TO ALL RIDAZZ: Please Use This Flier!
Thread started by
MikeyWalsh at 12.30.07 - 12:45 am
I was on the ride in The Valley tonight and something happened to me that has happened to many of us.
I was approached by someone asking, "What's going on? What are you guys doing?"
Suddenly it hit me. WHY ISN'T THERE A GENERIC FLYER TO PROMOTE THE RIDAZZ!? We should have one! A nice .PDF file that anyone can print out and make copies and then we can give them to people who ask what Midnight Ridazz is all about! Cool idea, huh? Smart way to "spread the word" to all those people at intersections and 7-11s who start asking us what is happening.
(The fact that I was approached by 4 REALLY hot chicks who were asking what was happening might have been part of my inspiration. I wished I had something to give them, so they could remember the URL and come on a ride!)
So, I made a generic flier myself.
CLICK HERE to download a copy. Now you can print some up and carry them with you on every single ride you do. From now on, when someone stops and asks, "What's going on?" you can give them a flier!
And bring a pen! That way, if it's someone REALLY cute, you can give them your phone number on the back....(Like I COULD have done tonight if I'd had these. Damnit!)
So if it was 4 really hot guys you wouldn't have thought of this idea.....?
kyber12.30.07 - 12:49 am
dood the ride still going ON
skano12.30.07 - 12:51 am
LOL i have to ask Mikey did you write that flyer?
skano12.30.07 - 12:55 am
Nope. I most likely wouldn't have thought of this idea if it was 4 hot guys. Those 4 hot girls will likely inspire me to conjure other private thoughts later tonight too. Probably while in the shower... But we don't need to go there....
Yeah, I know the ride is still going on. But I'm still recovering from a flu. So I figured I'd only do the first few miles then head back home. Didn't want to stay out in the cold for too long, now that I can finally breathe again.
Yes, I wrote the flier. Obviously, I stole most of the text from the Midnight Ridazz site, with slight modifications to make it appropriate as a flier instead of a website.
MikeyWalsh12.30.07 - 1:01 am
Perhaps I should make bumper stickers out of some of these.
Slap them onto some random, FlowMaster-equipped vehicles out here, distribute some at J&K Sports(only good bike-shop in the desert) and have at it.
bentstrider12.30.07 - 1:07 am
i think you should take "Non-Inclusive" out of what MR is NOT because it is really a double negative and i think you should put All-Inclusive under what MR IS. and then if you want to stay consistent with that kind of language you might want to think about taking out Non-Confrontational from what MR IS and put Confrontational under what MR is NOT.
junkboat12.30.07 - 1:17 am
I just copied that text from the "About the Ridazz" page on this very website.
But, you know, that's a pretty good idea. Thanks! I think I will do that...
MikeyWalsh12.30.07 - 1:20 am
well, that's what we get with a masthead of skeleton hands and double Zs.
dude, i was just being a asshole, that flier is awesome.
junkboat12.30.07 - 1:24 am
(The fact that I was approached by 4 REALLY hot chicks who were asking what was happening might have been part of my inspiration. I wished I had something to give them, so they could remember the URL and come on a ride!)
Ummm....It's called your phone number. I'm just sayin...
ideasculptor12.30.07 - 2:49 am
Yeah, yeah, dude, I know. I'm man enough to admit when I fuck up. And I fucked up.
Did you ever see "Knocked Up" and how the main character has the perfect opening with Katherine Higel's character and all the guys in the audience are thinking, "Dude! What the HELL are you doing? She totally left you an opening and you fucked it all up! What's WRONG with you?"
That would have been me tonight... Times four.
I needed a wingman to bitchslap me in the face.
MikeyWalsh12.30.07 - 3:10 am
this is some of the gayest shit i have ever seen.
dave c12.30.07 - 4:10 am
or just give them some off the wall cause that you made up and leave them scratching their head as you ride away.
leoleo12.30.07 - 4:35 am
Anything will work and be believable in the case of an MR-event.
When I was at GhostRide II, some dudes were chanting some
"pro-war" noise whilst riding down Vegas Blvd.
The looks on some of the car-drivers faces were priceless.
Cyclists+Pro-War/Right-Wing satire=Random, SPHC.
bentstrider12.30.07 - 5:07 am
Nice looking flyer.
There is something to be said about retaining the word of mouth mystery of MidnightRidazz.
