SINS and SPROCKETS: Crespin's Birthday Ride

Thread started by
onyurmark at 06.14.07 - 2:39 pm

Hey all you crazy MOFOs! Come out and help me celebrate my F'n 41st b'day! By that I mean I want all the Armadillos, Bike Oven(ers)/Wavers, Gypsies, Cruise w/US Riders, Fixed Gear Gals, Fluffers, Critical Mass(ers), Wolfpack, Cubscouts, HI Riders, Low Riders, Warriaz!!! Hell, if you can ride a bike, hold a beer and smoke a stick - at the same time! I WANT YOU THERE! Jello shots, and free beer somewhere along the way! AND DAN! SWEET DAN! The Biking God of Sweet Tunes...I'll see U there!
I don't feel safe around people who drink and smoke while riding bikes
spiraldemon06.14.07 - 2:41 pm
Is this Jeff! LOL, dude you mean you don't feel safe WITHOUT 'em!
onyurmark06.14.07 - 2:47 pm
What Jeff is trying to say is that he has never done that before, he doesn't know what thats all about.
I'm serious
sexy06.14.07 - 3:14 pm
i'll be there to help in the celebration. SGV in the hizZouse!
t.bone06.14.07 - 3:28 pm
speedy's a good example of why you should not do drug or drink
spiraldemon06.14.07 - 4:01 pm
havent had a chance to resize em to post em here yet, but here's my photos from last night
FuzzBeast06.16.07 - 5:11 pm
Nice pics, Fuzz! I presume the new camera arrived?
mr rollers06.16.07 - 5:59 pm
Thanks for documenting the shinanigans (sp?) Fuzzzz.
Was it just me or was that ride a bit faster than usual?
Between the CalMart stop and the 711 stop it really picked up pace....
A lot of folks got left at a light as we started to head north after USC.
Am I trippin? Was I just ridin' like a jello shot?
Eric Hair06.16.07 - 7:04 pm
OH I agree the ride got very fast.
This is of course after I had two sparks in me.
Very fun though
Great Pictures Fuzz
feelingrandy06.16.07 - 9:55 pm
great photos Fuzzbeast, especially the ones of Cole, Funny Stuff.
Really those are some great shots, the one of Kyber is wow, and of course I'm favorable to the photos of all my close ones. Hope your ass isn't hurting too bad today, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tom" I'll get you that drink when I can drink it with you, and another and another etc., etc., etc.
Fun time again, even though I was under the weather. Really enjoy the vibe of this Ride, yes it is still my favorite. Shows how good a ride can be, when nobody takes it too seriously. Thanks to all who came out and made it what it was.
sexy06.16.07 - 10:27 pm
Happy Birthday FuzzBeast!!!!! Good Job On the Photos.
bigbikedan06.16.07 - 11:21 pm
aye thanks guys, and yes Rollers, the new camera came in.
And yeah, that ride last night was really fast after cal-mart. the front of the pack was hauling ass, and as no one was corking (I made an couple attempts earlier in the ride, and saw Charlie make a couple, other than that, there wast much of it going on, I've been noticing this happening more and more), we started losing people as the lights started turning red.
If you find yourself in the front of the pack turn around every once in a while, especially if your moving pretty fast, and just check to see how split up the group is getting, and if it gets too much, get every one to hold up for a minute. It's not only courteous, it's safer, for everyone.
FuzzBeast06.17.07 - 5:09 am
Hey, don't know who Fuzzbeast is, but the birthday ride was for Sins and Sprockets guy, Crespin, who I've met on a few of the rides and is a cool guy...he set up the route, brought jello shots, and brought a shitload of beer for the first stop. It was his birthday that day so he's the one you guys should be thanking and wishing happy birhday to.
Bikeboyz06.17.07 - 11:20 am
We did celebrate his birthday, but we are just showing Fuzz some love. Tell you what we will start our own forum for him.
