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Thread started by Wonderdave at 08.8.08 - 12:02 pm
As some of you know, Dan was injured this week on a motocycle when a car ran a red light. He smartly decided to lay his bike down instead of getting hit. He's really sore on the left side of his body and in a fair amount of pain. He's at home on painkillers and recovering.
Hope you all will sign this get well card for him and wish him a speed recovery.
Get better fast Homey!!! I saw you right before this happened how weird! Put some neosporin on the road rash, beer in the belly, and shmoke in the lungs, that's your prescription!
I just saw you right before this too dude. WTF!?
Here's to a speedy recovery and hit em up if you need anything, since we are practically neighbors now.
I was so surprised to see him pull up. At first I didn't know it was Dan and thought this guy was gonna start some shiznitz... but when I saw those friendly eyes... and he took his helmet off... I was like, "Dan!"
thank you all for this. i'm doing a lot better today. just got a prescription for antibiotics because both my arm and leg are infected, so hopefully that will take care of it and help me heal up. a big thanks to my girlfriend and my roommates for taking care of me for the last few days, and to all of you that have stopped by, called, emailed, texted and posted here. it's really meant a lot to me. i'll be up and running real soon.
here is what happened. i was out tues night running some errands. ran into sfv crit mass, and then took off and was heading home. about a mile from my house a car exited the 170 freeway at a high speed and ran the stop light. i was heading east on magnolia in the right lane, and there was a car in the left lane next to me. when the car exited the freeway it ended up turning into my lane. i couldn't switch lanes to avoid him because there was a car in the lane next to me, and i was going about 40mph so stopping completely was out of the question. my only two options were to either hit him or lay the bike down and hope for the best. i chose to lay the bike down, but i stupidly was only wearing shorts, t-shirt and a helmet. i found out the hard way that sliding on the ground at 40mph with a motorcycle on top of you and only shorts and t-shirt is quite painful. it ripped my shoe off, cut up my left foot (which is now bruised and swollen but otherwise okay), took all the skin off my left leg and arm, and banged up my left elbow and shoulder.
i've been on a steady diet of vicodin and valium to help me through the pain and help me sleep. it's been painful to walk around and infection started to kick in today, but i think the antibiotics and a little more rest should take care of it all. i was really lucky as this could have been a lot worse.
i hung out in the park for a bit today with dak and spiraldemon, and that was really nice to get out of the house. my girlfriend is coming over tonight to watch movies with me, so that will also make me feel a lot better. i think in a few more days i'll be back to riding the bicycle. i can't wait to see you all and i'm pretty bummed i'm missing the rides this weekend. If i feel better tomorrow I'm gonna try to make it to the dice run bbq.
again, thank you all for the well wishes. it really does mean the world to me.
one other thing. why am i always wearing a sins and sprockets t-shirt when i get into an accident? that's the second sins shirt that i have ruined because i've covered it in my blood.
Sounds like you handled things as well as you could have.
Nothing good can come out of hitting cars.
Laying it down is the lesser evil..
Give your body time.
Heal well.
Sending you green light.
Take some pro-biotics. You can have yogurt or acidophilus pills.
You need something to replace all the "good" bacteria that gets killed by the anti-bios.
Be well my friend.
I expect to see you all in leather next time.
They sell some handsome leather chaps at Rough Trade ... a good look for you i think.
btw I'm serious as fuck about the pro-biotics get that shit at your local health food store.
hey that you had to lay the bike down...but definitely the best choice at the time. and yes, it could have been worse if you didn't choose to lay it down. get well soon!!!!