Happy Cyclist get Hostile
Thread started by
trickmilla at 12.4.07 - 11:30 am
After being with out my road bike for a few weeks and greatly reducing my road miles and traffic exposure, I have been much more aware of my emotional state now that I am (happily) back on the road.
I am usually really happy and focused while on riding in traffic you know,
pumped up.
That is until some douchebag does something stupid that puts my life in jeprody. Then I get angry self-rightous, and tend to yell through peoples rolled up windows (usually losing track of the line between communicating through a raised window and yelling angrily).
I often puncuate my invectives for the worst offenders with a little bonus at the end like "fuck-head" or "fucking-idiot".
Those of you who know me know that outside of threatening my life with a car it takes quite a bit to get me so worked up.
This bothers me, because on one hand, yes, I would like to impress upon people that they need to drive safely with a regard to more fragile vehicles on the other hand, like Midnight Ridazz, I want to also remind people that riding is fucking fun and has vastly improved my life and made me happier in general.
Execpt fo,r you know, times like yesterday when this lady decides to change her mind from make a left turn to parking without signaling and with out looking back to see if anybody was in the right lane. Yelling real loud got her to stop so I could barely squeeze by in the gutter.
I looked back and yelled "What the fuck are you doing?"
Then rode on as old ladies and would-be bus riders on the sidewalk looked at me as if I was some kind of crazed lunatic that they couldn't quite understand as I tried meekly to crack a smile.
I have taken it for granted almost but riding fast down sunset/hollywood for about 5 miles almost gaurentees that I will have at least 1 fuckhead encounter.
What the deal with endorphins, adreniline, and mood swings?
Anybody else dealing with this issue?
"Anybody else dealing with this issue?"
Wish I could deal with it better, basically just living with it at the moment. I also do a lot of walking and I swear I have more ugly car encounters when I'm walking than I do on the bike.
toweliesbong12.4.07 - 11:53 am
haha ... thats not surprising
cars are completely unaware of pedestrians
besides most pedestrians don't outfit themselves with flashing lights, white helmets or safety vests.
As I understand it there are many more pedestrain deaths per year than bike traffic deaths... I am sure Mr. Box knows the exact number.
trickmilla12.4.07 - 12:00 pm
I love splitting traffic. It's probably one of my favorite aspects of riding.
I used to live right near hollywood/highland so I would just ride hollywood during rush hour for fun. I feel like I'm higher than high while I'm doing it.
kyber12.4.07 - 12:04 pm
Good! Goooood!
I can feel your anger. Use it... yes - Join us. Join the dark side, it is your density.
Joe Borfo12.4.07 - 12:14 pm
Riding down Sunset during the great work time escape has to be one of the highlights of my day. Everyone's mad and wants to get home to the same meal they had last Tuesday night, watch some excellent prime time tube, and throw fish heads to the person they have at the bottom of that pit they have in their basement.
I zip through cars and squeeze myself into the tiniest of spots, as I have the ability to turn my skeleton into a maleable gelatin like substance at will. The only person that I've ever heard yelling me is Mark.
NEWB31012.4.07 - 12:45 pm
"density" or destiny Joe?
Seriously, though, I think we all deal with this just about every time we go out - it's part of the ongoing battle with traffic and ourselves. I like to think that reacting calmly is the best strategy. Make them aware that we are all flesh & blood humans. I'm still working on it.
I'm relieved when I can return from riding without having had a "fuckhead" encounter. In fact, I just had a ride without one; 19 miles to Burbank and back, lovely day all around. Of course, a long stretch of it was on the river path, no motorists there, ha!
mr rollers12.4.07 - 2:02 pm
mr. rollers -
In fact, I just had a ride without one; 19 miles to Burbank and back, lovely day all around. Of course, a long stretch of it was on the river path, no motorists there, ha!
Me -
I remember one time going to a ride, we get off the river path in the valley and on to the road. We weren't on the road for more than a minute, till so a-hole in a jacked up 4 wheeler yells at us, "get on the fuckin sidewalk!" And he was going the other way on the road!
Funny how a-holes on the road stay in your subconscious huh?
User112.4.07 - 2:09 pm
i punched out a car window with my cast the other day and stuck my face in the window "Next time you fucking stop."
I pulled out the mace the other day when i got cut off. i didn't spray the douche bag but i told him next time i would.
I jumped on a car hood and started dancing, well more like stomped.
i've chased bastards home and confronted them on their lawns. "Now I know where you live, Jerky."
i've taken photos of their plates.
i've graffitied up their windshields.
i've kicked off their bumpers.
i've pulled out an axe.
i sprayed a car with paint remover.
i've pulled open car doors and coaxed them out.
I've slashed their tires when they reach red lights.
Maybe I should put the bicycle back in the garage.
Maybe I won't!!!!!
boogalooSHRIMP12.4.07 - 2:53 pm
Or, maybe I'm not dealing with this issue. hahahaha! wizzzao!
boogalooSHRIMP12.4.07 - 2:54 pm
Well I've heard it's best to release that pent up emotion and not let it build up inside of you. At least that's what Dr. Phil said.
User112.4.07 - 2:59 pm
How did you feel when you woke up after those dreams?
sexy12.4.07 - 3:00 pm
Yesss... focus that anger & channel that power to destroy!