Happy Belated Birthday Crespin!
Thanks for the love at 7-11.
feelingrandy06.17.07 - 11:34 am
I've been wanting to start a thread about this, but my anarachist principles is causing me to resisit. I do think the rides will work better, with this idea of cooperation.
I wanted to start a thread about guidelines for rides. I suggest this to keep the rides roll in a way that we stay closer together. I, for one, enjoy it when we are all together riding in a group, as oppose to spread out.
Like FB said, look back if you are in the front to slow it up.
I would suggest that those in front stop for lights or intersections on to busy streets from less car traffic streets, to let the rides regroup.
When we where in San Diego, they where really good at keeping the rides together, and they did by doing exactly what I said, Stopping at Red lights to regroup everybody. They also did this cool thing where they rode around in a circle for a couple of minutes to let everybody saddle up at the beginning of the ride.
Except on Critical Mass style rides, in which those in front are making decisions about the route on site. Let those in front scout out the directions and those right behind should slow it up to keep the ride together. I know on the SFV Cm rides we have some slow riders, so this important. We even have first time riders and I think it is important not to leave them, in order to make them feel welcomed and want to come back and ride more.
If you let those on a Cm have time to figuer out the best turns to take, it makes it a more fun ride.
sexy06.17.07 - 2:30 pm
if you are in the front make it a point to stop at stale greens every so often and never ever flat out run a red light. if you in the front approaching a red light absolutely stop at the light, then be kind enough to look back and judge whether you should wait a light or two for the rest of the group to catch up. once stopped, proceed on green only. people are so impatient and seem to want to get the rides over with for some reason.... it's a party! why would these impatient people want the party to end so quickly that's not very fun.
Roadblock06.17.07 - 3:08 pm

Rides are definitely more fun when the leaders "check-in" by making sure to pause and allow for people to catch up.
This weeks ride was awesome, but i agree, did go a bit fast. What happens is that the people in between packs (where i end up) are put in a more dangerous and vulnerable position, without the protection the can cut in, and often do so aggressively since they see a break....
Yeah, that's all. Look back, pause at the reds to allow for greater ride COHESION....
Those three dudes are attached at the shoulders!! Tight pack!
My one is red!
ingipet06.17.07 - 3:23 pm
Interestingly enough, I got dropped from the pack in the front after I hit a red light. They took off and I ended up losing them completely.
I looked back and there was no one in sight at all. Fast rides are great, but it kinda defeats the purpose of the slow social ride if you're dropping people who are used to riding fast to begin with.
A lot of the 'spreading' of the ride has to do with traffic lights, but if we all stick together this isn't really an issue at all.
kyber06.17.07 - 3:56 pm
fuckin cool ride! the hills killed me on my single speed, but it was a hell of a party!
speedybrian200006.17.07 - 6:44 pm
also, if we stick together, it makes corking a possibility something I havent been seeing when the rides get faster. Getting separated from a group is how I got in my little altercation with that SUV a week ago. It really is detrimental to the safety of all involved if we don't ride together.
Especially with hills and long lights, this is really important, so if you're out front, and you just crossed an intersection, please look back to make sure the others got across.
FuzzBeast06.17.07 - 7:06 pm
So much complaining. We write on our maps it is a slower social ride and to look out for others. We also do our best to keep it together, but if everyone is not looking out for each other there will always be someone who feels left behind.
However, I did expect to read everyone complain about was the
a-hole climbing on Hop Louie. This is a really great last stop that can easily be lost because of one persons actions.
Charlie06.17.07 - 8:47 pm
We're not really complaining charlie, you guys put on a great ride.
We're discussing something that needed to be brought up.
We're talking about something that has been hapening on a LOT of the rides lately. Hell, the world's slowest race was effectively split in half due to people riding fast and not waiting for others, when we finally got everyone to stop at the bright spot, we had a good minute or two on the other half of the ride. it was a topic that should have been brought up before now.
