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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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Spring Thing!
Thread started by the reverend dak at 05.18.07 - 12:49 pm

It has been posted on the Calendar Here: http://midnightridazz.com/viewStory.php?storyId=377

But there hasn't been a Forum Thread created for it, so I shall do it, here, you're reading it.

I'm not paul, but paul is the shit. His events are the shit, if you do ANYTHING this memorial weekend, the Spring Thing is what it should be.

Cowboy or Indian attire. Dress up. Yes, you can stil be cool, and dress up.

There will be a bike ride, bicycle battles and races, beer and hotdogs.

It's all FREE. http://www.geocities.com/atomiccycles/springthing07.html


i'm going...ianyone else notice how the topic ID for this is '666'?

05.18.07 - 2:38 pm


this sounds like a blast

05.19.07 - 11:44 pm


Two new events, all new ram bikes. The old ones have gone to the bicycle rack in the sky, they served us well. Check out the spools of doom on bikeboom.

05.21.07 - 7:45 am


hell yeah, we are there! are there going to be any bands??

05.21.07 - 1:06 pm


No bands. I'll have a PA with some tunes. Having bands is a whole other level of bs I don't need. People in bands think that they and thier music matter, they don't. It's a bike event as you know so the bikes are first. I've spent way too much time dealing with bands when we should be doing the bikes. Even when my own band plays, it's a pain in the ass, one more thing to haul around and deal with. After dealing with bands for years, I figure it's best to leave them out of the equation as I have a very full plate for this one.

05.22.07 - 9:21 am


Nice bike! I'm scared now.

Joe Borfo
05.22.07 - 10:17 am


The geocities site will be down for a while, so just check out the google cache.


Sounds like a great time, I will definitely be there.

05.22.07 - 10:25 am


sweet trike - (can i call it a trike?) im glad to see that you are still customizing!! Are you gonna ride that thing on the ride?

05.22.07 - 10:45 am


Ride it? I made 4 of them, we're going to race them. You people have no idea of the stupidity I've unleashed do you? BWHAHAHAHA!

05.22.07 - 9:00 pm


shit, posting this thing on the ridazz website is...ha...we'll see what happens. You just opened it up to all kinds of rif raf. Wait till the ridazz show up enmass. good luck. better get some more hot dogs.

05.22.07 - 10:15 pm


Being that it's a valley ride, the typical LA snobbery/anti valley sentement will most likley keep the number of "cool people" to a few. I really don't think most of the ridazzz crew have to stones to handle my event.

Prove me wrong.


05.23.07 - 9:21 am


We've got a few of these puppies ready for you Valley folk to ride...

Joe Borfo
05.23.07 - 12:21 pm


I'm scared of the valley I heard bad things about a crew called the FLUFFERS I heard they hi-jack whole shoppin malls!

05.23.07 - 12:45 pm


exciting!!! I can't wait for this ride! we's gonna have so much fun!

05.24.07 - 1:06 am


yep. this event is the zzihs!!! There aren't any Scene Points (tm) involved when it comes to the Valley. That's the way I like it. Scenesters kill pretty much anything that's good.

Bring on the blood, bruises and beer.

the reverend dak
05.24.07 - 1:16 am


That's right. The Valley is for the real, your mom's credit card won't work out here. Be Afwaid!

05.24.07 - 7:31 am


I have credible evidence from multiple intelligence sources stating that the FLUFFERS have been infiltrating LA via indiscriminate cross border raids. here is a smoking gun photo exibit A: secret member of the FLUFFERS. shhhhhh

he was last seen busting through brick walls on Curson yelling "kool aid" BE CAREFUL OUT THERE.

05.24.07 - 4:25 pm


The Jim Jones Kool Aid?

05.24.07 - 6:34 pm



05.25.07 - 1:12 am


HAHA...RB, phil is so gonna kick your butt.

05.25.07 - 9:43 am


Passed out my last bunch of flyers at LA Critical Mass last night. I've handed out 1000's of flyers. I tried to give these hardcore kids some (ala victory records, bands that suck) and they typically we a bunch of snobs, wouldn't even look at the flyers let alone take them. I'll never understand the snobbery and tiny mindedness that goes hand in hand with the later hardcore scene. Why deny yourself a good time?

Choppercabras Rule.

05.26.07 - 7:42 am


passed out about 100 flyers myself in long beach lastnight too , so you know its gonna rock motherrferrs

05.26.07 - 9:33 am


Yep. We're gonna ride bikes, break things, scream, bleed, vomit, eat hot dogs, and smile.

05.26.07 - 7:59 pm


Is cowboy or Indian attire required for admittance to this function?

If so, I can comply, but I must warn you that my costume will be minimal. Very minimal.

05.26.07 - 8:03 pm


Russell in chaps... I can't wait.

Joe Borfo
05.26.07 - 8:27 pm


As long as your balls arent' "free rangin'" I don't care.

Or perhaps a tiny coyboy hat the size of a potao chip?

05.26.07 - 11:36 pm


Save a Horse, Ride a Bike!!!

Way to excited for this

Is it noon yet??

05.27.07 - 12:38 am



Not that kind of minimal.

You'll see tomorrow. If I can get up that early.

05.27.07 - 2:18 am


Noon is early? Wow. What's late, 5pm?

05.27.07 - 6:56 am


You tell em Rev. Truck driver

05.27.07 - 11:22 am


of course when I arrived at 1:30 I missed all of the events and everyone was already on the ride. Here are the couple photos I got.


05.27.07 - 3:47 pm


Noon is kinda early for me. It really means I gotta get up at 9:30 am SSS (shit shower shave) primp, get a table at byrds, get my chai double pump latte triple soy at psychobabble, read variety and then ride out to deep valley. This stuff takes time brother! if it was 3pm you get more of us other side of the hill jerkoffs.

