Thread started by
rev106 at 09.27.18 - 7:17 am

A whole weekend of two wheeled fun and hijinks. If you don\'t get hurt you will be pleasantly tired!
A brief description of what it will entail:
Deth Moto
7pm October 12th
Ride 20 bmx bikes on the \"dick track\" in Paul\'s backyard
keep going! The only rule is you can\'t be down for longer than 30 seconds.
you die.
the bike dies.
final three is a foot down if needed.
winner gets a trophy, bragging rights, cool scars etc.
Bikes are provided.
It is a \"party\" but it is at my house so no d-bags ok?
Nite ride
October 13th.
7pm gather 7:30 pm roll out.
Meet a Caballero Canyon on Reseda Blvb. South of Ventura Blvd
We ride to the hub junction for a night time view and hand out with friends.
Bring lights.
Drinks & Snacks if you want them.
Climb to SCUMBAG Pointe
October 14th
7 am gather 7:45 roll out.
Our yearly pilgrimage to the SCUMBAG Pointe, where it all began many years ago. About a 4 mile fire road climb.
Meet a Stough Canyon Trailhead in Burbank.
Bring food drink and a jacket or something as we are going to hang out at the top for...some time.
All are rain or shine, a true SCUMBAG is not afraid to get muddy!