Girls on bikes?
Thread started by
ephemerae at 12.17.07 - 10:56 pm
OK, this is really nice to look at but L.A. CAN DO IT BETTER. It seems mostly concerned with what real people clothes women (and some men) cyclists are wearing around the world (particularly copenhagen).
Makes me feel sorry for those cold climate suckas.
Don't make me start my archive of the ridiculous outfits I've worn on MR.
feelingrandy12.17.07 - 11:04 pm
Bike advocacy in high heels? YES!
angle12.18.07 - 4:31 am
Those pictures, most of them look like those girls don't even ride bikes, there hands are clean, the outfits spotless. A girls tights matching her red bike, please. The guest shot from seattle, doesn't even look those girls will ride those bike. The ones that look like they could possibly being actually riding that bike somewhere, look like they are going less then a mile.
Don't worry, LA is the place! I guarantee, next time this year you will see so much more style in bike riders attire. Right now it is practicality, but I see hints of style peaking through, more and more each day.
Take how all the guys in the past just rolled up their jeans, now your seeing more and more knicker fancy pants. Boogaloo shrimp's suit, with the knicker pants at the SMcityCouncil meeting was dope, {don't think I'm not going to be biting that look sooner then you think , (no need to pass the salt, it will be tasting too good)}. Randy is style on a bike, when we got to Vegas, she had to first thing, iron her yellow dress, so she looked proper for the ride that night. The ladies will see that it will work out, getting a little dirty in their nicest thread, is AoK. We will see it.
But on a final note, girls on bikes are, hot already, just by being on a bike. Some nice clothes are just going to be a 'cherry on top'.
sexy12.19.07 - 1:16 am
by the way, it's not just girls on bikes that are hot... pretty much anyone on a bike is...
and I say pretty much everyone, because that doesn't include sexy.
FuzzBeast12.19.07 - 5:19 am
HATING (one floor above)
sexy12.19.07 - 8:27 am
Nah, in Copenhagen nonenthusiast peeps ride in regular clothes all over because they can. It's totally flat there and the asshole/douchebag quotient is way lower and people are generally more respectful of bikes as transportation. Most people are riding really comfortable Dutch-style city bikes with dynamo lights, full chain cases, and fenders, too, a style of bike which is alien to most Americans. They mostly go slow (8-10 mph), and nobody wears a helmet.
Basically they "get" bikes as transportation.
cabhauler12.19.07 - 9:38 am
First off, CabHauler couldn't have said it better just above.
I spent some time in one of Denmark's bigger cities and came back with some general observations:
First off, there are so many cute girls and women on bikes, it's enough to make a dude's jaw-drop and crash his bike (mostly blondes too, if that's your thing).
And yeah, as CabHauler said, most don't wear riding specific clothes because the riding is regular and mellow for them. The cities are so compact over there and riding is so culturally ingrained. Everyone is practically born on a bike. We can hope, but it'll never happen in LA.
0gravity12.19.07 - 9:50 am
@ sir sexy
I was in Japan no more than 4 hours when I saw this very fine lady looking like she fell out of a fashion magazine casuallly pedaling at 10pm.
My lady pedals to work (1.5 miles) on a near daily basis and nothing about her outfits look bikish ... if anything she might look like shes headed to and equestrian club.
I guess I should document.
trickmilla12.19.07 - 11:13 am
When I was in Amsterdam, the majority of people were on bikes and in fashionable casual clothing. Seems like the US has the hipsters. Of course the European cities tend to be smaller than our sprawling western cities here in the States. The people probably dont sweat as much or ride as much as we do on a regular basis.
Most of the hot chicks I noticed did have nice round asses like black women much like I do. I thoroughly enjoyed the biking experience there.
jchungerford12.19.07 - 11:25 am
these girls look like they don't ride bikes either, huh?
give me a break. give people who like to wear their regular clothes while riding, a break.
meandmybluebike12.19.07 - 12:12 pm
But those are just models....
kyber12.19.07 - 12:22 pm
Kudos to those who ride hard in "regular" clothes and shoes. I strive to mix it up and I never rock the spandex. Thank the maker for wool and MKS GR-9 pedals.
cabhauler12.19.07 - 12:27 pm
10 miles an hour in plain clothes is cool. but what about commuting at an average speed of 25mph?
your ass will hate you for not wearing a chamois...
blackflaglover12.19.07 - 1:58 pm
whats "regular clothes"?
you mean things purchased at urban outfitters or american apparel?
blackflaglover12.19.07 - 2:00 pm
10 miles an hour in plain clothes is cool. but what about commuting at an average speed of 25mph?
u ryds 25 mph 2 werk? yah ryte, and eye am a stoopud human. 25mph r a sprynt, der is no way u average diz speed, unless ur commute iz 1/2 myle and no lightz.
get realz.
