploding or waiting on ur slow ass to catch up to MoM ridazz pace. < oh and get this she said and I quote " I can do wolfpack if I wanted" if you can't keep up on mom ridazz pace you might as well have a broken leg.( doesn't mean were slow individualy, we just keep a slow pace so every sticks together)
Drooby doesn't like to ever tell someone not to come around but I will. youve ostracized your self with us.. and ask your self for what? To try and be a troll.. haha ur so fucking thick you don't really even know what that title means.
So do us a favor. And fuck off.
To trenway,
Please take this girl off our hands. She will ride with a skirt and a thong for your viewing pleasure. I'm not bullshitting you people either!
ohhh jonny boy you took my fun away! (+1, secretly.)
you hurt my feelings :(
i totally keep up fine!
i didn't ONE day. ONE, and that's because my chain was stretched and being a dick, and i fixed it an now it rides fine.
really, you guys have ridden with me for a minute.
you know i keep up fine.
omg i totally don't search for cock!
and if I did it wouldn't be a married cock
i like donnie because he seems the most mature and down to earth out of all of you
so maybe you caught that
but i don't want his dick.
get your facts straight
i'm a taken lady
hell, the reason i can't make any rides is because i have a cock.
trust me
my one night without cock
i'm not looking for it.
i just put up with it.
when has my bike ever exploded?!
my bikes been SO nice to me until my chain issue.
never had a flat
a problem
anger management here is a wee bit of a lia. (still SUPER DUPER PISSED ABOUT YOUR BIKE. haha. it's too bad i don't like to bring other people into drama....oh dear. morals blow. this could be fun. except, i don't find meanness fun. drat!)
i was always ostracized.
sorry i don't want to be part of the fammmm
you know, i just...don't.
i'm like, my own person.
you guys weren't nice, weren't friends
you guys made inappropriate disrespectful jokes (which would make sense if I ever like, showed any sort of whorish nature to you guys or hit on any of you or anything like that...but i haven't! my only crime was owning a pussy, being girly(ish) and wearing skirts
and you know i could have not been that way.
i could have worn pant type clothing, never looked nice for a ride, not acted like myself, but fuck that.
i am me.
i talk shit
i wear dresses often
i even change my clothes many times a day.
i don't really give a fuck about your bike gang. i kind of think it's gay. though i try not to judge, because obviously, as anna said, i don't get it.
i'm not looking for a family, a scene, or party kid type friends.
i think it's hilarious how you all get your panties in a bunch about tren way. (i personally have a smidgen of a feeling that it gets them hard)
i'm extraordinarily used to getting hit on by second class dudes and have no energy or care to fight it. i'd rather...not respond. not care. let you make an ass of yourself (if only in my head) and go home to your wifey. (lol?)
and don't talk about my panties.
this is what i'm talking about
grown ass people who don't know how to act
plz help
where do the adults ride
(coming from a 19 y/o)
eye roll!
i don't want to be part of your family.
i'm extraordinarily used to getting hit on by second class dudes and have no energy or care to fight it. i'd rather...not respond. not care. let you make an ass of yourself (if only in my head) and go home to your wifey. (lol?)
(no lol)
you act like they're telling you to get down on your knees and suck their balls, sweety, when guys ask you whats your name is, thats all they want to know. I've seen you on rides get all weird when guys come and introduce themselves, they just want to hit it.
the bowl that is
Delirium responding to a comment by brittany
10.15.09 - 1:28 pm
Allan, Brittany is not Brittanica.
Get off the thread. Same for md2
This is MOMs only discussing family business.
ie it doesn't involve you
This thread was doing fine until you got involved.
Now we have to read about bike polo and Jared Leto all over again.
marino responding to a comment by User1
10.15.09 - 3:55 pm
brittany, i dont see any logical arguments here. you called out moms for 'talking shit and making drama"
"i am me.
i talk shit "
"you know what i'm not sorry y'all need to fuckin CHILL with your bike gang beef and forum shit talking and people shit talking and like for real.... "
You bitched about how moms have so much drama, yada, yada, yad,a yet the drama on this thread came from you posting (usually 3-5 posts in a row) shit about a group of people for being 'too uptight' and 'taking them selves too seriously. want another quote?
"consider yourself called out.
chill the fuck out and stop taking yourselves so seriously
you ride bikes and get drunk"
how do you expect people to "chill the fuck out" when you call them out and talk shit about their group? and when did anybody give you shit for going on a non-mom ridaz ride? that just sounds ridiculous.
"no, i don't want to be part of your crew"
they clearly dont want you either for talking shit on them
"or no, i don't want to get to know you
i don't want to be your friend"
with an attitude like this, how do you have any friends in the first place? or your so-called "cock"? and my favorite part is when you list the reasons for that:
"because i'll never see you outside of a ride
you'll never call me
we'll never "kick it"
you'll never come to my house and smoke a bowl
we'll never ride in the daytime
you won't be celebrating my birthday with me (unless i made a ride for it)
we won't be sitting at the park smoking a bowl discussing...anything of substance, except MR politics"
these things are all true because YOU wouldn't choose to do these things. mom ridazz are awesome people and if they got to know you well enough, i'm damn sure you could end up growing close to any of them and doing these things.
