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NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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Spoke'n Dissent kicks off this Bike Winter
Thread started by thinkpeace at 01.16.07 - 1:32 pm

A new monthly ride, "Spoke'n Dissent" will kick off on Sunday, Februrary 4th, as part of Bike Winter 2007 L.A..

Every 1st Sunday of the Month
12:00 Noon
Hollywood and Argyle
(by the Hollywood & Vine Redline station)

This is a ride with a message - we'll be broadcasting, amplifiying and displaying various messages. Some messages that will likely be included: "Bring the throops home now!", "No blood for oil!", "Impeach Bush!".

Join in and bring your own message to display on yourself, on your bike, or to speak.

Post your suggestions for signs, messages and routes here.



Ride Page: http://midnightridazz.com/viewStory.php?storyId=186

01.16.07 - 2:15 pm


I'm all over this. Bring back the spirit of the Peace & Love Anti-War Rides of last year.

01.18.07 - 10:43 pm


Hey Eric, I couldn't make it out for this ride but I was just wondering about the set up you guys use for the FM broadcast. Was the actual transmitter attached to a bike? What kind of transmitter/antenna/battery/mixer/etcetera...?

Some friends and I are doing a similar mobile radio broadcast (on foot) with a 5 watt transmitter & boomboxes in Chinatown March 17 and I'd love to hear how you guys roll...


02.13.07 - 9:28 pm


I can't do much about this stupid war, but I can shout, ride and show up....


03.2.07 - 10:14 am


This government is all about one thing, MONEY!!!, so hit them where it hurts....the wallet.

I know this will probably get me thrown in jail but I'm not paying any more taxes to the government until ALL of our troops are out of the middle east.

03.2.07 - 12:37 pm


up in smoke...
that's where my money goes

03.2.07 - 12:39 pm


short of not paying taxes. I've chosen to reduce my spending on every frivolous expense that I can.... Who among us can deny that the government is run by money interests? Money ultimately plays the crucial hand in how people are influenced to vote, right down to the people we get to choose from to lead us. You can only get in the media if you have money.... Multimillion dollar enterprises like PR fiirms and think tanks spread messages not necessarily with the common good in mind. In fact most often there is some agenda detrimental to the common good, that's why a PR firm is needed to induce conversation and favor-able opinion about whatever it is that their clients wish to portray. it used to be the ideal that the government was intended as a tool controlled by the people of this country. but that idea has morphed into people being encouraged to disobey the government and find ways to skirt the common good for the benefit of a few with powerful voices.

So... NOTHING in politics goes untouched by the power of money. Who really controls the government? You need to look at the advertisers in this nation's most powerful media outlets. The media outlets - anywhere we get our information and anywhere that we get our topics of national and regional conversation - are who influence public thought and debate because they are the ones who get the stories out there, they are the ones who CHOOSE exaclty what stories to emphasize, and who edit and brand the chosen stories to us as a people. An advertiser is going to want to market their product to the people who have money and are likely to buy it. They search for media outlets who cater to their demographic and buy ads. In other words pay that media outlet's pay check. But advertisers want people to feel good when their ad is seen. So being the provider of food for media outlets, there is only a certain tolerance for critical view.... in fact, often large advertisers start their own publications to put out their point of view. Magazines that come out might have one or two major advertisers (who basically fund the entire cooperation) and other supplemental advertisers who represent the groundswell for a particualr message to the public. Money interests win out because they have the resources to spread their message or "take" on a given situation. Bad scandal going on for microsoft? Increase advertising. make it hurt to report bad things about the big boss.... . Therefore being conscious of my spending habits will transform my expenses into a more focused "vote" of who and what system I choose to support. For example, Instead of paying for entertainment, especially now with TV and movie entertainment being of such poor quality and entertainment news resembling hour long commercials interspersed with commercial breaks, I find it is much more satisfying to just invent my own form of entertainment. At this time that involves riding bicycles and various activities involving photography or video... shit like that that doesnt require a fee and using up 2 hours of my value-able time whilst sitting in a half empty movie theatre nodding off to some lame plot and hack acting job.

Other monetary protests: I hardly ever drive anymore. Therefore I dont feel the obligation to purchase a flashy new car. Been there done that. Who cares what kind of car you drive? Show me your bike! haha but seriously, that means as we all know that people who dont drive cars much or ever, dont support the greed of the energy companies and their hand in shaping in ill fated US foreign policy.

I haven't had cable TV in more than 12 years. literally. I've saved an estimated $10 grand + and haven't had the percieved "benefit" of any of the big commercial news entertainment propaganda channels FOX MSNBC CNN etc.... I see clearly on world issues because of this. I correctly predicted in summer 2002 that Saddam was clean of WMD. Even my friends on the left questioned my wisdom. It was like a weird nightmarish carnival happening around me in the build up to war. very strange experience because I was hearing people babble off "facts" that just defied logic to me. The reason being is becasue I wasnt privy to the newscasts that were spreading hate and bias about entire populations and ethnic groups. I would catch newscasts on FOX here and there and it was just amazing to look at surreal is a better word. newscasters who speak in terms of biased language and biased frameworks. etc and people just sleeping right through it all....

vote with your MONEY. stop spending it on the bullshit.

03.2.07 - 3:31 pm


Right on Brother Roadblock right on, Right on!

