
Ridazz Roulette!

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Something Else The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time #84 - All City Toy Ride V Fry-Day NIGHT #33 - Swarm the Pier Hot Box Parties Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Taco Tuesdays data center Handicapped Canines #27 - Safety Ride The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial

The Days of Our Ridazz.

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Topic Box:
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this is..   1
sic video!   3
Labor day..   0
I sooo want this!   4
don't forget   0
"Oh. My. God."   2
dm RIDE   12
Blood In, Blood Out ...   1
???   2
Wolfpack All City Te...   7
Biking Dictionary   6
FULL MOON "Tour de P...   6
26" coaster brake wh...   4
Cycledelic Saturdays...   5
Labor Day Lollygagge...   0
Bike Training   14
Ultimate Chick Rider   11
Seattle Chapter   6
Downhill Glacier Rac...   4
How to steal 23 mabo...   25
Lose Your Roaditude!...   5
Bicyclist killed in ...   6
bycyclist   2
Russell Crowe wins b...   15
$12 bike helmet   6
Ghost Bike....?   1
Did I win?   17
Happy Birthday LA!   1
C.R.A.N.K. MOB 8.09   77
NYC Century Bike To...   1
Gettin' the UFCK out...   12
calendar listings ar...   3
F Yeah Fest 2009   38
"your ride sucks" T ...   27
wheels 4 meals   1
LBS that sells Frame...   4
roadtrip to PDX   1
Patti Smith @ Santa ...   12
SMC Bike Security   0
MY art walk event!   3
FYF Festie 09 DTLA t...   0
Funny or Not?   31
thanks, friendzzzz   11
Midnight Ridazz: The...   14
ATTN: hurryup   0
I'm taking Donations   5
did you know   18
rida who works @ leo...   1
Performance   9
My bike = obliterate...   4
SMC Ridazzzz   3
NYer Rides city path...   5
David Byrne On Two W...   48
Can anyone do 30 mil...   21
Can I borrow your te...   14
Attn: Palucha66   152
all over the northea...   0
ATTN: northernsoulbi...   28
Festival of Lights   1
stolen masi on Cmob?   13
** Commute to SMC **   17
OJ Simpson..?   11
I need AEROSPOKE   11
Joe Borfo where are ...   3
Fat Tire Festival-SD...   1
2009 BICYCLE FILM FE...   56
you wanna mess with ...   12
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Taco tues?   7
bear dicks   76
so who went to the p...   5
OUCH   6
Hey WTF! northernsou...   1
New RIDE,Need more p...   15
yes you did   5
gonna go fight some ...   9
San Fernando Valley ...   18
Flying Pigeon LA in ...   5
30 miles in the rain   17
so i was thinking   6
stupid mechanical q   9
Bird Man out for a w...   3
BFF gone wild   41
TOUR de HOOD   24
another stolen bike   14
Bicycle Dreams Scree...   12
jesus christ ride   1
Beautiful Vintage Sc...   6
Air Quality   13
Algalita Marine Rese...   26
we're like deer   19
stupid fools   9
Midnight Ride movie   25
Im going to build th...   7
Commute to work   3
videos from lacm rac...   1
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bait bicycles   9
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today was a sexy day   7
bike rack   2
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Rider of the year   1
they stole my seat   11
I had a great day   33
Ridazz and Their Tik...   7
Romantics Anonymous   37
Ride to BFF All City...   26
Sunday Morning Ride   4
black & white film   3
Does any one know ho...   14
berlin ridazz?   0
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POODLES!!!   6
Ride from Southeast ...   9
PeDaL PunX PirAte Ri...   18
Tough on Texting Dri...   3
TRADE!!   0
2 burning man ticket...   6
This is what happens   12
Attn: John Clark   19
LACM vs BFF   51
peoples ride   5
GET %50 OFF TODAY!   0
slurp ride   0
bright light streaki...   1
The beach ?   0
Peugeot   0
8.18 dockweiler   36
Who the fuck is DJ A...   30
ROTW: C.R.A.N.K. MOB   48
Tesla the silent dea...   19
Ultimate Muscle Roll...   3
Bag?   32
disappearing car doo...   4
MTA wants you to pay...   13
Chicago Critical Mas...   5
anybody   0
TATTOO RIDE #17 WITN...   17
wylie eats pussy   18
Victory! Reseda Bik...   7
Battery Swapmeet Run...   11
straight bored .....   29
YARD SALE - Bike Par...   0
1 Reason why a Victo...   4
junu has a date toni...   32
Hey Midnight Ridazz   3
Steamroller vs. Milw...   6
Pasadena to Ban Bike...   84
Cool Ass Dog Needs A...   8
I NEED these parts   6
Vive Le Tour   9
Belt or Chain?   78
Rider Down   29
SF to LA Sept. 6th   7
My nose is burning ....   21
subway to the sea   12
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Facebook Privacy   16
Attn: Madmelo   24
London Ridazz.   18
anyone selling a fra...   9
sfv pirate ride   6
T.O.T.M spoke cards   8
LB Bike Kitchen Gran...   1
Boooooo   17
New ride concept   3
ATTN: neverclever   2
ATTN: 666   3
where do i get one o...   27
Lance puts out kille...   7
...fucking Juno.   13
CA garage sale (bike...   0
Naked Ride?   1
come hang out at my ...   3
sata HD enclosure   4
facebook exclusive r...   165
Keirin Frame Questio...   6
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Axolotl   10
My mallet------{}   28
whos going to ride t...   0
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a tension   6
ATTN: ATTN posters   24
Attn md2   5
ATTN: OsnapsonJC   1
attn: PDX riders,   6
attn: REPIN213 - STO...   30
ATTN: Imachynna   17
Attn::stolen bikes 8...   3
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ATTN: Jaz vs. AT   15
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attn boogaloo (alex)   10
Attn: User1 aka Alan   30
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To MR: my apology   45
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i can't get enough   2
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you have just been s...   5