And yes, climbing on Hop Louie was a dumb idea...
FuzzBeast06.17.07 - 9:05 pm
Charlie..your the shit and
good people..nothing to complaint about
deesimple06.18.07 - 1:42 am
Wow. This ride was only my third ride in a long seperation from riding after getting a lovely headwound when I first built my bike last summer.
so I'm totally new at all of this. But I can say I never feel safter than I do when riding in a pack, and to a large extent that is why I hhave been going on the rides, to work through the trauma of the accident and get back in the saddle. FUZZBEAST. Those pictures are spectacular!!! I can't wait until i earn the right to be in one of them..I am truly floored.
CHARLIE.. Thank you so much for your hospitality and your girlfriends hospitality. prior to that night I had not experienced a social ride really, and did have so much fun until it started to get fast. When the pack splits I get really confused and when the pack thins out I definately feel less protected and waaaay less energetic. More energy then goes to trying to manage riding next to cars and crazy drivers.
Lastly. I'm so glad that you mentioned that ASSHOLE who climbed Hop Louie. Doesn't anyone realise that the owner of Hop Louie would have been liable if anything had happened to that douchebag? Before the ride started that guy accused me of saying that his friend tried to steal my bike. Not only did I not say that, but he kept fucking with me all night long, Riding up next to me and pulling my wings, and in general shit talking to me when we were at stops.
I just chalked it up to stupid young drunk behavior, but there were many times during the night I just wanted to deck him.
The problem with drunks in that state is that even when you do deck them they dont feel it and just keep coming.
thank you Charlie & Crespin & the whole Sins & Sprokets crew.
It was fun to be a "hells Angel"
thunderthighs06.18.07 - 1:49 am
Charlie, I'm complaining, Now, what are you going to do about it?
Hit a toddler on a bike,
CryBaby06.18.07 - 2:02 am
wow. these dialogues do degenerate quickly.
*the ride was lovely and awesome.
*happy birthday crespin, thanks for the jello shots n' cupcakes.
*also, it turned fuzzbeasts birthday on the ride, hence, why we wished him well.
*hop louie climbing decision, maybe not the best, hence, definitely worth bringing up and discussing.
*now, for the complaining aspect. Wow, way to really miss the f'n point of the necessary dialogue people have started here and on other threads.
*safety is a legitimate concern and making suggestions to improve the form and function of a ride is not tantamount to complaining.
*here's complaining for you ---
wah wah wah, how come we can't just listen to one another's helpful suggestions and just make some simple changes in our attitudes to make the rides and post-ride celebrations even better than they already are....
winge winge winge. weahahahahahahahahha/
as if we could possibly just accept that we all make mistakes and have room for improvement. pish posh. F that sh*T.
ingipet06.18.07 - 10:37 am
Applause applause Fuzzbeast..You know how to capture the moments yet the final product comes thru in a kick ass way.Its like you capture all the fun and froze it.
I dont know what Im saying but bottomline..Good pics
deesimple06.18.07 - 3:39 pm
Hey guys,
We need to stick together.... in the back of the pack in Little Tokyo one of our riders was accosted by a drunk old japanese dude who whipped out a box cutter knife and started slashing at sean. He didnt like being blocked by us for 5 minutes and chased sean up to hill street in his car, came out with obsenities and the knife. Luckily a cop was near by and I flagged him, they pulled him over and arrested him. Scarry seconds there.
Also I ended up in some house in City of Terrace... I left a nice black dress shirt there... anyone come across it?
DeKadenzy06.18.07 - 4:31 pm
Why all the disrespect, I was under the impression Sins&Sprockets was a bad-ass ride, drinking all over town while riding, which is illegal. If your going to put the Jolly Roger in your logo and pretend to be a biker gang I think you should expect some rowdy behavior otherwise change your image to be something less offensive to match your taste.
