Thread started by
grAde at 06.24.10 - 1:16 am
Bike Crew in Altadena and Pasadena. Would really love to get everyone from the 626'ers ridzz in on this.
I have a debut ride ready and will post route soon. Am planning of making spoke cards and I have cool places to ride through (will have a nice climb but then all downhill) and eat. Just wanted to see some interest from the fellow ridrzz before posting the ride/making everything.
I am down for this, post it up.
TheDude06.24.10 - 3:31 pm
NICE. I will post the ride very soon! I was thinking maybe this monday? Or whenever is most convinient for you guys. I am completely free this summer but I am sure a lot of you have jobs/lives etc.
Will start making spoke cards and putting up the route asap
grAde06.24.10 - 5:07 pm
i usually have the day off on Tuesdays, so i'm down for a monday night! Let me know the route :)
kevmeistah2106.25.10 - 1:15 am
grAde06.25.10 - 9:35 pm
There were 7 of us on our first ride tonight.
Great pack, very safe riders, nice spoke cards, and we even got to blast some music for all the people on Colorado Blvd.
This was great fun.
TheDude06.28.10 - 11:48 pm
will be posting up the next ones soon!!!!
grAde06.29.10 - 12:29 am
wat time did you guys roll-out? i get off work in sierra madre @ 9. would love to be able to make this ride every week!!!!!
Americanspeed responding to a
comment by grAde
06.29.10 - 1:21 am
last night we rolled out at 9ish. We'll push the next one to 9:30/9:45 or so
just want to make sure to be back before the last train leave. just in case anyone came form LA etc etc
grAde responding to a
comment by Americanspeed
06.29.10 - 12:26 pm
Are we pot friendly on this ride....???
I want to roll out to this, this Sunday. How many heads are thinking of showing up?
I'm in Alhambra, pretty close.
WindNature07.3.10 - 4:40 pm
yeah dude to everyone their own we don't discriminate.
In terms of how many heads we'll just have to see. should be a good group of us. There's lots of 4th of July rides that have popped up since I posted this so yeah people will choose.
come on out wind! the more the merrier!
grAde07.4.10 - 5:18 pm
Forgot to take a group picture but last night's GRAVITY HILL ride was a blast. Had some real good and loud tunes. cool people good vibes.
about 10 deep.
everyone should come out to the next ride! we're going to mob up Hollywood
grAde07.18.10 - 11:59 am
i wanted to roll out with you guys on the next ride, but i have work till 11:30pm :(
but most likely you'll see my bike and not me again...
aircooledcrush07.19.10 - 6:20 am
call in sick! hahah :P
no worries dude, we will have other cool ride to cool places in the future! make sure to make it out next time!
grAde responding to a
comment by aircooledcrush
07.19.10 - 11:08 pm
La Cañada ride tonight. COME ON DOWN!!!!!
grAde07.20.10 - 7:05 pm
(posted it here, the image up-loader was bugging)
grAde07.23.10 - 2:49 pm
oops fucked up, image too large.
grAde07.23.10 - 2:54 pm
about 50 people came out on our holli-would ride tonight. it. was . amazing.
will post pictures later!
grAde07.25.10 - 3:19 am
reply was a great ride tonight. Hollywood was great, And I think it made it more fun that we missed the train! Awesome hot dogs at the end, too....
See u Thursday, if we're keeping it local, ill roll the tall bike.
sharpdan07.25.10 - 3:26 am
haha!! dan the man!
yeah i need to ride one of those tall bikes you got. come on out we'll plan it
grAde responding to a
comment by sharpdan
07.25.10 - 3:32 am
Wish I coulda made it, sounds great! I went on the dumpster ride though, it's a favorite of mine. Checked out the route for next week, I'll definitely be there, looks awesome. And is that CICLE Dan with the tall bike?
schmoolie07.25.10 - 10:34 am
Yeah, that's me, who are u schmoolie?
sharpdan responding to a
comment by schmoolie
07.25.10 - 11:26 am
Had a lot of fun with you guys @ the hollywood ride!
i was glad that i could kinda keep up with the pace.
my legs are still burning!
aircooledcrush07.26.10 - 8:56 am
yeah it was a blast!! thanks for riding out with us!!
