Lets Help Harry (Limeyfly)
Thread started by
sexy at 04.15.08 - 9:31 pm
Harry received a ticket in violation of CVC 27007
for the sound system being too loud.
He was written up by the West Hollywood Sheriff's and the Beverly Hills court is the courthouse.
ticket written at 3/28/8 8:45pm
We, he, I know about requesting an extension, and doing a trial by deceleration.
What we need to know, is what are ways of writing a defense.
I figured since we checked to see if the system could not be heard past 50 feet, we can add that. I don't think the deputy had a decibel meter, so we can add that to the defense.
does anybody know of any info, or any links that can help Harry fight this citation?
I was on that ride, so I may not be able to help with the legalities, but if it comes down to paying a fine I'll be happy to chip in.
dolamyte04.15.08 - 9:39 pm
It sounds already with the arguments you have if he shows up in court it will get dropped.
HANDBONE04.15.08 - 9:51 pm
A friend of mine is an attorney. I'm sure he'll help out. I can hit him as needed. I don't think he's needed now as we have the steps laid out for us.
User104.15.08 - 9:52 pm
Here's a link I dug up regarding the same thing, well...noise disturbance from a car's audio system.
Parked and Not Driving
If you're hearing impaired and have a doctor's note to prove it, I guess judges don't want to mess around with that and they''' dismiss it. (found in the above discussion)
I also ran across another incedent where the judge ruled in favor of the 'bumper' because the cop died before the trial. Any chance of that happening?
Eric Hair04.16.08 - 10:34 am
I like how Sexy found the picture of Harry with himself in it. :)
hatehills04.16.08 - 10:40 am
if you guys can't win it, i'm down to chip in too!
richtotheie04.16.08 - 10:41 am
in my (large) experience using the extension, trial by declaration, trial de novo, court trial method of beating a ticket... it doesn't matter what you write in your trial by declaration letter. the only way you will win is by default when the cop does not write his declaration (he is paid time and a half for going to court, nothing for writing a declaration). Just bullshit something together... the sound system was for personal use using a transistor AM radio (include photo) and it was impossible for it to reach the level of sound to break any ordinance.
indigis04.16.08 - 10:49 am
I don't know about bloodying a fucking cunt,
but I've fucked a bloody cunt several times
spiraldemon04.16.08 - 11:41 am
If there was no SPL meter, there is no case. That's like giving a speeding ticket without the radar.
How does one define "loud"?
Even if the officer had a SPL meter, what are the chances that it was calibrated recently? I have 3 and they all give different measurements.
Mook04.16.08 - 12:01 pm
You're deff gonna have to explain why you have 3 Mook
Eric Hair04.16.08 - 4:03 pm
Cops can issue you a ticket without radar, as long as they feel your speed was unsafe to yourself and or other motorists. In california they don't have to substantiate the ticket. Some states though the officer has to show you the radar, and provide a print out for court, if he didn't get you by radar or can't show it to you, no ticket.
dolamyte04.16.08 - 4:39 pm
Yes, they most assuredly do have to substantiate the ticket in California. But they don't have to use radar. The judge can, and usually will, rely on the expertise of the cop in estimating speed, especially if he can back it up by, e.g., having paced the alleged speeder in his own car.
PC04.16.08 - 5:39 pm
I'll put all this together and see what we/i can do. TI seems that some of you have beaten tickets by the methods Indigis mentioned or not as the cases may be. I have till later next month so maybe the dec thing might work. I'll keep us all "posted".!!!
Limeyfly04.16.08 - 6:58 pm
How much is the ticket for? I assume it's not a moving violation so no points on the license, so why not just ask people to chip in IF dragging it out doesnt work? I'm all for sticking it to the man though.
DetroitRider04.16.08 - 9:22 pm
"I may be a cunt, but at least I'm not a fucking cunt."
ephemerae04.16.08 - 9:40 pm