But seriously I f-ing can't believe I couldn't make it out yet again. I had to work. I missed a ton of damn rides because of work.

Halloween damnit to hell I'm coming to see this shit!

05.27.07 - 8:23 pm


Rejoyce Hipsters, they have this new thing that will help you get to places on time:

It's called a clock.

Learn to tell time, save your bullshit excuses.

250 people had a great time and you not being there had nothing to do with it.

October, perhaps the stars will be just right and you people can see what you've only been hearing about.

till then,

Choppercabras rule.

05.27.07 - 9:46 pm


clocks are so 2005

05.27.07 - 10:37 pm


Sore as fuck, tired as hell, sunburnt like a dried tomato, covered in grime from the parking lot I spent the night in to make the event, and rolling into home at 11 pm two days after I left it. Yeah, it's been a good weekend, and this shit was the icing on the.. hell it was the top two layers and the icing on the cake.

05.28.07 - 12:01 am


rev106 wrote:

Noon is early? Wow. What's late, 5pm?

I work nights, dawg. Noon is dawn. 5 pm is about nine in the morning. 10 pm is noon. It's all pretty complicated and counterintuitive. I can post a detailed chart if anybody's interested.

As it happened, though, my hipster clock worked fine and I got there not only on time, but ten minutes early. I even had time to drink coffee, put on sunscreen, and do my good deed for the day (backed a lady's car out of the parking lot past all the tires and bikes and hipsters) before the racing started.

Anyway, thanks for having us skinny tire bike !@#$?s over, and for not killing and eating us. Things like this are always appreciated.

05.28.07 - 12:13 am


You can't say "!@#$?" on this board? That is so $@&*%!

05.28.07 - 12:15 am


wait the board's fucking censored? when did this happen?

05.28.07 - 12:18 am


I'm pretty sure it all started when *#*(@# )(@**& 83(*%^, $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%%.

05.28.07 - 12:21 am


Can you still say needle dicked !@#$?s?

05.28.07 - 1:38 am


*#*(@# )(@**& #^%%$%^$%^&(*(^@#$! @##$#@#@%$ @@&^%*^*($%83( @$#^%%$%^$%^ &(*(^@#$!@##$#@# @%$@@&^%*^*($%*%^, $@ *_( &^$ @$#^%% *#*(@# )(@**& 83(*%^, $@ * v@$#^%%$% ^$%^&(*(^@#$!@##$#@#@ @$#^%%$%^$%^&(*(^@#$!@##$#@#@%$@@&^%*^*($%@$#^%%$%^$%^&(*(^@#$!@##$#@#@%$@@&^%*^*($% %$@@&^%*^*($%_(&^$ @$#^%% *#*(@# )(@**& 83(*%^ , $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%% *#*( @# )(@**& 83(*%^, $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%% *#*(@# )(@**& 83(*%^, $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%% v*#*(@# )(@**& 83(*%^, $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%% *#@$#^%%$%^$%^&(*(^ @$#^%%$%^$%^&(*(^@#$!@##$#@#@%$@@&^%*^*($% @#$!@ ##$#@#@%$@@&^%*^*($%*(@# )(@**& 83(*%^, $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%% *#*(@# )(@**& 83(*%^, $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%% *#*(@# @$#^%%$%^$%^&(*(^@#$!@##$#@#@%$@@& ^%*^*($%)(@**& 83(*%^, $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%% *#*(@# )(@**& 83(*%^, $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%% *#*(@# )(@**& 83(*%^, $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%% *#*(@# )(@**& 83(*%^, $@ *_(&^$ @$#^%%$%^$%^&(*(^@#$!@##$#@#@%$@@&^%*^*($%!

Joe Borfo
05.28.07 - 2:45 am


what can I say, there are certain words that DO get censored on these boards and more will be added if needed. just dont care to have racist, and/or homophobic words to appear on this website... no apologies for that type of censorship. call me a schlubb if ya want...

05.28.07 - 1:52 pm


Someone who came over after spring thing left a pair of gloves by my pool. Anyone claiming them? Fuzzbeast, i think they might be yours.

05.28.07 - 2:04 pm


props to Paul for that, it was so fucked up! bike body slams, wheel stomping, bleeding heads, chill ride too..you make the valley look where i belong..next time i'll bring my crew (all over the U.S.) and we'll really get dirty! thanks again

05.28.07 - 2:58 pm


Yeah, dan, those are my gloves.
I'll get em from you on the next ride.

05.28.07 - 5:20 pm


thanks to everyone for making sure i was OK after this my nasty face plant!! i'm OK!!


Choppercabras!!!!! What a wild day!

05.28.07 - 8:53 pm


Thanks for all the props and good show of blood this time. Made page 3 of the Daily News...

Ride on.

05.28.07 - 9:09 pm


do you realize how fucking INSANE that photo looks hahahah!

wish I coulda gone...... Spiral your photos of the ride are the shit!

05.29.07 - 4:16 am


Rev106-ThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYou for an amazing time.
Gopez & EricHair-Thanks for the pace, we almost made it! Ingrid-Remember the sunscreen.
Sexy-The pain, oh the pain.
BrassKnuckle-Leaving was a whole lot more fun than arriving.


05.29.07 - 8:47 am


Werd LaHaRR, good ridin, good pain...and still, the PAIN!
Many thanks to Paul for a fucking awesome time, food and hair care tips.

Eric Hair
05.29.07 - 7:13 pm


oh the insanity

Joe Borfo
05.30.07 - 7:44 pm


That's freakin' awesome!

05.30.07 - 8:56 pm



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