Knittens12.19.07 - 2:05 pm
sexy - I implore you - PLEASE do not discourage women from wearing bike-matching tights.
angle12.19.07 - 2:07 pm
meh, my average cruising speed is a little over 20, 20 int that hard to hit with good gearing
FuzzBeast12.19.07 - 2:08 pm
what?? put a speedometer on my bike, i'll go do the commute right now down beverly. in plain clothes.
blackflaglover12.19.07 - 2:10 pm
17mph on the flats for an hour only burns like 600 calories max. Thats super easy with slicks and clips.
blackflaglover12.19.07 - 2:12 pm
@ meandmybluebike: Exactly. I'm not sure what the purpose of this thread is if not to antagonize people...leave that to me.
Richard_Colossus12.19.07 - 2:14 pm
Boner Kill
Noun. Literally, A Boner Kill is any thing, person, event, or disruption of the 5 senses, that causes one to lose an erection. Boner Kill is also used to refer to any situation which takes a dramatic turn for the worse.
kyber12.19.07 - 2:17 pm
25 is 47% faZter then 17
increase in wynd reziztents iz a cube of diz difference
so it usez bout 3.18 tymes de energy to ryd 25mph on flats den 17mph (becuz wind resistance iz teh primary source of reziztents)
u bery wrong bout diz . . . it r humileeating.
Knittens12.19.07 - 2:18 pm
Boner Kill!
blackflaglover: give me another break!
you're telling me you wear your spandex or
meandmybluebike12.19.07 - 2:24 pm
...the suspense is killing me...
PC12.19.07 - 2:25 pm
I'm wiff knittens..."u ryds 25 mph 2 werk? yah ryte,"
Maybe you hit 25, or even hit it often, but that's not a cyclometer-calculated average speed.
I regularly ride the fast guys (varsity) La Grange Tuesday morning road ride (spandex and all) and the highest average I've gotten is 20 mph from my computer. That's just barely hanging onto the wheels of CAT 4, 3, even 2 riders going all out and only slowing down because of the occasional light. Total distance around 30 miles.
Bottom line, there's no way you commute at 25 mph average. yah ryte
0gravity12.19.07 - 2:26 pm
sorree kybers . . . i jez don lyke bullshrit.
Knittens12.19.07 - 2:26 pm
oops, didn't get to finish that one.
...spandex or u-lock in your back pocket when you go to bed?
no. you probably wear your footies pajamas and that's what i like to wear, too.
p.s. where did you get your 'ironic' t-shirt?
meandmybluebike12.19.07 - 2:27 pm
I'm gonna start a musical project that will be the opposite of bikini kill (in all regards)
I dub it: BONER KILL!!!
kyber12.19.07 - 2:27 pm
why are torturing this poor model by putting her on a bike when she probably can't even ride a tricycle.
meandmybluebike12.19.07 - 2:30 pm
No way, she rocked the furnace creek 508 last year
kyber12.19.07 - 2:31 pm
Boner Kill!
P.S. American Apparel is in Paris! Blackflaglover: how do you know my style so well?!
meandmybluebike12.19.07 - 2:36 pm
"regular clothes"!
what the fuck did you think i was talking about?
meandmybluebike12.19.07 - 2:40 pm
That guy has no brakes.
Must be a hipster.
kyber12.19.07 - 2:43 pm
Boy, the expression on my face is priceless, huh?