Thread Box:
How Many Bikes and Why?
Thread started by md2 at 08.4.09 - 11:13 am

Slow day...again... Cali is getting me worried... work is slow, taxes increasing, wack budget, no gov funds, leaders blow... hollywood is being sourced overseas... so.. to distract my worries...

I was commenting to another poster about a mechanical issue, and I suggested saving for upgrading his current rig, but knowing sometimes its just not "worth" doing so.

It reminded me of a issue Ive grappled with for many years: how many bikes SHOULD a person own?

Personally Ive wanted for years to get get down to ONE bike. I havent been able. Im down to two (essentially 3 - i have my childhood BMX still but dont ride it).


1. Environment

2. Maintaining all your bikes.

3. Sometimes you have that bike that just gets neglected.

4. Worth/theft: For real reasons -- you want a nice bike for what your style of riding, but you cant lock it up and watch a movie, or buy groceries, or eat dinner --without worrying about it. Hence, you have at least a beater or less nice bike, and youre investment bike.

Im interested in knowing, how some of you approach the issue. Do you own ONE bike, two or three? Why? How many applications do you use your bike for (i.e. trails, cyclocross, fixed, geared, disc, canti)?

Fuck it, just ride what you got, right?


i had 3 bikes and it was too much. 1 commuter, 1 racer is enough i barely get enough time on both as is.

08.4.09 - 11:15 am


right... but suppose you tried to mesh both your worlds together... what problems are you finding that prevent your racer from being your commuter or vice versa...

and have you toyed with any attempts at a solution?

responding to a comment by _iJunes
08.4.09 - 11:18 am


getting it stolen. one bike i am prepared to lose.

responding to a comment by md2
08.4.09 - 11:22 am


After many years I now have :

geared roadbike
singlespeed roadbike
folding bike
freak bike
mini bike

Why? ...

I like bikes.

Joe Borfo
08.4.09 - 11:23 am


Only reason I'm not able to get into a desirable form of my other occupational set is due merely to an accident, not the economy.
However, by 10/10, that will eventually clear up and I'll be road-worthy once more.

Until then, I've got to work with what I've got and raise my voice at certain people to get it through their thick skulls that they need to do their part.

Then I run into these jerkoffs that, despite having more hours that everyone else and working at night, that they need more freedom.
If they keep it up, I'll gladly risk mine to rip their crybaby ass a new one.

