Thread started by
onethirtynine at 06.17.07 - 2:38 pm
Get ready for...
Independence day bike party!
Meeting at Bikerowave at 7:30pm.
At 8:00pm (sharp), we ride down to Venice to catch a front-row view of the FIREWORKS SHOW.
Afterparty details TBA.
Streets in Venice will be closed to car traffic so let's fill them with bikes!
Marinia firework show is great, usually starts at ninePM, but it is hard to get a good spot unless you get there early.
Suggestion, to park bikes out of the way where all the peds are when you get the the area you want to check out the show, especially if there are lots of people and little space. The bikes will take up valuable space for people to sit and enjoy the show.
Consideration is so Nice
(come on Joe Borfo, saying something unnecessary, like "OH YEAH!" i's your cue)
sexy06.17.07 - 3:00 pm
Kaboom Kapow Kooooooaoooow !
Yup this sounds great. I'll be looking fwd to this delicious chemical fart exploding one after the other after the other. Lights: Neon, flowers, and rockets. I'm all about it.
KataCyklsLA2NY06.17.07 - 10:06 pm
K... sounds like a plan... One thing though... I went to the marina to watch it 3 years ago and when the first one went off... that's when we all realized that the coastal fog rolled in. The fog just glowed. Boy was everyone bummed out. I was just imagining what it looked like from above the fog. It would've been amazing. I'm down!
digablesoul06.17.07 - 10:11 pm
where does one purchase these "fire" "works" "?"
SKIDMARCUS06.17.07 - 10:57 pm
Yeah, sexy, it does get pretty busy. Maybe we'll push the ride time forward by half an hour or something.
Al - I've done the Fourth in Venice for years and the sky is usually pretty clear. I do remember a couple times there was a little marine layer. If we can't see the fireworks, at least we'll be able to hear them.
MARCUS - Mexico!
onethirtynine06.18.07 - 10:38 am
...The Westside...
SKIDMARCUS06.28.07 - 5:41 pm

And the Bike-B-Q, yes, it's done, and I should have it there.
See more pictures here
The orange bungee is only on there to keep the lid from rattling too much. The grill is welded onto the frame, and that is a 9 lb bag of charcoal in the panier, there is a cooler on the other side... oh yeah...
FuzzBeast06.28.07 - 8:12 pm
yes, I will be bringing this thingamajig, complete with veggie dogs and beverages... now which fourth celebration(s?) I will go to I havent yet decided, however, the west side could be fun.
FuzzBeast06.28.07 - 9:59 pm
so do we have a ride going out to this "west side" from the rest of LA?
FuzzBeast07.2.07 - 12:30 am
ok, how long would the ride from wilshire/western redline station take?
spiraldemon07.2.07 - 2:33 pm
hey what time should we roll out im in hollywood holla!
skano07.2.07 - 3:04 pm
spiral yo it takes 30 minutes
skano07.2.07 - 3:14 pm
30 minutes? that's pretty impressive. It took me 80 minutes to get from hollywood/western to the SM Pier
cured107.2.07 - 3:18 pm
It's about 13-14 miles from Hollywood/Western to Bikerowave if you go down Western to Olympic and then take Olympic to the bikerowave. It may not be the best route, but it's fairly direct. In any case, calculate your time based on that mileage.
brassknuckle07.2.07 - 3:34 pm
i just re-read and saw you said wilshire/western. from there it's about 10-11 miles.
brassknuckle07.2.07 - 3:49 pm
so who wants to group up and ride out from h'wood and western?
I'm aiming at leaving from there at say, 3:30 pm? or should we make it 4:30?
I will have the Bike-B-Q, so I don't think sprinting is going to be my forte' for the night...
FuzzBeast07.3.07 - 4:52 am
ohhh...thursday is going to hurttttt
superfish07.3.07 - 10:41 am
Sooner would be better than later... Are you trying to catch the bikerowave bbq?
420LaHaRR07.3.07 - 10:55 am
I heard there's going to be some bike polo at the Bikerowave BBQ
onethirtynine07.3.07 - 1:17 pm
I do that ride at least once a month (more now that people are Pressuring me ; ) and it's safe to say it takes 30min - 50min depending on lights, people, pace etc.
Eric Hair07.3.07 - 2:40 pm
+ 1 for sooner rather than later.... can we play cops and robbers with water guns on the way???
can the bike-b-q be grilling as we roll???
can we find a bike-scream (with ice cream) to roll with us also???
I picked up a nice looking cooler bag filled with ice packs at the bicycle film fest that someone left outside the theatre on Fri night... maybe that can be filled with ice cream and then after we eat it all we can find out the rightful owner of that nifty bag (although I am totally down for keeping it if no one steps up to claim it)
actually - maybe I should check with the family and see what the family 4th plans are before I get all excited about rolling out from hollywood............ I might have to roll out from closer to the westside all by my lonesome............
redridinghood07.3.07 - 2:52 pm
Well, the Bike-b-q has not yet been tested for rolling and grilling (or at all), but it may happen. Also it has a decent sized styrofoam type beach cooler thingy attached to one side, so, rolling with beverages as well as possibly some ice cream is definitely a possibility. If we can stop again when we get close to the bicrowave to restock and pick up some veggie type grillins (i gotta roll into LA with it empty though, so I gotta stock up near the start) I can load it up with more beverages for the ride down.
Ok, so let's say Wilshire and Western at 3:30?
FuzzBeast07.3.07 - 3:27 pm
Wilshire & Western...
Meet @3:00 pm...
Roll @ 3:30pm...
Bring waterguns and some beverages (gonna be a hot one!)...
Got it.
420LaHaRR07.3.07 - 3:31 pm
Hey redridinghood, i'll be rolling from sunset/bundy to the bikerowave. is your westside location anywhere near there? if so, shoot me an email. addy is in my profile.
brassknuckle07.3.07 - 3:33 pm
B(ike)BQ is freshly re-tired (shoulda seen the old ones) and ready to roll tomorrow.
See y'all at 3. Just remember, I won't be fast at all tomorrow.. this thing is singlespeed on a mt bike gearing, so it's kinda low (i need it low to get rolling though, and to climb hills, loaded it weighs like Dan's trailer) and handles like a Winnebago driven by a drunk.
FuzzBeast07.3.07 - 7:25 pm
I'm just wondering how long those tires will last with the BBQ going. ha ha!
onethirtynine07.3.07 - 7:55 pm
sooo.. is it wilshire and western
hollywood and western?
at 2:30 or 3PM?
can someone please clarify...........
redridinghood07.3.07 - 11:11 pm
wilshire and western, 3 pm ride at 330
FuzzBeast07.4.07 - 12:27 am
yeah, I made a typo earlier in the thread, it was always supposed to be wilshire and western.
FuzzBeast07.4.07 - 12:29 am
Is this rolling party going to the beach before BikeRoWave? If so, what beach can westsiders meet you at?
alec07.4.07 - 7:56 am

