THE PUNK ROCK RIDE PT.2 !!!!!!!!!!!
Thread started by
speedybrian2000 at 08.23.07 - 8:14 pm
The Punk Rock Ride is back !!!! For those of you who missed the first (many ridazz still remember this) one, here is your chance! Again, we will have an insane night of the best punk music, and another tight route.
So what bands would you ridazz like to hear this time??????
Also, we are looking for a place for the afterparty!
all I can say is there is this forum on here with "ideas for rides" and you guys are re-hashing old ride that have been done. Swarm the pier 2, heavy metal ride 2, punk rock ride2= 2. come on already, there is so much that can be done that hasn't been done yet.
For the record. I will not put on a midnight ridazz ride, so don't say, why don't you put on a ride. I have a ride I put on already.
sexy08.23.07 - 8:39 pm
Maybe people liked it so damn much they just want to do it again.
No harm in that.
Ratt_Bones08.23.07 - 11:11 pm
oi vey, The foreigners, and the newbies!
sexy08.23.07 - 11:15 pm
CryBaby in 3... 2... 1...
PC08.24.07 - 3:12 am
i hear what you are saying! I am all down for new ideas for rides, new routes, new themes and for keeping it fresh. However, I thought it would be great to bring back one fun ride from last year for the newbies, and also for the ridazz who truly enjoyed the theme.
In the future, we will have some very interesting rides, I promise!! (sexy, i will not let you down!)
speedybrian200008.24.07 - 8:31 am
There you go! Thats how you treat a vet around here, with respect. Filipino kids are good. Not like Ya Dang new kidz, muscian types, and foreigners from hippie boarding school cities, ya all don't have no mannerz.
sexy08.24.07 - 9:11 am
spiraldemon and borfo need some originality in their posting.
you all been using that in the Mouf, and handjob, cheap sexual reference lines, to the point of killing them.
If you all had real jobs you would have to make your posting say something, rather then just using this to pass the day away.
I think screwed another thread to hell with the help of the usual suspects. Welcome to the gang Ratt_Bones
Maybe the webmaster should delete this all but the first posting on this thread, and let the exciment about the ride, build.
Sorry Brian, Butt love to the rest of you, go ride your bikes already!
sexy08.24.07 - 1:17 pm
although the "Punk rock reject your rules" line was rather clever, especially for someone who eats at McDonalds.
sexy08.24.07 - 1:20 pm
are we privillaged to the have the present of RBI tonight. If so, I see McFlurry in my future.
sexy08.24.07 - 2:00 pm
Newbies? Foreigners?
So what do I need to join your club?
A shitty tattoo? A silly hat?
Or do I just have to be an asshat like yourself?
Give it a rest.
Are you the Midnight Ridazz dictator?
Maybe you should change your name to Mein Fuhrer.
I guess we can't all be as cool as you.
Refusing to eat fast food, banging chicks with more hair on their legs than you have on your back, etc.
You are anything but original.
hipsters_suck08.24.07 - 2:06 pm
when you got a good idea for a ride there is nothing wrong with throwing a 2nd or 3rd.... or more. thanks for running a good show out in the Valley mr speedy.
Roadblock08.24.07 - 2:18 pm
ill make sure to hit up the drive thru on the way down for the big ass ride.
ruinedbyidiots08.24.07 - 2:30 pm
thanks for the compliments
to join my club, hhuuuummmm, I never thought about it? I like hats, asshats sound good. I'm not big on tattoos, but if you have one, that won't necessarily bar you from the club.
if you can drink a large size McFlurry in under 50 seconds you are in (do they have large size RBI, is 50 seconds too long of a time period)
I have to consult with my associate RBI for that info, but quickly drinking a large quantity of McFlurry is definitely going to be involved.
Am I the Midnight Ridazz dictator, NO, but I should be. That job is already taken, and I think he does a great job of it. Especially with the cops. (Yes I will eat those remember your history words as long as I am lucky enough to be under the control of the great Midnight Ridazz Skateboard Fuhrer. I think we are all pretty happy in his Kingdom, I don't have to stay, but I do.)
