Wanna be on TV?
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hartwick, youre a pussy at 05.29.08 - 9:51 am
So, because im awesomely cool I was contacted by a casting agent for the television show Bones. They are going to be doing a scene with bicyclists, a critical mass type deal and they need about a hundred cyclists.
So if you want to stand/ride around on a bike on the Fox studio lot and be a glamorous star for a few hours, lemme know.
You will get paid, and it will most likely be next tuesday June 3rd
you will get paid....
How much is the pay?
kyber05.29.08 - 9:54 am
How much beer?
Fox=Simpsons=Beer, Beer, Beer, Bed, Bed, Bed
stevo405.29.08 - 9:56 am
excellent, I don't know the exact time, but I will post it here by 8pm tonight
yes, I assume free food too
the pay I don't know either, I assume about 9-10 bucks an hour, for 4-5 hours (aka: easy money) they basically just said "hey you know bicycle people tell them to be on TV" but im talking to the guy at about 6 tonight and I'll know more
hartwick, youre a pussy05.29.08 - 10:01 am
I think you should ask for at least $126/8 hr day which is the SAG minimum. Remember you are bringing your own equipment (bicycle) and skills too.
marino05.29.08 - 10:27 am
Can I bring the barbecue bike??
Also, which Fox lot is it?
SPOOK05.29.08 - 11:03 am
I am so there. Hartwick hit me up via email as i'm not checking the website much. Can i bring a tall bike?
brassknuckle05.29.08 - 11:07 am
hot damn i wish i was unemployed.
cattv05.29.08 - 11:12 am
stand ins and extras will get a little more than minimum wage + free range over craft service.
if only it wasnt the snoop dogg movie BONES.
ruinedbyidiots05.29.08 - 11:20 am
what time of the day is this happening?
Trey05.29.08 - 11:42 am
in regards to the tallbike/bbq bikes dan and spook
a direct quote
"The weirder and wider the selection, the better." so, yes
dress for crank mob basically
I will know times/more details by 8 or so tonight, and ill post it here
hartwick, youre a pussy05.29.08 - 12:38 pm
Hartwick didn't explain that this is for the scene in CSI where the cyclists all get plowed down by a giant semi.
Don't sign the waiver.
Joe Borfo05.29.08 - 12:57 pm
RBI wrote:
stand ins and extras will get a little more than minimum wage
Well... it's up to you guys if you are willing to work for peanuts or not.
Where else are they going to find 100 bicyclists available during the week ? They can get "regular" extras but they'll have to pay them over a hundred dollars a day plus they'll have to rent "interesting" bicycles from Atomic Cycles and other prop shops for...$50-$200/day a piece.
Disappointments to expect:
- Hours of doing nothing
- A scene that misrepresents what you are about. ie They may ask you to stage a fight with cops, motorists, destroy property etc
- A final edit where the real actors are in the front and you are nothing but an indistinguishable dot in the background.
- You will NOT be discovered to be the next bike action hero.
If you've never been on a shoot before you should do it for the experience but try to get a decent paycheck and don't do something you'll feel ashamed about.
marino05.29.08 - 1:13 pm
i just want the money. i don't care about being on tv. i'm just lazy and it sounds easy. plus free food. hell i sit around all day anyway doing nothing. might as well have fox pay me to do it.
brassknuckle05.29.08 - 1:19 pm
I'm so in, and I always hope for the best.
Tom Cruise and I are always positive thinkers ;)
X-Large05.29.08 - 1:19 pm
"A scene that misrepresents what you are about. "
That's what I would be the most concerned with.
toweliesbong05.29.08 - 1:20 pm
well, i know for a fact you're not going to be fighting cops or killing children etc.
you probably won't get paid awesomely well
you probably will be behind the main focus of the scene
you definitely won't get famous
if you want a couple bucks, free food, and something mildly interesting to do on a tuesday then come
if you're concerned about being misrepresented or bored then don't
if you wanna drink, keep in mind that you will be on Fox territory...and they are facists
hartwick, youre a pussy05.29.08 - 1:26 pm
from my experience, the only people allowed to drink on set are the ones working grip electric. everyone else is just smoking w33d whenever they have some down time.
got any more brownies???
ruinedbyidiots05.29.08 - 1:33 pm
ooh i love me some kraft services!
bring tupperware, bags and large purses and then load up tons of food on a bike trailer! then share food with us! then we can have a LEFTOVA RI-DINNAZZ!!!
neverclever05.29.08 - 1:36 pm
Unless this taping is at an unusual time, I will most likely miss it because of class.
If someone wants to borrow my barbecue bike (propane included) and/or tall bike, email me.