Will anyone out-flare this kid tonight?
onethirtynine07.4.07 - 8:36 am
y e e h a w
*H E Y*
there are fireworks stands in all over Inglewood (def. LaBrea & Manchester), I stumbled across some last night.
*B E A C H*
go to V 13 and get rolled into a 5ml and thrown off the pier. (VENICE)
y e e h a w
SKIDMARCUS07.4.07 - 9:10 am
marcus, is "V13" a lifeguard tower number or what?
If we were to go straight out from the gym on venice beach there is vegan food right there for any veg people. Or just south of the SM Pier there is lots of fun swings and equipment to play on if people are into that. I think since every beach will be crouded we should just apreciate the company and go somewhere super popular (we don't have to worry about parking!).
alec07.4.07 - 10:05 am
V 13 is Gangster for Venice 13each. Get it?
Where are you guys going? Cubzz will hunt you down.
SKIDMARCUS07.4.07 - 12:55 pm
see you at the station at 3 then...
ingipet07.4.07 - 1:08 pm
sandy, sticky and
salty I ride satisfied
smiling now I'm home.
great fourth Bikerowave
polo, barbique, fireworks
late night ocean swim.
what more could I ask
except maybe a shower
before my nice bed.
thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks
thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks
I'm still a bbit drunk
redridinghood07.5.07 - 3:54 am
What more could you ask for???...???...
franz07.5.07 - 5:45 am
how about a couple extra hours of sleep... damn the busses and their non 24 hr ness...
FuzzBeast07.5.07 - 7:19 am
Hope everyone got home alright.
Thanks for making today at work even more dreary and painful...
420LaHaRR07.5.07 - 11:51 am
yesterday's fun is totally worth today's sleep deprivation
spiraldemon07.5.07 - 12:10 pm

ah yes....good times!!
it is nice to not have a job sometimes. i recommend that you all try it.
ingipet07.5.07 - 12:19 pm
To all those that helped put this together... Major props!! This was an awesome ride. Great location to see the fireworks and an amazing afterparty!! Props to the DJ for the great music that kept the people groovin. Can't wait till next year! I'm tired. Ride on!
digablesoul07.5.07 - 12:23 pm
well, I am at work right now, on a whole hour of sleep in a chair, and I even made it on time*. Last night, and the rest of yesterday as well, was awesome.
I think the B(ike)BQ is going to need a little repair after last night. That basket I bashed on that dude's Beamer is sorta falling apart but fixable, and I managed to lose the top of the styrofoam cooler somewhere in downtown when I was too tired to notice/care, and I think I'm gonna need to repack the bottom bracket, but otherwise, It's all good, hope everyone enjoyed the food. I had a blast with it, it will return at some point.
*with a 5 mile uphill dash to beat the clock
FuzzBeast07.5.07 - 12:30 pm
so now you all know my sappiness comes out in the form of hiaku's after long 3am rides on empty LA streets...
@Ingipet - thanks for getting me home!
breakfast time...
redridinghood07.5.07 - 12:32 pm

