
Ridazz Roulette!

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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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Thread Box:
Making improvements on our rides
Thread started by User1 at 08.13.07 - 11:55 pm


I thought I would post this as a new topic instead of adding to the off topic list.

There was alot of discussion on how to slow down the guys at the front of the ride, but little on speeding up the ones in the back. The ridazz in the back are even more important than the ones in the front IMO. We want the ridazz in the back of the pack to keep riding and coming back for more. Their riding is not necessarily a lack of effort. I would argue that it's more of a lack of not preparing their bikes correctly. The thing that bugs me about this is that this performance gain can be done with ZERO money. Number three on my list would cost maybe 5 cents. I come up with three things the ridazz need to do to ride up closer to the mid/front of the pack. One is pump up the tires. Take a sample poll before some ride sometime and check peoples' tires. Many tires are way under inflated. Two, adjust the seat correctly for a better power output. Again take a look at how many have their seat improperly adjusted. Three, just like the rida needs to be lubed, so does the chain. Again, do a unscientific poll on how many chains could use some lube.

I got a small light weight floor pump that I'm going to see if Dan wants to carry on the trailer. If he does then I'll donate it to the cause.

OK so you say "how am I going to remember all of this?!?!?"

It's easy! Just remember PULCAS!!!
Pump Up Lube Chain Adjust Seat= PULCAS

Next ride we'll be "hey did you get yo bike PULCASed? Everybody is doing it! Well at least all the hipsters are."


Good advice.

Inversely, to slow down the front, we will deflate their tires, de-lube their chains and readjust their seats as we see fit. And more beer.

08.14.07 - 1:53 am



08.14.07 - 2:39 am


People say I roll my bike like an M1 Abrams tank.
So, the only way I'll end up falling back is if the tracks(spokes in this case) separate from the drive wheels.
Or an improperly lubed hub smokes out.
Now that there's a fun one to deal with.

08.14.07 - 5:54 am


Some people just like to ride at their own pace, instead of trying to keep up with the crowd.

Its not a race.

08.14.07 - 7:53 am


I've ridden cleanup on a few rides and there are ofeten a lot of first time ridazz on beach cruisers back there.

I agree 100% that having those basic maintaince things available will greatly improve people's ridability. On the other hand ... the gung-ho people on roadbikes have to rememeber that not everybody rides at the pace that their bike wants to go with very little effort.

I think in addition to rest stops, a short regroups would do weel keeping the ride together.

We should ALWAYS have some people riding caboose helping to mop up ridazz who are either slow, had a breakdown, or are lost.

Usually I ride clean up by accident because i was late to the ride or somthing ... but ivery time I am 5 or 10 minutes behind the ride I find new-bee ridazz in need of a lil' help. And they are SUPER GRATEFUL that they havent been left behind.

08.14.07 - 12:13 pm


Also, having more rest stops in rides tends to make it easier to keep the group cohesive, let people fix mechanical problems and not get left behind, lets people party more (if that's their thing) or at least be more sociable, and whatnot, this is really helpful on huge rides, as finding yuor friends on a ride of 1000+ gets difficult.

08.14.07 - 12:17 pm


stop at already red lights. that's the answer.... plain and simple.

stopping at the surprisingly occasional "already red" light that occurs is courteous to motorists and is just plain smart if we want to have this ride continue with minimal harrassment from cops and angry motorists.

stopping every so often gives everyone a chance to catch up. one of these days some idiot in the front will run a light and god forbid they get hit but even more importantly god forbid a driver who isnt aware or on auto pilot wont plow into a suddenly stopped car and swerve into pedestrians, the ridazz or other cars. it's just common sense and courtesy and safe to stop on all accounts.

once we get the green we move the densed up mass through for as many lights as it takes. at that point the cars will have stopped for their red.

if we can just restrain ourselves in the front, be proactive towards those that dont know or wish to disrespect the ride it would be so much more fluid. I hate extra organizing and planning but maybe the one thing I've heard that makes sense is for there to be blockers for the Ridazz themselves.

08.14.07 - 12:39 pm


FWIW, myself and a few other riders positioned ourselves in the front of the pack at a red and asked people to wait a cycle for the back to catch up. A huge mass of people ignored the request and blew right by us.

It's easy to say "fuck it, let them go" but the problem is that it creates a chain reaction, and then EVERYONE starts rolling too.

08.14.07 - 12:42 pm


very true Kyber very true.... we need blockers to cork ourselves. some lights are on small streets and there's no traffic, but when there's cross traffic a decision has to be made to stop ourselves from blowing the light and causing an unsuspecting motorist to slam on their brakes. we're so lucky that nothing serious has happend yet. it's time to make this effort happen.