When corking I have often just smiled a given simple friendly answers about what we are doing.
For people on the street interested in joining I just tell them MIDNIGHT RIDAZZ.
For people who yell out "where are you going" I usually say "BEER RUN" or "WERE LATE TO WORK" or some such wise ass comment.
My main concern with the flyer is that sombody who is really pissed about the ride and thinks its a mennace will have a hand written invitation on who to complain about.
"Hey (officer/ council member/ mafia hit squad) I just got stuck in a 10 minute traffic jam of people on bikes I'm not sure who they were but they handed me this flyer."
I think we have benifited be being somewhat under the radar.
Perhaps I'm being paranoid.
Ride On.
trickmilla12.30.07 - 9:51 am
Yeah, I think you may be paranoid. This is a public website after all. I can promise you the cops in every part of Los Angeles already know about it. We've had articles written up in The LA Times for goodness sake! I can promise you a LOT more of the public is being made aware of Midnight Ridazz by articles in The Times than they will be by us handing out fliers. We're not an "undergound secret" anymore.
Plus, remember, this is an idea to help spread the good word about Midnight Ridazz. Doesn't mean anyone will actually USE the fliers. Let's be realiztic - I'm willing to be that I'll use the fliers and... who else? Maybe 5 to 10 other people at most? I highly doubt these fliers will have the power to change the face of our subculture.
MikeyWalsh12.30.07 - 10:13 am
you are so
not elite anymore for revealing our most sacred of secret codes! Shit. now I'm not elite either for acknowledging that you have revealed our secret codes.
Please stop this carnage before more elitisim is lost...
trickmilla12.30.07 - 11:27 am
i'm going back to bed..........
Limeyfly12.30.07 - 11:38 am
It doesn't seem impossible to imagine a situation where a well meaning ridaa hands a flyer to an angry driver in an attempt to create some understanding, and the driver who cares very little for how wonderful we are, decides to use the flyer as documentation on which to base a complaint.
I think the flyer is nice. I don't think it's a terrible idea. its an idea I have thought about before and it is one that has been discussed here in the past.
I just think its worth considering what the potential risks vs. benifits of a flyer like this may be.
trickmilla12.30.07 - 11:41 am
yeah my usual answers to bystander questions:
"FOR FUN!" or "WHY NOT?"
i don't think that passing out a flyer saying that you are riding bikes with a bunch of dudes that you met off the internet is really going to help anyone get laid. but good luck!
onethirtynine12.30.07 - 11:42 am
I think Roadblock has resisted the idea of pointing back to this site since he is the sole owner and potential liability would point back to him.
Also there are a lot more rides than Midnight Ridazz such as Sins and Sprockets, Crank Mob etc so a more generic approach might be more appropriate.
It's true people on the street often ask; "This looks like fun. How can I join?" Instead of sending them to a single website one could list several. also have calendars with rides. Add LAfixed and bikeforums just to confuse them. Maybe a list of related websites about bicycles in LA is all it's needed. Otherwise we may never agree on the language of the text.
For example, personally I'm very opposed to language stating that Midnight Ridazz is not political. Actually I think it is the most vibrant grass roots political movement in the country. Just because it is fun it doesn't mean it's not political. We live and practice an alternative lifestyle with no consumerism, no leaders, no hierarchies.
Would I print that? No. Let people come and find out on their own why they like it and why they'd come back again.
The truth is that we look like we are having so much fun that people think we must get laid all the time. It's all a game of make believe.
marino12.30.07 - 11:59 am
It doesn't seem impossible to imagine a situation where a well meaning ridaa hands a flyer to an angry driver in an attempt to create some understanding, and the driver who cares very little for how wonderful we are, decides to use the flyer as documentation on which to base a complaint.
I agree with you 100%. That is very possible. Some jerks could easily turn something positive into something negative. That is entirely possible. However, I also think the likelihood of that scenario is negligible. The flier idea isn't to "out" the ride to hateful motorists. It's to provide positive promotion to those who are curious. Don't you get tired of having to explain how to spell "ridazz" so people can find the URL?
I just think its worth considering what the potential risks vs. benifits of a flyer like this may be.
I agree with you 1000% on this one and I did consider those risks.
