NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
So we're working on the route and some surprises. If you have any suggestions or want to give us a sneak peek at your costume post that issh here (tights encouraged).
I don't know if I will be able to pedal in my suit of armor. Can anyone lone me something more breathable and airy and... evil?
Also should we play a game or are we just going to parade around mugging for cameras and looking like the bad asses we are?
Awesome video. Gotta love the things cops come up with to say. My favorite is after racing down Montana avenue on blades with Friday Night Skate, a Santa Monica cop rolled up and announced to our group over the megaphone, "You are not a car." Was a wonderful observation.
He absolutely, positively did say that citations were going to flow like the tide. It's not often that a cop makes me LOL, so I remember the incident well (I actually applauded).
I joined up with this after doing Critical Mass. Totally awesome ride. I've never ridden in the downtown tunnels or across the 1st / 4th Street Bridges. Very fun, very chill, totally solid ride.
Kick ass spoke card.
Props to whomever made them.
I only saw three breakdowns, two injuries, and one motorist incident.
Whoever the jack-ass was in the Misfits T-shirt.............
This was not a stock car race. Thank you very much for wrecking my bike, and my ankle. I saw you hit at least four other people after you took me, and two other guys out. Be safe and slow down next time. Have a little respect for other ridazz in the group.
Other than that I had a kick ass time! Thanks for putting this together for us. PROPS!
P.S. The tar pits smelled like shit, let's not stop there again.
the five hills at the beginning killed my monkey ass. it wasn't until 3rd and flower that i realized i had a flat. thanks to the folks that helped me change the flat on bixel. you guys saved the day.
then we continued only to have a majority of our group stopped by a psycho cop near western who apparently threw bikes and people on the ground and didn't cite anyone.
these situations made it so that instead of riding to the tar pits, we rode straight to the 711 near pan pacific so we could catch up.
When we got to the 7-11, everyone was leaving...nooooooo
we rode to about santa monica and vine and decided to take the "shame train" (MTA bus) home.
it was fun last night before all the bullshit happened.
Hey what happen last night, I though we all gonna eat in Thai Plaza. Anyway I hope the guy that I lend my ipod to use with his mobile speaker get this message. call 213-948-1329.....bulet
I'll fwd this # to Dan (the guy who has your ipod). We were looking for you and apparently you turned off at the wrong place. Sorry bout that. At any rate, your ipod is in good hands and we'll get it back to you as soon as possible.
Ok, seriously, this ride was fucking pehnomenal. A lot of riding and not too many stops. Some good hills, both down and up. And the route fucking rocked.
Eventhough, my boy Alex and I took a dump in the middle of Wilshire and La Brea, I still had a great time.
And, Ariel, I believe her name is...the one with the, she is one good looking lady. I had fun drinking with you, Radical and you're other friends at the Vine Bar...
Took a friend on her first ride, turns out this was the longest ride she had ever taken, not sure she or the heavy 3-speed were up for so much hilly excitement so soon.
When it finally dawned on us that the final route was not a round trip like the initial map suggested, we opted out and headed back to the start. Would have been good to know from the beginning, but the side adventure was fun. Sorta.
Despite a few needless miles due to a wrong turn on our way back and the flat tire she got right at the end, there may still be a new rider joining the ranks.
the group i was with took off after the tar pits. we took some turns to end up at sunset and then rode down sunset for 15 miles or so back to the start.
props to the girls at the top of the first hill for snoop dogging the blunt.
Great ride everyone... Here's the route from the ride.
This was pretty good mileage... especially for those that joined from LA Critical Mass. Man those hills were unexpected but felt really good going downhill. That stop on 3rd and Vermont... really needed those refreshments. Man... I said screw the beer and hello Gatorade. Thanks to those that put this ride together!!
This was one of the fastest MR rides. Especially the first half. The group size was perfect, about 200 people. This meant we never had to cork for more than a light and that kept confrontations with drivers to a minimum. It was quick and fun.
my first post here so i hope it isn't ferschnockered... thanks for a good 2nd ride, kids... always have a blast with you.
as for all the flats i keep hearing about, check this out. a bit hard to get on initially, but with some prying and sweating, it is definitely worth it. solid rubber tires:
THANK YOU RIDAZZ! You guys are soooo awesome and I can't thank you enough for coming out to our 1st ride!! We're def going to throw more and we are reading the comments and fantastically funny video(s) and taking note! bbd! thanks again for providing the music! Ridazz thanks for ridin' sharing the experience, the beer and the extras :)
yeah well that's what i do: goof around... i posted it cuz' it had some of the ride in it. we had to bail cuz' my friend got sick, so that's all i got.
i knew it'd make someone crabby, but oh well. i had fun so ftw.
Thank you all for coming out. It was ET's and my first organized ride and albeit hilly and a bit scattered towards the end I had a great fucking time.
You think Super Villains are afraid of hills? No, we conquer them like a pack of bloodlusting Huns.
You all made it happen. To all those who were expecting the map that was on the site prior to the ride. I apologize, I have no idea how that got there. It must be a default map or something.
If anyone wants I got a fistfull of spoke cards left over and will be bringing them to the next ride. You can email me a request at drop me your address and I'll try to mail a few.