08.4.09 - 11:25 am


i have a fixed gear for commuting and a utility bike for towing. it's a single speed mountain bike with hi-rise bars. the wide tires are also good for when it's raining and it has platforms so i dont have to be clipped in. my next project is a mountainbike with a 3-speed coasterbrake. might be a little more practical for towing.

and then, of course, there is the $1300 road bike of my dreams...

08.4.09 - 11:32 am


I think it depends on what kind of bicycle riding a person likes do. But, to encompass the whole bicycling experience, a rida should have at least 6 bikes minimum.

1. A roadbike - for long distance and hilly rides
2. A fixed-gear bike - for tricks general riding
3. A mountain bike - for dirt riding
4. A beach-cruiser -for short distance comfortable cruising
5. A freakbike/tallbike/homemade/custom - ask Richie
6. A beater bike - one that you can leave at the metro station or let a friend borrow

08.4.09 - 11:33 am



Thats a given...
I assume we all love bikes.

I use to have like 11 bikes... but it seems like excess (difference between 7 cars). Im not suggesting anything... I think cars and collecting bikes is fine... I just have wanted to more and more to experience the freedom of "having"... (must of this is just vague thinking).. but as I let more "stuff" go, I tend to feel better. I think this is why SS essentially was so wonderful. You just kept getting down to what you "really need".

I guess thats the "spirit" of the thread (i hope) Anyhow, maybe besides the point.

But suppose you have a person who wants ONE bike. And that one bike will "satisfy" all their bicycle whims... what would you consider?

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
08.4.09 - 11:36 am


Oh yeah, a SWB, 26"/20" recumbent for smokin' the local spandex set!!!

08.4.09 - 11:39 am


sorry for the grammar on the last post..


Why cant 4 satisfy 6 or vice versa? Down to 5 bikes
Why cant 3 satisfy 4 and 6? Down to 4 bikes
Why cant 2 satisfy 1? Down to 3 Bikes

I think 5 is sort of out of the equation... its kind of like suggesting i need one pair of dress shoes that go with everything... and a pair of gold plated shoes, just because. The point being--its falls more into "i just like bikes, and this is one of my creations". Not trying to step on the tall-bike toes... dont take it the wrong way

With out the tall/custom bikes

I think you can narrow it down to 2 bikes (honestly). If not, why?

responding to a comment by speedybrian2000
08.4.09 - 11:43 am


My wife would like to know that answer too.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by md2
08.4.09 - 11:54 am


1. All carbon/Ultegra road bike
2. steel fuji single speed
3. Hard tail mt. bike
4. Steel Centurion 14 speed project bike (needs wheels)
5. tandem
6. Beater mt. bike with slicks

I use them all regularly, but storing such a herd is a pain.
I just donated #7, a mixtie 3 speed, to the Bicycle Tree because nobody was riding it.

Its really nice when I'm ready to ride and discover a flat. Just grab another bike and go!

Creative Thing
08.4.09 - 11:55 am


The most bikes I've ever owned was yesterday, before I sold my track bike. Two mountain bikes (one really nice '98 Rocky Mountain rigid with perfect geometry, one for touring), coaster brake polo bike, track bike (sold that to a friend yesterday), and my folding fixie.

Really, I only ever ride one bike. I rode the polo bike in Canada all winter and spring. The RM gets some use from my brother for commuting. I would be perfectly happy owning only an S&S coupled track bike. Polo bike is a luxury since I don't play that often (then again, I found my current one in the trash, and a bike on the road is better than a bike in the landfill).

08.4.09 - 12:02 pm


I don't know I think I have maybe 9843759810475104350874356983456345 or so. I just picked up a free 16" Barbie bike. I rode it a few blocks down in San Diego to get a burrito, then rode it from the parking lot to the San Diego velodrome. It takes a long time to do a lap on that thing.

I will let you all know the gearing.

08.4.09 - 12:06 pm


If you want to get down to one bike, get a mtb either full suspension or front, and get two sets of wheels. One for street, and one for trials.

08.4.09 - 12:12 pm



Who THe F@#* are you? BIG SISTER! The bike Census

Mind your own business. I have many bikes. I have the space to store them and the money to maintain them. When you need one because yours got stoled or broken down. No You can't borrow mine.

If you have some issues with the number of bikes you have, work it out yourself.
Don't impose your personnel struggles on everyone else around here.

You want to have only one bike then have only one bike. You don't need a group effort to get down to one bike. Do it yourself!