08.14.07 - 12:47 pm


It's been discussed before, but maybe only a few peole in front and a few in back should know the full route; might stop ridazz in the front from blasting ahead if they don't know where they're going . . . or it might not.

mr rollers
08.14.07 - 12:51 pm


Aye, let's make a bigger effort to stop the "rolling stop" from happening. especially on larger rides.
Let's just get the word out to have those in front STOP on already red lights, not only will it help with regrouping, but it's kinda plain common sense.
Not that more planned stops arent a bad idea either.

08.14.07 - 12:53 pm


ROADBLOCK IS RIGHT Just stop at RED lights, keep going and cork if it's GREEN, REMEMBER the essence of the ride as the forebearers started the whole thing.
As I mentioned before, I spoke to numerous riders on THE CLOWN RIDE and practically all said it was their FIRST MR. When you have a gathering on such a large scale,someone needs to take the lead ((MAYBE WITH A BULL HORN)) and give a few basic instructions. NOT everyone will listen (LIKE) passengers on airliners getting the preflight briefing, but at least some will and the rest can be asked in AN EVENT!@# if they LISTENED!@!@!##????
THE ALTERNATIVE`~~~~~ is the POLICE HARRASSING AND STOPING WHAT for most is a rally fun thing to do. I took my daughter on her first ride and the first question she asked after was "when can we do it again?"

Any body need help with anything let me know!! I'll do what I can.

08.14.07 - 1:22 pm


try some referee whistles maybe?

08.14.07 - 1:27 pm


these are direct words from the cops as well. just stop at already red lights and move the entire mass through on the green and subsequent cycles of reds and greens. lets make a concerted effort to make this happen. no bullhorns needed, or wanted. we dont need or want anyone yelling at us or commanding us, we want it to be a self sustaining harmonious ride... that was the original intent. even when it was just the 8 of us we stopped at already reds... if we can get back to this very simple and self correcting rule I think we can solve most of the problems of late. lets do it.

08.14.07 - 1:43 pm


and if we can convince Mr. Sexy to dress as a clown for every ride, we've got the entertainment for motorists locked up. though the suicide rate of motorists might spike as a result.... still a win win - less cars on the street!

08.14.07 - 1:45 pm


sexy without the clown make-up is bad enough to kill myself.
sexy with the clown make-up scared the shit out of me

08.14.07 - 1:48 pm


carrots on sticks, it's worked in the past...

08.14.07 - 1:52 pm


The straighter the route is the faster and more aggressive it gets.
To keep the pace down, the routes need to be more zigzaggy.

___| |_____

08.14.07 - 2:26 pm


I agree with Marino. Doesn't mean, cut out straightaways. Just try to reduce them.

Joe Borfo
08.14.07 - 3:04 pm


Yep, a lot of new ridazz last Friday. They must be finding out the When & Where of the Ride somehow (I'm presuming from this site) so maybe we can stress the How a little more and hope it gets read.

I'll repeat it again:"If you're in front, stop at the reds!"

I think most of us want these new ridazz to have a good experience and come back for more, yes?

mr rollers
08.14.07 - 3:07 pm


wow, this is funny, i emailed fuzzbeast about this topic last night!
I think all of these points are valid, and are great ideas!
High fives! (sorry, im stuck in the 90's)

08.14.07 - 3:36 pm


It's OK! - I Like!

Joe Borfo
08.14.07 - 7:42 pm


Bull horns - Don't rule out bull horn, they can be used to rock the ride if in the right hands. Sometimes that's the only way to communicate to drivers too. But in the wrong hands, like Borfo's hands for example, and you would not only lose the newbies, but the regulars too! Here's a place that has shit load of crap from China that could rock a ride, www.harborfreight.com Tip, the megaphones are on sale quite often for $10. They also have a more expensive one that looks good. Check out the store sometime. I bought a $10 air horn there that I can wait to put on my bike!

Newbies are coming because they heard about from someone else or a friend is the impression I get while talking to people. I run the question about online groups and alot aren't aware of any groups.

Finally I really like the idea of deflating the speedsters tires, but I would just deflate the front tire so they can still build up speed! Now that would be entertainment!

08.14.07 - 7:58 pm


Alright, that's it. You asked for it...

Joe Borfo
08.14.07 - 11:16 pm


does that mean the obnosticator... or should I say giant squealing thing you can hear for a mile, is coming back?

08.15.07 - 1:58 am


Please. No bull horns. No airhorns it loud enough as is. Big bike dan has a PA. We can use it when its important. Were doing fine. These aren't the droids your looking for

08.15.07 - 2:01 am


Two words: spike strip.

Bullhorns? They're great for climbing!

08.15.07 - 3:17 am


If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine

Joe Borfo
08.15.07 - 9:52 am


Stay on target ...

