Santa Monica Critical Mass XXXV

Thread started by
Alex Thompson at 11.27.07 - 7:40 pm
Santa Monica Critical MASS XXXV
Friday, December 7th
Gather 6:30pm
Leave 7:00pm
Top of Santa Monica Pier, Colorado & Ocean
We don't know what to expect. The City Council received our comments positively but that doesn't guarantee that the police won't be out. Make sure you have proper lights and keep your head on a swivel til we leave Santa Monica.
There's an afterparty at Bergamont station. It's a CD release party for these guys:
It should be fun . . . for people arriving by bike it is $5 door and $5 for all you can drink/eat. And as always we'll be partying in the parking lot too I'm sure.
I'd be there.
What's with the afterparty does it cost CM's to get in?
franz12.4.07 - 3:32 pm
hell yes
boozeamont station
lets do this comrades
ectoplasm12.4.07 - 3:40 pm
$5 to get in
$5 to drink all you can
But of course we still be partying in the parking lot til they kick us out!
Alex Thompson12.4.07 - 4:12 pm
This sounds like fun. I think I will go to this ride! Yay!
SKIDMARCUS12.4.07 - 5:23 pm

but, but what if it rains, they said its goin to and lots
SONNY12.5.07 - 9:10 pm
Look - my Cross Country coach Kent had a saying - "It only rains on the other guys."
Ann Arbor Huron CC in full effect on all Westside rides . . . so guess what -

Alex Thompson12.5.07 - 9:21 pm

LAME - that didn't work.
Alex Thompson12.5.07 - 9:22 pm

fuck it, rain or not i mo be there... just get some
SONNY12.5.07 - 9:26 pm
just pretend its raining blood
ectoplasm12.5.07 - 9:32 pm
rain on other guys to pass!
or we have to be extra careful because you know the pd will be PISSED if they have to write tickets in the rain.
ruinedbyidiots12.5.07 - 9:32 pm