SPOOK05.29.08 - 1:39 pm
I think you should ask for at least $126/8 hr day which is the SAG minimum. Remember you are bringing your own equipment (bicycle) and skills too.
05.29.08 - 1:27 pm
which one of you is registered with the union to recieve union payrates? no one. stop trying to confuse them, marino.
ruinedbyidiots05.29.08 - 1:39 pm
I see myself calling in sick for work on a certain upcoming Tuesday...
vladster05.29.08 - 1:48 pm
@rbi Just because they aren't union it doesn't mean they can't ask for union rates. They can ask whatever they want. Nobody is
required to show up for a shoot or any job for that matter. You only go if the working conditions are satisfactory.
In the 60s and 70s when they made a gazillion motorcycle gang films the motorcycle gangs organized and set up minimum rates.
Here everybody's excited "ooh I'm going to be in a movie" so they don't care what they'll get paid. Whatever. Go have fun.
I also called a friend who works on Bones and she said there is no bike scene for Tuesday or the foreseeable future. They are going on hiatus in two weeks.
marino05.29.08 - 2:00 pm
well considering i talked to the co-executive producer,
I trust him that its occurring, he did say the dates could change, so don't go cancelling your life on tuesday yet
hartwick, youre a pussy05.29.08 - 2:04 pm
if i asked for union rates without doing the 90 days before joining the union, the upm or whoever would laugh at me.
ruinedbyidiots05.29.08 - 2:07 pm
Well shit, why didn't you say so before?
We are so in!
Joe Borfo05.29.08 - 2:13 pm
if you all show up with freak bikes and ask for union rates together, I doubt they'll refuse. if they do refuse, at least you got an impromptu Angelope ride on the lot where they're filming. just make lots of loud animal noises and circles of death until they submit to your terms.
spiraldemon05.29.08 - 2:29 pm
yeah. then they just roll the cameras and get the footage they need for FREE!
onethirtynine05.29.08 - 2:58 pm
I like Emily Deschanel, who plays Bones. I think she's hot. Fox is in it, it being everything, for the money. If I can make it, when they do it, I'm in. Money in my hands, is less money in Rupert's hands. Plus we'll all be there, it's guaranteed to be fun. Hartwick, you realize we're trouble, right? Of course you know, you're from the FUTURE.
PS. FUNDERSTORM plays Spaceland that night @ 8PM.
the reverend dak05.29.08 - 3:13 pm
San Fernando Valley Critical Mass = every month
spiraldemon05.29.08 - 3:26 pm
Funderstorm's last show at Spaceland = once in a lifetime
spiraldemon05.29.08 - 3:26 pm
Another way to approach this is:
Dear TV producer,
we are trying to raise 5K for a Midnight Ridazz bus. For that amount we'll bring you 100 ridazz or more. If less show up you only need to pay $50/head.
Additional costs:
$150 extra for ROTW
$150 for tall bikes
Or something like that...
@rbi you don't need prior experience if the part you are asked to play is yourself. We are all masters at being ourselves and anyone playing ourselves except ourselves is a friggin amateur.
marino05.29.08 - 3:38 pm
marino you are feeding steak to babies.
Roadblock05.29.08 - 4:25 pm
how many of you guys are going to let yourself be co-opted by some hollywood crapfest for minimum wage
you know miss bones is going to discover the telltale impact wound of a sugino 75 and trace the culprit to a renegade biker faction, cue "midnight ridazz" and much heated talk about "you mean they don't DRIVE?? they ride their bikes on the STREET?"
stevestevesteve05.29.08 - 5:50 pm
last time I checked the non-union background rate was $64 flat for an 8 hour day (OT if you go over 8 hours/but $64 minimum).
They will pay a "special skills" bump if you ride a bicycle they provide for you.....(approx $10-20 extra)
and a bike rental rate if you bring your own ($5-15)
I don't remember the exact rates for the "bumps"
They have some stupid formulas.....the rates go up if your SAG.
It would be reasonable to expect to make $64-100 for the day.
I'll ask an AD at work tomorrow.
LizardQueen05.29.08 - 7:05 pm
whatever you all due. Make sure you bring in plenty of beer, bring a trailer with a cooler and ice, and everybody bring beer, or whatever alcohol you fancy (I wouldn't suggest energy drinks, your going to be doing lots of sitting around). Make sure you hide it, they are not going to say it cool, but you might get away with it. You can have track stand competitions all day long, it will be good practice, for all of you that are into that kind of stuff. Bring the sound system too, if you are outside, you might want tunes, if they keep you out of the way until they need you for that 15 minutes.
This can be plenty boring, so bring beer. Hrtwk, ur a puss, you know we are trouble, this has already been said.