That's my opinion, if I were there you would have had two jackasses sitting up there, or at least another ready to help him down.
franz06.19.07 - 5:08 am
what's the point of having a group ride if everyone doesn't stick together?
This ride is not promoted as a fast paced ride.
sorry cubbies, bad-ass is not the same as dumb-ass.
spiraldemon06.19.07 - 8:30 am
A gang has got each others back, in any situation. Even if it is a Fluffer that you ride with...
Joe Borfo06.19.07 - 9:00 am
as my friends Dad from south of the boarder says............
CryBaby06.19.07 - 10:22 am
I was talking about the climbing incident, I think it's alot more fun to stick together in one pack during the ride.
franz06.19.07 - 3:01 pm
reply opinion
There's a big difference between riding around ,drinking , rowdiness vs what happened.
Unfortunetly me my boys come as crazy and rowdy as you can get.
Just cause we look like East LA hoodlums(ok we are) and would not hesitate to handle bussiness does not mean that we would shit where we eat.
Those people at the bar have been nothing but decent with us.In my hood we take care of those that take care of you.
I dont see how the "bike gang" thing would be tied to giving a lead way on stupidity.
If anyone knows Charlie personally, we probably would agree that he is a stand up guy and he is the first to make sure everyone is taken care of on his rides. Righteous person
deesimple06.19.07 - 4:15 pm
with my tank of a beach cruiser (and my nearly non-existent leg muscles), i usually find myself fighting to keep up with even the very end of the pack by the end of the ride, but i had no problem keeping up with anyone this time out. to me anyways, the ride
felt shorter, and it seemed like we spend a lot of time hanging out at the stops, but these are just perceptions and in no way complaints as i had an amazing time. it didn't seem any more spread out than usual.
the only problem i had was with that jackass at hop louie's. i've been going there for years, and i'm really worried stinky and co. won't serve us anymore.
christalentjones06.20.07 - 1:30 am
hey Charlie I havent been on your ride yet, I hear its a complete blast, my comments were about social rides in general so hope you didnt take them to mean I was criticizing you specifically. often the organizers of rides are pretty much powerless to control a mass of individuals on cyclists.... my comments are feuled by problems with the MR rides and others. would like to see people recognize that social rides are more fun when keeping the group together.
Roadblock06.20.07 - 10:11 am
Hey eveyone thanks for your positive comments and commentary! Big thanks to Dan para la musica!
The rest of you can go impale yourselves on top of Hop Louie if that floats your boat 'cause I doubt that as a bike gang we'll be welcomed back. Charlie, David and Myself spent a lot of time and energy in planning this ride. (and a big F'n thank you to those who always do it) It was the first time I've done so much gmapping, planning, going over the route over and over again with a few things in mind: Charile's wife didn't want the ride to go too fast; Since it was my b'day I knew it would be my one ticket to finally get some of my non-cycling friends to come out and do a ride, so I didn't want it to be too long or too fast; We didn't want to be in any kind of traffic and we wanted to have stops evenly paced for those who might fall behind for whatever reason (flats, broken chains and sorry but box wielding homeless people is not something I feel at all responsible for). We also didn't want there to be too many big hills; so we had one big one at the end and you know what? The people I was concerned with didn't bitch. (Geez if Eddie gave us two thumbs up we did something right).
So yeah, I'm glad all of this started up discussion and got some people thinking. Let's not forget personal responsibilty folks. Be prepared; xtra tubes, helmets (which can also be used as billy clubs), pumps, cell phones and numbers (charlie is kidn enough to post his cell) , always and I mean always bring extra beer and one extra joint! And if you can't handle yourselves bring some cash for a cab home.
I also think that more people should get involved with planning rides and better yet planning their OWN RIDES! (As a side note Stinkie wouldn't give WONDER Dave his Wonder Woman Helmet back after he was one of the only ones to actually leave the bar to help pick broken tiles off the ground.
onyurmark06.20.07 - 6:34 pm