messenger pants group buy?
Thread started by
cured1 at 08.9.07 - 10:46 am
Anyone interested in going in on a group buy for some of these messenger pants and or jerseys?
I'd like to get a pair of these pants and maybe a jersey. I'll also take suggestions if you know of something similiar local or online.
Those look okay - but it's all about the wool pedal pushers holmes. Or you could just cut you pants yourself or have a local tailor modify them for $15 or $20.
That non-natural "four-way-stretch-fabric" in the ad sounds like an incubator for crotch rot, a pain in the ass when it is time to wash these things.
ubrayj0208.9.07 - 11:17 am
FWIW, I have riding knickers that are made out of schoeller material and they breathe just fine. I love em'
I don't know if that's what this "4 way stretch fabric" is but if it is actually schoeller, then there should be no problem with the crotch area.
kyber08.9.07 - 11:42 am
didn't you say something about not being able to smell, was that you?
sexy08.9.07 - 12:01 pm
I can smell just fine, and I've never had any complaints from anyone else after a night of riding...
kyber08.9.07 - 12:09 pm
maybe they didn't complain to you, are you sure?
I heard that.......................
sexy08.9.07 - 12:13 pm
I'm just playin, why did I start that.
Did you see that, your name here.. Oh my Goodness, I so want one of those nice shirt with my or someone else name.
SEXY or Marino Jr.
sexy08.9.07 - 12:23 pm
420 LaHar
sc-nomad (now thats one that should be on a shirt)
Rev Dak
sexy08.9.07 - 12:31 pm
I know you're playin
But, it wouldn't surprise me if someone did say something, even if it's not true.
Lately I feel like some of us have been turning more into 'midnight gossipazz' and less like ridazz.
I'll stop now, we hijacked this thread pretty bad as it is.
kyber08.9.07 - 12:33 pm
Nobody has ever said anything about you. But one night Fuzzbeast called me out while we where going down the road at 15mph while outside, MOVING.
Hell yes I'm bragging. That is straight bragging rights.
You can't escape the essences of Sexy even while riding down the road. Another reason why I'am Sexy!
sexy08.9.07 - 12:54 pm
How much would a group buy be. My newest pair of shants cost $3.50 and they're pretty nice.
franz08.9.07 - 1:06 pm
Just a heads up: people on other web forums have had really, really terrible experiences with Portland Cyclewear, especially with group buys.
PC08.9.07 - 1:12 pm
not sure if the "4-way stretch fabric" thing got resolved, but since I work in the garment industry I thought I'd add my 2c.
Most 4-way stretch is a nylon/spandex or polyester/spandex blend. That being said it's almost all coming from the same factory in china, and I've never had a problem with those fabrics, *BUT* if you don't wash it..... (not point fingers)... then you're sure to have problems. My only concern is the quality of the chamois, the actual pants should be fine.
e-rock08.9.07 - 1:56 pm
thanks for that info PC.
They already have a jersey on their site with your name on it
cured108.9.07 - 2:33 pm
Yeah, it says "NAYSAYER" on it.
Here's part of what I'm talking about:
(Originally posted by ubermensch on Fixed Gear Gallery)
The jerseys arrived this morning. Any of you that said you wanted to help me re-package and address the envelopes, send me a PM and I'll give you my number.
Now that we have our shit, I would like to tell you guys that this was an absolutely horrid experience and I will NEVER do any sort of business with this company again. I will not get into the details for the sake of preserving whatever dignity this company might have left..
That said, the jerseys are pretty nice.
Apparently it took them forever to ship the jerseys after the group buy order was placed, and they kept dicking the GB organizer around and telling him that the jerseys had been shipped, or were about to be shipped, when they hadn't. There were also a few complaints after the jerseys arrived about the quality or size--it would seem that some of them didn't hold up very well when washed. That washing thing probably won't be a problem with the messenger pants, but you will still have to deal with the company. Don't say you weren't warned!
PC08.9.07 - 2:52 pm
Messenger Pants.
Sounds like an awesome nickname.
Eric Hair08.9.07 - 3:09 pm
you could always ask the guys at Chicago WIG, they're supposed to be a pretty stand up crew, they might be willing to do a group buy... and if not, they'll customize any pair of pants for 15 bucks into messenger pants... unpadded though.
FuzzBeast08.9.07 - 4:04 pm
aren't we suppose to be poo pooing that stretchy stuff? I can never keep up with you hipsters out there! :-(
User108.10.07 - 12:19 am
Send your pants to me with $13.50 and I'll cut the things for you. I'll even attempt to hem them, maybe...
franz08.10.07 - 12:46 am
I get practical. I also get appropriate. I also get "biker shorts", chaffing is a bitch. But i'll never understand why mountain bikers wear "mountain biker" shorts. so Messengers have "messenger pants" now? That's cool, i guess... as long as you are comfortable. But Jerseys? I can see those in team sports, i can also see wearing those while training and/or competing in sports in general. They are practical. But Midnight Ridazz? Or any of these social bicycle rides? That's just showing off, and no one likes a show-off. But! I wouldn't mind wearing a t-shirt that read, "SEXY did my hair" or "Borfo does balls" or "Dingo ate my baby", something like that.
the reverend dak08.10.07 - 11:27 am
I've decided to just get some of the army pants that chicagowig uses and have them hemmed to a shorter length.
Maybe we should have a "Dingo ate my baby" ride
cured108.10.07 - 11:33 am
"Messenger pants" is just another way of saying 3/4 length, really. It's just a stylistic term more than anything else.
I mean think about it, how many of you roll your pants up? Hence, the 3/4 pant! Makes perfect sense.
Other similar terms for said pants include clam diggers, capris, pedal pushers, etc. Do we notice the trend now?
kyber08.10.07 - 11:52 am
HOW MUCH are the knickers discounted in a group buy. and how much is each unit?
Eddie GOpez08.10.07 - 11:55 am
1-6 pair = $72 each
7-4 pair + $54 each
15+ = $36 each
cured108.10.07 - 11:59 am