rain on other guys to pass! plus plus
SONNY12.5.07 - 9:37 pm
Don't forget, Who'll stop the Rain! And lesser known, and not as fitting, Graveyard Rain
stevo412.5.07 - 10:09 pm
It's Friday night, and you're going to miss the SMCM?!?!?
If it rains, and I find out anyones staying inside, I'm going AWOL and hauling my ass 80+miles down there to drag you out and plant your ass on the bike!!
And with my luck, it will probably be blowing and freezing up here.
So, knuckle-up crybabies!!
bentstrider12.5.07 - 10:17 pm
I'll be there rain or shine!
If anyone has walkie talkies, bring them. The more we have out on the ride, the better equipped we will be for whatever happens (police, group getting separated, people in front going too fast, whatevs). I and a few other people will definitely have them. Bring yours and join in on the fun.
BunnyBubbles12.5.07 - 10:28 pm
the rain is forecasted to end in the afternoon, more proof that God loves CM
stevestevesteve12.6.07 - 11:45 am
Rain's more fun riding in the most in a group :)
KataCyklsLA2NY12.6.07 - 3:18 pm
I was reading the LA Times article today and read the portion about all the citations and stuff re: SMCM and I was wondering how strict are they with the infractions? The article mentioned about reflectors not on the bike itself. I don't have rear or front reflectors on my bike... just my front and rear lights and my awesome reflective ankle straps. Will I get busted?
digablesoul12.6.07 - 4:51 pm
strong possibility. if you have ever read ca bike laws reflectors are required and certain colors for each tire. SM cops are being real assholes about this. thats why i dont ride smcm anymore.
jchungerford12.6.07 - 5:15 pm
...and like the rest of the california bike laws, written in the 1970's, and pretty poorly at that, but in the 1970's lights were not that common for bicycles, reflectors were.
There were lights, although many of them were friction powered, and almost all ran a bulb, not LEDs, and as we all kn ow, bulbs + vibration = burnt out, so relfectors became a priority.
Also considering the fairly recent spread of blinky use, reflectors haave really become pretty obsolete.
Large portions of the CVC in regards to bicycles need to be re-written, it's just probably not going to happen until bicycles catch on more in the mainstream like they did in the 1970's when most of this country's laws regarding bicycles were written.
FuzzBeast12.6.07 - 5:23 pm
As a motorist, who once was a cyclist, I can tell you from my own experience in the car, reflectors are a great accessory to have on the bike. Especially on the peddle and the wheels. I would also suggest that you put some reflective tape on the back of your bag. I was following TWBG in my car Monday night, and Spiraldemon's bag with the reflector strip on the back rack, grabbed my attention more then the blinkies.
On the flip side, front blinking lights grap my attention more then a really strong front solid headlight on a bicycle.
sexy12.6.07 - 5:49 pm
Critical Mass bike ride may be at braking point
Cyclists in the monthly event in Santa Monica say they may pedal elsewhere because of citations from police.
By Tiffany Hsu, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
December 7, 2007
This week may be the last time bicyclists stage a monthly mass ride through Santa Monica following police crackdowns on their free-wheeling event that residents complain has snarled traffic and posed hazards to motorists and cyclists alike.
For nearly three years, hundreds of cyclists have converged on Santa Monica's busiest streets for their so-called Critical Mass bike ride. On the first Friday of every month, the cyclists arrive near the pier about 6:30 p.m., just as local traffic is becoming heaviest. They decide on their route, briefly review traffic laws and hit the streets.
But their ride, which is part recreation and part rally against car-dominated roads, quickly drew residents' ire despite Santa Monica's efforts to promote itself as a bike-friendly city. Police responded to the complaints in force by issuing moving violations to cycling scofflaws. During the Nov. 2 ride, officers cited 32 cyclists -- nearly six times more than in the previous three months combined.
Some riders, fearing a reprise at their ride today, said the group's large base of out-of-towners and social cyclists was considering abandoning Santa Monica and riding elsewhere.
Police and city officials said Critical Mass was welcome in Santa Monica. But participants must abide by traffic rules.
"More than anything, the bottom line is safety," said Lt. Alex Padilla of the Santa Monica Police Department. "We want to help facilitate those bike rides, but we will continue to take appropriate measures. We saw how dangerous it was getting, how some of the bikers want to dictate their own rules of the road, and just tried to bring some sanity to it all."
Police cited cyclists for running red lights, riding on sidewalks and having insufficient lights and reflectors. When cyclists break off from the main Critical Mass group toward the end of each ride, the lack of proper equipment and etiquette creates hazardous conditions on the road, Padilla said.
Cyclists said police were unfairly targeting the group.
"We've had wildly oscillating amounts of attention from police," said Alex Thompson, 27, a cyclist and UCLA doctoral candidate. "This time it felt predatory, like officers were instructed specifically to focus on us."
Cyclists said they were cited for minor infractions. If they had been riding alone, they said, police would have ignored them. Others said they intended to violate vehicle codes in order to spark a dialogue with city officials and motorists about cyclists' rights.
"It's confrontational to some degree," said Stephen Box, a cyclist from Hollywood. "There is a strong argument for breaking the rules in order to advance them. We expected to get a reasonable dialogue and we didn't, so our behavior keeps getting louder. The cyclists won't back down."
During the last ride, police filmed the cyclists as they congregated near the pier entrance, Padilla said. At least 10 officers were present -- some in cruisers, others on motorcycles, bicycles or on foot.
Police started citing cyclists even before they reached the first stoplight on busy Ocean Avenue at Broadway, according to Josh Gelfand, 35, a glass blower from nearby Venice.
Gelfand said he was ticketed after he rode his bike up onto the sidewalk to avoid a stopped police car.
"This was selective enforcement and a form of harassment," said Gelfand, who plans to contest his citation. "But I don't want any more tickets; I'm not in the habit of breaking the law." He noted that most Critical Mass riders try to follow bicycling regulations and can quote much of the California Vehicle Code.
Critical Mass made its debut in San Francisco in 1992 and now stages rides on six continents. There has been trouble: 19 arrests in Minneapolis and seven in Chicago. In San Francisco, the cyclists are loathed by many motorists but tolerated by police and city officials. Nearly 30,000 cyclists rode peacefully in Budapest in late September.
In Santa Monica, more than 50 cyclists attended a City Council meeting Nov. 13, and many criticized the police treatment.
But the uproar has left Mayor Richard Bloom unmoved. He said he viewed Critical Mass cyclists as "lawbreakers."
"I agree with their point, that we need to do a better job of accommodating alternative forms of transportation, but I don't accept their methodology," Bloom said.
"They would prefer that we wink and look the other way."
Padilla said he had met with the cyclists several times and suggested that they apply for special-event permits or use alternative routes.
"That the Police Department has determined that they're going to undertake some extra effort to bring the situation under control is exactly what departments are supposed to do when they see a growing problem," Bloom said.
Box said many participants consider Critical Mass to be a boon to the city's "green" efforts. One program, BIKE Santa Monica, encourages residents to ride bicycles to reduce pollution and clear congestion. Bloom countered that the city's green programs do not depend on Critical Massto succeed.
For many cyclists, today's event could determine whether Critical Mass can survive in Santa Monica. Several said the group could decamp to West Los Angeles or Venice.
"If the police continue to cite, we won't be able to keep doing this," Thompson said.
tern12.7.07 - 7:41 am
i want everyone to listen to DISCHARGE all day and smash the system.
ruinedbyidiots12.7.07 - 7:50 am
also, I heard a brief story on KNX 1070. I think it only went into rotation once, then stopped. The story on KNX was really short and obviously lifted from the times article.
tern12.7.07 - 7:51 am
A note on reflectors, there are 2 sets that are required. The front and back, and the ones of the wheelset.
sc_nomad12.7.07 - 8:26 am
today is the 66th anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor.
ruinedbyidiots12.7.07 - 8:43 am
lets listen to bad brains really loud and if the smpd says anything we can just say
dude, I got that PMA
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 9:02 am
Regarding reflectors....
I couldn't find my stock handlebar reflectors so I covered by whole fork w/ reflective tape.... my cranks as well... I've got clip in's so I also have reflectors on my shoes and reflective ankle straps... I've got tape on both my wheels and red reflective tape on my speakers that can be seen from the rear. I should be good.
digablesoul12.7.07 - 9:22 am
everyone should just wrap themselves in reflective tape
it would look like a procession of floating seated people
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 9:30 am
I like how the SMPD story keeps changing every time they get interviewed.
At the ride they were telling us they were giving out tickets because "if we weren't here you'd be running red lights"
Then in the first articles it was for safety due to "time change" that ..hadn't happened yet.
Now they're apparently really worried about the safety of cyclists who might be riding home afterwards alone, so they're randomly picking people and detaining them so they get separated from the group and .... have to ride home alone.
stevestevesteve12.7.07 - 9:40 am
Ridazz Reprezent!
Strength in Numbers!
Take the Streets!
Joe Borfo12.7.07 - 9:44 am
damn that article is basically having the effect of calling people to arms. gotta keep this ride going cant let the city win!
Roadblock12.7.07 - 9:52 am
That in this world we all must pay
Pay to write, pay to play
Pay to cum, pay to BIKE
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 10:09 am
tern12.7.07 - 10:29 am
apparently bad brains didn't think so
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 10:35 am
I'm in the valley for work and brought my bike to work w/ me and will go overthe hill but shiet... forgot the camera. Fooken aye.
digablesoul12.7.07 - 10:53 am
smcm - "pay to bike" 7" single
500 tickets with sleeves, 500 without sleeves.
ruinedbyidiots12.7.07 - 10:56 am
I'm liking the sound of this,
why don't we start a band called "bad bikes"
anyone drum?
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 11:03 am
It is important to resist intimidation.
It is important to resist intimidation.
It is important to resist intimidation.
Will a precedent be set today?
tern12.7.07 - 11:14 am
It is so fucking important to resist intimidation.
tern12.7.07 - 11:15 am
please ride tonight, If you are able to be in the area.
Tern reasserts:
It is important to resist intimidation.
tern12.7.07 - 11:17 am
I heard that this article was coming out around the same time a council member approached me privately to say that there would not be significant police presence at our ride tonight.
I though "fuck! This may re-escalate things." Hopefully they don't care. We were expecting no cops tonight.
Anyhow - I love how Alex Padilla just lies. To my knowledge he's never met with anyone from CM. Unfucking believable. He just lies and lies. I really dislike this guy an incredible amount for someone I've never met.
Alex Thompson12.7.07 - 11:21 am
this one makes me a bit angry. I hear a clear editorial voice"
"For nearly three years, hundreds of cyclists have converged on Santa Monica's busiest streets for their so-called Critical Mass bike ride..."
"so-called Critical Mass bike ride"
tern12.7.07 - 11:28 am
I'd like to give him a "so-called broken collarbone"
ps. santa monica is sunny right now
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 11:30 am
This paragraph is designed to elicit fear im potential cm riders, in order to discourage them from attending:
"During the last ride, police filmed the cyclists as they congregated near the pier entrance, Padilla said. At least 10 officers were present -- some in cruisers, others on motorcycles, bicycles or on foot. "
Look at the title and the first couple of sentences of the article.
Hsu is shaping the debate, attempting to make tonight's ride a deciding factor in the continuing existance of smcm.
The article is an open challenge to police, and inimidation device aimed at smcm riders.
tern12.7.07 - 11:36 am
On second reading this article really sucks. Tern is right about the editorial voice. Plus what is this:
"But their ride, which is part recreation and part rally against car-dominated roads, quickly drew residents' ire despite Santa Monica's efforts to promote itself as a bike-friendly city. Police responded to the complaints in force by issuing moving violations to cycling scofflaws. During the Nov. 2 ride, officers cited 32 cyclists -- nearly six times more than in the previous three months combined."
There were about 17 citations in all the previous rides, which means that 32 is nearly double . . . which is not even remotely close to "nearly six times". If SMCM "quickly raised resident's ire" then how come we were able to have rides as many as 500 strong for over 2 years before the police bothered us? This paragraph isn't just shaping the debate - it's factually wrong!
Also, the mayor as of Tuesday is Herb Katz, not Richard Douch Bloom.
Whatever, this KITTEH is sure that SMCM will survive regardless.
Knittens12.7.07 - 11:56 am
Y'all - look at it this way. If there are issues with the article this is an easy way to get on the editorial page of the LA Times - object to factual misconstruals.
Alex Thompson12.7.07 - 11:58 am
journalists need to have a ban on adjectives imposed on them
Roadblock12.7.07 - 12:04 pm
yeah we're riding...we're riding oOOOonn!
yeah, we're moving...we're moving oooOOonnn!
and ON!
and ON AND ON AND ON!!!!
BAD BRAKES should be the bike band's name! what!
SKIDMARCUS12.7.07 - 12:10 pm
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 12:10 pm
don't forget the little ooo, ooo ooo, it makes the song
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 12:11 pm
Welcomes to "LA Times Truth in Reporting 101"
I stopped reading this paper about 10 years ago, when I was personally involved in a few things they reported on, and got the facts all mixed up, or wrong. I have found The Times to be notorious for doing what we are witnessing right now. I would suggest everyone take what is report in that paper with a grain of salt or don't read the thing at all. This goes for all of us cyclist, as well as any officials or public servants from Santa Monica.
We still want to work this out so this ride can continue.
Please everybody, whatever may happen tonight, lets keep a cool head with the whole situation, getting loud or stupid isn't going to make any sort of situation, or confrontation go smoother. Hopefully, what that City Council member told Alex T is true, and the police will won't be looking to do it selective enforcement again. I'm sure they would rather be doing other things then following us around and giving us tickets. If not we will just have to continue with the ride, and continue to approach the City of Santa Monica to work this out with us.
sexy12.7.07 - 12:14 pm
it's fucking ridiculous article:
"Santa Monica's busiest streets"
Let's see, last month we rode up Ocean for two blocks, turned around, and rode down Ocean to Marine, left SM, and rode down Main.
Truly some major thoroughfares there. I mean, what if someone wanted to go the beach at 8:00 on friday night? They could have been delayed several fractions of a second!
Then the month before that, we rode by City Hall and down Main Street in the bike lane--completely obstructing several valets parking stands for period approaching a minute!
stevestevesteve12.7.07 - 12:18 pm
hey, maybe some people want to go to the beach in the pitch black ,right after a rainstorm that has pumped run off into the ocean,
when its 50 degrees out?
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 12:22 pm
Sure. All those guys who fish off the pier. Lead lined Stomachs (literally).
stevo412.7.07 - 12:35 pm
GARY7 are you gonna wear that "costume"?
So yeah, like Alex said its been said there will be LACK OF POLICE PRESENCE...just thought everyone should read that twice.
SKIDMARCUS12.7.07 - 1:05 pm
Well hopefully Mayor Katz will see the light of the situation, otherwise He's not going to get many votes next time around. Thank god Bloom is out, he was useless. How's this Katz guy going to be.
Joe Borfo12.7.07 - 1:05 pm
Life is good.
Joe Borfo12.7.07 - 1:07 pm
but will there be a presences of Joe Borfo? Hall passes anyone?
sexy12.7.07 - 1:11 pm
I read the lack of police presence statement....
....nenetheless the article is still an incendiary editorial.
tern12.7.07 - 1:22 pm
I did say "LACK OF POLICE PRESENCE" . . . but I said this before the LA Times article ran. There is a chance they will crack down because of the article, some people think that the LA Weekly article sparked the crackdown last month.
But I think probably not. We'll know if there are a bunch of cops hanging out.
Sorry to hem and haw - but it's really hard to know, and I want riders to be informed of the risks.
Alex Thompson12.7.07 - 1:22 pm
Is there a reason why SM has a bunch of conservative self-interested assholes?
Joe Borfo12.7.07 - 1:25 pm
"Is there a reason why SM has a bunch of conservative self-interested assholes?
Alex Thompson12.7.07 - 1:29 pm
The expression "so-called Critical Mass" isn't an example of an editorial voice, and it's not insulting. It's something that journalists sometimes use to introduce a name that may be new to readers. It's more suited to TV or radio reporting than to print, though. Anyway, it's nothing to get mad about.
You might want to start writing your letters to the editor, though, about the obvious fact that the reporter allowed the SMPD to spin her about the residents' complaints. It can be calmly pointed out that the ride has existed for years, and the crackdown is only recent.
PC12.7.07 - 2:16 pm
Fox 11 news will be at SMCM - get yo ass out and represent!!
Alex Thompson12.7.07 - 4:33 pm
Fox News editorializes everything, PC.
You always have a choice on how to phrase things as a journalist.
II have written and broadcast news on the radio. I have written for papers. I would have chosen not to use the phrase 'so-called' unless I was trying to highlight a discrepancy between what is being named and the actual nature of the thing being named.
Thats my opinion.
Besides....look above. Fox News editorializes everything.
tern12.7.07 - 4:40 pm
this is how to get PC to talk to you on the web, everyone....
tern12.7.07 - 4:41 pm
tern12.7.07 - 4:46 pm
Wink Martindale12.7.07 - 4:58 pm
Um,,,I was thinking like something more in the order of, lets say, "show up and represent smcm."
tern12.7.07 - 5:03 pm
"so-called Critical Mass"
Wink Martindale12.7.07 - 5:05 pm
Okay...I hear ya....
The "so-called" statement was from an LA Times article published this morning....just to clarify.
So, go out and represent smcm, mang.
tern12.7.07 - 5:08 pm