an inspiration to us all!!! Go fuzzbeast!!!
watching you take that hill on Olympic on our way out to the bikerowave was pure joy.
Bike B-Q!!!!
ingipet07.5.07 - 12:41 pm
oh yeah, laharr, was it me or was that bus driver a DICK... (or were you asleep enough not to notice?
I was afraid our bikes were going to bounce out a couple times he was bombing wilshire so fast even with all the potholes, then again, I feared for my life once or twice too... he was mroe concerned about dicking with the farebox that paying attention to the road...
FuzzBeast07.5.07 - 12:45 pm

your most welcome!
don't let nobody tell you it's too far to ride home to the eastside from the ocean!!!
do you drink some kind of adorable sexy juice that makes you so adorably sexy? or maybe it's just that amazing BIKE B-Q you are standing in front of!!!
ingipet07.5.07 - 12:45 pm
night swimming lit up by Santa Monica pier, sauced up, and after a few tokes!
Midnight Swimmazz
spiraldemon07.5.07 - 12:48 pm
Well at least it was pure joy for someone... ;-)
I was good until that bridge at the top.. gasping for air and only getting exhaust fumes... I thought I was going to die.
My legs are thanking me for that today.
The beach was a total blast too... I hadnt been in the Pacific yet. Good times.
Oh yeah, and did anyone else love the Venice police's grasp of the concept of streets closed to car traffic? That one lady cop pretty much threatened Randy with letting a car hit her...
FuzzBeast07.5.07 - 12:50 pm
Lost somewhere in our driver is a mullet wearin', beer guzzlin', wannabe nascar racer...
420LaHaRR07.5.07 - 12:55 pm
Degree of Severity of Ankle Sprains:
Grade I
Mild sprain, mild pain, little swelling, and joint stiffness may be apparent
Stretch and/or minor tear of the ligament without laxity (loosening)
Usually affects the anterior talofibular ligament
Minimum or no loss of function
Can return to activity within a few days of the injury (with a brace or taping)
i had to work from home today...can't even walk on that feet....thanks for the help everybody!
superfish07.5.07 - 1:34 pm
the bike looks good....came home with a few more campy strips got stratched and thats about it...
superfish07.5.07 - 1:39 pm
Thanks for the excellent ride y'all! Many memories are seared into my brain about the 4th.
----- Fuzz taking the hill on his one speed tank, leaving everyone sucking air!
----- Fish being the bravest trooper and soldiering on through the night. (Good to hear the bikes OK! ;-))
----- And the last memory that wouldn't be lost anytime soon is the group of guys frolicking naked as the day they were born. Playing in the water without a care in the world.
You guys rocked!
User107.5.07 - 3:51 pm
Highlights of the Night:
Venice Police spilling out my beer and threatening if I could afford a $300 ticket.
Gopez almost getting his ass kicked by a very large woman in a small car.
Getting home at 5:30 in the morning, after riding back home from the Beach to Mid Wilshire.
There was no way in hell I was going to go to work today. I just woke up from falling asleep at 10 this morning.
What a ridiculous night, it was amazing!!!
And Remember:
feelingrandy07.5.07 - 4:05 pm
I just want to thank you all for coming out for the BBQ/polo/ride/fireworks/party/swim!
I had a blast and it seems like everyone else did too. The perfect moment was when we were coming down Pacific next to the Grand Canal as the fireworks show was just starting to light up the sky ahead of us.
Big ups to Bikerowave for hosting the barbecue, many thanks to MXF for letting us party in his studio and most importantly mad props to everyone in attendance for making this an unforgettable Fourth.
I love you all!
onethirtynine07.5.07 - 5:15 pm
Yesterday was exactly what I needed.
Thanks to everyone who organized such an amazing day.
Swimming in the ocean with a bunch of naked weirdos at 1am really topped off the night. We need more midnight swimmazz!
kyber07.5.07 - 5:48 pm

Look how many people's days were MADE! i havent ever had so many memories MADE and ERASED all in one night...awesome job guys...
So I don't know how many people heard but while you guys where swimming...
attached is a picture of my eye from eyed purple people eater... see yall tomorrow
SKIDMARCUS07.5.07 - 8:03 pm
Who jumped you?
and where?
by the way, did you get home ok on your cardboard tire?
FuzzBeast07.6.07 - 1:43 am
oh and my pics:
I'll post a few here later, right now I need sleep.
FuzzBeast07.6.07 - 2:41 am
WTF? You got jumped? For what? They try to jack you? What is this cardboard tire? I wanna see!!
digablesoul07.6.07 - 8:40 am
AAhh shit, it wasn't the "Real Wife Bike" purple bike revenge.
Looks like you got a piegon.
sexy07.6.07 - 9:34 am
Damn!! These guys have on any levi jackets with insignias on the back? You catch any of the lettering on them? I thought I saw some guys with an insignia that said something like, "Win and Rockets", or something like that. Hopefully you'll be staying a little closer to the pack next time. Shit we way out number just about anyone we run into if we stay together.
I'll have a cold one for you next time I see ya bro.
User107.6.07 - 2:01 pm
Damn, Marcus that's fffffucked up. The first night I ever hung out in Venice I got jumped but that was about 13 years ago.
This must have been after you came back to Thing to pick up your bike, right?
onethirtynine07.6.07 - 2:28 pm