I think the benefits greatly outweigh the risks. My intention behind designing the fliers is just a convenient and easy way to explain the rides TO PEOPLE WHO ASK. I never intended for them to be passed out to ever single yahoo on the streetcorner. The ONLY people I would give them to are those who take the time to talk to me and ask questions and show a genuine interest in participating.
I genuinely think that giving out 1 or 2 fliers on a ride to people who show an interest in joining us would be very positive. Again, the exposure of Midnight Ridazz in the media and on the Internet reaches a LOT more people than the fliers ever will.
Most important of all - remember that very few Ridazz will ever bother to print and use these fliers anyway. It's not like Ridazz are suddenly required to carry copies on every ride. No one will. Out of the thousands of us who do these rides, there will be half-a-dozen of us who use these fliers and we will end up handing out 1 or 2 a week to the small handful of people who show genuine support and interest in what we are doing. Trust me. I know this for a fact. Because every "marketing" and "promotional" idea I ever get ends up being a huge flop! This will be no exception. (chuckle)
So, if people like the idea and want to use them, great!
If people hate the idea and think the fliers are lame, that's fine too. I made them for myself. I posted them on here to share with the Ridazz community. It was a nice gesture on my part. I did it because I like the people I ride with and I want to share riding with more people. If anyone thinks what I have done is a bad idea, that's okay with me. But to quote Jack Nicholson in
A Few Good Men, "I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way."
12.30.07 - 12:23 pm
I think Roadblock has resisted the idea of pointing back to this site since he is the sole owner and potential liability would point back to him.
Again, this website is PUBLIC. The site appears in articles in The Los Angeles Times. There are videos posted all over YouTube! There have been features on the radio and television. The cops know about it. It's not a secret. A few fliers will NOT suddenly make someone "liable" for anything or generate huge exposure. They are fliers, not SuperBowl commercials! also have calendars with rides. Add LAfixed and bikeforums just to confuse them. Maybe a list of related websites about bicycles in LA is all it's needed. Otherwise we may never agree on the language of the text.
Great idea! I invite you to make such fliers and post those too.
"For example, personally I'm very opposed to language stating that Midnight Ridazz is not political. Actually I think it is the most vibrant grass roots political movement in the country."
Please read the "About the Ridazz" page on this site.
The Midnight Ridazz website clearly states it is not political. Why should wording on a flier quoting the exact text of the website be called into question?
MikeyWalsh12.30.07 - 12:40 pm
i cant wait to see these pamphlets thrown out of car windows into the gutter next to all the other trash. THINK GREEN.
ruinedbyidiots12.30.07 - 12:42 pm
i cant wait to see these pamphlets thrown out of car windows into the gutter next to all the other trash. THINK GREEN.
Agreed! Just like those damn laminated spokecards. Plastic is bad for the environment! DOWN WITH FASCIST LAMINATORS!
MikeyWalsh12.30.07 - 12:58 pm
eddieboyinla12.30.07 - 12:59 pm
yeah whatever, the flyer should read....."We are blocking thruway traffic, so we don't have to wait at the light. Your shit out of luck, and have to wait for us."
sexy12.30.07 - 1:21 pm
^^ while sexy juggles in a clown suit.
Joe Borfo12.30.07 - 1:26 pm
Nice Job on the fliers Mikey. Yeah this whole idea of MR is under the radar has long since passed. Feel free to correct me on this, but the last time we had this debate, we were wanting to stay under the radar. That was before all the media exposer.
Listing other LA sites is a great way to limit real or perceived liability. In reality this site is mostly a forum that happens to list rides IMO.
I am always an advocate for using both sides of a flier. Either by adding text, or spliting the text and putting it on both sides of the paper. If you do decide to add text, I would suggest that you make sure the newbies have a bike in good working order. Point out that it will make their ride and experience far more enjoyable. I always like to use the PULCAS principal. PULCAS = Pump Up Lube Chain Adjust Seat.
More tips can be found here,
User112.30.07 - 3:16 pm
Thank you. I appreciate your comments. It's nice to hear some positive feedback.
I was considering a double-sided flier. I think that is a great idea. Then I figured I'd just make a few options for the design (the .PDF now has 5 different types of fliers with similar text) and allow people to come to the website if they wanted more information. After all, they will still have to come to the site if they wanted to join a ride. I figured keeping the fliers minimal was easier and aesthetically less intimidating to the newly initiated. Keep it simple.