ruinedbyidiots12.7.07 - 5:23 pm
Striking photograph.
I bet he wears High Karate....or nothing at all!
tern12.7.07 - 5:25 pm
"When I'm feeling extraordinary...I splash on a bit of the Old Spice!"
tern12.7.07 - 5:30 pm
Two out the three guys in ZZ Top have beards, except drummer Frank Beard . . . WTF?
Gawd, you guys just made me remember those Hai Karate ads from my youth! Yes, I saw that stuff when it was new.
mr rollers12.7.07 - 5:38 pm
I was little. I couldn't spell yet. That's why I didn't know the brand was spelled, "Hai" Karate.
tern12.7.07 - 5:40 pm
We don't have a ride anymore, rollers....but the Badger Song crew has Cubzz back. Thats why I want to see the pictures, so that we have a reason to go out to Tren Way and regulate.
tern12.7.07 - 5:46 pm
FUCKKK my friend is taking forever, I hope I can make it out there in time
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 5:55 pm
please explain, mr. ectoplasm....
tern12.7.07 - 5:57 pm
I'm waitin for my bud because I am a nice fluffy happy caring friendship loving bitch, and he's decided to turn his phone off, I give him 20 mins before I say fuck friendship, yes bikes
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 6:00 pm
You go girl!!
Nah, Geraldo!!! Talk to the hand!
umm, I mean okay I understand your quandry.
tern12.7.07 - 6:04 pm
now I realize, he has my awesome new re-tubed wheels with him,
so unless I plan on pedaling a wheel-less bike, I'm fucked
ectoplasm12.7.07 - 6:07 pm
hmm. richie....sound like a great concept:
"get fucked to pass!"
tern12.7.07 - 6:19 pm
You should all be at SMCM or on your way right its only 331 here. Good luck comrades... DESTROY!!!
franz12.7.07 - 6:32 pm
I'm glad to be home and away from the POLICE STATE that has become Santa Monica. No ticket for me, but a bunch of us did get tagged by the Santa Monica PD, typically for the bike-light issue, some were ticketed for just forgetting to turn their lights on! Total harassment for the entire time we spent on the Santa Monica streets. As far as I know, no one was arrested.
Big thanks to those that brought extra lights for the massers, and passed out spokecards, and bike law cards. The highlight of the night (besides, ditching the cops at the Venice bike path, the Venice Traffic Circle of Death, the races in Clover Park...) was riding down Abbot Kinney and the masses of gallery goers cheering on the Critical Massers. That was awesome!
In Solidarity.
TAR12.7.07 - 11:06 pm
If only we went down the freeway... it would have been perfect.
Lizzard12.7.07 - 11:16 pm
Only time I've been to Santa Monica, so far, was back in September.
Missed the Cubz, so a friend and I traipsed from the bikerowave all the way down to Venice.
Santa Monica is a pretty, silent-ass place @ 2AM in the morning on a Thursday.
bentstrider12.7.07 - 11:28 pm
I showed up late and tried to find mass by following police cars. But there where one or two down every street I rode.
alec12.7.07 - 11:44 pm
Wow, I knew Santa Monica police were uptight, but holy crap, what a bunch of ... well fill in the blank with your favorite curse. Such selective and politically motivated use of the law.
GarySe7en12.7.07 - 11:57 pm
How amazing was the ride down Abbot Kinney?? Why can't SM love us that much?
We need to somehow rally non-cyclists to our cause. If the cops see that average citizens have love for us, maybe they'll think twice before fucking with us. The fact that they didn't touch us until the news crews disappeared shows that they're obviously concerned with public opinion.
And whoever took us up Walgrove/Ashland...peep the handle, sucka!
hatehills12.8.07 - 1:24 am
lol. i got a ticket for not having headlights when in fact i have two of them. thanks for taking photos gary, and i look forward to using em to fight the powers.
boogalooSHRIMP12.8.07 - 3:17 am
More SMPD-nonsense.
If I ever get down to one of these, I'm rigging some 5Million CP spotlights to my bike.
As for taillight, it'll just be one of the 5M/CP with a red, lens cover.
If there's a show of force, I'll bring my own show.
bentstrider12.8.07 - 4:19 am

Got 2 flats on the ride. Thanks Bunny Bubbles, Morgan from Bikerowave, and that dude with the long hair and mustache for getting me out of the jam on 4th st. (@ California?)
second flat put me out of commision on Rose Avenue. Oh well...
We passed S.M. councilman Kevin McKeown -----> on Abbott Kinney getting his car out of valet. He had a 1/2 smile on his face seeing all the bikers.
Next month should be a SMCM funeral procession ride AND PUT THE SMCM TO REST and we should all get the fuck out S.M.
barleye12.8.07 - 7:19 am
I usually do the LA CM and although it seems to be dwindling in size recently (maybe due to other rides happening later that evening) but its always a good ride.
Last night was my first SMCM and it just felt like the SMPD turned it in to a total Buzzkill. Legitimate or not tickets, their pedantic and tedious approach only further broke up the mass into even smaller groups and probably caused even more traffic delays.
I was actually wondering what kind of backlash would take place by the residents of SM if god forbid, there was a murder or some other real incident happening and the cops weren't available because they were busy giving some girl a ticket for not putting her foot down at a stop sign.
And the highlight for me was definitely the warm response we got on Abbot Kinney. That's the way it should be. Its a momentary inconvenience and passerby's find it interesting to watch us having a fun ride.
You can see photos from last night's SMCM
stevo412.8.07 - 8:15 am

