ITS OFFICIAL:we're idiots
Thread started by
mandingo at 06.29.08 - 12:35 am
after seeing a guy try to run from the cops at cruzz with us tonight, i can understand why we've been getting so much shit from the cops.they obviously think we're idiots and that one guys actions tonight proved them right.having the cops chase you on your bike around in circles is really gonna upset them. I,yes me,actually decided to bail out on the ride after seeing that bullshit .the rides are whacky nowadays.they were different before.its getting thinking of getting out while the getting out is good.thinking of getting into mma.anyone else down?
Yep. I'm betting the good rides are going to start going underground. Last few social rides I've been on have been less than F.U.N. I'm going to stick to things like RideArc, fast rides, and long rides - rides the idiots won't be interested in attending. I won't swear off the social rides entirely, at least not in public, since I'm all too likely to show up now and again, but I do find myself looking forward to the shit weather of winter, which is odd, since all winter long, I was looking forward to partying in the warmth with all my newfound friends.
ideasculptor06.29.08 - 12:58 am
its so sad to see soo many idiots at social rides now. that guy with the blue bike and red rims is really starting to annoy me. i called him a fuckin idiot for riding on the left side of the road. speaking of riding on the left side of the road, why do you guys do it? morons.
funanu06.29.08 - 1:16 am
I just wrote a bunch then decided I did not care. Point was. I have seen more douchebags. Rides are fun. Dont hurt anyone and things will be fine.
thedoad06.29.08 - 1:25 am
There's no point to any of this. If you post any negative comments the board jumps all over you and calls you a cop and I've only been on three rides.
rayzor06.29.08 - 2:36 am
I can't say it carries more weight when folks who are reasonably well known around here complain about anti-social behaviour on rides, but I'm willing to bet it at least garners a different response on the forum. Also, neither of us closed with "fuck MR" so we can probably expect a marginally less negative response than your rant on the CM thread did. It helps, when complaining about anti-social behaviour, to not behave in an anti-social manner while doing it. Which maybe I just did. I dunno.
ideasculptor06.29.08 - 3:05 am
I've been socially isolating myself and getting drunk alone and riding around my driveway in circles on a broken bike with no steering tube, its nice.
hartwick, youre a pussy06.29.08 - 3:31 am
the circle of life is complete.
midnight ridazz is officially RUINED BY IDIOTS.
ruinedbyidiots06.29.08 - 3:46 am
There were a lot of people acting a fool. But, give it time and a few crashes.... they will learn. Keep your space and watch out for drunk people riding bikes. I didn't realize it was getting that wild. I saw a couple guys that really really shouldn't have been riding.... it tried to get them to drink WATER. Lucky that one got a flat actually... gave them a chance to sober up. The sky is not falling, just some ceiling dust.
Roadblock06.29.08 - 4:39 am
THE.ANGRY.GIANT06.29.08 - 4:42 am
paerty = nicht hässlich
As in: "You got a paerty mouth"...
nathansnider06.29.08 - 7:08 am
Ideasculptor, You have become wise with your old age. (btw, +1)
RBI, I bet you've been waiting years to finally put your handle to use on this forum. You are also wise with older age, or maybe just went into the future for a bit and witnessed the evolvement of the Midnight Ridazz community.
stevo406.29.08 - 8:51 am
The real idiots are the NoHo Safety Ambassadors. Trying to be Heros and direct a ride they know nothing about. Its like on City Slickers, when Billy Crystal and that dentist try to round up cattle. They need to stay out of it. We got waved through by them at an intersection, only to be pinned up against a semitruck by the cops who proceeded to call us knuckleheads and said that "if we got hit, he wouldn't give a damn" so I calmly ask why doesnt he leave then? He sped off and arrested someone else. This happens every summer... Idiots of all ranks glutonously gorge on the feast that is MR... only to become sick of it very quickly... All you can do is watch your fingers and wait for them to leave the table.
sorry for the rant, I'm stuck at a mall with nothing to do!