PC12.19.07 - 2:44 pm
oh, and he MUST also be vegan.
oh, and he MUST also like obscure german experimental music.
oh, and he MUST also not ride more that 2 miles an hour.
oh, and he MUST also shop at urban outfitters (i saw the veganbananapenis ensemble on the sales rack when i was shopping with blackflaglover last week.)
oh, and he MUST also frequent The Smell.
oh, and he MUST also love kittehs.
meandmybluebike12.19.07 - 2:47 pm
oh, and he MUST also kill boners
oh, and he MUST also live in echo park or silverlake
oh, and he MUST also feign being cultured
oh, and he MUST also ride a bike because it's trendy
oh, and he MUST do all of this to impress blackflaglover
kyber12.19.07 - 2:51 pm
The girl in the video looks better in the beginning.
PC12.19.07 - 3:01 pm
I never knew felines were into such fine, lookin' women.
Probably why I keep all the animals outside.
'Specially the Saint Bernard.
bentstrider12.19.07 - 3:03 pm
PC -
The girl in the video looks better in the beginning.
Me -
Hence the title..........
User112.19.07 - 3:18 pm
Evolution connotes gradual improvement. This was the exact opposite.
PC12.20.07 - 3:28 am
Annie when was that picture taken of you on my bike?
richtotheie12.20.07 - 3:33 am
R, as i was leaving your last Den Dinner around midnight, she was outside posin'.
stevo412.20.07 - 6:49 am
PC -
Evolution connotes gradual improvement. This was the exact opposite.
You can view it which ever way you like, my reference to the title of the video was, AS THE VENEER OF BEAUTY STARTS TO FADE. I pretty much have the same view as what the people that posted this video on youtube have, and that is that beauty is being so distorted and so narrowly defined as to be counter productive to females in our society.
You want to take one word out of the video and label it as you see fit, be my guest.
Video made by,
User112.21.07 - 11:51 am
that title. Well, either way it's a weird misnomer. The girl in the video isn't losing a veneer; she's gaining one. Her natural beauty isn't effaced; it's obscured.
At face value the title is fatuous. As irony it doesn't work either: if we run the video backwards we'll see the girl lose a veneer, but it ain't a beautiful one. I think somebody was just trying to sound grand and "poetic," and didn't think too carefully about what he or she was saying.
Mind you, I get what they're trying to say with the vid. I just don't think the title makes any sense.
PC12.21.07 - 1:57 pm
No really I will, I'm desperate, give me some work for the love of god.
franz12.21.07 - 2:05 pm
If you paint a barn black that is red, do still have the red color? Yes, it's just obscured by the black, it's not lost. Let's say you liked that color red, you can't see it starting to "fade" when it's being painted black?
The idea of a veneer is that beauty is only skin deep. The veneer is only skin deep. If you like it or not, it doesn't matter, just that you get it.
PC -
I think somebody was just trying to sound grand and "poetic,"
Me -
How could I sound grand if I have to point it out to you after four volleys?
User112.21.07 - 3:43 pm
User 1 wrote:
If you paint a barn black that is red, do still have the red color? Yes, it's just obscured by the black, it's not lost. Let's say you liked that color red, you can't see it starting to "fade" when it's being painted black?
If I force myself to think of it as "fading," I can do so. It's not an impossible stretch...but it's still a stretch. The fact that I have to make a conscious effort to think of it that way suggests pretty strongly that "fade" is not the word that naturally comes to mind when a layer of paint is covered with a different-colored layer.
I can say with a great deal of confidence that most people, asked to picture the red paint job on a barn
fading, would visualize that paint changing by erosion and UV exposure to a chalky pink color.
The idea of a veneer is that beauty is only skin deep.
No; the idea of a veneer is simply that of a thin layer over a deeper surface, with no moral instruction attached. I think what you mean to say is that the idea of *calling attention to veneers* when discussing facial attractiveness is that beauty is only skin deep. Right?
The veneer is only skin deep.
True enough, but this was never at issue.
Anyway, the veneer that we notice in the video is the one being applied to the woman by the makeup artists, lighting techs, and retouchers. This veneer is doing the opposite of fading.
It is, strictly speaking, true that the woman's natural appearance is itself a veneer, as her skin is the outermost layer of her physical body and conceals her guts, bones (but not bone structure), organs, and blood vessels; and in another sense it is superficial to her "true" self. But when a person puts clothes on in the morning, we do not think of it as a veneer fading. We think of it as a veneer being applied.
If you like it or not, it doesn't matter, just that you get it.