I did the exact same things for a soda commercial at that location off Alameda where the cold storage place is with a bunch of my Hollywood rocker type friend, (barleye, where you there?). It was going out to the gas station outside and getting beer, that made the day tolerable, even with the beer and being with all my friends ,,,, IT STILL SUCKED! at least we got a hundred, some got two hundred.
the above is only a suggestion. Whatever consensually goes on between a bunch of cyclist, a greedy studio, and the liaison, is the private personal business of all said parties involved
sexy05.29.08 - 8:40 pm
Count me in.
Normally I'm a "fuck hollywood bullshit" type of guy. But since someone would be paying me to do exactly what I'm doing now at home for free, I'm in. Case in point, I'm unemployed. I have everything to gain.
kyber05.29.08 - 8:55 pm
which one of you is registered with the union to recieve union payrates? no one. stop trying to confuse them, marino.
You don't have to be in the union to get union pay rates, or to work on a union voucher for that matter. Read the union contract(s). Read the Taft-Hartley Act while you're at it.
I'm not saying you'll get it, mind you. You guys can sure as hell demand more than the usual nonunion pittance, though, and get it, if you all stick together. What are they gonna do, find another couple of hundred people with the appropriate bikes and skills for a scene involving a CM-type ride?
PC05.30.08 - 3:35 am
just depends how much they need you.. what they're willing to pay.. you can always negotiate... I once got paid $200 for an hours worth of photo's for some Italian fashion magazine who wanted real live bike messengers to be holding some bags... there were about 12 of us.. and they gave us rad photo's of ourselves (without the bags) too!
Where is the Fox lot? and do we know the story line? I'll do it if it doesn't make cyclists the evil or stupid killers.. can we have a group ride to the lot?
redridinghood05.30.08 - 11:16 am
We need more details!
kyber05.30.08 - 11:30 am
I think Gern is working at the FOX studio right now, we can all go over and bother him. He invited us, kinda.
franz05.30.08 - 12:19 pm
hi, so I just talked to the casting lady who was nigh useless
They haven't been telling me much about times, pay, etc,
("we'll call you when we know") very frustrating
mainly they seem concerned about a head count, which i told them is rather difficult to come by if they won't tell me a time... but anyways
I need to give them a ballpark number by the end of the day
so anyone thats is interested and in for sure, email me at
hartwicksucks at yahoo dot com
just tell me your name and the likelihood you'll be able to do it
Im pretty sure we aren't going to be evil cyclists, but television people are deceiving at their best so don't quote me
its the fox lot on pico, we've ridden by it a few times on angelopes.
hartwick, youre a pussy05.30.08 - 1:06 pm
this just in:
this is who we will play, hardly evil or terrible
"They are literally a river of cyclists ringing bells which is taken by a character as a sign from the Universe that the woman he loves belongs to another."
"It's a very surreal and odd beautiful moment, if it's right."
direct quote from the guy writing it.
hartwick, youre a pussy05.30.08 - 1:11 pm
For the geographically challenged...
Fox Studios are in Century City at the corner of Pico and Motor
View Larger Map
marino05.30.08 - 1:40 pm
if my foot is fine on the date of, I'll be there if you will.
sexy05.30.08 - 1:44 pm
She won't say how much or even whether anybody will get paid, yet she wants an in-for-sure head count? Right. Tell her to go stand on a street corner with a "BICYCLISTS WANTED" sign. Or just tell her to go stand on a fucking street corner.
PC05.30.08 - 1:47 pm
Trickmilla, what's the BBE charging for an appearance these days?
mr rollers05.30.08 - 1:52 pm
I don't know how important these poeple are to you Hartwick, but it would be interesting if we all showed up and said, he need this amount of money and everybody gets a meal. Don't they usually not feed the extras and treat extra worse then a minuteman treats an undocumented worker crossing the boarder?
sexy05.30.08 - 1:53 pm
Ok, so obviously I'm not showing up if this is a "no-pay" gig.
kyber05.30.08 - 1:53 pm
You shouldn't show up *or commit to it* unless and until they tell you how much they're paying you.
PC05.30.08 - 1:57 pm
Sexy, extras always get fed on location shoots. What you guise need is to make sure you get paid. At the very least you should get the standard nonunion rate plus a bump for the skill and a bump for bringing your own bike. If you can possibly get more, do it. If they don't want to play along, tell them to go pound sand. They can go out and find a couple of hundred hip cyclists, complete with bikes, on their own and see how much
that costs them.
PC05.30.08 - 2:01 pm
Of course.