Leetard06.29.08 - 9:21 am
It is all my fault. See what happens when I stop coming to the rides.
Things get out of control when you have lost the Sexy in your group rides. This is just another one of those hidden cost of Alzheimer. Now you are all having to pay for this illness.
MMA? You are going to do Mixed Martial Arts?
sexy06.29.08 - 9:32 am
Dingo, its ok to cry. Let it out. We won't judge you.
Would you like your woobie now? Goochie goochie goo!
Joe Borfo06.29.08 - 10:37 am
hey stevo
ruinedbyidiots06.29.08 - 11:57 am
When an activity becomes popular and well known, people are often drawn to it for superficial reasons, without a full understanding of the history of how it came to be and got where it is today. Any subtlety of meaning is lost; the message becomes, "get fucked up, ride a bike, defy authority".
This is a cycle that has repeated itself many times over in many forms. All this has happened before and it's happening again. It was all predicted. The warm weather only exacerbates it.
No real solutions to offer; just keep riding your bike in a way that is enjoyable for you. Try to teach those around you without being heavy handed..
mr rollers06.29.08 - 12:19 pm
Random dickheads: they're everywhere, in all walks of life. Some of them show up to MR. They may, sooner or later, get the federales angry enough with the ride to take action. Personally, I think the safety ambassadors coming along is a great idea, it keeps things semi-legit (at least to start with). Eventually I predict the ride will either completely be shut down, or police are going to start coming along on the rides to herd the mob and deal with the random dickheads.
mullingitover06.29.08 - 12:33 pm
Yeah... I know it's useless to point fingers on this thread because the idiots who don't know how to ride don't read them... but I'm rather PISSED OFF cuz one dude (with a mohawk) almost knocked me off my bike swerving between me and another rider without calling anything out, and then later in the night some other guy swerved right in front of me without looking behind him, hitting my front wheel and taking my bike out from underneath me. So thanks for the road rash, douchebag... it looks hot.
canadienne06.29.08 - 12:33 pm
the rides won't get shut down... all these negative thoughts need to evaporate. just keep PMA. the ambassadors from what I heard were actually helpful in some people's opinions.
people getting too drunk to ride or think rationally... not helpful... the drinking used to be a small part of the experience. maybe people are getting bored with just riding....
Roadblock06.29.08 - 12:36 pm
I do believe that a major cause to the messed up start of the ride is from the " Want to be Police " NoHo Safety crew, who were trying to block traffic with little luck. It sent a message to a lot of people it was ok to keep going right past the red light.
Yetiman06.29.08 - 12:40 pm
"... the drinking used to be a small part of the experience. maybe people are getting bored with just riding...."
More like for some people the drinking is primary and the riding is secondary, or at least that's the message they're getting. It did used to be the other way around, yes? I like to think that for many of us the riding (and associated experience) never gets boring.
mr rollers06.29.08 - 2:15 pm
I'll quit drinking before I ever quit riding.
kyber06.29.08 - 2:18 pm
I have to admit. I was EXTRA cautious last night. I saw a guy who was TOSSED. it was not safe. but what can you do? pull the guy over? I warned everyone and I tried to help him... his back brake was undone (mountain bike) and him and his friend were both really cool and appreciative, they just didnt realize how dangerous they were riding. so after a while it was about warning others that these guys were swervey and drunk and too proceed with caution. I think that actually worked out pretty good.
for a minute afterwards there was more drunken shenannigans happening with someone getting their bike stolen... anyone out there who knows the where abouts of this dude's bike please email me. roadblock $$$$$AT$$$$$$ midnight RIDAZZ dot calm. no questions asked. your identity will not be revealed. just a gesture of good will. I know the guy riding the bike was drunk and caused some havoc. He should apologize to those affected. but I think someone took his bike out of retaliation for his actions and would be open to giving it back. thanks.
and the guys in the red pickup. what was that all about. those guys were walking around circling the group at one point looking for someone... wow. but hey it all went away when the cops showed up. at that point I was relieved actually.
but overall it was fun a fuck. really got my spirits up after an unrelated let down earlier in the day got me all moody and shit.... people were having a BLAST. all in all SpeedyBrian is a legend in his own ride! great ride Speedy. the chaos is up there, just have to weather the storm of drunkeness. I hope we can tone it down a little. maybe not have so many 711 breaks... it's like 711's are the new barhopping!
