Rides to Rides
Thread started by
Roadblock at 01.3.08 - 11:21 am
I fucking love that it's not uncommon for rides to be created specifically to go to other rides. hahah can LA possibly ride more??
I did a ride to a ride to a ride for the Toy Ride....2 people showed up. It was rad. No matter what, it's more fun riding with comrades. Comradezz.
hatehills01.3.08 - 11:30 am
I like riding by myself to the organized rides
spiraldemon01.3.08 - 11:36 am
i kinda think its confusing to anyone thats new to this site. but i am not new, so what do i know. I do find posted-ride-rides confusing though because there's no heirarchy in the sidebar. You cant easily tell which one is the actual ride. When I ride-to-ride, i try to keep it in the forum threads or just word of mouth.
SKIDMARCUS01.3.08 - 11:43 am
Was talking with BunnyBubbles and a few others about rides to rides and one idea was maybe we should have a forum thread called something like "West Sidazz Goin Places" for discussing riding to rides or places in other regions of the city. That would keep ride calender clean, and provide a central location for discussing riding to other rides. The problem with discussing rides to rides in the rides own forum is that it can get confusing to sort out amongst the chatter of the ride it self, and rides to the ride from other parts of town. Other parts of town could possibly start similar threads.
I'm sure this idea would have it's own problems as well, but I'm sure we can figure out some better way to manage rides to rides.
It may be a difficult pain in the ass, I'm not that savvy on web coding, but perhaps the most ideal solution would be a sub ride listing system. Where rides could be "parented" underneath rides, as a separate listing but clearly a subset of the parent ride to avoid confusion.
GarySe7en01.3.08 - 12:54 pm
thats not a bad idea.... lemme see whats up I've been working with a developer on some 2.0 shit....
Roadblock01.3.08 - 12:57 pm
I could totally see this working out
Spiraldemon starts a thread called "SFV to TrenWay Ride"
some people respond, the thread is going good, then Joe Borfo
writes, "in your Mouf fluffer, Oh Yeah!"
sexy01.3.08 - 1:11 pm
How far do y'all usually ride to the larger rides?
5-20 miles seems like an okay distance on any given bike for that particular mission.
bentstrider01.3.08 - 1:12 pm
we can design a 1200 x 800 beveled button that "auto-retorts" from a number of pre-programmed responses as such... in addition we can design a robotic arm that will guide your hand to press said button. It will all run on renw-able energy of course.
Roadblock01.3.08 - 1:13 pm
We actually had a ride after a ride on the Fuck Yeah ride! 15-20 Ridazz needed to get to hollywood after the ride, so Annie led a pack over the cahuenga hill!
speedybrian200001.3.08 - 1:39 pm
![](/images/forums/small/Untitled-1 copy_1199397769.gif)
What is should come down to is informing the ride creator of these "sub-rides", that way he/she can post those details within the original post.
A simple quick fix would be to have a different symbol in the event bar to the right that designates a ride as a ride-to-ride.
/My two cents.
SPOOK01.3.08 - 2:02 pm
yeah annie and her gang took off and karla and i tried to catch up, but those blinking lights just disappeared.
ruinedbyidiots01.3.08 - 2:06 pm
maybe we could just let people append to the ride postings with details of their satellite ride?
and making a new topic for each satellite is kinda silly, just post in the main thread, right now it just seems to be westside people that use this board to organize getting to downtown, but can you imagine if we started having 6 different topics for each ride....
stevestevesteve01.3.08 - 2:18 pm
I don't know, it's hard to find the satellite rides in the main forum thread.
"westsidazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz to the PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" sounds pretty descriptive to me.
toweliesbong01.3.08 - 2:22 pm
As a newbie around here, I've got to say that the forum structure is a bit hard to discern, already. Keeping the rides to rides as rides in the ride calendar will really help people who are new to the scene to find the rides. If they have to know to look in a single thread for all west side rides to rides, it'll get confusing very quickly, especially once there are 800 responses in that single thread. Those who have been here a while know which long-lived threads are worthwhile, but a newbie is all too likely to skip a thread with 800 entries entirely.
Perhaps it is politically incorrect of me to say so, but I'm wondering if we wouldn't be better served by slightly more sophisticated forum software. I'm thinking something like UBB, which most everyone is familiar with from some online forum or another - something that allows quoting, multiple forums, tracks which replies have already been seen, etc. There's probably a reason MR doesn't use UBB or something similar already, and I'm way too new here to know what it is (money? If so, I'd certainly chip in for a license), but I find the structure of the forums as they are a little confusing, and I really dislike the frame-within-page physical layout - it causes all kinds of confusion when using a scroll wheel, depending upon whether my mouse pointer is over the content frame or over the page.
An example of the kind of forum software I'm talking about can be seen at sites like http://www.advrider.com/
Just a thought. I don't want to upset anyone by suggesting changes, though, so if there is some history I'm unaware of, just tell me to stfu.
ideasculptor01.3.08 - 2:36 pm
I'm smelling a westside Coup d'état
sexy01.3.08 - 3:04 pm
I bet there has never been a "new" rider attend a "ride-to-ride" anyway. Just tell your friends, make new ones at rides, and keep the calendar clean.
As a designer, I have to tell you clarity is king. Just ask Pizza-Wolf.
SKIDMARCUS01.3.08 - 3:14 pm
if this is really a confusing issue how about a pictogram link or something that when clicked a popup page appears (or brings the user to another page) and shows the main ride in the middle of the page inside a shape like a square (ooooooohhhhhh) with all the other rides on the perimeter of the page (with their info) that have a straight line connecting their shapes, like a circle (aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh), to the main ride. should be self explanatory when seen and easier to understand than reading all this.
or not.
and yes i know my photoshop skillz are KING!
jchungerford01.3.08 - 4:29 pm
if someone mistakes a ride to a ride for the actual ride, won't they eventually end up at the real slim shady anyway?
trekkie01.3.08 - 4:50 pm
That diagram reminds me of one of those "briefing room" scenes from those fighter-pilot movies.
Several, different squadrons of ridazz converging with a larger, fighter group, or whatever it would be called.
We should all start using radio/phonetic call-signs over cells, walkie-talkies, etc.,
bentstrider01.3.08 - 6:55 pm