Help with a Hit and Run

Thread started by
10speedracer at 10.2.10 - 3:27 pm
Hi everyone,
I am posting this for any help/advice on catching a hit and run driver that took out my buddy while he was riding home from work on Thursday, Sept. 30th between 6:45-7pm.
He was heading south on Vermont Avenue and right before LACC next to the Metro stop, a girl (18-20yrs) driving a PT Cruiser turned left quickly trying to beat oncoming traffic and hit him head on.
A couple of cyclists helped him out and blocked the girl from driving off. He's pretty sure they called 911 but was too out of it to get anyone's contact info. The ambulance took him to the hospital and by the time the police arrived the driver had left. It appears she gave a false name and number to the cyclist who were helping.
If you were one of the cyclists who made a 911 call or have advice on who to contact to help follow up on leads it would be greatly appreciated.
You can contact:
Hi 10speedracer,
First let me ask if you are o.k.? My hope is that despite the head on accident that you suffered no serious injury.
If the cyclists happened to get the plate than it does not matter if she gave a false name as we will most likely be able to track her down. While I am sure that anyone reading this will twitter and hopefully locate the cyclists who assisted you, I will none the less ask some of my contacts to do the same.
I can be reached at, my office number is 213-486-6070. If anyone has info please forward it to my attention.
Sgt. David Krumer10.2.10 - 4:14 pm
he said his buddy got hit, not him.
cbneckpunch responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
10.2.10 - 4:22 pm
I emailed him and he said no but the other cyclist that helped out may have called it in. unfortunately the person gave fake info. i told him to talk to Krumer. He said he will pass the info to his friend.
mechazawa responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.2.10 - 8:34 pm
Do you know if thepolice went to the hospital or if a report was made?
Sgt. David Krumer responding to a
comment by mechazawa
10.2.10 - 9:49 pm
That is a heavily biked area.
Maybe put up some signs in the bike district & lacc letting people know what happened.
If she is a student at LACC then she will likely park in the area and if enough people look long enough it is only a matter of time before finding the car. IF she is a student and IF she was driving her own car. I think its worth a shot.
trickmilla10.3.10 - 2:06 am