Joe Borfo12.4.07 - 3:04 pm
when i ride, i look far ahead, and use plenty of Peripheral vision i never ride near the gutter, or even close to it. i always take the right lane(the middle) , and I'm always aggressive with drivers, if they see me then they will never "hit" me, if they don't see me then i'm not riding where i'm supposed to be according to cal law. (thats the center of the right lane, unless passing or executing a left turn). I DONT KNOW IF THIS WILL BENEFIT ANYONE, BUT I HAVE NEVER BEEN HIT BY A CAR YET AT ABOVE 5 MPH, CAME VERY CLOSE AT 20+. BUT THEN THATS ANOTHER THREAD, LOL.
eddieboyinla12.4.07 - 3:26 pm
fuckin eddie,you aint got no peripheral vision.who you tryin to kid?
mandingo12.4.07 - 3:43 pm
i do, its the right eye that sucks, still work though.
eddieboyinla12.4.07 - 3:49 pm
just fuckin around eddie.u a good sport
mandingo12.4.07 - 3:53 pm
I don't know you.
I don't care.
Will you marry me?
NEWB31012.4.07 - 4:01 pm
Awkward. :(
Cycling is virtually the only thing in my whole life that has caused me to react violently towards another person. (Not even all the fights and nasty things said about me being gay or my Bad Religion crossbuster on my neck have caused me to get upset enough to fight back.)
But I've kicked cars, chased people down, cussed people out, and punched a couple windows (terrible, terrible idea, I'll have you know) because of people who have nearly or actually hit me with their cars.
markedge12.4.07 - 4:03 pm
When I ride, I draw power from the anger of motorists. It's kind of like Sampson drawing his awesome strenfff' from his Locks of Furry.
NEWB31012.4.07 - 4:06 pm
we cyclists aint earned the right yet to bitch about motorists!!! i've seen more than my share of idiots on bikes blow red lights...disregard stop signs...and really do retared things. until we clean up our act, we really have no right to bitch about them....we're just as bad as they are...in fact, there are more blind spots in a car than on a bike, so we really have no excuse!! for shame...
respect the reds suckas! ....or leave your brains on the roadway!
Luis12.4.07 - 5:27 pm
"you're giving bicyclists a bad name!"
Joe Borfo12.4.07 - 5:33 pm
I've seen more cars do the aforementioned than bikes. It may be a ratio thing and I aint no good at math.
boogalooSHRIMP12.4.07 - 6:17 pm
Plus, what's going to happen if a cyclist runs a stop sign? The cyclist hisherself might get hurt or killed. What happens if a car runs a stop sign? The cyclist or pedestrian or the person in the other car might get killed. Huge difference in effect.
toweliesbong12.4.07 - 10:43 pm
When utopia arrives, and the evil cars have been banished, and the streets are filled with cyclists riding biodegradable frames built by anarchist elves organized into worker-run collectives, what's going to happen when four groups of drunk, red-light-running hustlers all arrive at the same intersection at once from different directions?
PC12.5.07 - 2:53 am
A crazy interwoven pattern of swerving shall ensue, in which miraculously the only casualty is a spilled beer.
FuzzBeast12.5.07 - 4:19 am
PC, you're dream makes me moist in my bathing suit area.
Joe Borfo12.5.07 - 9:15 am
I know my driving shit don't stink.
We all make mistakes and take chances on the road.
My temperature raises when sombody:
- willfully endagers my life
- ignorantly yells at me to use the sidewalk
- bullys me off the road
- or drives away from a collision
assholes aside, traffic is what it is, a lot of well meaning people do dangerous, inconsiderate things.
What I am trying to figure out is how to stay cool and engage these situations rationally. Like I said, there is a think line between yelling so people can hear you thorugh their windows and yelling because you are angry.
We all know that those chemicals that get released from riding feel real good ... but I have a feeling that they also contrubute to those crazy mood swings that can happen in dangerous situations.
@Borfol I'm looking for yoda's advice more so than that wrinkly face guy.
trickmilla12.5.07 - 11:03 am
Start smiling and waving at all the nice people. Ring your bell.
If you keep looking for assholes you will surely find them.
alicestrong12.5.07 - 11:15 am
I was hit coming home down Hyperion right across from the Trader Joe's on November 15th. My first experience with a crash like that. The lady decided she wanted to make a right turn in front of me and I ended up going over the hood of her car and onto the pavement. I laid there quietly for a good 2 or 3 minutes and got up. Funny thing is that I didn't yell at her and didn't even speak to her at all. The COPS came, ambulence, fire truck... it was a huge embarassing production. But when I get in a near-accident, thats when the anger comes out. How come I'm not angry when I get in an accident, but so pissed when I'm nearly in an accident?
Mr. Raymond12.5.07 - 3:31 pm
try buying into cycling shoes/cleats...there have been quite a few times where i've wanted to kick the shit out of a motorist...but then i think about the logistics: first i'd have to find enough time to take my cleats off without leaving myself vulnerable to attack, then i'd have to actually fight in my socks...always makes me think twice. to date i haven't gotten into any sorta scuffles on the road...and that's considering that i'm a pretty hard-wired dude.
either that or cut your nutsack off...i'm sure it'll make ya a pansy or something like that.
Luis12.5.07 - 7:27 pm