the burning is a good thing! haha thanks again and keep riding
grAde responding to a
comment by aircooledcrush
07.26.10 - 11:37 am
I don't know how to embed videos and all that, but Goosegoose found the video of Chevy Chase from Union Station last Saturday. Nice!!!!
sharpdan07.29.10 - 7:09 pm
hahaha i think you deserve an award for that stunt you pulled last week! haha
for those who were not present, Aesthetic recovered after another rider had a head on collision with his bike. The said rider had a busted rim and 4 busted spokes after the smoke cleared. Aesthetic however took this as an opportunity to salvage usable spokes from elsewhere on the rim and completely fixed the bent rim ON THE SPOT.
if that's not MacGuyver I don't know what is HAHAH
grAde responding to a
comment by AestheticMynd
08.3.10 - 2:24 am
yo where those pics of us at devils gate? those were ill
resist626 responding to a
comment by grAde
08.3.10 - 3:32 pm
Too bad I missed out this past weekend, but riding in San Francisco was great as a substitute. How many ridazz showed up? Looking forward to turning out this Saturday!
oshirobianchi responding to a
comment by resist626
08.3.10 - 3:49 pm
and we usually get about 10-12 riders on our rides. Our HOLLI-WOULD ride was a little more popular. i think you were on that one though. how's the raccoons going?
grAde responding to a
comment by resist626
08.3.10 - 9:22 pm
accidentally double posted one of the pics, whatevs. the up-loader bugs out sometimes
grAde08.3.10 - 9:24 pm
Didn't go last weekend cuz I was up in San Fran biking. Week before we missed you, did some serious ass climbing out near Whitter/Hacienda Heights. I'll definitely be out Saturday night for sure though.
oshirobianchi08.4.10 - 1:48 am
haha yeah i kept hearing it from everybody about that climbing you guys were doing the week before (danny and henry). I'll be there this sunday. see you on saturday
grAde08.5.10 - 12:51 am
hey i'm kinda new but am down to go on t he hikes also where can i get the info to go on the hikes?
joeindena08.5.10 - 5:14 pm
hey man. welcome.
i'm not sure what hikes you're talking about. but if you live in the pasadena area you should come out to our ride this saturday
grAde responding to a
comment by joeindena
08.6.10 - 12:04 am
Yeah we're not hiking... we're climbing mountains with our bikes "Road Bikes" via paved streets. Mountains like "Turnbol Cyn Rd" :P
but don't worry that's not DMSR, that's another ride with the Racoons on sunday night.
AestheticMynd08.7.10 - 5:14 pm
OH CRAP totally forgot to post up the meeting time for tonight's ride.
WE MEET AT 830 in old town pasadena (Holly St. and Arroyo)
ROLL OUT AT 9pm!!!!
grAde08.7.10 - 6:04 pm
This route isn't for the light hearted but a few of us from DMSR are planning to do this in training for the San Diego ride.
AestheticMynd08.8.10 - 9:57 am
Bring out the lyrca for that one. That'll be a great ride...this upcoming Saturday or another date to be determined?
Either way, I'm down.
oshirobianchi08.8.10 - 7:29 pm
thursday ride too early people get out of work till later . good deal tho 1 dollar bowling sweet
jesse162608.9.10 - 12:43 pm
hell yeah that's going to be a sweet ride.
the reason I posted it so early is because depending on the turn out, the bowling game will get longer with more players. want to make sure people get to play more than one game
but i'm up for suggestions. what time you thinking? I think 6-6:30 is cool hopefully people quit out at 4-5pm from work
grAde responding to a
comment by jesse1626
08.9.10 - 6:03 pm
BOWILING RIDE MEETS AT 7pm ride out 730
this is the first time we're doing this so we're working out the kinks and everything (timing/bike parking)
at a chill pace we'll get to the alley at like 8ish
bowl til 11pm
if it's too late for people to ride back there's a gold line station real close to the bowling alley that people can take to LA/Sierra Madre Station
grAde08.9.10 - 6:47 pm
6 30 or 7 are perfecet get there around 8 grub drink bet and hit some pins if not then play pool play arcades win stuffed animals for the girlfriend-boyfriend w.e and have some fun hopefully alot of riders make it if not they should meet up at the bowling alley
jesse1626 responding to a
comment by grAde
08.9.10 - 6:59 pm
I'm definitely there Friday and Saturday! Still trying to work out if Thursday is going to work out. So excited for Fri and Sat though, should be some DOPE rides.
oshirobianchi08.10.10 - 3:06 pm
So when are the 'Denas gonna start playing polo. We need some more rivalries around here.