This is sad, but true, not everyone can be as cool as me, it would be a boring world if everyone was a nifty as me. I don't think you know me. I have never had sex with a Lass with hair on her legs (a Lad Yes, but never a lady No). I started to at one time, and got a little uneasy and called the whole thing off. At this time of my life I would be open to it(cheap "call out"for hippie girls).
It is also true, I am my parents Son. I think they where, NO, I know they where hipsters in their day. Uncle would have his Zoot suites custom made in the 40's. Look chic as could be, in the 50's and 60's (Brad Pitt had nothing on him). Sported the permed hair, African shirts, bell bottoms and gold chains in the 70's. Got a ear ring in the 80's and now in the Winter of his life, looks better then most 20 years younger then him, and still makes an great try rappin to the ladies. My Mom was straight up beautiful, Imagen me in Female forum, Yuuuummmmmy!
Thanks again, this was very therapeutic
and it doesn't take that long to steam up some veggies, especially leafy ones.
last, but not least, to be in my club, you have to ride the City Hobgoblin on the back of an extracyle for a whole night of exciting riding.
sexy08.24.07 - 2:35 pm
Oh the hipster never (read: always) gets old.
kyber08.24.07 - 2:37 pm
but most importantly to be in my club. Not be so up tight and respect peoples free speech.
sexy08.24.07 - 2:37 pm
yes fuhrer, they have large size mcflurrys. theres a mcdonalds next to dachau now, so the next time we are in the neighborhood it will be my treat.
cycling makes you free.
ruinedbyidiots08.24.07 - 2:44 pm
Brian knows how I feel about the rides he puts on.
I hate to announce it here, but Cruz with Us, has become my lastest choice for "Favorite, most fun Ride in the City". The ride has had so many fun things happening in it. Dancing, fires, taking over public spaces, slide shows, games, contest, now musical acts, and the ability to decorate Emilia had the end of the night in the rides theme.
Seriously, he picked the perfect location to start and end the ride. We have no hassle what so ever from anybody about where we congregate at the park. He had a couple of LE run in and a unhappy bar, and grocery store security guard, but, mostly good times and no problems. The group picture that we never see, is pretty priceless.
I even got farted on by the Fuhrer on the last ride. Memories of those are nights on Cruz with Us are priceless. If I can brag, being the hipster that I am. I was on the first valley "Cruz with Us'"ride, as was Uncle Nick.
Yes I am the Hipster Fuhrer (how did that happen?)
sexy08.24.07 - 2:50 pm
you guys are fucking crazy!!subhumans at the knitting factory 9/3,9/ there.punk rock lives kids!!!!
mandingo08.24.07 - 3:05 pm
and no thanks to Mc Flurries... I'd much rather have a Mc Fluffer thanks
Roadblock08.24.07 - 3:10 pm
Leave me out of this. This thread is producing too much whimpering, whining, and fussing, for even a season Nursery school teacher to deal with.
CryBaby08.24.07 - 3:19 pm
Give it up -Sexy- you could never be me. The best part of you went down the side of your Mother's leg and was left to rot on the carpet of that cheap motel.
hipster08.24.07 - 3:23 pm
Yes, after Feeding of the 5000 it only took them 6 years to finish up.
I'm torn I love punk rock rides yet I agree with Sexy that there are new ideas to be explored.
The fact of the matter seems to be if you suggest it, post it, it becomes a reality. So don't complain if there are repeats, baby. It's what the mass has ordered, people will show up or they will not. Anyone can post a ride the same night this, maybe this is what Adam Smith would have really wanted.
franz08.27.07 - 1:54 am
I may have been drinking when I posted that. I was refering to our "Free Market" ride posting system.
franz08.27.07 - 2:12 pm
Adam Smith, wrote "wealth of nations" the republicans got all uppity about him when they took control of congress in 94. They talk "free market", but they are all about helping the wealthy, become wealthier through government contracts and subsidies. Especially for those who can pay for their campaign. Free market for the poor, those who have nothing, let the market work it our.
"Wealth of bike ride" I say
sexy08.27.07 - 2:30 pm