Oh, I get the point of the video just fine, and even if I didn't, there's a title card at the end that helpfully explains it. The point is that the standards of female beauty propagated in the mass media, especially in advertising aimed at female "consumers," are quite literally unnatural, relying as they do on photographic images manipulated by armies of makeup artists, lighting technicians, and photo retouchers. Thus our idea of what a pretty woman should look like is distorted (to the extent that we let mass media influence that idea, anyway).
I also get what you're trying to say with your title. I just don't think that it's congruent with what's going on in the video.
PC -
I think somebody was just trying to sound grand and "poetic,"
Me -
How could I sound grand if I have to point it out to you after four volleys?
*Trying to* sound grand.
The actual title of the video is "Evolution." When you said "hence the title," I can hardly be faulted for thinking that you, y'know...the actual *title* of the video.
(Clearly, I am placing far too much trust in the public here, and have just crashed into the back of a figurative Brinks truck in the form of Allan's idiosyncratic use of language. Can I have some pain pills now?)
PC12.23.07 - 3:31 am
...and yes, I will gladly share the pain pills with anybody who managed to make it all the way through that post.
PC12.23.07 - 4:06 am
Don't know if any of you ever saw John Cleese's 4 part documentary on the Human Face. It was wicked fascinating and the first one in particular covered the Golden Ratio and Beauty. Your discussion inspired me to dig up these two sites on the the 1:1.618 rule. Really pretty cool.
The Human Face
The Beauty of the Golden Ratio
stevo412.23.07 - 7:27 am
Your losing too much sleep over this. I'll make it simple for you OK?
The definition of fading is (including),
-to disappear gradually, esp. by becoming darker
-to disappear or die gradually
You don't see the girl as dying gradually in the video? You don't see the barn as gradually becoming darker? I admit, I could have come up with a better example than a barn being painted red, but I'm not going to waste too much time over a couple of words. If you didn't like the title I gave it, why not do something better yourself? How does this progress the group and inspire them?
The definition of veneer is (including),
- a superficially valuable or pleasing appearance
- to face or cover (an object) with any material that is more desirable as a surface material than the basic material of the object; revet.
- to give a superficially valuable or pleasing appearance to.
PC -
I think what you mean to say is that the idea of *calling attention to veneers* when discussing facial attractiveness is that beauty is only skin deep. Right?
Me -
No I meant the veneer as a pleasing appearance. The pleasing appearance starts to fade, as in gradually disappears as the makeup is put on, the hair is styled, photoshop, etc, etc.
Yes as you pointed out, the veneer could also be a cover, that was not what I was pointing out, and it would not make sense in my title, or whatever you like to call it.
PC -
I also get what you're trying to say with your title. I just don't think that it's congruent with what's going on in the video.
Me -
That's fine, I don't have a problem with that, and you've already made that point. I have only so much time to devote this silly little thread, and the world isn't going to end for me if you don't like it or think it's foolish or whatever. As they say, there's bigger fish to fry.
Thanks for advancing the cause of free speech on MR. Your services are invaluable. I hope I can retain your services at a later time as need be? There are alot of evil doers on this board and it far too much for one crime fighter to handle. Maybe we can join forces in the future? Of course you'll get top billing. After all, I lack the dedication it takes to be a big crime fighter. If you don't want to fight crime as a dynamic duo, I completely understand. Either way, I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
PS: I am working on fighting crime on the SMCM thread. I got this one under control. Maybe you'd like to take a look at the FBI thread? Kittehs True identity thread is a waste of time, don't even bother with that one! I solved that one weeks ago. Well good luck my friend.
User112.23.07 - 2:59 pm
wat happens diz fred??
kills eyeself
Knittens12.23.07 - 3:21 pm
User 1 wrote:
The definition of fading is (including),
-to disappear gradually, esp. by becoming darker
-to disappear or die gradually
You don't see the girl as dying gradually in the video?
Again, like the "fading" barn, it's not inconceivable. If I put on my maudlin cap, drink a few glasses of red wine and sigh deeply, I can think of the girl or an essential part of her as dying. It's a lot easier to imagine her depositing her check for the photo shoot at the bank, though.
You don't see the barn as gradually becoming darker?
Of course I do. As I said before, that doesn't mean that I see it as fading.
If you didn't like the title I gave it, why not do something better yourself?