JOKER08.10.10 - 3:42 pm
I've been meaning to check out the bike polo. will be a first but I'm down to play.
when do you guys play?
grAde responding to a
comment by JOKER
08.10.10 - 4:28 pm
foo it only says on the side bar here homeslice.....hey hows about a ride to east los sometime
resist626 responding to a
comment by grAde
08.10.10 - 4:34 pm
foo who was talking to you??
and we'll be around east los this thursday on our way to montebello
but i'll scope out a route to there sometime later
grAde responding to a
comment by resist626
08.10.10 - 4:39 pm
hows the locking situation?
i only have one bike at the moment and im really paranoid with it.
DANIMALS08.10.10 - 9:57 pm
I'll figure out those final details tomorrow with the bowling alley tomorrow. see if they can provide us with a space inside or some kind of security.
But the best bet right now is to bring a lock, then we'll have huge amount of bikes all locked to each other etc. etc.
all you need to do is take your lights off your bike
grAde responding to a
comment by DANIMALS
08.11.10 - 12:46 am
I'm even willing to serve as security as you guys bowl.
haha i really only care that everyone on the ride has a good time
grAde08.11.10 - 1:08 am
if I have too I'll carry my bike and bowl at the same time... I stay permanently attached to my bike at least within 3 feet. LOL
AestheticMynd08.11.10 - 2:34 am
I just looked at the DMSR schedule... 27 Thursday 50 miles with Turnbol Canyon Friday then a cruise of 50 miles on Saturday? LOL Training Training! :)
That's a little ridiculous Ric... :) I'm down.
AestheticMynd08.11.10 - 2:46 am
hahah yeah you're right. but the Saturday ride will be chill though. nice little recovery on the easy gears.
also, the santa monica ride is really cool and i've been meaning to take dmsr out there
we can handle it, no prob haha
grAde responding to a
comment by AestheticMynd
08.11.10 - 9:05 am
I'm actually thining of taking some charcoal and supplies for a little cook out!
YOU DOWN?!?!?!?!
grAde08.11.10 - 9:06 am
UPDATE on the bowling ride tomorrow.
The bowling alley will be providing a safe place to store our bikes INSIDE the building. so no outside parking needed!!
But either way, bring a lock to secure your precious bikes
grAde08.11.10 - 7:16 pm
Charcoal for Santa Monica, right? I don't think it would be the BEST idea to haul that up Turnbull Canyon...
I'm down for whatever you got planned. And don't trip on the mileage. Santa Monica will be real chill Saturday, there aren't any big hills that entire route if I remember correctly.
oshirobianchi08.12.10 - 12:36 am
yeh charcoal for the beach.
but it was brought to my attention no grillin gon santa monica. either way, cool place to ride to + cool route = cool ride
grAde responding to a
comment by oshirobianchi
08.12.10 - 3:03 pm
I agree. I was thinking for tonight we can ride as a group together down to Beverly. It's fairly dark down Rosemead past the 10 freeway. It might be a little safer to ride as a group. I also recommend that people bring lights because Turnbull Canyon is very dark. Once we hit Beverly, we can break and people can climb at their own pace and we can meet at the top to regroup.
Looking forward to this ride, see you guys tonight!
oshirobianchi08.13.10 - 1:07 pm
I agree all the way. take note of the new meet time for this longer ride!
meet at 7!
grAde responding to a
comment by oshirobianchi
08.13.10 - 1:12 pm
I suggest u guys take some really good lights baseball bats guns and stay as a group cause I drove there on my truck couple times and u never know who u will bump into up there specially since u guys going at night and take lots of inertubes because rosemead gives bicycle comuters lots of flats
jesse162608.13.10 - 2:39 pm
hahaha dang dude. Aight I'll roll through with my piece
grAde responding to a
comment by jesse1626
08.13.10 - 3:22 pm
just kidding. nah but thanks for the heads up resist
grAde08.13.10 - 3:23 pm
x) plus Friday the 13th intresting ride tru the canyon ride safe tighten those chains
jesse1626 responding to a
comment by grAde
08.13.10 - 3:51 pm
Another Turnbol Canyon Run.... 3rd one next time we'll go up the other way.
