NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
hey check it out.... this is the second time I spotted an LAPD Ridazz ride! they cork intersections (including a stale green to red light not shown) and they ride in the right lane....
haHAHAHAHAHAHAH... i like how they ride in 2 columns... maybe we can ride like that with 800'll be like a 10 mile long stretch......oh yea...i think chrome bags should make a LAPD messenger bag for them...haha
As funny as that is, I think video reveals alot about the LAPD's double standard. I've paid fines for doing the same thing the officers in the video are, "corking"!!! **** *** ****!
I love that they are blocking.... this indicates to me that they face the same issues we do and will be more sympathetic to our cause.... afterall we're just copying what they do... they did it first! well the daylight crawlerss actually started the shit but after we saw the LAPD do it we just ran with the idea. thanks LAPD!
The LAPD has had bicycle police for a long time. I've seen some photos of the "Bicycle Brigade" that date back to the 1910's and 1920's.
There are two things I know about at the LAPD regarding bicycles:
(1) The Bicycle Control Unit (BCU) which is a bicycle crew within the department
(2) Some sort of rookie training program (which I think you are seeing in the video), where the LAPD crap-floods and area with rookies on foot or on bike, getting their training and doing some basic police work.
In either case, the cops on the force generally think that the bicycle cops are something of a joke, and that they spend their time riding through the park, enjoying their day playing around.
I heard that they train all kinds of "takedown" techniques with their bikes.
I found more LAPD Ridazz going up Stadium Way from Riverside Dr. on Youtube but i was wondering... where is this from?? A day ride towards Dodger Stadium? I wanna do this. Check out the tunes and the bicycle cops hitching a ride from the cruiser. Listen to Jam Master lapd on the mic. Elvis Crespo to Whodini. He needs a fader.