Damn, I wanted to picture in my post above.
stevo412.8.07 - 8:21 am
Sorry to not be there will you all, due to finals coming this next week, but I know the hell. Reading the thread, and hearing people talk about how "SMCM is no fun anymore," and lose the motivation to want to go, causes me great heartache.
Analyzing this ride for what could be this large stick up SM's ass, I think a lot of it has to do with timing. We leave at peak traffic hour of 7:00pm on friday where the residents are drooling for the opportunity to light their ignition.
It's not random that we are suddenly being hassled. Our group keeps getting larger, SM is getting denser and residents are becoming more and more possesive of "their" property/city. So, let us not end SMCM, but makeshift to a later time. Most of the rides in LA don't leave until 9 or 10 anyway, so can SMCM.
I understand that we attract a unique group that wouldn't necessarily go on Cubcamp or CRANK Mob which rides at 10pm, but we must be utilitarian in our decision-making at times, and most of the group is threatening to leave if they get pulled over again by a cop.
Let us not quit our global participation to end the dark ages for oil, but continually remind them that they do depend on us, in contrast to what Mayor Bloom seethes in the LA Times.
watamelon12.8.07 - 9:19 am
Major props for those that were helping out riders who didn't have lights and passing out whistles. I've never seen that before and really thought that was cool... . Also those on the walkie talkies keeping the ride together.
This was my first SCMC and had the bike cops tailing me the whole way up Colorado... annoyed the hell out of me. I'm glad the media was out there and I liked Alex's response to Fox on permits and how we are traffic.
Man the vibe changed when we got to Venice. Such a great feeling going down whatever that main st was w/ all the people (Venice Blvd.?) So welcoming. JC nice work on the mic kept me entertained on the way down and pretty cool party w/ the $10 all you drink beer.
My first SMCM and loved it.
digablesoul12.8.07 - 9:50 am
I understand the sentiment, however isn't CM intentionally earlier so as to be more visible. After seeing the ride with my own eyes it's quite obvious that SMPD is enforcing the law selectively and with political motivation. The ride was so tame, people were not blasting around obstructing the law. I don't know what the best course of action is to continue, but I'd hate to see the ride back down by either moving out or pushing it to a late time.
The roads for most of the route last night weren't even high traffic roads, this SMPD crack down is absurd. I watched someone get a ticket for no forward facing lights when he had two forward blinkies, green light up wheel lights, a side facing light and a bright tail light. He was lit up like a christmas tree.
GarySe7en12.8.07 - 9:51 am
And oh yeah, while the one bike cop was writing the citation, we pointed out to the other cop some random guy who rode by on a cruiser, not part of CM, with no lights at all, this did not seem to bother them. This is obviously predatory and directed at CM.
GarySe7en12.8.07 - 9:54 am
I was calling them Bunny Bubble's Blinkies.
And like Gary said, i also thought part of the CM bylaws were that the ride took place somewhere during rush hour (ish) when we would be most visible to those coming home, etc.
stevo412.8.07 - 10:02 am
Ah... Cool of her and those involved to help out w/ the lights. Oh... and great pics man!!
digablesoul12.8.07 - 10:11 am

I was really impressed by the turn out last night despite the cold winds, damp streets and fascist police state. I was telling one of the news crews earlier on that the police crackdown was deterring riders from coming. Thanks for proving me wrong!
onethirtynine12.8.07 - 10:49 am
when youre riding alone at night with no lights, the cops wont do jack shit to you. yet, when youre in a large group of people (where some would consider it safer, "safety in numbers") the cops get up in arms and literally throw the book at you.
when alex c got his ticket in front of sm city hall last night the cops changed their story like three times. first he was getting ticketed for not having lights, then when they found out he had lights it was because they werent bright enough, and then this, and then that.
we cant let the ride die. riding a bike in santa monica means being a thorn in some suits side.
ruinedbyidiots12.8.07 - 12:24 pm
this is true... the story changed a few times, largely in part due to PC's constant questioning! The cop felt like a gunther, i'm sure. First it was not having my lights turned on. Then it was for not having lights. Then it became, and get this, "Faiiling to have forward facing headlights." The cop couldn't figure out how i turned them on if they were off to begin with. What a piece of human waste.
boogalooSHRIMP12.8.07 - 12:36 pm
which is worse
smpd OR those new jersey assholes in the stretch hummer
ruinedbyidiots12.8.07 - 12:41 pm
The lights thing with alex was completely absurd, he was one of the most well lit and visible riders out there. Pics coming soon. Sexy's citation seems like total bull shit too. And shit giving a guy in a Santa suit a nit picky citation, how could he face his kids.
GarySe7en12.8.07 - 1:01 pm
These losers got nothing better to do huh?
kyber12.8.07 - 1:25 pm
Great fucking pics gary!
You should submit them to the papers and TV stations!
richtotheie12.8.07 - 1:44 pm
Alej should get a citation, for his slack ass chain!
franz12.8.07 - 1:49 pm
That picture of the cop with Sexy in a Santa suit is kinda priceless.
hatehills12.8.07 - 2:19 pm
Words cannot express how bummed I am that nobody had a video camera handy when the incident with those two bumblefuck bike cops (Officers Arnold and Rogozic) occurred.
For those of you who weren't there when it happened, last night was a milestone in Santa Monica's history: it's the first time anybody has ever been cited in that city for witchcraft. Apparently, Alex C possesses the eerie power to turn bicycle lights on and off by telekinesis (the cops claimed that the lights weren't on, but they were blinking WHILE THEY WROTE HIM THE TICKET and he never left their sight), and to violate God's laws of spatial dimension (they later said he didn't have a forward-facing light, despite the conspicuous appearance of two forward-facing, BLINKING lights on his front fork).
You could tell that they knew they had fucked up, but that they weren't going to admit it. And yes, the dummies did change their story as I kept interrogating them. Ever notice how cops don't like it when you use their tactics on them?
PC12.8.07 - 2:35 pm
PC we need to install HD cams into your eye balls and Mics into your ears.
I wish i could have seen this shit.
richtotheie12.8.07 - 2:50 pm
uh yeah like the city of sM or the cops care if some cop issued a false citation. they know they can weather the "storm" of some angry powerless constituency of cyclists for a couple months while they work towards whittling down the group until it goes away.
maybe Alex will sucesfully fight the ticket and get off for their "mistake". but that wasnt the point. the point was to cause problems and hassle for Alex and to scare off other riders who would draw the conclusion that cops are like loose canons and will cite you for false shit. think about it... If cops dont get disciplined for out right shooting someone and beating down news crews in mac arthur park, they damn sure wont feel any effects of an erroneous bike light ticket. I gues that city council meeting didnt mean shit.
the only solution is to ratchet up the madness but do it in a legal way.... draw a boundary and just clog that whole area up with cyclist riding LEGALLY. start by getting a copy of the vehicle laws to everyone on a spoke card. next, dispatch groups of 5-10 riders each with a digital camera shooting vid.
Wink Martindale12.8.07 - 2:53 pm
Those jersey guys were hilarious, especially their drunk girls they probably dosed. And the jersey dad. Man, all of them were just amazing.
Jaz12.8.07 - 3:52 pm
it's important for us to take a stand and help our bro and sis in CM. if the cops are able to squash this ride it will serve as a proving ground on how to squash other rides.
Wink Martindale12.8.07 - 6:03 pm
Guerrilla tactics time.
kyber12.8.07 - 6:06 pm
"On May 7, 2007 Chief William J. Bratton announced a departmental reorganization. Cayler "Lee" Carter, who was a deputy chief and the highest ranking official at scene, was demoted to commander and assigned home duty.[24] On May 17, Carter announced his resignation from the LAPD, effective June 6. [25] In his May 7 announcement, Bratton also announced that Carter's deputy, Louis Gray, would be reassigned to the operations bureau, and that about 60 officers who were involved in the incident would be taken off the street, pending the outcome of the investigations.
Knittens12.8.07 - 7:48 pm
I'm personally thinking of getting some funds together for a charter bus.
Make that a few of them.
I want to start getting into contact with throngs of spread-outs, like myself, and commence an inundation of Santa Monica on the next SMCM.
So, what if it's Friday Night?!?
I'll fight Sabretooth and NineInchNail to get an entire weekend off if I could gather a contingent of 100-300 outlanders.
I figure the only way to keep this alive is by keeping it going and adding more numbers to the mix.
bentstrider12.8.07 - 8:16 pm
wish I coulda been there.... didn't get off work till 7pm in van nuys. meh...
y'all should take a look at "Still We Ride" if you haven't seen it (which I'm sure a bunch of you have)... it's about the CM crackdown in NYC...
(or alternatively, I can screen it somewhere sometime, maybe BikeRoWave?)
redridinghood12.8.07 - 9:50 pm
Yo what about the idea that was bandied about last month of riding in clusterzz?
I think that would screw their whole method of enforcement (harassment) if there were 20+ different groups of 4-8 people riding together in a vehicular fashion. Perhaps converging somwhere at the end.
Of course, in some ways it lacks the visual impact of a
mass on the other hand it creates
Bike City and would really confuse the cops who wouldn't always be able to tell the difference between local commuters and Mass participants.
trickmilla12.8.07 - 10:27 pm
Yeah, man. We gotta do something. People not riding because the police are harassing them is crap. If we quit on this, the cops win. It's a matter of principle. If the cops win this, it will just embolden them for future harassment. One thing I know is that we are smarter and more creative than the SMPD. We should be able to figure out some ways to fight back, inconvenience, confuse, and pester the cops that make them realize that they have better things to do than hassle people for riding bicycles. And have some fun doing it!
pavetheplanet12.8.07 - 11:32 pm
Knittens.... Read that report very carefully. Sure the top people were put on administrative leave or asked to step down (read: take a paid vacation) and the 60 other officers will be disciplined "pending investigation" what that means is, they will have exhaustive hearing and procedures until approximately the time that the public at large has forgotten about the incident..... Then MAYBE a few of them will be switched to desk jobs (with the same pay) as if that's a punishment. And this is all for actually commiting real crimes like beating down protestors, news crews and innocent bystanders.
In this case, obvoiusly there is a concentrated effort by city officials to have cm stopped. The cops won't be beating anyone down but giving out false citations is nothing to them. Go ahead, prove the citations were false. Afer all the work it takes at the end of the day no cop will be disciplined and you'll have spent a great deal of energy in the court system fighting a ticket and for what. After all that the less hardcore will have been scared off.....
Wink Martindale12.9.07 - 10:58 am
Winkie, if you don't fight people like this on every front, you're letting them win, that's "for what." You have to take the fight to the courts, to the press, and to the street. If they're hell-bent on repressing you, at least make them work for it.
Who on earth told you that the goal was to get anybody fired or disciplined? The goal is to make them stop fucking with us. This is accomplished by making it difficult for them to continue doing it--by dragging the cops into court, by ridiculing and shaming the PD and the City in the press, by confronting them at their meetings, and by keeping the ride going no matter what. Tic Tac
PC12.9.07 - 10:32 pm