AestheticMynd08.14.10 - 3:09 am
Great ride last night fellas. It was great meeting new folks (Ruben) and chillin' with old folks (Henry, Kevin, Ricardo). We tore up Turnbull. Now that you have full lycra Henry and no backpack, the sky's the fuckin limit! I'm working on a dope route for next Friday if you guys want to get in closer to 75 miles. It'll be some good climbing and great scenery. Keep it posted!
oshirobianchi08.14.10 - 10:35 am
Last night was a real cool ride. Turnbull had nothing on us.
And Mike, I'm definitely down for that. Post the route!
grAde08.14.10 - 11:22 am
grAde08.14.10 - 6:56 pm
este guey always changing the routes at the last minute damn my boy me and like 5 other heads showed up around 830 and no one was there .....pues que onda guey
resist626 responding to a
comment by grAde
08.15.10 - 2:46 pm
I wasn't going to go eather but bthen it got changed to 8 I don't why and bi drove by around 8.20 but I guess no. one showed up
jesse1626 responding to a
comment by resist626
08.15.10 - 3:58 pm
Actually the route and new time were posted much earlier this week, but it seems no one reads the post. Plenty showed up on time, plus we picked up a few. Waited until almost 8.
READ the posts guys and pay attention to the time. Ricardo even put the new time in bigger letters.
That said, great ride last night. Thanks to Henry for picking out a sweet pizza spot in Santa Monica.
oshirobianchi08.15.10 - 4:28 pm
why did u guys wait till almost 8tho it said new meet time 8 and roll out 8 30 so you guys left 30min earlier I guess .
jesse1626 responding to a
comment by oshirobianchi
08.15.10 - 4:48 pm
it's like oshiro said. we did have the new ride time posted a week in advance and people did show up at the right time. I pushed back the ride to 8pm while we waited so other people read the posting and head over if they wanted to.
but after waiting around for so long we started to get restless so we rode out around 8:15ish.
Either way it was a good ride.
grAde08.15.10 - 6:12 pm
we had planned to roll out at 630 because it was such a long ride
grAde responding to a
comment by jesse1626
08.15.10 - 6:13 pm
wait a min
i'm not trying to make a big deal out of this
i must not know how to read or something because the big letters that i read are
Meet 8pm
Holly St. and Arroyo St in old town pasadena
Roll out 830pm "
defective_tampon responding to a
comment by oshirobianchi
08.15.10 - 7:01 pm
Ricardo re-changed the time while we were sitting at the meet spot. That's why it says 8pm meet time. Originally had the 6:30 roll-out time.
oshirobianchi08.15.10 - 7:34 pm
horale pues chido hey i posted up some pics from the bowling ride they be on my facebook
resist62608.16.10 - 1:32 pm
hahaha alright alright enough!
next time let's all just make sure we check the meet time because depending on what we are doing on each ride we will be meeting at different times.
grAde08.16.10 - 1:44 pm
grAde08.16.10 - 3:09 pm
Alright guys, here's a route I came up with if you're still interested in putting in some mileage Friday in preparation for San Diego (or if you feel like climbing/getting in some serious miles without doing the San Diego ride).
Let me know what you guys think. We can cut/add miles where ever you like. I only marked one stop on Sepulveda right before we start our climbing at a Whole Foods, but there are plenty of liquor stores to stop at on the way back.
Here's the route:
I'll hit up Kevin today to see if he's up to it. I know Ricardo and Henry will be down. Did anyone get Ruben's contact info?
See you ridazz on Friday.
oshirobianchi08.17.10 - 9:40 am
that route looks awesome. I'll post it up for Friday and of course everyone can give their input here.