Roadblock06.29.08 - 2:31 pm
Roadblock, just wanted to say that I appreciate your consistent positive outlook for as long as I can remember, as well as all you've done to keep this thing going as smoothly as it has.
I can only pray to the bicycling gods that you are correct, that things will sort themselves out and good will prevail.
mr rollers06.29.08 - 2:37 pm
I saw the Safety Ambassadors for the first time last night. I asked one of them if they were going to ride with us all night and when the organization was put together.
The response i got was reasonable and not created just for us. The Noho SA's were started last October/November and were created to primarily patrol the Noho Arts District and to look for open drinking in the area as well as be an extra eyes an ears for the LAPD. They have a specific jurisidiction (Burbank Blvd. to the North, Tujunga to the West , Riverside or Moorpark to the South and i forget what the East boundary was. When asked about riding with us, the SA just said only to the boundary limits and that was it.
stevo406.29.08 - 5:56 pm
those yellow shirt guys were retarded. i dont remember what street we were on, but there was a raised median dividing traffic and three of those idiots were riding against traffic towards us and i had to swerve to miss colliding with one of them.
ruinedbyidiots06.29.08 - 6:01 pm
I think I gave up yelling "HOLD YOUR LINE!" cos nobody seems to know what that means - so I amended it to "HEY! RIDE STRAIGHT, YOU'RE GONNA GET SOMEONE KILLED!"
Can't tell if it had any effect. The bozos who were all over the freaking place, the bozos not paying attention to people around (particularly behind) them, the bozos doing stupid tricks like fishtailing in the middle of a humumgous group kept being FUCKING BOZOS.
I need to get a loudspeaker so I can be a LOUD cranky paranoid son of a bitch.
Apart from that, totally great ride and it's great to be back. I didn't
ephemerae06.29.08 - 6:36 pm
Accountability and Alcohol
I believe that all humans need to be held accountable to the predictable consequences of their actions.
All ridazz need to be held accountable to the predictable consequences of their actions.
I don't know any rational, logical, or moral human that believe fighting and/or falling off your bicycle are good things, and I believe that most fights and falls are a direct result of ridazz choosing to drink too much alcohol. Stop it! Hold yourself accountable for your actions, or stop interacting with this community because you are not welcome.
I want to organizing at least one alcohol free ride. I want help.
I know posting in this forum is partly a waste because the message does not get to those who need to hear it most, but fuck it, I feel like it needs to be said.
Midnight Ridazz is not a community for violent drunks, and it is not a community that accepts that behavior. If you are in to that, you are not welcome here, please leave.
mikeywally06.29.08 - 7:02 pm
all i have to say is i'm glad i didn't brave the ride to and from noho last night...sounds like more of the same party ride BS i've seen on all multi-hundred-person rides lately...I trust the ridazz who've been around longer than me that it will subside with the seasons, but i know for one i've started wearing my helmet on group rides :)
I think ingrid wanted to do a safety ride...seems like that should be booze-free anyway.
I had very good results calling people out who were fishtailing/swerving on the Mosey last week...they actually felt really bad and apologized and definitely took the lesson to heart. On huge rides that's way harder to pull off, but all we can really do that's proactive is to call people out and try and get them in line (with love, of course), and teach others that such self-policing is not only acceptable but essential.
