Thread started by
spiraldemon at 07.30.07 - 10:28 am
Midnight Ridazz in the daytime!
Sin is always a good time
hell yah!! i can't wait! it's gonna be a great time. see u all there!
t.bone07.30.07 - 4:40 pm
How late is this going to run? For a delusional moment I thought it might be fun to hit up Santa Barbara's Circuit afterwards... c'est possible?
420LaHaRR08.1.07 - 12:07 pm
john, you're talking sins 'n sprockets here, I hope you weren't planning on DRIVING afterward... cause I thinka the po-po might say that's a no go...
FuzzBeast08.1.07 - 12:10 pm
And who is going to do the driving to SB, LaHar? Duh, the train.
sexy08.1.07 - 12:10 pm
Im so bummed out... i wanna do this ride so bad, but i have to have to go to a wedding. Fudge!
Have fun, all..... tis will be good times for sure!!!
Luderson08.1.07 - 1:05 pm
I have to work Sat. (day) I will jump in late afternoon or eve.,can't wait!
bigsexxy08.1.07 - 10:39 pm
Great, I love these people who feel that it is pertinent to let people know if they are coming or not and at what time.
Thanks Bigsexxy, now everybody knows that your coming late. The ride won't have to wait for you. " We can leave now, Bigsexxy is working, she will meet up with us later"
Another thing, Bigsexxy, you will have to wait.
CryBaby08.2.07 - 3:18 am
CryBaby's cranky because he's the bastard child of a crack whore, and he simply needs some TLC because his diaper hasn't been changed since his mom's been sent to rehab. His diaper has turned into a festering, overflowing colostomy bag.
in other words, he's been sleeping in his own shit for as long as he can remeber, which isn't long because he has the long term memory of an addict, and all he can think about is when and where his next hit will come from.
spiraldemon08.3.07 - 10:24 am
A big thanks to Charlie and the gang - i had a fuckin awesome great time! The route was cool, almost no hills, a few flats (but that didnt kill anyone's spirit) the afterparty was tight, it was all the beer you can drink, and the bands were incredible!
dingo - i understand why you were pissed, everyone was pulling your shorts down!
sexy- when you guys were singing "thats life" it gave me the coolest idea - i'll call you!
speedybrian200008.5.07 - 10:08 am
big thanks to the sins and sprockets gang for making this event a good time
spiraldemon08.5.07 - 10:06 pm
WTF!?!? I'm not sure I want to know the story behind this
User108.5.07 - 11:20 pm
it's back! thinking about going to this..
tomato08.4.08 - 7:46 am
HIDE.....This man's on the loose!!! -->
barleye08.4.08 - 9:00 am
When did you want to go to SB? Since this is a day time ride, I might do it and head up to SB in the evening.
mk452408.4.08 - 11:01 am
OMG which one is Luise!!!!!
I think the one on the left?
puglife08.4.08 - 11:05 am