NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
I don't know if it's the heat or just new people not understanding the vibe but I want to put this out there that lately this board has members that are being antagonistic towards others and it's NOT COOL.
it's one thing to jaw at people and go back and forth as a result of an escalated argument, but there are some peeps on this board who are just coming on too strong and I think it's killing the good vibe that has been unique about this message board. If you are on here to hurl insults calling other "moron" and saying "fuck you" it's not helping the good vibes in this community. Kindly keep your mean spirited comments to a minimum thanks.
I'm guilty of flinging insults at everyone I know, and sometimes at those I don't. Please understand that my insults are my way of overcompensating for my insecurity and paranoia that someone will figure out what a vacuous person I am spiritually and emotionally. If I offend anyone, it is usually with the intent of being lighthearted. I'm usually a nice guy. Just ask the people I try to insult.
problem with the insults is that most of the folks who know each other here , know it's all in jest but the newbies might misunderstand. just sayin'
If someone has a beef with some kind of activity the best thing to do is talk about it either in person or via those ancient communication devices....telephones, mobiles, cell phones "or whatever"....
for the record I didn't get Jeff's salvo's until I had enough exposure to them.
Is there anyway to have a large group ride and not draw so much attention to us??????? I've spoken to several police officers and most of them say that if they didn't get complaints due to noise in residential areas and we also shared the road, they (the police) would be better employed dealing with other more important issues... just saying.
I know I'll get heat for this but I love MR and the big rides but am enjoying them less as I see the accidents, vandalism, damage to cars and theft (which I have personally witnessed)
I know I'll get heat for this but I love MR and the big rides but am enjoying them less as I see the accidents, vandalism, damage to cars and theft (which I have personally witnessed)
Piss on that,
it's all about this movie....
Taught me all I need to know about grabbing it, and telling the security guards to fuck off!!!
And those that think they're hard, probably went to prep school and were in the glee-club!!!
All joking aside, yes, I also have felt the negative vibes on these boards at times. Everyone has his or her own opinions, which if fine, and you are definitely not going to agree with everyone. But, the challenge is to state your opinion in a tactful manner, that would not insult another person. Remember, we are all in the same riding group here, we are in a sense your brothers and sisters.
I just don’t want these bad vibes to carry over into the rides. I don’t want to see physical fights, or yelling at each other on the rides. Why does there have to be so much drama between us? The very thing that drew me into these rides was how cool and chill everyone was.
Anyways, I feel that once we get rid of this bad vibe, we can go back to having fun.
Yeah, I was concerned with those issues before my poker ride as a couple of the people that attended it, who didn't know each other yet, were in the middle of a big flamewar on the forums the week before the ride. The last thing I wanted was a knock down drag out knife fight out in the middle of nowhere! But the guys involved in the argument ended up being quite civil to each other in person.
This is the funniest thing I've read on here all day! OK granted I'm not on here much now that it's riding weather for most everyone, but I just had to comment on who's calling the kettle black now. Either that or insults aren't cool but being compared to the Bush adminstration and being called a "pussie" is exceptable insults around here when you are debating the letter of the law.
I point to this thread here and do a key word search for "pussies". Hurry before it gets deleted!!!!
I believe pussie is a derived from pus; as in, 'my bloody scab is covered in pus.' i.e. 'my scab is pussie.'
Alternatively, and I think Unc' Harry will back me up on this one, pussy is of the queen's English, derived from pussycat, and used as a term of endearment.
actually Alan go re-read I never called you personally a PUSSY. I called the ACT of grovelling around obessively looking for a legal loophole to ride on the freeway just plain PUSSY - which it is... but that's not a personal attack against you, just against the actions of those who would obsess over such silliness in the face of those who chose to have bravado... somewhat subtle difference. what I'm talking about is the outright calling of people names just to be mean. I personally think that's not cool.