I am. I'm engaging in a hairsplitting argument about language and meaning on an Internet forum about bicycle riding.
How does this progress the group and inspire them?
I don't know. How does adding an inapposite title to a perfectly good video "progress" or inspire anybody?
The definition of veneer is (including),
- a superficially valuable or pleasing appearance
- to face or cover (an object) with any material that is more desirable as a surface material than the basic material of the object; revet.
- to give a superficially valuable or pleasing appearance to.
Those last two definitions are for the verb form. This leaves us with the first one, which is perfectly legitimate...but don't you think that it applies more readily to the finished product than to the girl in her natural state? I understand your metaphor; I'm just saying that it's clunky.
Yes as you pointed out, the veneer could also be a cover, that was not what I was pointing out, and it would not make sense in my title, or whatever you like to call it.
It may not be what you were pointing out, but the application of such a cover is the *primary activity in the video*. That being the case, don't you think it would be a little less awkward to find another figure of speech to refer to the model's natural good looks if you're trying to summarize the video in a title?
There are alot of evil doers on this board and it far too much for one crime fighter to handle. Maybe we can join forces in the future?
Only if I get to wear my maudlin cap. It is a crushed black velvet cap, and it has little purple accents on the brim. It is one size too small for me. You'll be the brusque, macho elbow-throwing superhero and I'll be the superhero who smokes clove cigarettes and gazes balefully into the middle distance and fights the urge to weep at the futility of it all. If that ain't a dynamic fucking duo, I don't know what is. Partners?
PC12.24.07 - 1:53 am
Mr. C,
I can see the differences in our views. I'm nebulous in my view on this, and you're more clinically correct. Guess which one puts me to sleep first? I'll leave it up to you to toss a coin to see who wins at this. I'll trust that you'll be fair and tell me who won. From this point on I'm through with this debate.
I'm more interested in possibly working together as a crime fighting duo. I've been working on my costume, as I'm sure you know, every crime fighter must have a snappy costume if he or she is to be taken seriously by the public. It needs to be something that the kids would really identify with and I think I'm on to something. What I was thinking was something like chaps. Of course they would not be made of leather as this would turn off a segment of the population that is vegan. So what I had in mind was something like a purple tiger print lined with fake fur and matching gloves. Since this is LA there's no need for a shirt, but a cape would be a must. I'm thinking a gold cape lined with trimming of white puffy short feathers. Nothing too gay though.
I think we could fight crime on the means streets of LA as well as on the net. This being LA, I'm sure it would be just a matter of time till someone has the bright idea of featuring us on a reality show. I've already got this figured out too. We would need a hip theme song that the kids would really dig. I want to more bold than just relying on some tired old classic. What do you think about having a song by Boards of Canada titled 1969?
I figured each week the show would feature us on our bikes searching for evil doers. We would have our cast of street people, kind of like what Starsky and Hutch had. You know, Huggy Bear and.........and ......... hmmmm there must of been more......... Well, anyways that's down the road a bit and I'm getting way ahead of myself. Heck I barely got my crime fighting costume finished!
Oh and I like what you got going on with your cool costume too! So welcome aboard my crime fighting partner!
User112.25.07 - 11:58 pm
OK, but you have to promise to let me handle the comedy from now on.
PC12.26.07 - 12:21 am
My answer to your inquiry will depend upon your answer to this one: who do you think won this important debate? Me or Allan?
PC12.26.07 - 12:51 am
im siding with you ONLY because i have yet to meet this allan character. now back to the matter at hand.
ruinedbyidiots12.26.07 - 12:57 am
If you use 1969 as the theme song, people will think you ate a ton of acid back in the day.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, I think a lot of us did ;)
kyber12.26.07 - 12:58 am
I can see I'm going to have to eat these pain pills all by myself. Possibly all at once.
PC12.26.07 - 1:15 am
RBI I've got the goods man! Vote for me and you'll be looking at your new dope man!
PC I've been trained in hand to hand comedy by the worlds best masters. I'm skilled in three disciplines of comedy. Jikraso, Sumotasio, and Kerackous. I've followed my master for well over 15 years now!
User112.26.07 - 3:16 pm
I don't know why my master is not showing up.
Let's try that again.........
User112.26.07 - 3:17 pm