4th Amendment, U.S. Constitution:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Excerpt from Majority Opinion, U.S. Supreme Court in Illinois v. Caballes (1995):
"The Fourth Amendment guards against "unreasonable searches and seizures." Under the Court's Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, a traffic stop is a "seizure," and requires reasonable suspicion that the driver of the vehicle has violated a traffic law...
...a seizure that is justified at its inception may become unreasonable if it is unreasonably prolonged in duration. Thus, if the sole reason for the stop is to issue a warning to the motorist, the stop becomes unreasonable if it is prolonged beyond the time reasonably necessary to issue the warning.
Additional reference supporting traffic stops as a "seizure" under the 4th Amendment:
trekkie12.10.07 - 1:58 am
Is SMPD unreasonably detaining cyclists during CM? Are they pulling people over w/out reasonable cause, profiling, writing invalid citations, and are these actions part of a concerted effort to discourage riders from congregating at mass?
If so, we need to KEEP RIDING, collect as much evidence as we can (especially during these traffic stops), build a case, call the ACLU, and start thinking about a class action.
I might be distorting the law out of bias here, but so what - can you imagine all the bad press? A city which purports to be "green" and "promote cycling" being sued by its cycling constituents for violating their 4th Amendment rights - that'd be a headline I'd LOVE to see.
trekkie12.10.07 - 2:12 am
oh shit the cat is out of the bag
for the record, i got a citation for doing nothing wrong.
Alejandro's trumped up no-lights ticket was definitely an unreasonable seizure based on the fact that he was legally exercising his first amendment right in the police officer's presence.
onethirtynine12.10.07 - 2:23 am
So...Storm the Bastille again? I would love to see Alex up there with a blown-up copy of that photo where you can clearly see the lights on his bike.
PC12.10.07 - 2:27 am

The SMPD are just going to continue their crackdown unless we change the fundamental tactics. War is Business, business is war.
I say ride a short distance through Santa Monica and don't stop at a liquor store or any business in Santa Monica. Don't spend any money in Santa Monica. Make posters, like the WGA, "We Support SM Critical Mass" and start asking businesses to put the posters in their windows.
In effect, getting the tax paying businesses to create the groundswell support necessary to castrate the Santa Monica Police.
If the businesses of Santa Monica refuse to support the CM, than boycott them.
On the other hand, the Abbot Kinney Blvd. experience shows that this ride (whether it be the SMCM or the Venice CM) is important and is supported by the people in the street. The sad fact is that the city of Los Angeles is more liberal and bike-friendlier than the so-called eco-friendly city of Santa Monica. And if that is the reputation Santa Monica wants the world to know...than we should all be part of the Santa Monica negative Public Relations campaign. Remember angry words won't hurt not flowing into their city coffers will.
skd12.10.07 - 11:33 am

