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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

Topic Box:

Thread Box:
Thread started by HANDBONE at 04.7.08 - 4:50 am

k so figureded this thred would get started at one point. anyways i have two lighters, but most importantly someones glove, a long black one. i having computer troubles righr now but i will post it tommorow morning.

post whatever you find left behind.... sucks losing your shit.


it seems like I lose my lighter every weekend.
the last one I lost has a Japanese fish on it.
more specifically, it's a koi

04.7.08 - 9:17 am


great idea! grand ave has acquired so many lost items, we actually started a lost and found box. thanks to everyone who took home their stuff this weekend! if you haven't collected your crap yet, just know you might see me wearing it (katie's mask) or taking pictures with it (laharrr's camera).

yo delicious
04.7.08 - 9:21 am


Jeff, you should check out this great lighter collection, I have amassed over the last year, on rides.

Just put "lost" in the title box of this websites Forum "search"

04.7.08 - 10:00 am


This forum has a search function?

04.7.08 - 10:14 am


Jeff, I have your Koi lighter. I don't know how I ended up with it.

04.7.08 - 10:15 am


who's kyber?

04.7.08 - 10:15 am


If you find out, let me know.

04.7.08 - 10:16 am


heres kyber

04.7.08 - 10:18 am


04.7.08 - 10:22 am


This is how you can search MR.

Search For Kyber
In the above example we've searched for Kyber, but you can switch out Kyber with any of your other MR action figures. Or in Kyber's case, missing in ACTION figures. ; )

Eric Hair
04.7.08 - 10:28 am


So, is kyber now officially more, non-present than I?

04.7.08 - 10:41 am


kyber is us. we are kyber.

04.7.08 - 10:42 am


Ah, he exists within all of us, and if we think real hard, he'll appear right before our ey...........
AHH!!! I'M BLINDED!!!!!!!!

04.7.08 - 10:52 am


I lost my mind on Los Angelopes.

Joe Borfo
04.7.08 - 10:55 am


we're all kyber, and kyber flows on within you and without you.

04.7.08 - 10:58 am



Joe Borfo
04.7.08 - 10:59 am


plain white helmet found at north hollywood park @ the future ride in feb, let me know it this is yours

04.7.08 - 11:39 am


I think I saw KYBER fighting with CYPER over Music Thread #5. PAM told them to settle it over a pizza eating contest judged by LANCE ARMSTRONG on a mini tall bike. SMPD got jealous they got to ride bikes and eat pizza at the same time so they chased them out of town. BENTSTRIDER drove them to Austin where PIZZAWOLF was making tons of pizzas. Before they were about to start eating TURRICAN riding Kabuki Sky and DARTH VELOZ riding a paper plane swooped down and stole their pizza. CRYBABY cried but out of nowhere OLDBLOCK came back from the future and returned the pizza. This time with the protection of TRANNY WAY the pizza eating contest went on where KYBER won by hiding pizza in his beard. All the while a dancing BEAR doing the robot fix pushed by and nobody noticed. And...

04.7.08 - 11:42 am


wow, its should be made into an actual movie!!!

04.7.08 - 11:50 am


someone left their blinky in THE BOX at Dan Bs Brunch. It's a rear light with 3 led's and a fucked up button. If it's yours, let me know.

04.7.08 - 12:04 pm


If it's a cateye that only works when you use a pen or something to push in the button, then it's mine.

04.7.08 - 12:27 pm


Dan, why are you leaving your shit everywhere?

04.7.08 - 12:32 pm


Yo, who has my 15mm wrench? Its one of the ones with the ratcheting box end.
Last place I saw it was on Los Angelopes, I handed it to someone who was fixing something at grand before the ride... who has it now?

Please find this if you have it, I am broke, and I kinda need that should I get a flat.

04.7.08 - 4:32 pm


it's still at grand. found it yesterday. i'll trade it for the book.

04.7.08 - 4:33 pm


I left some of my households necessities @ grand! i think it's in a Ralph's bag still. Oh yeah, and the drawing of uncircumcised penis' that Erin drew... I "forgot" that too.

I found my laughing place on Los Angelopes!

04.7.08 - 4:48 pm


I've lost my humping dog. This message is approved by David Hume.

04.7.08 - 5:44 pm


yes necessities and drawing are both here

04.7.08 - 5:53 pm


Yo dan, I don't have the book, but I'm in town, i'll give you a call on my way by.

04.7.08 - 8:13 pm


trenway lost its kyber.
if found, return to grand ave tonight at 8:00pm

04.8.08 - 11:09 am



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