
Thread started by
imachynna at 03.18.09 - 10:23 pm
As much as I hate it, why aren't there any rides? If Santa Monica can have a critical mass, why can't Burbank?
because like glendale, burbank has their own police department that likes to waste taxpayer money on the most retarded shit.
coldcut03.18.09 - 10:25 pm
Just like Santa Monica. But they still manage to have a critical mass that brings out riders. I don't know, maybe I'm just trying to bring hope to a hopeless place.
imachynna03.18.09 - 10:26 pm
I mentioned it once and everybody bombed it.
rayrayray03.18.09 - 10:27 pm
rayrayray, weren't you doing an Ikea ride?
That would be lovely.
danya03.18.09 - 10:30 pm
i totally agree with you. let's do this!
although we should expect the police to crack down. that is a give in.
coldcut03.18.09 - 10:33 pm
My Spring-Fling ride could go there, unless I cancell it.
rayrayray03.18.09 - 10:36 pm
ikea would be a cool spot, but if you wanna make an impact san fernando by the media center would rock!
coldcut03.18.09 - 10:37 pm
Im down to ride burbank. I wouldnt mind hitting the new Barneys Beanery on San fernando rd.
Lets do this!
speedybrian200003.18.09 - 10:38 pm
Everyone must have lights - they will totally give you a ticket fo sure!
speedybrian200003.18.09 - 10:39 pm
I planned somthing like that, we would roll thru a crowded mall. OKAY!!!!!
F.U.N. FOR THE 818
rayrayray03.18.09 - 10:39 pm
and no open containers!
if people wanna drink they'll have to wait until outside of burbank or they run the risk of getting a dui.
coldcut03.18.09 - 10:40 pm
I'm going to plan it very well.
We'll hit burbank hard.
rayrayray03.18.09 - 10:43 pm
That would be cool Ray! Yeah, just warn everyone before we enter that city. I think a large crowd would have better chances of not getting into trouble.
speedybrian200003.18.09 - 10:43 pm
Riding Burbank doing daylight hours may reduce chances of harassment.
sexy03.18.09 - 10:45 pm
They wont know what hit them.
I've gotten a ticket from burbank before, err.
rayrayray03.18.09 - 10:46 pm
The only time the Burbank police ever said anything to me was on Bicykillers, when they yelled "wait for the light next time guys"... so... meh. I think people make it sound like a worse place for cops than it actually is. It's the fat ladies in minivans that I worry about.
Anyway, if you do a ride here, I'm in.
canadienne03.18.09 - 10:53 pm
Liz there is a history with rides in Burbank
Thats why you haven't probably been on many rides in Burbank.
sexy03.18.09 - 10:56 pm
As long as we don't ride naked brakless with two 40's in our hands then we shoulnf't have problems. Besides, they should be looking for underage armenians driving around smokeing camels.
rayrayray03.18.09 - 10:59 pm
BRO! lmao you gotta watch out for those armenians
la duderina03.18.09 - 11:01 pm
haha...I'm down for this ride.
Sounds fun..the only place to really watch out for the Armenian drivers is on San Fernando ride, downtown Burbank.
whoa buddy03.18.09 - 11:09 pm
I thought the armenians were all in glendale. and my school. I'm armenian by association, so watch what you say, BRO.
la duderina03.18.09 - 11:10 pm
we'll have our u-locks ready, those guys are notorious for being extra aggro on the road
markcruzniggah03.18.09 - 11:12 pm
I'm half Armenian
half black, ask chynna.
rayrayray03.18.09 - 11:12 pm
I'm in chynna.
Ray, make it happen.
You still putting together the SPRING FLING?
@ speedybrian:
Barneys Beanery will give you a seizure. TVs everywhere... colors are insanely vibrant and just splattered everywhere like a Pollock painting.
GodLovesUgly03.18.09 - 11:13 pm
Yes, but like two weeks than later date.
April 11, 2009.
It'll be big.
818 style.
rayrayray03.18.09 - 11:16 pm
word son.
oh.... and stop stealing bikes (inside joke)
GodLovesUgly03.18.09 - 11:17 pm
the first valley ride i ever did (halloween ride in 06) we went through burbank for a little bit. we were riding down one street while two patrol cars were riding behind us on the two streets parallel to where we were.
ruinedbyidiots03.18.09 - 11:29 pm
@ rayrayray:
I'll see u on friday, at the RIDE WITH NO NAME.
GodLovesUgly03.18.09 - 11:30 pm
lindsay la duderinian
03.19.09 - 2:12 am
la duderina03.18.09 - 11:31 pm
I used to.