^^^ skd said:
1. "don't stop at a liquor store or any business in Santa Monica. Don't spend any money in Santa Monica."
2. "start asking businesses to put the posters in their windows."
Hey now that's a great idea -- vow not to spend money at stores, AND at the same time ask them to display signs supporting your cause FREE OF CHARGE! Business owners will be shitting all over themselves out of eagerness to support this cause! Yay!
3. "If the businesses of Santa Monica refuse to support the CM, than boycott them."
Um.. you're already boycotting them. (see item 1.) Yay!
With plans like this, how can SMCM lose?
City Hobgoblin12.10.07 - 11:48 am
eddieboyinla12.10.07 - 11:50 am
fucking shitty hobo gobbler always shitting on my illegal parade
Wink Martindale12.10.07 - 11:52 am
do it like this.... make a stop at a liqour store en mass in SM and before anyone makes a purchase ask if they will display a sign supporting critical mass. if the owner isnt scared of being ignored by the cops the next time the store is robbed, then they will display the sign and thence commence on making purchases. make bumper stickers too
"business is war
war is bidness"
nice one seriously
taking it to city hall and wearing them out is incredulistically idealistic. you wont get a sympathetic ear from officials until the act of running lights is taken out of the equation. whining to city hall and the cops for the right to run the reds and cause traffic delays aint gonna make a dent son.
instead of dreaming of this cyclist revolution that will sweep the city council into submission why not discuss alternative solutions such as skd and the legal boundaries solution....
draw 4 block boundaries.
mass up at the pier
dispatch in law abiding groups of 5-10
clog the streets LEGALLY with bicyles
obey all traffic laws.
play a game like hide and go seek with the other groups to make it fun. split off at the first sign of cops.
cause traffic and protest in the tradition of CM but make it legal so the cops cant fuck with you and employ the commerce solution. in fact they wont even know who is CM and who is an average joe cyclist which will draw the ire of some of the consituency of SM.
Wink Martindale12.10.07 - 12:03 pm
i was thinking the same thing.
All riding single file in the bike lanes (where applicable) and just following the rules to the tee. It won't be enjoyable for us but it will piss off a ton of drivers. And i've always felt if there was some way to hit the local businesses in their pocket books that that would make people pay attention to what's going on a bit more. If they see 2-400 people (from the ride) disappear and not spend money, someone will start to get upset.
maybe i'm wrong.
stevo412.10.07 - 12:16 pm
eddieboyinla12.10.07 - 12:18 pm
"play a game like hide and go seek with the other groups to make it fun."
that, in combination with the "we support critical mass sign" sounds like the ingredients for a neat-o idea.
any aspiring chefs out there care to mix it up and see what pops out?
lackflag12.10.07 - 12:19 pm
When you guys decide to clog the streets as was proposed earlier, I'll be there to support. That's what will get everyone's attention. Not some fun and games or boycott this or that. Cause quite frankly, we the ridazz, are tiny drop in the bucket when it comes to being a good American consumer. Clogging the streets have an immediate affect, visible, and is legal.
Also wasn't it mentioned above that there wasn't going to be a police presents this time around? I guess the cops didn't get the memo huh?
Eddy, do these two sentences look the same to you?
User112.10.07 - 12:34 pm
To Clarify my earlier post, businesses that put up a "We Support SM Critical Mass"...well they should get your business and money.
I know that Critical Mass is suppose to be "non-commercial" and I agree with that in principle....but we got to eat and we got to drink beer. So when it comes time to eat, drink beer, buying clothes, bike accessories, etc....don't shop in Santa Monica. Unless of course they have a sign in their window..."We Support SM Critical Mass".
Start the campaign Make flyers, start passing them out to people. "Don't Shop Santa Monica for the Holidays...until they allow Critical Mass." "Support Unions and Critical Mass, Don't Shop Santa Monica this Season."
Come up with your own cool slogans.
Also if you could make the flyers in foreign languages (international action). German, French, Japanese, etc. This would widen the effect of the
In the "War is Business, Business is War" strategy, the object is attack them in their weakest point.....Holiday sales. Soon the Santa Monica City Council will be calling Alex Thompson's home number begging to negotiate a settlement and cessation to the economic sanctions.
skd12.10.07 - 12:42 pm
eddieboyinla12.10.07 - 12:45 pm
The riders who go to it want to ride as a Mass, and moreover they're not organized or skilled enough to execute the ideas you're talking about. Those ideas require a much greater amount of organizing and attentiveness per rider than simple Mass.
What you're talking about is cool, and we've talked about it a lot on this side of town, but it's not really appropriate for the Mass. It would be better to have an entirely separate ride, which is what we've considered having.
We're receiving overtures from Council members about seeking a solution. Whether doing one of these lawful disruptions is a good idea in that context is something we're all contemplating. It will piss them off, but it will also convey that platitudes will not satisfy us. Realistically, the cops, while obnoxious, were not trying to ticket us this time around to the same degree. I'm not suggesting we let them off the hook, but compared to November it was nothing - 7 vs 32. There was definitely a bit of confusion from them about what they should and should not be citing for.
Wink says that fighting frivolous tickets won't make any difference to the city because they can weather it . . . but then suggests these tactics. I don't think that's anymore effective. PC is right, you should exploit any edge you have. Furthermore, by attacking them legally we make them unsure of their ability to safely ticket, and signal them that escalation of tickets or arrests could be negative for them as well. If we can slow down the ticketing it gives us a chance to reorganize West LA, which right now is kind of weak.
The goal here is not to fight the city, it's to convince the city not to fight, by showing them that the fight will work out badly for them. Demonstrating the ability to carry out punctuated actions in a variety of fields - rides, legal action, Storm the Bastille, the press - this makes it clear that we can fight, and do so effectively. I believe that demonstrating that will convince them to back off.
There's a lot of opinions here from people who aren't going to the ride . . . get your ass to the ride next time.
Alex Thompson12.10.07 - 12:46 pm
"Also wasn't it mentioned above that there wasn't going to be a police presents this time around? I guess the cops didn't get the memo huh? "
oh you thought that there was some sort of memo put out by the city council to the cops? LOL here's what it would look like
Dear Cops,
We had a city council meeting today and the those nice peaceful left-wingish broke hippie bicycle fanatics that ride around in mass during rush hour in order to disrupt traffic to remind us that bicycles are a better form of transportation than my mercedes showed up today and you know what? they spoke out against you guys harassing them for causing traffic delays and running red lights. Yeah you know those zaney people who all the motorists have been voicifering negative over? well, turns out they are a nice bunch of people, we should now ignore the angry motorist residents and let the bicycle riders have their way. Please cease and desist the harassment.
signed, the Santa Monica City council
Wink Martindale12.10.07 - 12:47 pm
Alex, alex, and Alex
Critical Mass is leaderless, yes, BUT I/we are waiting on some direction. I wouldn't even be part of this ride if this wasn't happening right now, it is, and I'm now part of this. Ticket, harassment and all. It's not my city, not my usual ride, nor is it for Wink, and many other around here. The suggestions have been made, now it is time for those that live in SM and ride this every month, to call on some action. Lets get to work on this. Saturday, day time before x-mas, can we all come out to santa Monica, say between the hours of 10 am and 7 pm and do our actions. We all can stay the whole time, we all can't come that early or stay that late, but we can make alot of left turns, one by one, by one, by one. If we have 20 or 30 of us all out on the street throughout the day, traffic will be worse. Should we have sporadic CM in SM once a week? How about we do next months ride in cars, why not, an extra 100 or 200 cars making left turns through the bay side district, that is the solution to bikes being on the streets in Santa Monica. There is so much we can do, and we are ready to do it, let make it happen.
I know I'm not leaving this issue, until it is resolved. We shouldn't stop this ride, we have to stay. We shall stay.
sexy12.10.07 - 12:49 pm
The signs in the window idea is totally new. I like it. The trick is to find businesses that would do it. I'm not sure why they would = there is a perception that many people don't like us . . . so I wonder if they would feel hesitant to do so. It's tough - the trick would seem to be to get enough first adopters.
A similar idea which I bounced around, was to create a "Venice is Green" campaign which ripped SM for not being green and encouraged people to head south to the truly bohemian Venice. The trick there is to communicate indirectly that this is retaliation for cracking down on Mass.
Alex Thompson12.10.07 - 12:52 pm
I just don't see them begging for mercy with this boycott. Sure if you live in SM you can take your business else where, but there's just not enough consumers to make a difference. And you're asking for people that are more than likely drivers to get behind you. I see them lining up against you if they know you are doing the things the opposition said you are doing.
So do the two sentences look the same or not?
User112.10.07 - 12:52 pm
alright alex(es) I wrote my at the same time, you wrote yours.
sexy12.10.07 - 12:52 pm
The leaderless notion is I think a misconstrual of the idea. Critical Mass is participatory democracy - horizontally organized - no permanent control. A lot of times in turns into tyranny of the front.
When I say "we" on this message board it's not because I "lead" the ride. It's because this message board mostly consists of non-Westsiders who do the ride at most occasionally, and as such don't really know what's going on with SMCM, and I'm trying to convey my best estimate of the group consensus. My personal point of view would be substantially different.
There is a group of Westsiders - say about 15 strong - who are the people who consistently put effort into SMCM and help organize things like Storm the Bastille or Bunny Bubble's light giveaway. They, and regular massers, have been discussing things like this a lot. When I write "we" this or "we" that I'm really just trying to communicate their positions on these items. They've rejected some of my suggestions in the past, so it's not as if I rule the group. I hate this figurehead role - it's troubling for BRW and it means I have to watch what I say more than I'd like to.
Alex Thompson12.10.07 - 12:59 pm
BOYCOTT, lets be real, the only person who supports Cm is the CM particpants. SM residents think that they riding to the beach on an occasional Summer Saturday, makes SM a bicycle city, and that they are cyclist. I know this first hand from people that I worked with, who talk with their clients that live in SM. We are being talked about in SM. They really think they are cyclist, because they have a bike in their garage and they ride it 2-3x a year. The residents don't support what we are doing, we are unpopular, (unless they participate in the ride) yet they know we have the moral high ground. We know this, city official know this and so does the majority of people complaining know we are doing the right thing.
So you don't want to disrupt, i only suggested this because it worked in SF. I really don't think the city is going to listen to us.
The ticket Alex and I got, was harassment, they had have been looking to give us tickets, why? I'am not sure, but the ticket where really bad calls, on the officers part, if not harassment.
sexy12.10.07 - 1:01 pm
Wink the reference to the memo was a joking reference. I didn't actually think a memo would go out to the cops. But there was a reference that there were not going to be cops at this last ride. Read above if you haven't read it.
I don't see why this has to be only a SM residences thing, I got a ticket there and I'm not a resident. So now I shouldn't be a part of this? Doesn't make sense to me!
User112.10.07 - 1:04 pm
I said the alex, alex and alex thing to show that it wasn't just you, I was trying to point to the people that do as you say, take part in keeping the ride together, when I wasn't there before, and when I won't be there in the future. I was just saying lets do something, it feels like we are doing nothing.
Whatever you all suggest is fine with me.
sexy12.10.07 - 1:05 pm
Alex T, Alex C
Alex C got the ticket, in case anyone was confused.
I have eluded the SMPD and failed to get a ticket so far. Yes, I'm talking shit to you Alex C (lol)
I think the boycott is unrealistic, but I think a campaign which advocates a boycott, or something seemingly more benign like "go to Venice instead", which harps on SM's fake Greenness could be highly effective. You're not trying to actually get people to change their spending habits, you're trying to undermine SM's green reputation. SM officials are really really protective of the that, and they will do a lot to protect it.
Sexy - the city is listening to us. We're getting approached by several Council people. Storm the Bastille made a big impression with them.
Alex Thompson12.10.07 - 1:08 pm
User1 - when was your ticket? November?
I'm not suggesting you can't be part of an action . . . you're free to organize your own if you like, or with MR. It's just that if you want truly broad support from Westsiders you probably need to convince the people out here who ride the ride all the time, and organize out here, and as it happens we discuss things elsewhere = not here.
Alex Thompson12.10.07 - 1:16 pm
I want to say that the December 7th ride, was the best time ever. Yeah the cops harassed us a bit and some of us got tickets, but by the time we got to Venice and Abbot Kinney, the spirit of the riders was high.
It helped that the throngs of people on the sidewalks cheered and clapped.
Now back to the "economic action"....don't call it a boycott. That has negative connotations. It also is an overused word.
The business and the City Council don't really know how many people participate in Critical Mass. Nor how many people support it. Besides if it deprives $1000 or $100,000 from businesses in Santa Monica....well they won't stand for it. Particularly if you take your fight to the internet (Youtube, Myspace, Facebook, etc) and start spreading the word internationally..."Santa Monica is neither bike friendly nor environmentally sound...spend your money in Venice Beach, Los Angeles." Anytime you impose an economic action against businesses in a city, whether it is effective or scares the begeezus out of them. They will back down....
skd12.10.07 - 1:17 pm
Let say this doesn't work out, Can we then a ride on the first Friday in Santa Monica, and Call it the Alex Critical Mass, or the Alex Ride, or
The Smart Alex, or just ALEX.
Hey, what you doing this Friday?
I'm going to ALEX,
Yeah, I was think of that.
I heard Alex is going to be there,
really?! that sounds like a really Alex time.
Hey what time is it anyways?
Its always alex time
sexy12.10.07 - 1:35 pm
Well let's start it.
Hit up myspace, facebook, Youtube and lets see what happens. Testify! SM is not green, and is not bike friendly. SM is SUVs and unsustatinable.
Tell your ticket story, we got pics. Each one who was there can send something. Let us know about here and we who weren't there can comment, copy and paste into otehr forums and see where this goes.
We got nothing to lose, I think.
P-300012.10.07 - 1:48 pm
Exactly...Bad PR is Bad PR.
No city wants that...but Santa Monica has earned it.
Spread the word. Santa Monica is neither bike friendly nor environmentally sound. Please don't shop there...
You'd be surprised, some people might heed the call.
