Possible Monday Meiko Vigil
Thread started by
jchungerford at 08.22.07 - 1:33 pm
Some of you have already heard, but for those that havent, I was hospitalized Friday night on my way to meet up with Sins and Sprockets when I was hit by a car. My dog Meiko (the fluffy pom with the goggles who rides in my backpack) was killed instantly. I am lucky to walk away with minor fractures but emotionally I am devastated. If anyone would like to help me pay tribute to our unofficial mascot call me 213.494.2214. I am unable to bike but would like to do this for everyone else who rides. Thank you to all who is helping me thru this. -Jared
I am so sorry to hear about that! I wish you the best in getting through this tragedy.
SPOOK08.22.07 - 1:37 pm
My condolence's go out to you. Glad you are alright. Hope to see you on a bike again soon.
sexy08.22.07 - 1:38 pm
Tiny and I are sorry you lost your friend.
dannyzuko08.22.07 - 2:37 pm
Man that really sucks. You dog was awesome man. I hope you got the driver's info and all that jazz (not that you can replace a friend like that).
FuzzBeast08.22.07 - 2:43 pm
This is def. one of the saDDest news I've received this entire year. J. I am so sorry- - I hope you're feeling O.K>. She was such an awesome sassy, spoiled cutie. Hope she's having a blast in dog heaven and that you stay strong. How are you doing? What did you fracture?
KataCyklsLA2NY08.22.07 - 3:01 pm
Sorry to hear such a loss. Best wishes on your recovery, physically and mentally.
GarySe7en08.22.07 - 3:29 pm
Sorry to hear the sad news Jared. It was awesome seeing you and your dog turn up for the ride. It's the least we can do is to pay tribute to Meiko. I hope you are feeling better soon too. If you need anything, shout out here. I'll be there on Monday if that's when the event is planned.
Wishing you peace and a speeding recovery.
User108.22.07 - 3:55 pm
i fractured my wrist, elbow and collarbone - thankfully its not too serious. I think I will setup a board with pictures and some candles Monday evening at the CVS Pharmacy Parking lot @ Sunset and Beaudry (site of accident) around 9pm and hangout with a sixer or two. If anyone wants to include this stop in any of their rides feel free to do so. Also, if anyone has any pictures of her please email a copy to me - jchungerford@yahoo.com.
jchungerford08.22.07 - 4:24 pm
I just talked to Jared. He has fractures to his wirst and collerbone. The accident happened on Sunset and Beuadry (comming down from Echo Park on Sunset and just as you approach Downtown) where the CVS and Jack in the Box is. He says the driver cut him off trying to get into that CVS pharmacy. And this is where he wants to have the Vigil on Monday. He asks for support and someone to help set this up. I for one will show my support for Meiko and Jared. All we have to do is agree on a time. He will call me back in a bit so I am suggesting a meet at 8:00 or 9:00.
DeKadenzy08.22.07 - 4:29 pm
Hey Jared, Louis here. I am there, We posted close.
DeKadenzy08.22.07 - 4:31 pm
Sorry I didn't offer anything but condolences. I have no idea how one should go about doing a memorial in this instances, so I didn't offer. Let me know of anyway I can help with this memorial. If at the very least, I will see you all there.
DeKadenzy, email me if you require anything I can be of assistance with
sexy08.22.07 - 5:15 pm
jared, i'm so glad that you are alright.
i will miss little meikzz very much. :(
meandmybluebike08.22.07 - 6:32 pm
ty annie. if you want to help me with the picture board this weekend call me and let me know. we can go shopping together and do it in an artsy fartsy way.
jchungerford08.22.07 - 7:10 pm
Please bring a candle to light in memoriam of Meiko. Small dog toys. Though I wish I were, I am not an artist, but is there any talented artists who is an expert with an exacto knife to create Annies' picture of Mieko onto a cardboard/paper cut up to leave a permanent commemorative marking on the sidewalk?