I hate working, and I certainly won't work for free.
kyber05.30.08 - 2:04 pm
I don't know what the rates are or any of that shit
you're going to get paid, i just can't say how much, they won't make you do shit for free.
there will be food.
if this seems like a shitty situation to you, don't come
its not like they are running low on money to hire people in your place, there is not a shortage of extras that have the fundamental skill of bicycle riding in Los Angeles
if you could give two fucks and want something to do and make a bit of cash, then do come, maybe have some fun, maybe be bored
its that simple
hartwick, youre a pussy05.30.08 - 2:26 pm
the reason they contacted me was not because they are desperate for cyclists, its because they know I know people who enjoy bicycles and might want to enjoy them on a tv set.
hartwick, youre a pussy05.30.08 - 2:27 pm
Does anybody want to come down and put a new bottom bracket in my Surly? I'll let you know what the pay is when you get here.
PC05.30.08 - 2:42 pm
I'm in (for the shoot, not pc's bottom bracket I know he knows how to do himself, although I probably have all the tools anyway) I'm unemployed and need $ any will do for me, hell 60 bucks seems like a lot now. Plus I get to sit around with my bike and my friends? Fuck yeah.
FuzzBeast05.30.08 - 3:10 pm
the woman is going to call me with all the information I need at the end of the day, if she follows through I will know pay rates, time, what food, etc.
I am going to send out emails to the people who have emailed me with specifics
I just called the co-exec, and he assured me that you will be paid, you will sign forms, you will get money
hartwick, youre a pussy05.30.08 - 3:11 pm
ok, solid information finally:
you will be there from 10am-6pm
you will get 72$ for 8 hours
maybe you can negotiate more, but thats up to you
there will be food, the usual, sammiches, salad, cookies n shit, coffee, etc etc. they want you to wear "cool bike clothes" whatever that means
to me that means crank mob attire...
if you are in, email me, about 6 of you have already, thanks
hartwick, youre a pussy05.30.08 - 4:14 pm
This is tougher than getting folks to attend Burning Man.
Joe Borfo05.30.08 - 5:06 pm
i've got 10 of you down, anyone else?
its like 70 bucks to basically stand around and hit on people while riding bikes,
hartwick, youre a pussy05.30.08 - 5:49 pm
is it really gonna take the whole day? no way i can miss that much time from work, but otherwise this sounds like fun.
tfunk40805.30.08 - 6:03 pm
i sent you an email but didn't hear back.
Cutter05.30.08 - 7:33 pm
Pitfalls of having a job: I can't be there for this.
Upside of having a job: I'm not so broke as a lot of you guys.
mr rollers05.30.08 - 7:41 pm
Where do we show up at 10am on this Tuesday? Motor / Pico ?
X-Large05.31.08 - 11:56 am
I'll do it for $100 and a 24 pack.
franz05.31.08 - 2:20 pm
i thought all the fresh smog/air helped us cyclist think more clearly...you should be ashamed to be mused into going to work for FOX for some crap wage and food!!!
Come now think about this!!!
pumpkinhead06.1.08 - 12:14 am
^^^^there she goes..............
DAYLO06.1.08 - 8:20 am
I hope the whole lot burns down and theirinsurance isn't paid up
Limeyfly06.1.08 - 12:50 pm
Don't do it for less than $100 each!!.
Theyz gotz the cash!!
Limeyfly06.1.08 - 1:00 pm
While unemployed a while ago, I got a job, with several other folks, distributing pamphlets in Central London. Once we realised what the potential rate was for this we all got together formed an impromtu 'union' and demanded more money. We got more than we expected.
If enough show for this you are a union!!! Good luck!! Hay I may even come down myself, music trailer anyone??
Limeyfly06.1.08 - 1:15 pm
free money for doing what I do. Im in
Bicycle Funk06.1.08 - 5:37 pm
hey if we have enough riders I'm down to do it for $100 each.
I hate fox but fuck it I could use the money.
We should have some subliminal messaging going on telling people to only eat shrimp on tuesdays.
Bicycle Funk06.1.08 - 5:59 pm
or inform them that their television is stealing their souls.
and that bicycles are the best at everything ever.
Bicycle Funk06.1.08 - 6:40 pm
I'm down and I'm pretty sure I emailed you, hartwick.
bone_yer_bike06.1.08 - 8:43 pm
OK, I think we've told them enough times not to let Fox play them like chumps. No need to beat it into the ground.
Now let's sit back and see whether hipsters can organize as well as outlaw bikers can!
PC06.1.08 - 9:12 pm
anyone riding to FUNDERSTORM afterwards?
shadylane06.1.08 - 11:52 pm
So where and when are we all meeting (and as we need to be there at 10, real people, not bicycle people, time, it should probably be a meeting time in advance), if we all go together it'll probably be easier to get through security.