"i'm a grown ass adult who doesn't have time to be part of your club "
you're 19. shut the fuck up. maybe you're out of highschool and maybe you can buy cigarettes but from the way you act towards these people, you are still CLEAARRRLY a child. so am I. but I dont claim to be grown.
"i'm a grown ass adult who makes grown ass decisions"
calling out a group of unanimously liked and accepted riders is not a grown up decision, honey. that's only gonna end with you getting shit dumped on. because you, unlike them, really do deserve it for the impression you give off to everyone on this forum who doesn't know you. and even the ones who do know you have talked shit about you above. maybe everyone's reacting like this for a reason?
and my favorite part, my absolutely FAVORITE part is this:
most people were only ever nice to me because i have a pussy
and wear skirts and dresses
go fuck yourself
you didn't want to be my friend
you wanted to get me as part of your army
you wanted to attract more pussy
you wanted to bone
you wanted to make barely legal jokes
if i was a dude
and showed up
i'd be lucky to have someone talk to me
YOU ARE NOT ATTRACTIVE. let me make this clear. I've come up to you and introduced myself to you before. (i was the 16 year old you met on six pack mondays once where eddie took us to burrito king, and then we rode down sunset and you bailed on us in los feliz.) I did this because I am a DECENT human being and wanted to meet people. i had 0 (spell it out: Z-E-R-O) interest in 'boning you'. honestly, at this point i'm more interested in a serious relationship than sex with an ugly girl. however, you generalized all guys into people who just want to bone you. just like you generalized all mom ridaz as drama making, way-too serious people.
and yes, if you were a dude and showed up, nobody would talk to you. because you would be a bitch.
i wish i had time to read over this and organize my post a little better but i have a life. just as you claim to. so stop spending that life starting shit and being a bitch
i am me.
i talk shit
i wear dresses often
i even change my clothes many times a day.
i don't really give a fuck about your bike gang. i kind of think it's gay. though i try not to judge, because obviously, as anna said, i don't get it.
-we don't like you
-you should eat the shit you talk.
-you say you wear dresses cuz ur from the O.C, who the fuck wears dresses and skirts on the coolest nights? someone who wants to show something.
-i wonder how much smelly clothes you have around your house form changing so much,
-we're a bike gang, watch out before we pop a spoke up in yo ass yo'!
"though i try not to judge"
-and All you do is judge, you swear like your some sweet cute hippie chick from the beach, please this is L,A we're all tough n sometimes rude, get over it b/c if you took the time to get to know someone on a different level, maybe you wouldn't have to have your guard up all the time, maybe you can Actually be yourself and get over the fact that you have a pussy.
it's funny you think we just know each other from riding, i've known 1/2 the mom ridaz for years.
you don't know what the fuck your talking about. and even if people only hang out on rides, what gives you the idea that you can only have one group of friends.
you guys weren't nice, weren't friends
you guys made inappropriate disrespectful jokes if we REALLY weren't that friendly and were SO disrespectful, why did you continue coming around, either you don't have any self respect and liked it, or you didn't get the jokes until now.
and again,you're 19 years old, barely legal jokes are bound to be made, trust me no know is trying to get a peak of whatever is under the skirt.
"or having to leave a ride because I have a life outside of riding A.K.A Booty Call (not saying its a hit it n quit it type thing, it Can mean,,, he demands you Now so hurry and relieve his penis then make him a sandwich
I'm gettin' carried away..
finally ...
-you're from the O.C, go back.
roll your eyes some more,
it makes you that more mature.
Delirium responding to a comment by brittany
10.15.09 - 9:45 pm
and by the way, britany,
my name is, Michael,
not that it matters because you ask what my name is every time you see me.
I think I've met you about 4 times now.
I think that everything that needed to be said was said. (thank you superblueman!!!!)
Fuck Moms and their juvenile obsession with Tren Way, fuck Tren Way for their elitist obsession with Armadillos, fuck Armadillos for their non-existent lust for Sins and Sprockets, and fuck Sins and Sprockets for their pretentious antipathy for Moms.
I love brittany, and I don't want to fuck her. I have a boyfriend. I'll join her gang any day!
I'm really sorry to hear that the old grumpy men were being assholes to you at The Oven. Apologies.
There are a lot of people there who are really great and it kills me to know that we get a bad rap because of the way they treat people.
I know a couple of my favorite mechanics don't volunteer there any more-at all-because of the two mean old men.
Again, I'm sorry if you feel harassed, we don't want anyone to hesitate to come over when we're open or feel like they're getting hassled over nothing.
So check it-if you're down, shoot me an email and we'll set up a time when I'm there, make it up to you, help you work on your bike, a part or something, on me.
The rest of us are a really open and warm family, I can only hope everyone can feel the same way.