You just need a dip in business...and right now with the Writer's strike and the subprime-lending/foreclosure debacle...businesses need every dollar this Holiday season. Too bad for them.
Venice and West LA will be getting my dollars...until the Santa Monica City Hall and Police Dept welcome the Critical Mass event with open arms.
skd12.10.07 - 1:58 pm
Wink Martindale wrote:
taking it to city hall and wearing them out is incredulistically idealistic. you wont get a sympathetic ear from officials until the act of running lights is taken out of the equation. whining to city hall and the cops for the right to run the reds and cause traffic delays aint gonna make a dent son.
Yeah, 'cause it's not like that worked in San Francisco or anything.
Right, "son"?
PC12.10.07 - 2:11 pm
hey wink,
maybe you don't realize it, but running red lights was pulled from the equation months ago. we have NOT, read again, NOT run red lights for several rides now. part of the problem here is that November's crackdown appended when we officially announced we would not run red lights, officially in the sense that officers filmed the pre-ride announcement. Had we continued to run red lights/cork, i don't think we'd be making such a big legal stink now.
boogalooSHRIMP12.10.07 - 2:14 pm
show me where it did son because it didn't. SF simply had no choice but to deal with throngs of cycle commuters. where as in SMCM depends on mostly outsiders to come down and participate. BIG DIFFERENCE.
If LA was as small as SF and as public transport friendly then the critical mass of bicycle commuters already in existance would be able to effect change.
as it is SM is actually a fairly bicycle friendly town but suffers from a bad public transit system and a huge traffic problem.
the bottomline, Critical Mass is a local issue that is solved by locals participating. SMCM enjoys the benefit of outsiders coming down to participate which the SMPD knows they can scare off by issuing loose cannon false tickets. sure there were less loose cannon tickets than the first time they cracked down but I'll bet the there were more people obeying the laws than last time too.
Wink Martindale12.10.07 - 2:18 pm
Regarding the bicycle headlight ticket.
I have the following:
A video of me riding my bicycle up and down the block with the lights on. Clearly visible.
A photograph of my bicycle lights turned on while the officer was writing my ticket.
A photograph of all my bicycle lights that were installed and on at the time. (A total of 10 lights, including the two headlights)
Receipts for all the lights i've purchased for my bicycle, including a receipt for two new headlights that i've installed after the citation. I know have 4 front headlights.
A photograph of my long board that has front headlights and rear red lights. A bit irrelevant to bicycling, but it goes to show i'm a freakin freak when it comes to lights.
judicial system = pwnage
boogalooSHRIMP12.10.07 - 2:19 pm
My tix was in June CM.
The typical bucott would not work because we lack numbers and buying power. But as was pointed out above, we could use youtube and myspace to get the word out. When the subject revolves around how green SM really is, it could also be pointed out they allow massive overweight vehicles on neighborhood streets too. Many SUVs drivers in SM disregard the wieght limits when driving in SM on a daily bases. Has SM done anything about it? As far as I know, no.
It would be nice to see the Sierra Club voice an option too.
And kill the the argument about who is righteous and who is not about being legitimate at representing SMCM. You ask for outsiders to come, they came, and they also have equal representation in this matter now. If it's not like that, then state it when you're asking people to join you and risk getting a ticket.
User112.10.07 - 2:21 pm
that does make a difference and I'll bet it's a reason there are less tickets issued as the ride moves forward. I'm guessing that wont be enough for SMPD to ease up completely because they still see the ride as a traffic nuissance and will still want to kill it. but yeah if the ride no longer runs reds then that's a huge bargaining chip if you still want to run this through shitty council.
I will be participating next ride thats for sure. If I can get off work that is. I have a new game show coming out.
Wink Martindale12.10.07 - 2:23 pm
judicial system = pwnage
unfortunately they wont care much that they lost $70 in revenue. it was worth it to them to waste your time in court. now if some sort of class action lawsuit can go down THAT would cost the city some money!! knowing that the ride now obeys traffic laws, you can def move in that direction.
Wink Martindale12.10.07 - 2:25 pm
Hell yeah!! Come and bring friends!!
The police department was definitely less gung-ho and at least twice, I saw a sargent show up to verify the ticket an officer was giving.
A few people received tickets for red light/stop sign violations, but there was no real corking to let the mass proceed in the typical CM style. The stop sign citations I saw were given to the last person in a small group of about 8 bicyclists that stopped and rode through the intersection, i guess they want bicycles crossing stop signs one by one and targeted the last rider in the cluster.
The real mystery here is if the dumb downed enforcement happened because of the media coverage/council meeting, or because there was a supposed SMPD holiday party that night and less officers were out, or that they couldn't really find any legal reason to cite anyone, other than the few that did violate a traffic law, purposely or inadvertently.
I'm glad that I was cited, it goes to show that the police officers will make up violations in order to intimidate the group. i will fight the citation and also file complaints against the officer that cited me. i have enough evidence and witnesses to present a case. also, a reporter and press photographer witnessed the entire citation, and i'm pretty sure it will get written about in the local media. Fortunately, I don't lose money for appearing in court.. and a trial by jury, will hopefully drain city resources, time and money to discourage such activity by the PD next time.
boogalooSHRIMP12.10.07 - 2:40 pm
User1 said:
And kill the the argument about who is righteous and who is not about being legitimate at representing SMCM. You ask for outsiders to come, they came, and they also have equal representation in this matter now. If it's not like that, then state it when you're asking people to join you and risk getting a ticket.
Alan, I respect that you took a ticket for the ride, as did Sexy, and y'all are not even from the region. I have yet to get my SMCM stripes via ticket, but I have them for CRANK Mob.
I just get a sense that MR is assumed to be the primary domain of discourse for all rides ever. It's just not that way with SMCM. SMCM has it's own community which is mostly not on MR, and our own forum at You gotta remember that for a long long time there were no rides between the Pier and Wilshire & Western . . . so that there was a big geographic disconnect. There still is in some ways.
Participation and long term commitment to the ride are a factor in how much weight one's opinion carries. I don't expect an occasional rider of Wolfpack to have equal clout to Roadblock. Knowledge of the facts is an issue. Wink thought we were running red lights in SM --> we haven't been mostly. Some seem to think that the crack down started in November, but there were two tickets (one was yours) in June followed by 10 tickets and a major police presence in July, and then in August, and September etc. Wink seems to think that Storm the Bastille etc won't get us anywhere, but in truth Council members are talking to us and we might be able to get something done, as a direct result of Storm.
I always explain the risks to people who express interest in SMCM, even though I know this may hurt ridership. I think that's good policy regardless. I'm glad you reminded me of that, because I've been meaning to mention that as idea to other people . . . I hope they will adopt it.
I'm down for the "Santa Monica is mean, not green" campaign. You can pull in the tree savers etc. I doubt a boycott, or proposed boycott, would immediately succeed . . . but as a means to get your message across that SM is hypocritical - that could be very effective. I do think that will be effective in persuading City officials to compromise. A perceived risk of decreased consumer traffic will be just as effective as a successful small scale boycott, in my opinion.
Sexy really ripped me a new one - - -> I'm cranky!
Alex Thompson12.10.07 - 3:37 pm
Wink thought we were running red lights in SM --> we haven't been mostly. Some seem to think that the crack down started in November, but there were two tickets (one was yours) in June followed by 10 tickets and a major police presence in July, and then in August, and September etc. Wink seems to think that Storm the Bastille etc won't get us anywhere, but in truth Council members are talking to us and we might be able to get something done, as a direct result of Storm."
yes very true. now that I know that lights arent being run any longer it does change the dynamic quite a bit. now it does make sense to approach city council knowing that the laws are being followed. I had read about the council member riding along recently and being turned off by the running of lights so thats the info I was going on. the only way you can really present a case to shitty council is if this ride abides by the laws otherwise they wont be hearing you....
Wink Martindale12.10.07 - 3:55 pm
hey wink, the ride that Councilman Mckeown participated in was a while ago.
alex t. - there's only an east-west divide if we let it exist.
don't know if i'm just speaking for myself here, but this is an issue that will ultimately affect all of us, and so naturally, us eastsiders want to help as much as we can. just let us know how.
trekkie12.10.07 - 4:18 pm
We're talking to the council about making an exemption to those laws.
That was Councilman McKeown, and he rode with like SMCM #4 or something, back before it was very big. It's been at least 2 years since he rode with us.
Don't trust these articles. There's a lot of inaccuracies etc. The LA Times article got the ticketing numbers totally wrong. I see now that bad info is pretty prevalent . . . I didn't realize that.
Alex Thompson12.10.07 - 4:21 pm
Trekkie - what I'm saying is that there is an East/West gap, and it used to be a lot bigger. CRANK Mob, Cubs, LAB, Swarm the Pier etc are filling it in a little, as is Hollywood Ridazz et al. But back in the day it was huge. A big number of people at SMCM don't even know there is a Ridazz - you'd be shocked. I want to get rid of it, but it's gonna take more rides.
Alex Thompson12.10.07 - 4:24 pm
Alex -
"Participation and long term commitment to the ride are a factor in how much weight one's opinion carries."
Me -
Alex there's less than a handful of people that have participated in SMCM than I have. I was there when Zach started the CM rides. I didn't do the first one out of respect to the locals. I did join them for the second ride. I don't participate in the politics of the inner workings of SMCM cause 1) I'm not a local, 2) there's a shit load of other rides, SMCM isn't the only game in town. When you invite someone to a CM ride, the spirit of the ride is that it is leaderless. Everyone is equal. I will always view it as such. You start to bring in a hierarchy and it becomes something other than a CM ride.
With that said, if this was happening in my neck of the woods, I would assume more responsibly since I can easily get to city hall, police department, etc etc, but I would not want to turn anyone away and start to draw lines of distinction. It ends up clouding the issue at hand. I would treat everyone equally, but hey, that's just me.
User112.10.07 - 4:25 pm
If and when the 'economic action' comes into play we may want to inform/and-or bring on board some of the local establishments we frequent on these rides like Davy Jones Liquor Store or the one near Paul's place on Wilshire and 11th. They've gotten a lot of our business and i'm sure wouldn't like to see us go. Maybe even the SM bike shops would join forces? I'm just thinking if those that benefit the most from us call their council members and complain, thats just one more layer of citizens that can work toward our goal.
stevo412.10.07 - 8:03 pm
"unfortunately they wont care much that they lost $70 in revenue. it was worth it to them to waste your time in court. now if some sort of class action lawsuit can go down THAT would cost the city some money!! knowing that the ride now obeys traffic laws, you can def move in that direction."
It's not about the city losing $70 because you get out of the ticket. It's about the hundreds of dollars that it takes to try these cases if you plead your innocence. If the SMPD hands out thirty bogus tickets and they are all contested in court, think about how much time the court has to spend handling these cases. Time is money. And the more tickets that are contested, the more pissed off the courts will get that they have to waste their time handling bogus cases for people bicycling without reflectors or lights or whatever BS they want to ticket us for.
There have been a lot of great ideas and I think that the most important factor is to become more of an annoyance for the SMPD than they are for us.
If this continues, a class action with the ACLU is a good idea. I found a non-profit in NYC that has been helping massers deal with their legal issues, maybe they could be of help too...
pavetheplanet12.10.07 - 8:16 pm
The strategy some suggested of getting some merchants to put up pro SMCM signs is starting to make sense to me. I thought it was a cool idea but infeasible before . . . now I'm thinking it might be feasible.
The trick would be to get enough people to adopt it that new adopters would feel comfortable that they weren't the only ones doing so. I think if we started first with local bike shops, raw food places etc then we could make some headway. It's a work intensive project but it would have big payoffs. And, if they won't put up a pro SMCM sign you can always ask that they put up a "we like bikes" sign instead. Good fall back, hard to refuse, and softens them up for later.
pavetheplanet - I totally agree with your explanation of the cost to the city.
Alex Thompson12.10.07 - 9:40 pm
Start with the shops on Main Street and Abbott Kinnney. All those veganists and drunk gallery hoppers love us!! They drool for the excitement we bring for them every month, wishing it would happen every week!
SMCM every week!!
watamelon12.10.07 - 9:48 pm
The threat of Economic Action would send shock waves through the Santa Monica City Council and the business community. Someone came up with a slogan "Santa Monica is mean, not green". How much does Santa Monica spend promoting their city? What kind of Public Relations nightmare would a local, national and international campaign against “the mean city of Santa Monica shuns green bicycles" create?
The police effort was orchestrated to make Critical Mass economically unfeasible in Santa Monica. Using citations and tickets to incur loss wages due to court appearances and punitive fines.
Yes, get businesses on board with signs of support in their windows. Yet remind the city that if police harassment continues, "Economic Action” is a real and viable option.
Cities like Santa Monica spend millions to promote their businesses and natural beauty. If German, Spanish and Japanese tourists, as well as west LA residents, are told that Santa Monica is not a "green friendly city" some might be inclined to spend their money elsewhere. Every dollar not spent in Santa Monica is a gain for the SMCM.
I suggested a YouTube and MySpace Campaign. We should also praise Venice and the reception we received on Abbot Kinney. We should encourage people to shop, eat and spend freely in green friendly Venice.
The soft white underbelly of the beast is…money. Deprive the city of Santa Monica their revenue and they will negotiate a solution.
The December 7th ride was orderly and law-abiding. The actions taken by Santa Monica was unconscionable.
skd12.10.07 - 11:36 pm
I preferred the term 'heavy-handed' over unconscionable but agreed. And was anyone ever just pulled over and just given a 'WARNING'? Automobile drivers get warnings occasionally. The person without a blinky light, or who didn't put their foot down at a stop sign on a quiet street certainly could have been given a warning rather than 'too bad, so sad' - you get a ticket Yay!.
stevo412.11.07 - 5:58 am