MikeyWalsh12.30.07 - 3:25 pm
If you want to add a picture, I say you include a photo
of DavidHume.jpg
sexy12.30.07 - 3:35 pm
eddieboyinla12.30.07 - 3:37 pm
LAPD had us cornered last night, and we got away!! about maybe 6 POLICE cars, 1 chopper, lights all aver the f^&%ing place, LOL!!!!
eddieboyinla12.30.07 - 3:40 pm
The police actually referred to the helicopter last night as an Airship. Their term i guess.
stevo412.30.07 - 5:18 pm
Now I just remembered I meant to add more to this before I posted. I wanted to add to the conversation about people asking what the ride is all about. Alot of times I come off sounding like an a-hole when I try to explain what we're doing. Most of the time I'm moving and just don't have the time to explain. For alot of people that are genuinely interested, and it looks like they're getting the brush off. Not good relations in my view. I'm betting just about everyone can spot a pissed driver, and I would give my fellow rida credit that he/she is that capable. So with this in mind, it would seem that having fliers to pass out would have alot of good percussion's.
When people ask what we're up to, we don't have to sound like some snobby hipster and make them look stupid if we have a flier to pass out. I'm betting that this far out weights any negative consequences too.
User112.30.07 - 6:08 pm
you might as well make bumper stickers...(MIDNIGHTRIDAZZ.COM)
with a simons kiss tongue.....
skano12.30.07 - 6:27 pm
User1 said:
I wanted to add to the conversation about people asking what the ride is all about. Alot of times I come off sounding like an a-hole when I try to explain what we're doing. Most of the time I'm moving and just don't have the time to explain. For alot of people that are genuinely interested, and it looks like they're getting the brush off. Not good relations in my view... So with this in mind, it would seem that having fliers to pass out would have alot of good percussion's.
EXACTLY! Thank you for getting it.
MikeyWalsh12.30.07 - 6:41 pm
There's a wide wide chasm between a bumper sticker and a flier you selectively handout.
Mickey thanks for taking the steps for doing this. Personally I would like to see something on the B side of the flier. Whatever it is, this can be used to get creative. You could for instance have the CVC 21202 for that allows the bicycle rider full access of the lane. You could advertise places like the Kitchen, Bwave or the Oven to get a bike or work on your bike. Tips for the driver. There's many options for the other side.
User112.30.07 - 7:49 pm
Alright, if I ever manage to get back into the trucking field this coming year, I'm doing this.
Imposing the MR skull emblem on a 2'x3' scale magnetic backing and then slapping it onto the back of whatever, 53' foot trailer I happen to be hauling on any given trip.
That way, those with the proper thought coordination will look this up for themselves and, hopefully be encouraged to start their own, 2-wheeled liberation in their given neck of the woods.
And maybe I'll have a magnetic backing made for a picture of David Hume.
Imagine the look of another trucker/motorist when they see a Swift trailer with a scary, Scotsman on the rear doors.
bentstrider12.30.07 - 8:58 pm
@ mikeywalsh
This sounds like a great idea, i think in the long run it will help the midnight ridazz expand with new ridazz, instead of just word-of mouth.
We could have the mr skull in the front of the flyer, and the info in the back (maybe a little more condensed, looks a little wordy) and advertisements for the bike kitchen or bike oven would be very cool !!
speedybrian200012.30.07 - 9:11 pm
Your my new hero. DavidHume on a magnet...Fuck Yeah!
The Cult of Personality.
sexy12.30.07 - 9:48 pm
Thank you. Again, I appreciate the positive feedback.
There are 5 different designs in the PDF file. Some are more wordy than others. I agree. Seemed wise to give people choices to use the design they like the best. Some are half-page fliers. Some are quarter-page. Some are in thirds. I figured that gives people 5 options to use what they personally like best. I knew people would have complaints and criticism of any single design, so that is why I made some variations.
The most important question in deciding b-side messaging is:
Q: What else does the "intended audience" need to know and who is the "intended audience" of the flier?
A: The flier is worded to be VERY specifically targeted at people who approach US to ask what the ride is about WHILE WE ARE ON A RIDE.
That is an exceptionally precise and exclusive audience. What do we currently tell those people verbally? The flier should simply repeat whatever verbal information we already provide. When I get approached, the most common questions people tend to ask are:
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
What's this for?
Is this a protest?
What's going on?