08.4.09 - 12:16 pm


I have two bikes, a fixed gear, and a road racing bike that I don't deserve.

I want 11 more bikes.

A good geared road bike that isn't as nice as the other, a beater, a freakbike, a vintage bike, a touring bike, a mini bike, a tandem, a polo bike (haha!), and some more. Bwahah.

08.4.09 - 12:16 pm


So, Allan is a trials-riders himself!!!!!

No wonder he's been hawking the vids, he's out there trying to find a sponsor!!!

responding to a comment by User1
08.4.09 - 12:18 pm


All Chynna really needs is a unicycle and a pogo-stick for those days when the circus is closed/

responding to a comment by imachynna
08.4.09 - 12:20 pm


Here's the thing, if you're into touring, but you enjoy riding fixed, how could you have only one bike that satisfies both ? :| But that question asides, here's my current 'collection':

1) Black nishiki mixte, going to put my rack on this one and use it as a commuter/touring/beater - it's already a bit scraped, so I don't mind stuffing it in a box on the train
2) Pristine condition Olympic 12 Nishiki mixte - Will keep this one bare except for a Rivendell seat bag, and ride it for fun where it'll be with me at all times.
3) Old school (50's?) Schwinn tricycle with wooden platform in the back, modded from its original basket - Potential to sell items out of this classy number.. :) Was gonna use it to schlep heavy items, but it's a bit unstable. :P Gonna work on that issue next..
4) Old school schwinn tandem - Cause two is even more fun than one :D - Gonna put a small rack/basket in the back for Farmer's market jaunts with the bf.
5) Pretty Raleigh frame I got in Portland- future fixed gear/single speed project?

I gotta agree with above posters: I love my bicycle(s). It's also fun to have a bike to work on, and I'll tell you all these bikes need work.. XP They're also all old school bicycles, I wonder what it'd be like to have an ultra fancy bicycle, or one of the lovely touring numbers from Rivendell.. Shifting with the old suntours on the mixtes can be jarring sometimes. And to answer your question about how many bikes a person should own: Well, if a month or two goes by and one of your bicycles hasn't been used, perhaps that's the one that should go. Unless you have a nice display space for your bicycles for people to admire, then it should stay?

08.4.09 - 12:28 pm


Don't get mad kids.

1. Bianchi Thron climbing frame made for the 95 Giro/Tour mountain stages lugged steel CAMPY vintage 8 speed
2. Bianchi Chrono time trial bike alloy SHIMANO
3. Bianchi San Mateo road bike alloy/carbon CAMPY
4. Mondonico Spirit lugged steel CAMPY
5. Torelli VERDE limited prototype carbon SRAM RED
6. Torelli Tipo Uno steel MIXED
7. Torelli Corsa Pista steel CAMPY
8. Yeti 575 SRAM and all the fixin'z Manitou/FOX some XTR custom Thompson gold post and stem BLING
9. 16" BARBIE BIKE with "I LOVE MY BIKE" bell
10. 1898 Sirrus yes that is the year!!!
11. Bontrager Pro-XL BMX bike in parents attic wrapped in plastic and protected in a box
12. Independant Fabrication Crown Jewel custom sprinting bike for criteriums
and many more.

Well thats a quick list of non-motorized to get you started. I have hundreds of parts and tons of wheels frames and other stuff to make more and more BIKES.


08.4.09 - 12:39 pm


MARIN DRAKES BEACH is chillin at the house too.

YOOOOO, dedicated818 lets see a list!!!

08.4.09 - 12:41 pm


Well you didnt have to reply...

Thanks for your suggestions...

Many bikes
Enough storage
Enough money
if you want one bike have only one bike

I wasnt asking anyone to get my bike collection to "1"... just seeing what others did... they dont have to reply either. So not so much for a Big Sister, or bike census... no one was "forced" or "required" to reply

responding to a comment by sexy
08.4.09 - 12:44 pm


until recently i had

1 the kestrel- triathlon
2 the vintage huffy- salton sea bike
3 the motebecane- first vintage
4 the schwinn- beater roadbike
5 the pake- ma fixie commuter
6 the unicycle
7 the tandem

now i'm down to three it's good to clean out the closet every once and a while and make way for new projects, but each of these bikes served their purpose.

responding to a comment by parlorbikes
08.4.09 - 12:45 pm


Adam, are you taking drugs out there in the desert?

responding to a comment by bentstrider
08.4.09 - 12:48 pm


I need to do some cleaning. Interbike is around the corner, and I usually end up with 3-10 more after that.

responding to a comment by steph
08.4.09 - 12:50 pm


I did this once... but still couldnt feel comfortable using it a commuter, that is, to run errands.