Lance K06.29.08 - 7:21 pm
I think the best way is just to approach people on the downlow or talk to their friends if they are un reach-able. "hey brother, you friend is pretty drunk and weaving around... is there anything you can do to help him ride straight or takea break? he's riding really dangerous"
Roadblock06.29.08 - 7:35 pm
HI-five to the guy that took the beer away from the 15 year old kid at the first liquor stop. I told him it was the second time i've seen him drinking on rides...only thing is less than a minute later he was chugging someone else's beer 10 feet away....peer pressure sucks...
I'm not gonna police the underage drinking cuz i'm not gonna card anyone but if it's QUITE OBVIOUS that someone's underage.....we all have younger brothers, sisters, kids, know what i'm saying? i don't think anyone wants to have to explain to some kids parents that their son/daughter was being stupid and got hurt.
barleye06.29.08 - 7:39 pm
Well, if the shit starts heading down south again, I'll be forced to bust out the Brian McKnight again.
If it got the rowdiness to disperse at the end of the night, it'll probably sober up the drunkest of the dipshits on any ride.
As far as being discouraged by the rowdiness and drunkedness, don't be.
When it gets hot, there's little money in the pockets and people have nothing to do, the crowd will balloon better than Richie's feeble attempts at a Big-Dumb-Object.
If anything, just stick it out until the Winter, and things get less hairy then.
And Dingo, why MMA?!?
Sounded cool about 3-4 years ago, but now it seems about as trendy as the flat-bill caps that all the enthusiasts seem to sport around.
Now those are the real pricks!!!
bentstrider06.29.08 - 8:04 pm
And you're much taller in person than I thought RB!!!
bentstrider06.29.08 - 8:16 pm
haha im not hero but that guy is really staring to annoy the fuck out of me!!!
funanu06.29.08 - 8:31 pm
The best part of this thread is that it was started by Dingo.
sexy06.29.08 - 9:01 pm
The drinking doesn't bother me so much. It's the people who cut diagonal lines at speed through the pack without any warning or situational awareness along with the folks who think it is cool or fun to just swerve back and forth at random. I don't know that I've ever seen anyone engaging in either behaviour who looked like they were doing so because alcohol consumption had impaired their ability to ride. For the most part, the people who are cutting diagonal lines at high speed differentials are reasonably skilled riders on fixies who seem to think that such lines make them "cool" and aren't at all a problem for others. The swervy folks are usually just reacting to music, and tend to respond very well to a reminder that there are other riders around them. Drunk riders seem to take themselves out more than they take out others, and I figure that's just Darwin at work and the smart ones will learn their lesson and those who are less smart will stop coming on rides when the road rash gets to them.
ideasculptor06.29.08 - 9:48 pm
Ideasculptor said it best, it's not the booze it's the swervy riders that are casuing the problems, I kno I've seen it too much... People you got to realize ANY nite time party time event is gonna have problems with or without bikes and if you think that this (drunken fools + cops) is new Dingo, then I don't know how long you been going to these events. For the most part the spirit of the event was fun, if it's too wild for you then don't show up!
tallcans4tallbikes06.29.08 - 11:03 pm
self-righteousness and hypocrisy runs rampant in these forums.
"I don't know any rational, logical, or moral human that believe fighting and/or falling off your bicycle are good things, and I believe that most fights and falls are a direct result of ridazz choosing to drink too much alcohol. Stop it! Hold yourself accountable for your actions, or stop interacting with this community because you are not welcome."
hmm... seems pretty glorified to me. the title says it all.
Hooray For Crashes
meandmybluebike06.30.08 - 12:13 am
I cannot disagree, but I would rather have high expectations for ourselves and perhaps not yet fulfill them than settle for low expectations.
F.U.N. and responsibility are not mutually exclusive. Less hurtz = more funz.
theroyalacademy06.30.08 - 12:29 am
all im saying is that things will never be the way thay used to be.i came in later in the game than some,and im sure as hell was just a big a douchebag as some of the people that are fucking up nowadays.for some reason it didint seem like that big of a deal back then.i used to bring bottles of jim beam for everyone to get in the mood back then ,but now theres no need for that.i dont think the rides will ever stop.the fuse was lit ,and its a long ass fuse.theres too many cool things in this thing that the original 8 saw before us that will never die .it will just take different forms.
mandingo06.30.08 - 1:21 am
Somebody put the Dingo out of his misery.