You'll see.
oh, and it's a punk ride... so bring your holy ass pants.... lol. you know the ones.
GodLovesUgly03.18.09 - 11:36 pm
I always wanted to plan a ride to kripsy kreme over at burbank.
PaulEatsBabies03.18.09 - 11:54 pm
"As long as we don't ride no lights with two 40's in our hands then we shoulnf't have problems."
Tren Way just did and we didn't have any problems.
toweliesbong03.19.09 - 12:15 am
"I'm in chynna."
This is wrong.
What day of the month?
imachynna03.23.09 - 11:08 am
This ride sounds awesomeness im in for sure and ill tell my possie. For a favor could we possibly ride trough The Huge parking lot at the company i work so i can check out the footage later? hahaha it's on hollywood way and victory next to the water plant!
pporras03.23.09 - 12:56 pm
i'll try it out.. its just 1 city away from my house anyway.
twindc2303.23.09 - 12:59 pm
Burbank has a lot of cops and its pretty quiet there, so most of them are bored.
They will mess with you a lot more than LAPD but if you keep your ride just a little bit legal you probably won't get hassled to bad.
We've had a bunch of rides go through burbank with no problem.
It can be done.
1. Stop at red lights and then slowly run them if the coast is clear.
2. Leave a lane for cars to pass.
3. Make the stops shorter and in less visible places.
4. Turn the music down in residential neighborhoods.
These are the 4 things they are most likely to get their panties all twisted about.
stillline03.23.09 - 1:41 pm
What if burbank Critical mass started at 5pm on the last friday.
Then people could do bth Burbank and LACM if they were so inclined.
stillline03.23.09 - 1:43 pm
I’m thinkin’ we can pitch in for some tubes, adapters, patches, maybe even glowsticks, water, and joints to sling at the stops.
pporras03.23.09 - 2:13 pm
Burbank Critical Mass sounds cool. We just gotta treat BCM like SMCM. They’ve got a really good response time and when Cruzz with us Big Ass Ride was bordering Burbank… they sent the ride up Barham. They didn’t want anything to do w/ the ride going through their city. There are reasons why Brian took it in there but a quick in and out. Even during the 7-11 ride they left us alone at a 7-11 stop at Hollywood Way but they were really curious. Good thing with Burbank is that they’ve got really nice street. They’ll be cool as longs as we don’t run those reds and stay to the right. It’ll be fun!!
digablesoul03.23.09 - 2:45 pm
pretty much what Matt said but minus #1. I don't think they'd cork for us... more like write the ticket and set an example.
digablesoul03.23.09 - 2:49 pm
May I suggest another name then Burbank Critical Mass.
Critical mass has so been done. It is like a starting off point (aka a place where bicyclist can get to know each other).
I don't see this ride as a starting off point as much as just a ride for the area.
May I suggest something generic as the Burbank Community Ride. That sounds like a bad program that the officials over at the Burbank parks and rec created. If there is ever any grief and you have to deal with city official, cops, or employees you can say "but this is the Burbank Community Ride". Sounds so lame that they would have to give you some breaks.
Or something as cool as the title of this thread such as just
I don't know how much my opinion matter since I will rarely get to go on this ride. I just wanted to share my ideas with ya all.
sexy03.23.09 - 11:13 pm
Plus with Burbank critical mass, you could end up getting stuck in the rout of what critical mass is and isn't. This ride could end up being whatever it wants to be when it chooses. It doesn't have to be a set thing every month.
It can be critical mass, it could be a protest, it could be party, a silly theme. sing along, it could be lets get the kids acquainted with riding bikes in traffic ride, it could be the lets take our aggressions out on RBI ride or it could be a ride to support striking workers at a local big chain store. It could be different every month. Think of the versatility.
Whatever choice you all make it will be the right one. Can't wait to be bummed about not being able to go on this one.
sexy03.23.09 - 11:19 pm
haha, i think we'd have an easier time in burbank.
coldcut03.24.09 - 1:22 am
7. Armenian 84 up, 54 down love ithate it
Frontiers of double parking, triple parking, stopping in the middle of the street, talking loudly, not abiding to traffic laws, walking dogs with no leash, not picking up their excrement, taking baths in cheap cologne, leaving old furniture out in the sidewalk, hating Turks for invalid reasons, and driving salvaged luxury cars while collecting welfare while living in a hole in the wall apartment.
Goals in life are but not limited to having gold plated necklaces, sporty jumpsuits, and saying "arrah" every five minutes for no real reason.