I ride fully rigid MTB... so it works well hitting the streets.

I just thought some people might have toyed with the idea of owning one bike for multiple purposes... just seeing what they do...

Understandably, people who love bikes, love having a bunch... I do too..

I guess I think you need a beater bike and nice bike if youre doing more performance style riding. Just thought maybe others tried to figure out solutions.

Actually I work for Trek, so its part of the marketing scheme for a new project-- The ONE bike...

oh well, still its cool reading about your bikes... and Im glad people are riding various styles/ terrain.

responding to a comment by User1
08.4.09 - 12:56 pm


Are you entering the Oregon Manifest?

responding to a comment by md2
08.4.09 - 1:02 pm


The "One" bike, I like that idea.

Searching for "the one"...I finally found "the one"...

I have lots of bikes, but they are all rescues. I'm the crazy cat lady of bikes.

08.4.09 - 1:27 pm


I am in a drinking gang with a bike hoarding problem.

If I HAD to choose one bike it would be....

Tall Bike (which I currently don't have right now)

Joe Borfo
08.4.09 - 1:37 pm


3 bikes

shitty mtb bike for cruising and bike polo
geared roadbike bike for wolfpack / long distance - currently smashed
touring bike - my bike for life 69cm 88' canondale.

08.4.09 - 1:53 pm



tall bike and touring bike are on my list of next to own.

responding to a comment by Roadblock
08.4.09 - 1:59 pm


I have:

SS MTB -- gearing is for trails only. I wish it were canti compatible so i can run a fixed/free. I should probably just run it fixed all together. Disc only frame... kind of sucks at times... I would have to remove the disc everytime i want to ride it fixed. Mount a cog to the disc mount...

Monster Cross Rig - Cross bike, Fully geared at the moment. My ongoing one bike project. I can run 29er tires (mucho clearance), run slicks for commuting, "can" add a rear bike rack (front too), and I run some trail friendly drop bars on it. I do road rides, mtb rides (singletrack at most), commute. Its fun climbing on trails, but with wider 29er tires, i get a nice amount of toe-overlap (not fun, but not a huge issue). It also has semi-horizontal drops, so I can run it SS/fixed. Obviously it has a derailleur hanger.

but for trail riding it has its limits. I still really enjoy a sloping top tube mountain frame, unlike a road frame. But its fun thus far.

I think its the closest I found to a ONE bike solution (as you can see not a real "needed" solution). Still theres the lack of it being a beater bike. Two wheelsets can give it a cheap commuter downgrade, and a nice 29er set for the trails.

Sometimes thinking about simplicity can be complicated.

Like the rest of you-- I love thinking about bikes

08.4.09 - 2:19 pm


As long as you've got a place to store them, why not?

I've got 2, but have my <3 set on one day having a mini pennyfarthing. I know that day is coming!

responding to a comment by md2
08.4.09 - 2:31 pm


I feel like the point was lost a while back... my fault.

I wasnt suggesting you SHOULDNT have more than one.

Whats missing probably to some, is that the whole single speed fad, trend, or interest (whatever you want to call it) started somewhere. Not to confuse the origin of a one geared bike, to the beginnings of the modern regress to ride SS again.

Gears blew up... bikes got lighter...crazier and whatever else... some of us just want to ride a bike, and make it a simple a possible. Its a sort of deep breath in the " i need a thompson seatpost" mentality. Do you? maybe. Sure, I'd buy one.

I guess part of the interest in this thread was taking the idea of "needs" and available options... to find a solution.

Many SS riders find that they dont "need" 29 gears. they only "need" one.

Okay, lets take the same thinking to bikes as a whole:

do you "need" 15 bikes or one?

Its not a philosophical argument or some kind of intrusion on your privacy. I think there is a good and healthy trend in modern culture that is beginning to ask more questions about our "needs". The recent recession put a lot people back into--fuck did i really need 4 tvs and an SUV?