FuzzBeast06.2.08 - 12:29 am
let's meet @ wilshire/western station
at 8am and ride out at 8:30, 8:45 the latest, the absolute latest and we roll to get to the lot by 9:30-9:45.
Fuzz you are right. let's arrive in a mass, a crititcal CRANK mob mass.
Eddie GOpez06.2.08 - 1:25 am
eddieboyinla06.2.08 - 2:06 am
hey, yes I like the idea of everyone arriving en masse
I'm getting there quite early to let security know whats up etc. so you guys shouldn't have any trouble if you show up with a bike and say "im here for bones" or whatever
i've emailed almost all of you back, but in case i missed one of you, heres the info again
10am-6pm, Pico and Motor, Big huge fox studio lot
72 bucks for 8 hours at this point, there will be food
get there a bit before 10.
excellent, see you all tomorrow
hartwick, youre a pussy06.2.08 - 9:55 am
this is ridiculous
I sent an email to anyone who sent me one, but to anyone who didn't heres a copy of it
Ok guys, this is total bullshit
So I get a call from the woman organizing this asking me for my final number of people, so I tell her somewhere around 20-30, she says thanks. She calls back and says
"oh by the way, the time has changed, its now 6am-noon, tell me if that changes things"
to which i replied, of course it fucking changes things
So there you have it, 6am-noon, two less hours, way fucking early, absolute bullshit if you ask me; to tell me this the day before.
so, at this point, I understand if you're not into getting up at 5am on a tuesday.
but if anyone is still in, email me back.
fuck, sorry about this ridiculous tv shit.
hartwick, youre a pussy06.2.08 - 10:55 am
@Shadylane I think that is highly likely. I probably will, depending on how tired I am after sitting around on a TV set all day.
theroyalacademy06.2.08 - 10:55 am
What the fuck? I think we should tell them we're coming and act like we all love getting up at 5am, then just dont show up. Or show up shitfaced at 6am.
bone_yer_bike06.2.08 - 11:01 am
Hartwick, this is not a reflection upon you as you are just an employee of FOX. However, I think it's completely unacceptable that they change the details so suddenly.
Sure, shit happens. But when you're not even being paid the standard extra wage, that's a tall order to ask people to show up at the ass crack of dawn.
Sorry, but I'm out, and I wouldn't advise anyone else to show up for this. Please don't take this personally hartwick, but those people you work with seem to be completely delusional.
kyber06.2.08 - 11:07 am
yeah, luckily i don't work with them per-se, just know them, i would probably kill myself being around such insane people
i told her its absolutely ludicrous to change the time one day before, especially to such an early hour, I don't blame anyone for stepping out,
hell, i probably won't go at this point
hartwick, youre a pussy06.2.08 - 11:30 am
They really mustn't want this shot.
Changing the time to 6 am the day before the shoot, with people who aren't even actors, who they weren't even going to pay very well anyway.
Hartwick, tell em if they want the shot, they're gonna have to go back to the original time at least...
damn, I coulda used that money too.
FuzzBeast06.2.08 - 11:32 am
Sorry for getting on this thread late, but you guise aren't really listening to the ones that are speaking any sense. PC stated more than once that we should be seeing about getting more than scrapes. Banding together and asking for $100 each is not crazy talk. Banding together and making a concerted demand of a $100 each is easily doable. Like it was stated above, you're bringing your skills and equipment. Some of us have bells and whistles, but I'm sure they'll dub that in if they have to.
If it pays $100 each, I'm in. That's the only way I see them getting a 100 ridazz there. In other words, I'll sell my soul for $100, nothing less.
User106.2.08 - 11:37 am
Guarantee them 30 people at $100/ head at 10am. Otherwise tell them that all 30 people have banded together and decided not to show up. It's gonna cost them more than $3K to fix the situation. I know this won't do shit because they don't give a fuck, but since none of us are planning on going any more, it's worth a shot.
brassknuckle06.2.08 - 11:40 am
Aye, exactly... no ridazz, no shot... no later time, no ridazz.
FuzzBeast06.2.08 - 11:52 am
How did it go from needing 100 cyclists to 30?
User106.2.08 - 12:20 pm
well, there were 30 people who said they could be there. Now there will probably be none, as no one wants to be there at 6 am. 30 = some sort of shot, 0 = FAIL.
FuzzBeast06.2.08 - 12:23 pm
I seriously doubt they are counting on us to get their shot. The moment it becomes easier/cheaper for them to get professional extras and rent bikes, they will do so. That being said, there is no reason for us to bend over for them. $100 is nothing to them. More likely that they will not want to change their shooting time.
theroyalacademy06.2.08 - 12:33 pm
seeing as they just changed it like 2 hrs ago.