99.999% of the time, their last name ends in "ian." The biggest accomplishment in the History of Armenia is Kim Kardashian.
Jim: Where in the hell are we? Did the apocalypse just occur?
Bob: No, we're in Glendale
Tim: That cologne store smells funny
Matt: That's because it's not a cologne store, it's just an Armenian in a phone booth
ruinedbyidiots03.24.09 - 1:25 am
there's always douchebags and retards that perpetuate negative stereotypes, regardless of race. i'm sure you know that though.
i still hate glendale.
coldcut03.24.09 - 1:32 am
I hate to play that race card. I have had the worse experiences and have some potentially hairy things go down on the stretch of Hollywood blvd between Gower (really getting bad at Bronson) and Western. I actually made it a point not only not to ride on, but never take any ride I lead down that stretch of road. Of course at CRANK MOB Saturday night the same potential almost lethal situation happens again on that stretch of road. Who is responsible for it? I'll let you guess.
sexy03.24.09 - 1:38 am
damm it tyler, You stumped me again.
Your getting good
sexy03.24.09 - 1:40 am
you guys want to ride around this afternoon? im free after i finish my chores.
ruinedbyidiots03.24.09 - 12:46 pm
If I can get over there. Text me the time or post it up here.
sexy03.24.09 - 12:47 pm
Yeah, what Sexy said. I'm going to ride over there and pick up my film at CVS anyway.
imachynna03.24.09 - 1:22 pm
For those in the east valley try to use Camera Craft at Vineland and Lankershim. Kevin there is an awesome dude. Ask kuby!
toweliesbong03.24.09 - 1:28 pm
i'm gonna ride on vineland in a bit if anyone is interested.
coldcut03.24.09 - 1:31 pm
im inside listening to records all the time. but seriously, two blocks down sparks and youre in rbi land.
ruinedbyidiots03.24.09 - 2:11 pm

What Brad said.
Don't shop or use CVS. It sounds like you got a great alternative.
CVS demands to track your shopping habits at their store or charge you a premium. You have to show a valid id to get one of there (so called
sexy03.24.09 - 2:23 pm
That's funny. Looks like I'm in RBI territory all the time then.
imachynna03.24.09 - 2:24 pm
Don't shop or use CVS. It sounds like you got a great alternative.
CVS demands to track your shopping habits at their store or charge you a premium. You have to show a valid id to get one of there (so called
discount card--actually you pay a premium if you don't use there shopper tracking card.
Same with all the other stores that make you pay extra if you don't use there cards... Albertson, vons, Ralphs and more.
sexy03.24.09 - 2:25 pm
Yeah, I don't ever develop my film at CVS. This time it was a cheap disposable camera I was messing with, so I decided to do that instead of pay 10-14$ somewhere else. If I ever shoot b&w I usually develop it myself, but I haven't done that in a while due to laziness.
imachynna03.24.09 - 2:25 pm
im going to ride to trader joes. toluca lake or the one on between san fernando and glen oaks. hmmm....
ruinedbyidiots03.24.09 - 3:38 pm
We all live so close, yet we seldom ride these streets together.
rayrayray03.24.09 - 9:38 pm
I go to camera craft as well, kevin is the coolest dude you could ever hope to meet!
I just wish they had in-house processing.
skyscrapers03.24.09 - 11:11 pm
Yeah, I buy all my film there. I don't know who they use for processing but it's not bad. I dev my b&w at home but take my color to Camera Craft.
Hell, I fell in love Fuji Neopan 1600 when Rollers started bringing it here to develop and Kevin started stocking it for me. Great guy.
toweliesbong03.24.09 - 11:47 pm
the Yum Yums on s. glenoaks around 2 oclock AM makes the best doughnuts damn good if you work a night job
fatpateatsfood03.25.09 - 12:27 am
DOTW = Kevin from Camera Craft
sexy03.25.09 - 12:31 am

Media Capital of the WORLD!...
Yes, the WORLD!
the reverend dak03.25.09 - 12:52 am
I have lived in Burbank all my life, theres some cool history here & a lot of things to see. Like the old school B.M.X. track in the hills called (LUCKY BUSTERS) or(SECRET MOTO) also I know of a couple of liquor stores, that are not a total bust. like Nelsons liquor on Clyborn &Victory. We need to make our presence known on the chandler bike path. Maybe a B.M.X. bike ride. Strength in numbers mellows out B.P.D. so do pics & vids. there like cryptonite to cops
SOFAQU303.25.09 - 7:10 am