Suppose there were a bike that was tall, trail, worthy, could road race, Ryan Nyquist won x-games on, and could fold into your back pocket.

The conservation wouldnt be so weird then. Surly is probably one of the best companies trying to put out bikes that are really purposeful. Its not the best material... but how could you not love their interest and ability to produce great, meaningful bikes?

Theres obviously an interest... and it can have good implications.

responding to a comment by kryxtanicole
08.4.09 - 2:51 pm


a road bike for fast group rides with climbs
a fixed gear for medium-paced rides, recovery rides, flat rides, and just because it's fun
a foldie for commuting (can carry onto metro during peak hours)
also have a mountain bike but that's back up in norcal at my parents' house, for mtbing of course.

definitely do not have enough time to ride them all, except my foldie. wanting to downsize the stable but there will be too many compromises.

08.4.09 - 3:18 pm


What about having one frame and some different wheels and bars.
keep it set up with the three-speed sturmey archer fixed hub and youre good to go.
then also a three-speed sturmey archer not fixed on another wheel set, and Have some brakes!

08.4.09 - 3:44 pm


or any internally geared hub.
lace that to some nicve wheels and congratulations you have a good bike for most things.

08.4.09 - 3:47 pm


I really want to get a Rohloff internal hub... expensive though. Cool to have a disc one, and ride it fixed too.

I agree, wheelsets are a good idea.... ive done/do that.

responding to a comment by bicycle-druggie
08.4.09 - 3:49 pm


Four for me....

Single-speed freewheel city commuter road bike (old schwinn)

Nice road bike. 2002 Cannondale R900 AL w/ all campy and Kyserium SLs.

Giant Trance, dual-suspension mtn

Hardtail mtn bike, Klien Attitude Race, 2002 or so. Reba, locking front.

I would really like a geared city/commuter bike. Something like my fast road, but not as nice with clips for sandals. Maybe will build-up someday.

08.4.09 - 3:52 pm


I am jealous of you all.

08.4.09 - 3:52 pm


This seems a great excuse to say that I now own three bikes and just bought one from ubrayj at the Flying Pigeon shop on Fig on Sunday. It's a great shop, everyone should visit!

08.4.09 - 4:00 pm


i have one bike - my steamroller (fixed gear road bike). well, two bikes if you count the dusty nishiki girls hybrid that sits in my garage, which i'll probably just get rid of when the opportunity arises.

the steamroller takes me on drunken party rides, fast rides, gets me groceries, cruises by the beach, and takes me up whatever hill i run into. certain bikes are obviously suited better to certain types of riding, but i have yet to run into anything short of rocky off roading that it absolutely couldn't do. it will probably be my do everything bike for quite a while.

that being said i'm still constantly fantasizing about a classy city bike with some racks and panniers i can toss my groceries in and cruise around town on, or a single speed mtb/cyclo cross bike i can take down some trails, since i kind of miss my bmx days of dirt riding. i think the only reason i don't have one or the other already is because i'm picky and i see them as something to give me enjoyment rather than as a necessity, so i can take all the time i want finding the one that suits me.

oh...and andres has been making me want a tallbike, but i would die pretty quickly. maybe i'll just weld a mini-bike on the nishiki and have a medium-tallbike.

08.4.09 - 4:01 pm


I think we should have as many bikes as we can store. I tried to pare my herd to a just the essentials and this is what I ended up with.

1. Road - Cannondale SuperSix
2. Road SS -Cannondale SuperSix - an exercise in excess
3. Mountain XC - Santa Cruz Blur
4. Mountain SS - Cannondale 1FG
5. Cyclocross - Redline Conquest
6. BMX Cruiser
7. Track - Waterford
8 Vintage Racer - 1972 Peugeot PX10
9 Tandem

Just got rid of my Santa Cruz Nomad, hoping to buy a Blur LT. That answers the how many bikes does one need. Got rid of a few bikes but still have 8 extra sets of wheels.

08.4.09 - 4:14 pm


Hey you didn't stop by the Oven so I missed you, but I know what you bought on Sunday..