Those are the questions people want answered. The fliers answer them. I fear adding a b-side might be information overload and their eyes will just glaze over. I'm not saying a b-side is a bad idea. Personally, I'm the type who LIKES having a ton of information and I think a b-side would be awesome. Most people are not like that and are turned off by too much information. I figured - design a flier that answers their questions. Period. Nothing more. Simple. Short. People who like a quick answer will have it. People who want more in-depth information will have the URL. Everyone is happy.
MikeyWalsh12.30.07 - 10:51 pm
No, I never get tired of explaining that it is spelled Midnight RIDAZZ.
"midnight riders" easily googlesback to us.
When I suggested weighing the risk vs. benifit of a flyer, I ment that maybe as a group or a community it would be a good thing to
us to consider before creating a flyer and putting it into action.
trickmilla12.31.07 - 11:44 am
If we can get everyone to download & print around 5 or 10 each, it would be great to hand out at the stops or when someone approaches us while riding. Yes, we usually give a smart ass remark to be funny, but this would be postitve and also give us a better image for newcomers.
I feel that the Midnight Ridazz has not grown enough (yes, we do have 20 more rides per week, but) where we used to roll 1500 ridazz deep 2 years ago at many rides. Today, shouldnt we be rollin somewhere around 5000 ridazz at each ride???
speedybrian200012.31.07 - 11:51 am
trickmilla -
When I suggested weighing the risk vs. benifit of a flyer, I ment that maybe as a group or a community it would be a good thing to us to consider before creating a flyer and putting it into action.
Me -
Yeah we should start a thread about making fliers and discuss if we should do this or not.
Yeah we don't even need to build up to those numbers, but it would be cool. What we shouldn't do is see our numbers shrinking. An excellent example was the Xmas party. Sure it was big, but I would have liked to see it at least as big as the previous year. Same with the other rides. They shouldn't be any smaller than the previous year, and most would want to see it bigger.
User112.31.07 - 1:24 pm
Man, so much arguing... Seriously, wouldn't it be easier if we just rented a blimp for every ride? We could have a rolling display on it...
Richard_Colossus12.31.07 - 1:28 pm
Good point RC, but we use pedal power, not helium.
sexy12.31.07 - 1:33 pm
on second thought, could they put a picture of DavidHume.jpg on the blimps display sign.
sexy12.31.07 - 1:34 pm
Aren't there blimps that ARE pedal powered? I mean, if that's not a midnight ridaa I don't know what is...
Richard_Colossus12.31.07 - 1:44 pm
We can build that!
We just need some shower curtains!
User112.31.07 - 1:52 pm
User1 said:
"What we shouldn't do is see our numbers shrinking. An excellent example was the Xmas party. Sure it was big, but I would have liked to see it at least as big as the previous year. Same with the other rides."
I don't think shrinking numbers necessarily means the rides are losing popularity. Like any social event, numbers tend to plateau and then fluctuate. Plus, it seems a LOT of people are wiped out with the flu this year. I know it got me and I'm still recovering. Lots of friends and fellow Ridazz I've talked to have been avoiding rides the last few weeks because no one wants to ride bicycles in 40 degree weather when they are running a fever and coughing up a lung.
Once people get healthy and the temperatures rise, I'm sure you'll see numbers increase again.
MikeyWalsh12.31.07 - 4:22 pm
I think its true. There is a natural ebb and flow that will happen with any group. I think that net number of ridazz is growing steadily even if they don't all come out to ride on the same night.
I'm glad that the big rides have leveled out to a certain degree.
It isn't necessarily more fun to ride with 3000 ridazz than it is to ride with 500. Some of the logistical issues actually make it a lot more hectic.
I've met a lot of people, including OG Midinght Ridazz, who ride all the time but don't really enjoy dealing with all the chaos that 1000+ people on bikes brings.
trickmilla01.1.08 - 3:23 am
so who went out and downloaded this?
sexy01.4.08 - 1:49 pm
Holy cow!
Despite how few people have posted to this thread, according to the log files, the flier has already been downloaded almost 140 times! I figured it's be more like... I dunno... 20?
Awesome. I hope out of those 140 downloads, folks are actually printing up copies and using it.
MikeyWalsh01.15.08 - 11:02 pm
These definitely need to be handed out at Doo Dah. Any body have a favorite color they like?
User101.16.08 - 12:32 am
Joe Borfo
01.16.08 - 1:31 am