FuzzBeast06.2.08 - 12:34 pm
i could use the money but whatever. they'll do what they want, we'll do what we want and everyone will be fine. It's worth a shot to get more money but i also doubt they'll change the time for a bunch of extras.
brassknuckle06.2.08 - 12:36 pm
It's going to cost them more to get extras that don't know crap about what CM or any other ride is like. Let them do that. If they want ridazz at $100 a piece, they know where to go.
Fuck Fox.
User106.2.08 - 12:41 pm
I live pretty close, so i'm still interested although not thrilled at the new time. I think i'll do it for $100+... Sounds like this isn't going to happen though...
sezdaniel06.2.08 - 12:45 pm
would people still go at that early ass time for a $100?
FOX sucks, show bizz sucks, but I need the money and it sounds like others could use it too- we could make it fun- bring some jump ropes and soccer balls and then nap after!? have I gone crazy or is that slightly a good idea?
shadylane06.2.08 - 12:50 pm
maybe slightly. I could seriously use that money (it'd double my bank account), but for me to get there in time, i'd have to leave my house by about 4 in the morning, I dunno if that's gonna happen...
FuzzBeast06.2.08 - 1:09 pm
But, really, can we get them to change it to 10pm until 4am? Realistically?
theroyalacademy06.2.08 - 1:33 pm
This sounded like a good idea at first, but frankly the last time I did a similar (but a bit more complicated) thing I got more than $72.
Now this is becoming a bit more complicated thing (for me at least) with the earlier start time.
alicestrong06.2.08 - 2:10 pm
eddieboyinla06.2.08 - 2:21 pm
mmm 6am??
not so much..
specially for $72..
Sorry Hartwick - thanks for the offer though :)
redridinghood06.2.08 - 3:34 pm
I can go! It is my Day off and it is My Birthday June 3rd!...i guess it is a little late though.....man birthdays suck...Raquel
MOM_RIDAZ42006.2.08 - 3:47 pm
5AM is usually when I decide it's a good idea to try and get some sleep after being awake for three days.
ohnoitschlo06.2.08 - 3:54 pm
so the deal is, theres no way i can negotiate with them, as they have already hired about 75 extras, so even if I show up with 2 people, they could care less, they just contacted me because I guess they actually wanted some legit bike people.
I guess im still going to go, just for a routine change
oh well, its too bad the time is so shitty, would have been fun to dick around on ruperts' tv lot with you all.
hartwick, youre a pussy06.2.08 - 4:19 pm
So, Is it still on for the rest of the MR crew as well?
X-Large06.2.08 - 4:21 pm
anyone who is still going needs to email me
because i have to have a final list by tonight
my email is on my profile under the huge guy telling you about canadian milk
hartwick, youre a pussy06.2.08 - 4:30 pm
they still need a hundred for a decent shot. or at least 60 of us. common gettin up that early once in your life is not that bad. let's show up 60-70 strong at least and when we get there (with someones megaphone) we demand 100 mangos a head.
e-mail hartwick.
Eddie GOpez06.2.08 - 4:49 pm
Okay, I have stopped looking at this as a money-making opportunity and started looking at it as a nice little LA experience. As in: what was the point of moving here if I'm not going to get screwed by the studio system every now and then? At least it will make a funny story ("And we just stood around on the Fox lot for hours while David Boreanaz got his hair gel fixed....").
Call me stupid, but I am still in.
I'll be leaving from Wilshire/Western. If there are other stupid people who want to join me, give a shout and we can coordinate (meet at W/W at 4:30; leave at 4:45?). We'll ride as the sun rises.
theroyalacademy06.2.08 - 4:57 pm
i'm still in. i'm friends with the dp and gaffer so if no one else shows up, at least i'll know some people there.
Cutter06.2.08 - 5:11 pm
heck ya guys!
glad to see some of you are early birds,
even though i totally understand the ones that are like "fuck that"
I NEED you to email me though, as I am compiling a list
heres the info once more,
6AM-Noon June 3rd
Fox studios, Pico and Motor
Let them know you are there for the TV show BONES
we can all make fun of the fake bike riding extras!
hartwick, youre a pussy06.2.08 - 5:33 pm
i'll be there.
Cutter06.2.08 - 5:34 pm
Get pics of the scabs, I mean extras. No seriously if need the money go, it just shows they can exploit the needy.
User106.2.08 - 6:06 pm
Ironically, I am doing the same thing tomorrow (extra work on a bike) but on a different show. I want to know how this Bones shoot works out.
Ken C.06.2.08 - 6:48 pm
Cutter! i'll meet you at wilshire/western at 430am. shit. if i'm late, wait a bit.
meandmybluebike06.2.08 - 6:51 pm
RCONSTER06.2.08 - 7:14 pm
meet at 4:30 & roll out at 5am i assume, right? les do dis guise. common gais!