08.15.07 - 10:51 am


Great Kid! Don't get cocky.

Joe Borfo
08.15.07 - 11:54 am


Don't get corky!!

08.15.07 - 12:07 pm


How bout a compromise here. We bring our equalizers but without the batteries?

08.15.07 - 12:13 pm


^^ what is an equalizer?

I know a lot of people think the solution is to designate leaders or to assign people the duty of "cowing" the mass.... but that's not how this ride has existed. it's less desire-able for people to be told what to do or be yelled at or ordered around and more desire-able for people to be inspired to care for the ride. sure, verbal cues and help from those in the know is needed but there is a certain line that can be crossed at which point the ride is no longer about community and becomes a herd. people are genuinely down for this ride, we just need to remain influential and use non confrontational / non authoritative methods to serve the interest of the ride. It takes more thought but in the end it's worth it because the end does not justify the means.

it's about designing rides and rulezz aimed at curbing behaviour that hurts the overall interest of the ride and encouraging behaviour that benefits the interest of the ride... in the same way that many people think cops are people that have authority issues and thus became cops, we dont want those same types of people to rise to positions of power amongst this ride. in other words we dont want bullies to take over and ruin the fun be they organizers or be they inconsiderate or dis-respectful ridazz. keep it friendly and keep the respect infectious. show restraint. it will all work out.

08.15.07 - 12:39 pm


on a side note--
so yeah... back in the days sexy/scary/spicey clowns (mimes) mitigating traffic have worked well for the "others" but in spanish. and that was like in 2004 when we were still calling fries freedom fries:

08.15.07 - 12:55 pm


truly inspiring:
"Most important to Mockus was his campaign about the importance and sacredness of life."

08.15.07 - 1:09 pm


I wanna see some traffic mimes in LA!

08.15.07 - 1:45 pm


Roadblock -
^^ what is an equalizer?

I know a lot of people think the solution is to designate leaders or to assign people the duty of "cowing" the mass.... but that's not how this ride has existed. it's less desire-able for people to be told what to do or be yelled at or ordered around and more desire-able for people to be inspired to care for the ride. sure, verbal cues and help from those in the know is needed but there is a certain line that can be crossed at which point the ride is no longer about community and becomes a herd.

Me -
WTF?!? Who said anything about herding people around like cattle??? An equalizer in my reference above is about a horn or noise maker used in traffic when cars honk at you, a solo rider in traffic. You can have all the dazzling moves you could dream up when riding in traffic, but most drivers could careless. On the other hand if one honks at you, and you happen to have a nice air horn, all of the sudden you command more respect on the road and things change. Sad and silly but that's part of the unwritten code on the streets. This has happened to me more than once when riding my electric bike. I have an Air Zound and the mood and preception quickly changes when I'm able to give just as good of sound blast back to them in stop and go traffic. And that is my equalizer.

I'm not sure where you got the idea I or anyone else on this thread wanted to "bully" any of the ridazz on the ride. I wouldn't like anything more than to veg out and blissfully ride down the road in my little haze and not worried about getting my ass ran over!

Mimes - I believe this was used in the master plan while converting to a more bike friendly infrastructure in Bogota.

08.15.07 - 4:03 pm



Joe Borfo
08.15.07 - 4:52 pm


whew my bad I thought someone was suggesting to bring airhorns and bullhorns on the ride. we do not want that. airhorns for single riders in traffic sounds good to me. I would use one for sure. though I'm not sure its so much an equalizer in the sense that they still have a huge 2 ton vehicle with a loud horn and I would be a 210 pound vehicle with a loud horn. :) but it sure would make them aware that I am there

I know you didnt use the word "cowing" but by definition, having designated organizers running around giving commands to people verbal, airhorn or bullhorn is basically the same as having wranglers herding people. having to depend on organizers to keep people in line is a lot of headache and responsibility thus making it not fun for the very people who should be rewarded with fun for having planned the ride. in fact with the dedicated organizer kind of system eventually the only people who would end up organizing rides are those who enjoy being on bullhorns shouting commands - the very types of people we dont want to have organizing the ride in the first place. if we spend more time patiently spreading the knowledge leading by example and enlisting as many people as possible to respect the ride and to know how to ride - we will reduce the responsibility being laid out on the few organizers and actually increase the chances that more people will step up and organize their own rides.

08.15.07 - 5:42 pm


So bullhorns and air horns means herding people around on the streets? Where have you been riding where this happened? And I'm not talking about the po pos doing this. I'm talking about ridazz doing this to ridazz.

