Thread started by
SKIDMARCUS at 05.16.08 - 1:52 pm
With so much talk about everything that everyone is talking about, I have to admit, I have one simple request.
Can everyone please be more realistic? Is it too much to ask that there be more real?
More realism.
Please, real.
Realism, and more of it.
Realistically, though.
@ user Towliesbong, you have a good point, speaking realistically. In retort, (but in terms of realism) can you have some more of the realisticism of it (or "in it")? With everything you're talking about, is it possible that it, realistically speaking, be (in real terms) more real?
SKIDMARCUS05.16.08 - 1:58 pm
Honestly, this thread is just not realistic enough for my tastes? Where are the details? Where is the gritty? Where is the realistic ball hair?
Where is the realistic video of a quesadilla?
Alex Thompson05.16.08 - 2:17 pm
@ users
At the commencement of this thread, a question of reality came to me.
if this was real, could it be possible (realismically) to be
realer? I can't tell at this point. Its really too early to tell, in my real opinion.
SKIDMARCUS05.16.08 - 2:20 pm
That youtube seems very real . . .
It's almost realistic
But I mean - is youTube real, like really real? Is it realistic? Because I don't feel that it is
and it's really important to be realistic. Like channel 34. Realistically, they had a good chance of catching that suspect on Jefferson Blvd at 11pm. It's because of all the realistic thoughts and the really realistic footage they recorded
and the realistic MILF hotness of that woman
Alex Thompson05.16.08 - 2:24 pm
I looked up realistic in Google images and I got this
That isn't very realistic. It's not REAL. It's not painful and realistic. It lacks realism.
Alex Thompson05.16.08 - 2:27 pm
Sometimes you really have to just make that decision. Is this the reality of the matter? Or is this the
real of the matter? I just don't see myself ever using the extra "-ity" it takes to get there (to "real" aka "reality").
SKIDMARCUS05.16.08 - 2:28 pm
Looks like Dan's arm.
Is it really his arm?
Our whole movement is magical realism.
# The fantastic elements may be intuitively "logical" but are rarely explained
# Characters accept rather than question the logic of the magical element
# Exhibits a richness of sensory details
# Uses symbolism and imagery extensively.
# Emotions and the human sexuality as a social construct are often developed upon in great detail
# Distorts time so that it is cyclical or so that it appears absent. Another technique is to collapse time in order to create a setting in which the present repeats or resembles the past
# Inverts cause and effect, for instance a character may suffer before a tragedy occurs
# Incorporates legend or folklore
# Presents events from multiple perspectives, such as those of belief and disbelief or the colonizers and the colonized
# Uses a mirroring of either past and present, astral and physical planes, or of characters
kyber05.16.08 - 2:29 pm
One thing I really like about that picture that sayton posted of that girl is that it seems "real". You see how that piece of flesh between her left boob and her armpit poofs out? It's not really awesome, but it looks really, and it makes me think - this girl is realistic, and the way she's looking at me - well it's good that she's realistic. We could have a good time . . . that's reality. And that's what I feel is lacking here, on MR - some real ness. Some realistical qualities.
Alex Thompson05.16.08 - 2:31 pm
she has an AEM logo on her shirt. they make aftermarket parts for automobiles. her presence on this board in our scene is false.
ruinedbyidiots05.16.08 - 2:33 pm
@ user Kyber
I wanted you to note that it is common in some fantasy stories to include a frame story, in which the central, fantastic story is explained as a dream. Because the main story works equally well with or without the frame story, and since either way the reader feels no ambiguity about choosing between the magical and the real interpretation, these are usually not included in the category of magical realism.
SKIDMARCUS05.16.08 - 2:33 pm
I kind of feel like RBI is a frame story. He's an explanation for why we're such losers, and that makes me think - that's not real. We're not losers. It's fake. Fake is the opposite of real. They're different. RBI is like this - not real
Alex Thompson05.16.08 - 2:38 pm
There is nothing more real than grass, shoes, and oranges!
toweliesbong05.16.08 - 3:10 pm