And no I forgot to get Ruben's number. hopefully he'll see the ride and decide join along again.
invite everyone you think may be down for an intense ride like this one.
grAde responding to a
comment by oshirobianchi
08.17.10 - 1:42 pm
damn dont think my poderosa can make it around the loop<------------- pero im down for the tokyo ride and so are like 5 other of my homies from that hood
should be ill for music how about some good music no te creas guey throw in some dope dub reggae homie or some old school hardcore punk
resist62608.17.10 - 2:43 pm
Dope route for the Chinatown/Little Tokyo ride. Gotta couple hillls on Fair Oaks and Monterrey. Should be a nice little recovery ride from Friday's.
oshirobianchi responding to a
comment by grAde
08.17.10 - 5:17 pm
Just FYI Most of Mulholland is completely dark at night with no street lamps as it goes through the mountains.
I will bring us some extra flashlights *Yes same bright mofo I have* btw, they're for sale ;) you'll just need to buy your own charger for em.
it's 45$ for the Flashlight / Battery / Bike Mount.
I have 2 extra I'm willing to sell.
AestheticMynd08.18.10 - 7:33 am
You're right Henry, I forgot to mention that. Maybe we can stick together as a pack through Mulholland. Also I just rode through Griffith and it is dark as shit too! So lights people! I'll bring my NiteRider lights as well. See you guys Friday.
oshirobianchi08.19.10 - 12:01 am
yo wats up this is fabian aka resist626 i guess a few of us are gonna have an impromptu bike ride around pasadena ...most likely not that many miles i guess more of a social ride with the boys meet up memorial park 830 roll out at 9
resist62608.19.10 - 2:33 pm
are the flat tires finally having their first ride?
grAde08.19.10 - 5:15 pm
Good turn out for our 70 mile training ride LOL. I didn't so many people for such a long ride.
AestheticMynd08.21.10 - 9:32 am
will we b taking the same route thats up on make your own route or will it b modified during the ride
jesse1626 responding to a
comment by AestheticMynd
08.21.10 - 10:09 am
you're talking about the lil tokyo ride right? I was still debating that. I think we may be taking the river path back up to pasadena just because it's kinda of a cool ride, flat, no cars.
grAde responding to a
comment by jesse1626
08.21.10 - 12:24 pm
Great turn-out last night. You guys did miss out on some Denny's grubbing for sure. Looking forward to some food in Chinatown tonight!
oshirobianchi08.21.10 - 12:57 pm
Just caught this on a biking blog I read. They got some cool shit going down in Chinatown tonight:
We can get some good grub and chill!
oshirobianchi08.21.10 - 12:59 pm
oh just wondering because looks like a cool route
jesse1626 responding to a
comment by grAde
08.21.10 - 2:16 pm
grAde responding to a
comment by oshirobianchi
08.21.10 - 6:41 pm
Dude, I feel like I'm turning into Henry, cuz I'm getting hyped for this San Diego ride. I decided in the interest of preventing complete destruction of my knee, I have brought the original Bianchi road bike out of retirement for a couple weeks, including the San Diego ride.
oshirobianchi08.23.10 - 10:10 pm
yo mad respects to my boy henry and ric for looking out for me on the ride helping me with my bike....for sure i need a new one but the status of my bike reflects on my financial status that being said im broke hahah anyjew thanks and hopefully tommorow i catch the ride with yall
resist62608.25.10 - 11:21 am
no problem man, glad to help.
Also tomorrow's ride will be leaving 30 minutes earlier.
MEET @ 8pm
ROLL OUT 830pm
grAde responding to a
comment by resist626
08.25.10 - 11:08 pm
no I'm not excited...
AestheticMynd08.25.10 - 11:36 pm
Alright gents, here's the official route for Saturday. Got it from a good friend who recommended it and said it's a great route. If you look at the elevation profile, there are only two Category 5 climbs on this ride. One at mile 72 that's about a mile long and averages a 2.3% grade, max 4%; and one through Torrey Pines at mile 117, 1.8 miles long, average 3.8%, max 5%. Basically easier than Turnbull Canyon, probably cumulative like climbing through Sepulveda/Mulholland.
Here's the link:
Let me know what ya'll think!!!! I am so hyped!!!
