Thread started by
kaslik at 10.28.11 - 9:22 am
I was shopping at whole foods tremendously before I left for, well "organic food" and I found out today from a friend that its not true. Whole Food claims to be green, yet a good amount of their products are filled with Genetically Modified ingredients
Anyhow, he shared the petition with me to force labeling of genetically modified foods presence in "organics" and I thought I'd share it with you all.
Some factoids about produce code numbers, from the Interwebs:
According to this ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Price_look-up_code ):
* Most identifying numbers on the stickers on produce are 4 digits, but...
* If the code number is 5 digits and begins with "8", the produce is "genetically engineered", whatever that means
* If the code number is 5 digits and begins with "9", the produce is "organic", again, whatever that means.
Another food factoid:
* It's common for growers in the US to wax their apples: http://www.cookatease.com/waxed-apples-are-they-safe-to-eat
Bringing it around to bikes, I've had good success (after several spills while working things out) using an Xtracycle to do weekly grocery shopping for a family now of four.
The Xtracycle with its "V-loaders" can carry as many as 8 re-usable cloth grocery bags using one bungee over the top "snap deck" to hang all the bag handles, then using multiple bungees down the sides criss-crossed to stabilize everything. Bakery goods could be put in a reusable box, but I just hang them in a bag that doesn't otherwise get bungeed.
OverTheHill10.28.11 - 10:17 pm
I do most of my shopping at Trader Joe's but Whole Foods has the most amazing Vegan section and the prices are actually somewhat cheaper than other stores on the Vegan stuff. They are they only store I know of that carries Garlic Aioli....if you know who else sells it, let me know here....
barleye10.31.11 - 10:24 am