DeKadenzy08.22.07 - 7:31 pm
Hey man,
Haven't met but sympathize with losing your friend. Glad your ok.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here; that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals that had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and time gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The Happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together...
Author unknown
stevo408.22.07 - 7:34 pm
there are several pics of Meiko on my flickr (including the one Annie posted) check it.
I'm really sorry for your loss, there's a semi open copyright on my photos anyway, so use em as you need to.
FuzzBeast08.22.07 - 9:34 pm
Your priceless companion will be greatly missed!
<3 jane
bigsexxy08.22.07 - 10:51 pm
Aw man... so so sad.
Meiko had such a fun life and made ours fun too.
I hope you recover soon
fonso & rie
fonsoy potatoe08.23.07 - 6:07 am
I'll be wearing goggles like Meiko would. Anyone else care to join?
richtotheie08.23.07 - 12:09 pm
damn. this is so sad. this so sucks man. im so sorry. i cried when i read this man. godbless you and godbless lil' meiko.
Eddie GOpez08.24.07 - 3:00 pm
Aww man, what a huge drag. Sorry to hear about your pup.
Team Bearclaw08.25.07 - 12:12 am
Those that are comming, please remember to bring a candle or small dog toy. Thanks for showing your support, Jared appreciates it.
DeKadenzy08.27.07 - 12:39 pm
so sorry about your loss my condolences go out to you and yours. very sad situation
Roadblock08.27.07 - 12:43 pm
This was a sad story to hear indeed. I have a pom of my own and I know how close you can get to a pet, so I am sorry for your loss. Gus has a favorite ball that he plays with but we are bringing it along with a candle to pay our respect.<3
riss08.27.07 - 12:45 pm
so sorry about your loss and injuries.
I wish you healing energy.
Stay up
P-300008.27.07 - 12:46 pm
I had no idea this happened until a few minutes ago....
Jared - this sucks so bad.. I'm so sorry.... Meiko was a top notch Ridah and will be royally missed.
x ashira
redridinghood08.27.07 - 12:54 pm
I am soooo sorry to hear about this. Jarerd, I hope you are doing as well as you possibly could be. Meiko was easily one of the coolest sweetest dogs I've ever met! I love dogs, but I really have a soft spot in my heart for little fluffy ones! (w/ goggles?! forget it!! she was cute beyond words!) I know you must miss her so much. Please don't hesitate to lean on all us Ridazz! ((((((hugs))))) <3 Rip Meiko.
mixtemotions08.27.07 - 1:03 pm
You guys are all great. Thank you very much for your support and thoughts. I gonna try my best to make a board with many pictures of her tonight (although im not that creative, heh). I am very lucky to know you guys. If yall can make it I will see yall tonight around 9pm.
jchungerford08.27.07 - 1:53 pm
I like to make stuff all the time, so if you need any help putting something nice together for her, I would love to help.
riss08.27.07 - 2:03 pm
That rawks. call me 213.494.2214. I can definitely use some creativity and help if you have the time. -j
jchungerford08.27.07 - 2:07 pm
thx for the pix guys. if any1 finds some more last minute photos send them to jchungerford@yahoo.com. Thx for all your help Louis it is really appreciated.
jchungerford08.27.07 - 2:17 pm
Jared, I can't make it tonite, but I am very sorry for your loss.
FuzzBeast08.27.07 - 4:21 pm
jared, i am not able to make it to tonight's vigil, but I am very sorry for your loss and can only send my condolences
prendrefeu08.27.07 - 4:30 pm
Jared - I have to work tonight.... I will leave something there for Meiko soon...
I will miss the way Meiko totally held her own among a mass of people both during rides and at parties, and I'll miss the way she nipped if you snuck up on her....
redridinghood08.27.07 - 4:56 pm
Sorry about the tragedy Jared. I'm sure she's in doggie heaven. Hang in there brother, it could have been much much worse than that. I will truly miss her.
t.bone08.27.07 - 6:16 pm
sorry to hear about your lost - please keep us updated on your condition!
et08.27.07 - 6:30 pm
It was a nice friendly vigil.