Eddie GOpez06.2.08 - 7:43 pm
Let's roll at 4:45. No reason to hang out on the corner for half an hour that early in the morning. If we get to the studio early, two words: craft services.
theroyalacademy06.2.08 - 7:51 pm
I'm in, Hartwick I emailled you,
see you at 4:30
who's down to hang tonite then?
Gonna finish modifying Billy a bit more, then I'm gettin on a bus.
FuzzBeast06.2.08 - 7:56 pm
hey if there are 75 other fake bike people how will we all find eachother in the crowd?
can we meet in the front and ride in together - oh oh oh! with music! and noise makers and other odd things.
shadylane06.2.08 - 8:19 pm
oh man! heck ya fuzz!
yes, lets all meet in front and ride in together, that will make it easier to get through the ridiculous security also
bit before six?
hartwick, youre a pussy06.2.08 - 8:29 pm
4:30 am, hay caramba!!!
SONNY06.2.08 - 9:21 pm
I found a place to sleep on the westside tonight so I'll be meeting you guys in the front of the studio!
bone_yer_bike06.2.08 - 9:43 pm
I would appreciate it if one of you guys coming from wilshire/ western would call me when your approaching pico and motor so i can go in with you fools. 323 376 9756.
bone_yer_bike06.2.08 - 11:46 pm
Damn, I can't believe I stayed up all night for this, only to leave wilshire/western to have my stem snap 3 blocks later. The worst part was, It's on a freak bike that has maybe 3 original welds left on it, that was one of em.
I could have seriously used that money.
FuzzBeast06.3.08 - 6:50 am
Yeah, that really, really sucked. And they would've totally loved you there too. A serious shortage of freak bikes at the Fox lot today. A serious shortage.
theroyalacademy06.3.08 - 2:27 pm
Well, all you naysayers... you didn't really miss out on anything.
I had a chat with one of the other non-union extras about the rate sheet, and it looked like we got paid quite a bit more than them (money for bringing bike plus "I9" or some other crap they didn't have).
I'm really glad I brought along a stereo and an interesting book, but those douche!@#$?s wouldn't let us throw a frisbee around. Can't believe some people are actually "full-time background actors," catering or not the job is just incredibly stupid. I'm now thoroughly convinced the television and movie-making industries are evil (like in the Buddhist sense of "ignorance is the root of all evil," not like the Biblical sense of being intentionally evil).
But everything must be tried at least once - thank you Hartwick for inviting us to try this!
vladster06.3.08 - 2:36 pm
shit fuzz! that sucks!
i think everyone who made it there should give a dollar to the fuzz for trying to make it!!
boy needs a J.O.B!!!
hell, i'll give you a dollar for trying.
ingipet06.3.08 - 2:37 pm
what made you think the entertainment industry wasnt full of hippies?
ruinedbyidiots06.3.08 - 2:42 pm
I think hippies would find that comparison offensive.
vladster06.3.08 - 2:45 pm
"cause they aren't from OJAI"
get a car, you hippie!
spiraldemon06.3.08 - 2:48 pm
The best part was when they told us: "Okay, this time, MIME THE ENTHUSIASM!"
We are now professional bike mimes!
theroyalacademy06.3.08 - 2:53 pm
Or maybe when they told people with helmets to take them off because "people on this kind of bike ride never wear helmets."
theroyalacademy06.3.08 - 2:56 pm
hahahaha, yes thanks to all of you who came, I had a fun time, it was amusing,
watching the fake bike riders try to keep a line was both terrifying and funny at the same time.
I was wishing we could have had some tall bikes or angelopes represent.
hartwick, youre a pussy06.3.08 - 3:27 pm
I had fun, but would have been REALLY FUN if it was all MR regulars, or at least enthusiasts. Extras, except for a few, are scary.
The riding around fox's lot was pretty fun and they treated us well. (Two meals in two hours!) Plus, most were in good spirits because it was a fun scene.
But man, extras are scary.
Thanks Hartwick! Tell your Dad to write us regularly into the show!
vspangle06.3.08 - 3:48 pm
Mixed reviews, I hope most of you had fun, and proved my naysaying wrong. YEAH POSITIVITY
So glad we have the Fader Freak as the OG Prez of USA INC.
sexy06.3.08 - 4:50 pm
hey, there would have at least been one freak bike if my handlebars hadn't decided to un-weld themselves from my stem. damn.
FuzzBeast06.3.08 - 5:05 pm
Yes, background work is "Hurry Up and Wait" but overall I had a goodtime. It was a lot better than any other background job I had ever worked for the evil film industry. And I got to ride my bike.