It's amazing how you people just don't want to look at the fact when past weapons inspectors where saying it was highly unlikely that iraq would posses what was coined WMD's. Scott Ritter laid the fact down and said if there was any gases that was feared left, they would be inactive. Almost no possible way for Iraq to produce nuclear material, for weapons grade material. If you where to busy listening the to the news you have to pay for while they make money selling you advertisement, it possible no matter what your political stripe was, you only heard the lies. If they tell it to you enough it becomes your reality.
TV is way to powerful. Think about it, why do advertiser pay so much for a superbowl spot or any other. Because you have a huge portion of the population watching the same thing at the same time.
Thing of how scary, that much power is.

I could on and on but I won't

03.2.07 - 6:01 pm


Yes you are maladjusted RB

03.2.07 - 6:01 pm


Reguarding the meeting point for Sunday. It is the same place as mile four, for the marthon. Does anybody have any info, to where that might hinder us from gathering at that spot. I doubt it, but it is something to think about. I haven't had anyluck getting to the marthaon web site today. Any suggestions or comments.

I think it will be great to have that ready made crowd, to get the message accross.

If you come, try to have a sign. Last ride was real powerful , with just 13 participants, it was really good. Big numbers will make it that much better. The signage really made a different from past ride with 30 to 60 particpants with less sign visablity

03.2.07 - 6:06 pm


Here is a list of service disruptions on the MTA that will be caused by the marathon. It doesn't say anything about the Hollywood/Vine Red Line station itself being closed or anything. The marathon, I think, starts off at around 8 in the morning, and our meeting time is noon, so I would imagine that most of the runners would have passed mile four long by then. But what do I know? I don't run.

I guess if anybody is riding to the meet point and finds the streets closed off, just ride to either the Hollywood/Highland or Hollywood/Western station, depending on which side you're coming from, and train it to the Hollywood/Vine station.

03.3.07 - 1:38 pm


For March 2007. I will be mouthing off about the topic Chalmers Johnson talks about in his new book Nemsis. He was on Democracy Now Feb 27 thursday. Its on Podcast if you want to catch it.
It all about how we can't have both a domestic democracy and foriegn imperialism. It won't work, if we keep going with foriegn imperialism, which is basically tyranny, we will end up losing our domestic democracy (nobody wants a standing army from another country in there country, nor do they wants that foreign countrie's army there controlling them) . Imperialism directs are country towards militarism, which cause more and more resource to go to DC, then to the executive office, the militarism comands secreties from the congress and especially those they represent. Which leads to the massives not knowing what is going on. What is going on is not in the peoples best interest, nor is it something they would support.

The interview with C Johnson is real good.

As always come with anything you want to say, be it constructive, encouraging to those that will be listening to us. Insulting poeple for their lack of participation in democracy will not encourage them to participate in it. I believe sharing the truth of how scarey things are will encourage people to mobilize, as to save our republic and even make it the best we can.

Don't forget your signs

03.3.07 - 10:51 pm


Here we go with the info you've all been waiting for: This little page has the schedule for all of the street re-openings along the entire marathon route. As you can see, the Mile Four area (Hollywood and Vine to Sunset and Vine) is scheduled to re-open to traffic at 10:22 AM, about an hour and a half before we meet.

So, no built-in marathon audience; but on the other hand, no impediments to our assembling and starting off the ride at noon. See you there! Bring duct tape!

03.3.07 - 11:33 pm


its gonna get a bit c.r.a.z.y. yo . .. Borfo is gonna show.

Joe Borfo
03.4.07 - 1:24 am


There is too much activism going on tomorrow, and I am only one guy. Should Spoke'n Dissent roll by the Adam Authier benefit downtown and pay respects/donations?

Speaking of activism, is anybody planning to storm the Bastille again on Tuesday evening (LA Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting)?

03.31.07 - 9:25 pm


PC, We're meeting on Tuesday evening at 6 pm, Sunset and Benton, and Storming the Bastille! We ride to the LABAC meeting arriving at 7pm.

The Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee meets every two months on the first Tuesday at 7 pm at 111 N. Hope Street in the Boardroom of the DWP.

The BAC advises the City Council on cycling issues. Who advises them?

We Do!

If you have any ideas, feedback, or suggestions for the BAC, join us.

Hot topics for this meeting are the safety issues on Rowena and the bandaid fixes to the bike lanes on Sunset. (moved closed to the door zone in SEVEN places!)

For more info call 323-962-6540

04.1.07 - 3:44 am


Already joined the LACBC. I plan on being at the LABAC meeting Tuesday. Tomorrow's benefit I don't know about; it depends on what Spoke'n Dissent wants to do (it's an organism that moves about by its own volition).

04.1.07 - 4:07 am


How might I make a donation toward Adam's cause by mail?

04.1.07 - 8:19 am


Checks may be made out to Adam Authier

Drop them off or mail them to:

Trader Joe's Silver Lake
Attn: Rick
2738 Hyperion Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90027

04.1.07 - 8:42 am


Good ride, but we need to figure out how to get more people out for it.

And thanks again PC and sexy for the repairs.

04.1.07 - 8:44 pm


It was great to have the Hatfields and the McCoys of ACTIVISM come together today.

Props to the Spoke'n Dissent crew for representin' at the fundraiser for Adam.

Always a pleasure to ride with Sexy, DJ Chickenleather, OTH x 3!, Kyber, PC and the rest.

04.1.07 - 9:35 pm


i'm finally going to ride this...

and i will admit one thing to you:

i'm having a fantasy of riding on the back of someone's EXTRA CYCLE with my guitar strapped on singing protest songs...

no seriously!

with a mike on the PA system....

if not this ride, then, you know, the next Spoke(n)Dissent!

05.2.07 - 5:55 pm



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