Meiko was a pretty photogenic puppy!
Thanks for the Meiko spokecard Vero! Nice artwork!
Its good to see Jared is recuperating. Hope to see you on your bike again soon.
Glad that Decadenzy is also getting better after his accident.
fonsoy potatoe08.28.07 - 12:48 am
Tonight was great! It was nice to see some folks out, even got to see the wolfpack out and about,we gave a little hoot and holla to our fellow ridazz. Such a fun night, including a little Meiko graffiti<3 Thank you Veronica for such a lovely stencil and spoke cards.xo
riss08.28.07 - 1:07 am
Sucks that I did not see this posting.Sorry for missing..Always remeber 'La Cita" and Meiko chilling with us.
deesimple08.28.07 - 1:18 am
that was such a nice vigil for little meikzz. the stencil and spokecards were totally radical! and it was fun riding by with wolfpack to do a drive by tribute.
nice people, friendly faces, memories of me!me!me!me!me!
can't wait to see you out on a ride again, jared.
meandmybluebike08.28.07 - 2:57 am
Thanks for coming out guys. It was a fun time and I know little Meikz would approve. To Chicken and V, awesome stiencils, artwork. Louis for the help (even though you dont think it was much, it is appreciated) Marissa for making the board and lending me your creativity. Bigsexy, Dave, Dingo, T, Jane, Danny, Annie Micah, Linda, Johanna and everyone else who graced the site with their presence and thoughts. I actually cant believe that we all stayed and hung around for 3 hrs. That was pretty cool. Im glad to know everyone and take comfort in the prospect of growing our friendships. Once again Thank you very much for everything guys. I'll see yall again on a ride soon enuff.
Sorry riss and I missed yall @ Brite Spot but shit was closed when we arrived and tried to call some ppl but to no avail. :FYI - Im gonna try to get Scoops to hang the board in their shop. Would be pretty cool if they did that. Until next time . . . .
jchungerford08.28.07 - 1:08 pm
For those who couldn't make it to the vigil. Here is a pic of the board. Missing the stencil image :(
fonsoy potatoe08.28.07 - 1:42 pm
I dont remember if anyone bothered to take just one picture of the 7 or so stencils we planted. Anyone?
DeKadenzy08.28.07 - 2:09 pm
This is on the queremos rock ride route on saturday I'll make sure I take some pics.
dannyzuko08.28.07 - 2:56 pm
Sweet, Danny. I hope that one on the bus stop glass hasnt been washed. If I go to the rooftop movie tonight I may stop by as well.
DeKadenzy08.28.07 - 3:01 pm
That was a nice night chilling with everyone. I was able to actually meet and talk with Jared for the first time. Great guy and I hope he has another doggie soon. I personally seen how well he takes care of his pet on one of the rides through Hollywood. I don't remember which ride it was but out of the corner of my eye, I saw him go down after getting clipped or hole or something. He went down going about 10-15 mph and instead of rolling, he was more concerned about Meiko and took all of the pain of falling by keeping himself upright and Meiko not even freaked out. I was so impressed with his devotion to his dog, I had to search him out and tell him what a awesome job he did keeping his dog calm. I know you'll never have another Meiko, but I hope you have another dog some day.
Get well soon my friend.
User108.28.07 - 10:53 pm
There is the stencil, at least one of them so everybody can look for them in the future every time we decide to pass by on a bike ride, hopefully making a stop at that CVS on Sunset and Beaudry to remember Meiko.
fonsoy potatoe08.28.07 - 11:23 pm
The wolfpack ride by was pretty cool. thx guys.
jchungerford08.29.07 - 12:16 pm
Hi Jared,
I'm so devastated to hear about Meiko. I don't frequent these posts so I just heard it recently on one of the rides. I can only fathom how hard it is for you to lose such a loyal and furry companion and I share in your grief.
I have a couple of pics I took of Meiko which will email you
tobyrider09.1.07 - 11:24 pm