Sounds like you've had some pretty bad experiences with people with bullhorns. I've had nothing put good experiences with them, and that is btw good experiences while being "cattle" as you like to refer to it as. Most my experiences have been with Burningman and a couple of rides. Oh wait, also some musical/noise performances.

08.15.07 - 9:43 pm


What we need.

08.15.07 - 9:52 pm


If people start bringing bullhorns to the rides and ordering people around, I'll bring my own and use it to tell them to go fuck themselves.

Ten people around you saying "hey, it's not cool to litter" will always have a better effect than one self-appointed finger wagger saying it through a loudspeaker.

08.15.07 - 9:56 pm


Why does everyone draw the conclusion that if one has a bull horn they are barking out orders? Watching too much TV perhaps?

08.15.07 - 10:01 pm


I posted this in the Clown Ride thread regarding some possible things we could pass on to newer ridazz:

Please don't fucking litter
Please don't attack motorists
Please leave the left lane available for cars in order to cut down on incidents.

I'm no cop lover but I must say that we've pretty much been left alone for a couple mile long party on wheels...

If people know the basics and why they apply we can use the group to keep the chode behavior to a minimum. There will be far less racing and antagonistic behavior if the group demands common decency. The racer types and people who want to trap cars do it because they think it makes them look cool; make it unhip and you've eliminated the problem.

Big Bike Dan would be the de facto leader; think of him as the pace car... We would put someone up front with him to take care of the route.

Finally, if we must cork, let's do it for one light max. People will sit through one light with little problems; it's when one light becomes 3 that we see people trying to run riders over. What about a spoke card for motorists? Something that said "It's not my fault I was late; it was the Midnight Ridazz!"

Same goes for people who ask questions maybe little business cards with the website on them. I'd be willing to kick in, and I bet most ridazz would as well.

Finally, we rode through the industrial area last night; if we're going to have HUGE summer rides this might be a good place to go, save Hollywood for the less packed winter rides...

A bullhorn, used correctly, could really help cut down on the clusterfuck factor when we need to slow down or to warn people if there was a rida down or something. A quick announcement at the begining of the ride might go a long way. When everybody is informed of what we're about it's easier to keep the chodes in line.

08.15.07 - 10:14 pm


Because there are so vanishingly few situations in which a person in public with a bullhorn is not barking out orders of some kind?

08.15.07 - 10:15 pm



You're bringing the bullhorn to Portland, right?

08.15.07 - 10:16 pm


Only if I get a uniform. I get a uniform, right? With gold braided epaulets on the shoulder? Right?

08.15.07 - 10:18 pm


Don't mean to offend other citizens
But I kick my volume way past 10

Bicycle Bullhorn Ensemble

Let's DO this!

08.15.07 - 10:22 pm


There's a douchebag 'insta-kit' that pretty much turns you into this guy in a matter of minutes.

What do you say?

08.15.07 - 10:35 pm


Maybe we can lovingly help the hipster chodes respect the ride.

What do you say?

08.15.07 - 10:42 pm


There's a douchebag 'insta-kit' that pretty much turns you into this guy in a matter of minutes.

Me -
They talked about this today on NPR The thing is I knew about cops using steroids in LB over 10 years ago.
What's scarier than shit is a cop chick on steroids showing up at my door and wanting to know why I play my stereo so loud! Man that chick was very frightening!

08.15.07 - 11:00 pm


Samhain you might want to add to your list;

- Stop and regroup about every 5 miles if things are getting stretched out.
- If the group is going single file, for example through a gate, walkway, or bike path, to regroup once everyone has gotten through. THEN hit the road again.
- Make it known that we'll have a floor pump. Dan said he'll carry the pump I got for the ride. I'll just have to mark it so no one will be able to take home with them.
- PULCAS? no likey?

08.15.07 - 11:12 pm


PULCAS! - i likey ^_^

i like this thread as i am learning a lot about the rides. i am a newbie - i've been to 2 rides and my second one was the clown ride - that was a fun ride.

i've learned a lot from friends who use their bikes as their primary form of transportation - i.e. learn the basics of a bike just in case of a breakdown and always bring tools (and change just in case)

it's nice to see that ideas are being thrown around to make the rides as smooth and safe - and still fun.


08.17.07 - 4:37 pm


Yo Fattybombo!

Sorry you missed Pier Pressure! How was San Diego? We're heading out to Sins and Sprockets tonight... come on down!

PS: Bring chain fixing tools!!!

08.17.07 - 4:42 pm


hello leetard! sandy was a no go :( - the ride looked fun from the pics - i am sad i missed it. will be at sins and sprockets tonight - always have my tools with me ^_^ am i still missing any from my stash, i don't know if i need anymore tools - i should learn how to use them.

FYI - i am learning slowly, i'll get there soon!

08.17.07 - 4:51 pm



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