No, I don't have one of those and not too many other people whom I know do, either.;))

Anybody want to guess what he got?

responding to a comment by daymen
08.4.09 - 4:14 pm


i'm down to eleven bikes.

out of all of them the bike that comes closest to being "The One" is my 1991 Trek 970 Single Track. it's a rigid MTB, 21 speeds, flat bars and i've got two wheelsets for it: slicks and knobbies. i've taken it on my commute, on the trails, on loaded camping trips, on road/bus/train trips, on Wolfpack, on C.MOB, i've even taken it on the track (unofficially of course). this is also the bike that i lend to my friends visiting town.

i've also got three track bikes, two road bikes, two touring bikes, one fixie conversion, one SS coaster brake conversion and one random mini bike.

i don't use one of the track bikes (it's in London), one of the road bikes (thanks, Franz), the fixie or the mini bike. so that's four bikes i wouldn't mind getting rid of.

i would love to have a SS 29'er with discs.

08.4.09 - 4:52 pm


the coaster brake pigeon?

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by alicestrong
08.4.09 - 4:59 pm


Yeah, I dunno why I didn't think to stop by the Oven while I was in the neighborhood. Uhm HI Alice! What do I get if I get what I bought (i.e. what my wife got me...)

responding to a comment by alicestrong
08.4.09 - 5:12 pm


I have two bikes. One is the beach cruiser and the other is a single speed track bike. I like to use the beach cruiser for Wolfpack and to run my errands around the valley because it's like riding in a Cadillac and the basket up front makes it perfect for that. I use the track bike for everything else. I ride both of them regularly. A mountain bike would be nice too for romping trails though I must say.

08.4.09 - 5:51 pm


I love my bikes.
The problem is as soon as you complete a build you look for something new!

08.4.09 - 5:56 pm


"just because" is a good enough excuse for me to have that many bikes.

very nice!

responding to a comment by adventurich
08.4.09 - 6:00 pm


1 fixie
1 10 speed
1 dented clunker (hit by car) for spare parts

Today is my first day CAR FREE!

0 cars.

2 bikes should always be operational in case of
like a thousand things that could happen to either one.

0 cars.

08.4.09 - 6:20 pm


I have about 40 bikes, no including the Choppercabras event bikes, that would be another 40.

responding to a comment by Hair
08.4.09 - 9:44 pm


sc_blur!!!!you gonna change it coach?

responding to a comment by sc_nomad
08.4.09 - 10:59 pm


If I figure the uses to which I might want to put a "one" bike

1. sporty commuting
2. sport road riding
3. social rides
4. mountain biking
5. bikejoring
6. touring

A disk brake 29'er frame with road and mountain wheels and an adjustable or flip flop stem would actually satisfy pretty much all of those, but almost none of them ideally. It kind of sucks to always be riding a compromise.

For me, part of the joy of being a cyclist is tinkering on them, upgrading them, trying new things, etc. I don't consider multiple bike ownership any kind of burden, except on my wallet, of course.

Then there are the specialty bikes - tandem, folding, tall, ordinary. Pretty hard to get any of the function of those bikes in a "one" bike, though I guess an ordinary and a tall bike overlap pretty well.

My current stable -

performance road bike
fs mountain bike
folding bike
full parts for a mountain bike, except frame
full parts for cyclocross bike, except frame

cross parts are going to be built up into a comfort bike for touring/social rides
montain parts will go on a tall bike

My knees won't do fixed, even though I enjoy riding fixed.

08.4.09 - 11:43 pm


Adam, are you taking drugs out there in the desert?

No drugs here, Allan.
Just the usual neglect of wanderlust wreaking havoc on my prematurely aged brain-cells.

responding to a comment by User1
08.5.09 - 4:21 am


More uncommon than a coaster brake pigeon, at least around these parts...;)

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
08.5.09 - 6:28 am


the $1300 road bike of my dreams

$1300? That's it? for a "dream" bike? Shiit...my dream road bike would have more than that just in the group!

la duderina
responding to a comment by tortuga_veloce
08.5.09 - 12:53 pm


Quoting ideasculptor:
>Pretty hard to get any of the function of those bikes in a "one" bike

I fully agree. Different bikes for different 'sweet spots'!!!