"Why can't they be like normal citizens and clog our streets and parking meters with cars. The world isn't isn't dying fast enough with all these people opting out of car culture. And look at them trying to have fun without giving me money, fun is a precious resource that must be conserved & protected, which is why we have permits for this sort of thing. This is no different then protecting endangered butterflies."
- My interpretation of the mayor and his contradiction on the environment.
GarySe7en12.11.07 - 8:42 am
Tiffany Hsu, of the LA Times, would be helpful in publicizing any action taken by SMCM. Whether it be SMCM support signs in business windows or an 'Economic Action' against the city of Santa Monica. Various media sources would be interested in any action by SMCM.
We definitely need to take advantage of the Holiday shopping season, where any economic impact would be adverse to the City and their tax base.
skd12.11.07 - 9:59 am
Hold on to your longjohns here's a warning story for you:
This dude ryan was pulled over on california and 2nd. The officer told him he was issuing him a citation for not having a front headlight. Ryan tells the officer that he indeed does have a headlight (Sound familiar?) The officer then inspects the back of the bicycle and tells him he's writing him a ticket for not having a rear light. Ryan informs him that he does in fact have a rear light. The officer goes to his vehicle, probably to drop some visine in his eyes cuz he's stoned to the gills if he can't see the lights He then comes back and tells ryan he's letting him off with a warning.
A WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! baahahahhahhaaahhahahahah
boogalooSHRIMP12.11.07 - 10:53 am
Wish we had that on video....
stevo412.11.07 - 11:16 am
video would have been awesome... i have photographs though and the story ran in the santa monica daily press.
boogalooSHRIMP12.11.07 - 12:21 pm
"The threat of Economic Action would send shock waves through the Santa Monica City Council and the business community."
Yeah cause CMers are some of the best consumers on the Westside, and their taking their buying power to ................ Venice?!?!? Truthfully, other than buying some beer and going to a burger joint, I really don't see CMers making a freakin dent in the community. Sure you maybe able to convince some to take their burger buying power somewhere else, and get that anti-establishment skate shop to post something on their window, but this is just going to generate chuckles. I mean it would be nice to see businesses get behind you, I just don't see it happening, that's all.
You would be far more successful embarrassing SM current stance. Get some sticker that say something like "Our Cops are Flops", mock the city of SM about being hypocrites, get a PR campaign going on the net. Point out that they are wasting their time and the riders are obeying all the traffic laws.
So in this inner group you mentioned, not too many people are behind clogging the streets this cheery holiday season? Even 50 ridazz can cause havoc.
User112.11.07 - 12:50 pm
How's about slapping stickers everyhere?
And use different ones to get the point across every week.
That and maybe some flyers stuffed into the early-edition.
bentstrider12.11.07 - 12:53 pm
let's hear it for the LAPD!
adrian12.11.07 - 1:43 pm

There is a lot of good ideas out there on what kind of action to take. And they are all valid and feasible.
I mean maybe we should also get back to the roots here. Bike riding. Twenty, 30 or 40 bikes riding single file around the Promenade or the mall on the weekends. Holding up signs and placards...a bike picket line of sorts.
Like I said earlier, Bad PR is Bad PR. No city wants bad PR because the damage can be devastating and costly to repair.
You have got articles in the Los Angeles Times and other local newspapers detailing the conflict between the bike riders and the city. This problem isn't going away for Santa Monica.....and it can only get worse for them.
skd12.11.07 - 1:49 pm