See you guys tonight. 132 miles!
oshirobianchi08.26.10 - 3:37 pm
route looks awesome mike! see you guys on saturday
grAde08.26.10 - 11:45 pm
Hey guys, my name's Red. I saw your ride next week through Pasadena, La Canada, and Glendale, and I thought, damn, that sounds like my daily route. I live in La Canada, work in Glendale (at the In-N-Out next tot he Americana), and I go to school in Pasadena (at PCC). So it sounds like this ride is a must. You guys sound like a bitchin crew and I hope to start riddin with you. Hope you guys guys like to ride as fun as possible.
Good luck with your San Diego ride, you must have balls of steel. Much respect.
Red08.28.10 - 3:28 am
hahaha for sure dude thanks.
yeah this week's ride is going to be sick. a good amount of uphill in the beginning but then it's downhill.
That's one thing about this ride, we always take the hills
grAde responding to a
comment by Red
09.4.10 - 9:46 am
I know im late but been busy.... Posting pictures from LA to SD in just a few seconds...
AestheticMynd09.4.10 - 1:14 pm
dude awesome pics! hahaha
thumbs up
grAde09.4.10 - 2:09 pm
i'm gonna be coming through..... representing westside LA mom ridaz... looknig forward to this ride. maybe extend it down foothill to san fernando and come back down glenoaks??
haha, j/k, it would be fun, but i'm looking forward to anything. see y'all soon
superblueman309.4.10 - 5:23 pm
I probably wont make it out next saturday, I think I might be out in Big Bear camping with some friends. I'm also bringing my bike more than likely so I'll be doing some riding up in Big Bear :P
AestheticMynd09.6.10 - 1:25 am
dude you will be missed!
This Saturday is the last ride of the summer
grAde responding to a
comment by AestheticMynd
09.7.10 - 5:20 pm
cool ride last night what a hustle those 15 miles where quick homie anyjew<----
hopefully i can make it saturday aver que onda homies
resist62609.10.10 - 11:09 am
definitely roll through. i met you on the hollywood ride homie
grAde responding to a
comment by resist626
09.11.10 - 5:07 pm
Sonic Ride tomorrow! Come hungry!!
Will be my last ride before I go back to SB for school! Come on out!
After this ride DMSR will be led by the regulars and the crew. Should be an exciting Fall/Winter season of rides until we get everyone back for the summer.
grAde09.15.10 - 6:15 pm
oi homie isnt the glow ride tommorow? you posted it up for today...
resist626 responding to a
comment by AestheticMynd
09.24.10 - 4:02 pm
Any of you headed out to the Tall Bike Ride on Saturday...I have an extra tall bike if anybody wants to roll from Pasadena.
sharpdan10.7.10 - 2:05 pm
Can we please bring those out this weekend?? I'll be in town for a DMSR ride. I'll text you
grAde responding to a
comment by sharpdan
10.11.10 - 4:02 pm
Sounds good, I'm in for Saturday. Let's start early and head to Hollywood again.
sharpdan responding to a
comment by grAde
10.11.10 - 6:30 pm
Is the Dena bar hop the ride for sat? doesn't say dmsr...
sharpdan10.11.10 - 6:41 pm
No bar hop's my ride, not as fast or far as DMSR. Tallbikes very welcome. Make yourself zombie and roll with us. I might be getting some zombie makeup help for pre-ride death-making for others.
Ratpick responding to a
comment by sharpdan
10.11.10 - 6:52 pm
Dmsr should just roll with you guys! We'll check in with grAde...what bars you hitting up?
sharpdan10.11.10 - 9:10 pm
hahaha I think DMSR was hitting up hollywood that night. I'm going to let the current ride leaders (oshiro, aesthetic, mike_crowe) figure out what DMSR is up to. I'm just on visit from santa barbara
Hollywood ride would be cool but we should definitely crash the bar hop ride for a quick minute haha
grAde10.11.10 - 9:26 pm
Altadena Ale House, Rancho Bar, The Colorado then end at Old Town Pub, which is near a good taco truck. Hopefully the Pub will have some cool bands, last time their lineup fell through and music was over by the time we arrived. Rancho sometimes has live bands too.
Crash it all you want. It's an open party.
Ratpick responding to a
comment by grAde
10.11.10 - 10:51 pm