Thanks Hartwick, I would do it again anytime!!!
X-Large06.3.08 - 6:01 pm
And YES, it would had been even better with True MR personel.
X-Large06.3.08 - 6:02 pm
I hadn't seen the threads in a week or two and so I was quite surprised when I walked to work yesterday morning and saw a bunch of extras in bizarre get-ups on bikes. They were in a roped-off area right next to the stage I was working at yesterday and I realized that it must be some kind of re-creation of Midnight Ridazz. Later I briefly scanned the crowd to see if there were any faces I recognized and I thought I did but I wasn't sure. I eventually texted Harry thinking that he might be in the know about it, and if he wasn't, he might be amused. He called me back and told me to find Hartwick, who I hadn't met before. I found him right away and chatted with him and Michelle (??? Sorry, I REALLY suck at names and faces . . . did I get the wrong name?) for a bit and realized I recognized more faces in the crowd than I realized at first . . . and then I went back to work. I spent a fair bit of the day in an alley on the opposite side of the stage from where the extras were stationed and I cracked up every time I saw the bikes go by and create mini traffic jams within the studio. It was just like the real Ridazz! Golf carts, trucks, pedestrians, etc. couldn't get past the moving mass, and boy, were they pissed - even though there were only, what, 50-100 of you and it didn't take long to get by. I also saw some guy (guessing he was just some random extra, not from MR) wipe out. Hope he was OK. Anyway, I was sad when around 2 or 3 or so all the bikes slowly began to disappear from that area. I enjoyed the excessive use of the bike bells. It was a nice sound!
- Katie, the female half of Team Creanberry
Team Creanberry06.4.08 - 8:22 am
thanks hartwickpussy! i had an awesome time and couldn't stop laughing hysterically because of the possiblility of imminent crashing. poor bmx dude wiped out twice.
and they should start making everything out of old potatos.
meandmybluebike06.4.08 - 12:45 pm
Thanks again, Hartwick for the chance to do this. I'm glad I got over my aversion to getting up at 4AM, the shoot turned out to be fun, especially dodging the extras who could hardly ride a bike. Hey I got to talk to TJ Thyne...I thought he was one of the crew (nice baby blues on that boy)
alicestrong06.5.08 - 1:14 pm
Did everyone see it? If not,
catch it here. You'll have to watch a commercial at the beginning, but then you can skip ahead right to our big scene. It's at about 36:00 minutes in.
I, thankfully, am an out-of-focus blur for about three frames (they made me wear a feather fucken boa for chrissake). But a few people are a tiny bit more visible (Big Bike Dan leading the pack, for example).
theroyalacademy09.7.08 - 10:18 am
That was THE WORST bike scene I've ever seen in any movie, tv show, or children's book EVER!!! Holy shit....
BUT it was fantastic seeing some familiar faces cruising on primetime!
PRODUCER: So we got a scene where dude and girl are gonna kiss. There's no real chemistry that has developed, since they're simple one-dimentional characters we've pieced together using market research. So, we need a way to really ham it up, ya know... make it have some feeling.
WRITER: Well, the other night these douchebags on bikes swarmed my car in ridiculous outfits hootin' and hollarin' and as I tried to run one over, I thought, "Hey, these guys could bring some real street cred to our show."
PRODUCER: Great! Get them in here... And throw in that one guy that always talks about the Universe as a mistress or some shit, and get in touch with the Mrs. Doutfire peeps, see if they've got any left over music they didn't use.
I hate tv.
Leetard09.7.08 - 10:53 am
Leetard, you are being too harsh.
I don't watch TV and didn't have the patience for watching the entire episode but I didn't see any harm done.
Two people kiss, a swarm of bikes passes by. That's all.
The bikes are like Eros passing or twinkling stars. Corny? Maybe.
Evil? No.
Disclaimer: Hartwick's dad is a writer for the show.
marino09.7.08 - 11:14 am
I know Hartwick's dad is a writer for the show... I was even eager to go! I was just commenting on the execution. Personally knowing what goes on in production, I conjured up a funny "scenario." I'm not baggin' on anyone personally, just the process and the ebb and flow of television.
Leetard09.7.08 - 11:24 am
Don't those bikers have a job?
User109.7.08 - 2:44 pm
Seemed like an alright scene.
Haven't watched the show in awhile though, only thing on by the time I get home are informercials, reruns of Fuck-ality shows, and B-movies.
I really need to invest in a DVR.
bentstrider09.7.08 - 3:27 pm
was that harry dressed like an egyptian????
(the bangles)
ruinedbyidiots09.7.08 - 3:30 pm
I thought that was Harry too.
User109.7.08 - 3:41 pm