Joe Borfo06.30.08 - 10:22 am
naysaying is contagious.
dingo caught it from sleeping with sexy
spiraldemon06.30.08 - 10:27 am
IDIOT who caused my crash on Saturday night = bent derailleur hanger = $21 + not being able to ride my bike until the part gets shipped. GOD DAMN YOU... rookie rider. BAAAAHHH!!!!!!
canadienne06.30.08 - 11:30 am
there are alot of problems on the recent rides but instead of being negative be helpful on the rides MR is getting huge there are more people riding bikes because of gas prices going up so high so that means alot of new people who probably have little to no expierence riding on the road. so why dont the OGs get out there and just start doing the stuff that used to be done like pointing out pot holes calling turns, calling out to stay on the right and corking at lights till the entire ride gets through and obeying the rule that seems to have completely hit the fan and that is no rider left behind the people who have been to ride after ride are the ones who can make it better dont let MR turn negative nobody wants that
forte06.30.08 - 11:54 am
It's simple. Keep your friends in line, keep yourself in line. Drink in moderation. (Know your limit! I mean, seriously.) If you know you're gonna fuck up, don't ride. If you
do fuck up, pay for your actions and if you're going to fuck up someone's bike, pay for that too. Fin.
imachynna06.30.08 - 12:07 pm
Take the air out of the tires....good way to deal with drunks. I've done it before, I'll do it again.
sc_nomad06.30.08 - 12:09 pm
sadness what ever happened to helping everyone out
forte06.30.08 - 12:20 pm
if someone is too drunk to ride, then we're helping by preventing an accident
spiraldemon06.30.08 - 12:23 pm
drunk retards with no common sense will not stop for you. period.
ruinedbyidiots06.30.08 - 12:24 pm
sorry, no "dealing" with the drunks, everyone's gonna
help the drunks
take care of them
flat tires!
imachynna06.30.08 - 12:25 pm
I hope someone takes care of me if I get drunk on a ride.
imachynna06.30.08 - 12:26 pm
be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem and dont let yourself do that and you will be better off in the long run.
ruinedbyidiots06.30.08 - 12:30 pm
All of you drunks are on the wrong ride, you should be attending BARCHOPZ; where drunkeness is tolerated. This is the ride for you. Four miles of riding, 3 bars (one has $3.00 pitchers), and $1.00 tacos at the end.
speedybrian200006.30.08 - 12:38 pm
This is really upsetting me. You are just poking fun at my way of riding.
I'm just trying to have a good time. I won't come back if you all feel that way about me.
hipster06.30.08 - 12:53 pm
after seeing some old freinds of mine, i realized i need to hit up this thread.
even though there are always gunna be idiots on the rides, atleast they gave bikes a chance. bikes probably made them .001% smarter.
HANDBONE06.30.08 - 1:21 pm
I trained MMA for a short period and now do a style of knock-down karate and sometimes boxing, I'm down to find a dojo I could bike to, or even riding to a park to train.
EP Jesse06.30.08 - 2:47 pm
hahah sc_nomad thats clever. give these drunks a break from hurting themselves and others
Roadblock06.30.08 - 3:39 pm
-I knew something was up when you and rbi were stopped back there, glad things got somewhat ironed out.
In a nutshell, I sort of see things going back to that "elite-cadre" style of riding.
The one where those with good eyes will be able to spot the groups of "probies" and the actual, "firemen" of the rides.
If anything, we must remain calm, yet firm when giving the erratic youngsters the business.
"Get yo' ass in the corner 'fore I lay the switch on you boy!!!"
bentstrider07.1.08 - 2:26 am