Here are the the three major 'sweet spot' bikes I like:

* For Shopping for a 3 person + 1 Cat Family: A hardtail hybrid bike with the XTRACYCLE Free Radical and H-Loaders on one or both sides. Recently took home from Costco in one load:
** 40 box of Kitty Litter
** Computer printer
** Two boxes of 8 cans of green beans
** Other stuff in canvas bags
This beast can carry 8 canvas bags of heavy stuff plus lighter boxes stacked on the deck on top. Having close ratio slow speed MTB gears is a real plus when the load is heavy (100+ LBS can do, if slowly!). Fabulous carrying utility, holds up when the loads get heavy, even unwieldy. I could add a trailer but don't need it. Cheap-o plastic MTB toe clips add *lots* of power for carrying heavy loads. There's a Salvation Army across the street from my neighborhood Costco; I try to drop off old stuff there at the Sally Am before going across the street to Costco to load up on new stuff (mostly food). Funny, I never did that (stop at the Sally Am first) when using the car to go to Costco, but it seems so right when riding the Xtracycle. Riding an X does change one's thinking.

* Regular Commuting / Mixed Mode Commuting / Social: DAHON 2006 Speed-TR Folding Bike (aka the "Transformer Bike") with SRAM Dual Drive; swapped out the stock 46 T chainring for a 56 T
** Top speed so far: 40.2 MPH downhill (Of course downhill. Can overspin only to 21 MPH, maintain 17, this is not *real* performance, but its enough to be fun)
** Can bring abort Metro folded
** Can store it in the car!!!
** Short wheelbase, 20" wheels, and sensitive steering make it easier to go over the bars with this bike, my having done that twice now on mine (ouch) and my wife once on hers (ouch)
** For tinkering challenges and speedy starts, the Dual Drive has a 3-speed geared hub combined with an 8 speed cassette on the back axle. Nice wide 1.33 to 1 ratio changes with each hub gear step, can upshift the hub under full power, downshift it at a stop, very cool. Narrower ratios are on the cogs, I use those at higher speeds. Downshift the hub at high speed for a burst of overspinning, then back up to cool off. Wheeee!!!!
** Would be nice to fit toe clips on this but the folding mech in the pedals gets in the way

* Hot weather commuting: A long wheelbase RANS Stratus classic recumbent. Gift to the family from my sister-in-law, thank you 5-Foot-Twelve!
** Much less sweat-per-mile in 100+ SFV summers on a 5 mile commute than from any of my other bikes.
** Slower to accelerate, faster top speed, slower uphill, faster downhill
** Turning radius so wide it's NSFSR (Not Suitable For Social Rides) -- unless we do a Recumbent Ride (what, all two of us, right?)
** Countersteering a must-learn technique for this bike even though it doesn't help much
** Tillering of the handlebars is extreme enough that one has to let go of the outer handle and steer with only one hand when trying to make tight (for this bike, whats-the-big-deal for a road bike) turns
** Easy on an old man's occasionally achy joints
** Impossible to jump off of should a crash impend. It has a loud bell; I ring it well.
** Can overspin to 25 MPH, maintain 20. That, with the low-sweat per mile, are what give this bike a 'special sweet' spot of its own.
** Would make a funny picture when looked-at down from atop a tallbike.

* Guest and backup bike: A DAHON Boardwalk foldie.


* To put this in a larger context, for destination co-ordinates outside some Load Weight x Distance x Load Size x MTA Doesn't Run At That Hour limit shape, the mode of transport still has to be my car. I am down from 15,000 car-miles per year pre-bike to less than 6,000 car-miles per year and now. Perhaps I would post my mileage stats and update them now and then as a reality check.

I think the bike 'sweet spots' I have found and I like are just too far apart from one another to be reached with just one frame design.

Call me Over-The-Top if you wish, or just

responding to a comment by ideasculptor
08.9.09 - 1:20 pm


* Dahon Vitesse Foldie
* Specialized old school MTB set up for commuting
* Dawes SST single speed

Bikes like porn. More more more

08.9.09 - 1:29 pm


Is this "the one"?


But I wouldn't want to leave it out of my sight for even a second...

08.10.09 - 9:24 am


I have a few custom bikes and single speeds, but I miss having a mountain bike!

08.10.09 - 11:48 am


Two bikes.. one for the dirt, one for the road. Easy peezy.

08.10.09 - 2:18 pm



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