paramedic ridazz
Thread started by
ruinedbyidiots at 06.22.08 - 9:00 pm
who is trained to administer first aid on rides? i can!
I got training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation in grade school, does that count?
(Yeah, Australia is really hardcore about that kind of thing, because... uh, ask me why, it's long)
ephemerae06.22.08 - 9:07 pm
I'd be really really interested in a first aid/cpr course... anyone have good words to say about classes anywhere?
redridinghood06.22.08 - 9:12 pm
Ingrid is talking about having another safety related ride this year. I say we can go over possible first aid scenarios on the ride and show what a proper first aid kit looks like.
I usually have a first aid kit in my bag.
I'd like to learn how to stop someone from severe bleeding.
Joe Borfo06.22.08 - 11:58 pm
ashira - three years ago i got my certificate to teach cpr for the professional rescuer, first aid, and how to operate an aed. if enough riders want it, i can teach it.
ruinedbyidiots06.23.08 - 12:04 am
I got my recertification in Advance Life Saving again this year. Included was CPR.
The local American Red Cross offers a number of ALS/AED/CPR courses for $62 or less depending on the class you want.
I'm looking to take a First Responder course because the level of training i got wasn't indepth enough from my previous training.
I also carry a first aid kit on the rides, as PC can attest.
stevo406.23.08 - 12:11 am
RBI - I am very very interested. how many people do we need and what would the cost be?
I'm going on a boat for three weeks this summer and would like to have it done by then... do youthink that's possible? I leave Aug 5th..
redridinghood06.23.08 - 1:08 am
Many J/C's have paramedic and EMT-Basic programs.
I was actually thinking of taking the EMT-B certification along with this "paid-call" firefighter course.
Good, first-responder skills tend to come in handy on the multitude of rides we do.
And for myself shall I ever go mine exploring in the not-too-distant future.
bentstrider06.23.08 - 4:54 am
Can minors get certified?
mk452406.23.08 - 6:08 am
If you have the time/money, taking a wilderness first responder course is really great. They're usually through the bigger outdoor schools/organizations, but they're really informative and has really given me a better idea of what exactly is going on/can happen to people. One thing about them that is particularly useful is that they teach to giving good, relatively high level care with only basic or non-existent medical supplies.
The "wilderness" classification actually only means that you're an hour (or more) away from help, which is unlikely in LA, but definately seems like it could be a possibility.
If theres ever some sort of "first aid" ride or meeting, I still have all my books, and would love to help out with a little education; knowing how to fix people is an incredibly empowering skill that more people should have.
dudemannerist06.23.08 - 10:18 am
I have an old EMT training book, when I was going through the program a long time ago. It shows pretty good stuff, for the basic first aid, controlling a bleed, wrapping a fracture and so on. If somebody wants to use it for instructional use.
noname83106.23.08 - 10:27 am
well, mannekins can be rented for $25 a piece and we would need one adult and one infant for every three people taking the class. another $25 for a mock up aed and $10 for the instructional dvd rental. plus each person taking the class would have to purchase a workbook, but i dont know how much those are, and i cant seem to find them on the red cross website.
ruinedbyidiots06.23.08 - 10:55 am
my ACLS book was $25, if I'm not mistaken.
noname83106.23.08 - 11:02 am
well there you go.
the above prices were what my facility was billed when i taught a recert class two weeks ago. i dont know if the local la chapter would have the same rental prices. one could assume, but you never know.
ruinedbyidiots06.23.08 - 11:03 am
Cole might be a good resource. If I remember correctly, I think he worked as an EMT in TN.
sc_nomad06.23.08 - 11:26 am
I'm a Combat Life Saver. I'm awesome.
NEWB31006.23.08 - 1:00 pm
Count me in as an interested party ready to learn.
I say we pour some cheap alcohol on our learning dummies to get a bit more realism, yeah?
User106.23.08 - 2:14 pm
does training include first aide for internet addiction? could be of invaluable use around here.
indigis06.23.08 - 3:37 pm
if anyone who have First Aid/CPR training is going to ride the LACM this Friday, can you please come to the music trailer before the ride. We would like to be able to identify you folks in case we have the kind of injuries that happened at CRANK MOB.
Also we are trying to get some First Aid kits, but if you have your own it would be great if you could bring it with you to the ride.
LACMrules06.23.08 - 3:46 pm
Will you be there at the music trailers too?
User106.23.08 - 4:17 pm
maybe we could do a tthing like legal watch does, where they wear a hat or something so they are easily identified...
redridinghood06.23.08 - 4:56 pm
@RBI - when do you wanna do this? and how many peeps are interested? lets start a list or something.
redridinghood06.23.08 - 4:56 pm
I'm in my second year of medical school with 2 years previous experience in the ER. I've got CPR. I also have an (expired) WFR certificate. I would love love love to help out. My name's Emily and I usually hang out with Trenway, but I could keep off the beer long enough ;) to take care of (and prevent) hurt Ridazz.
prana_md06.23.08 - 7:35 pm
Duh, I finally read details. I'll stop by the music trailer at LACM. Cool. Yay!
prana_md06.23.08 - 7:37 pm
I got first/aid and cpr training 2 weeks ago. Still waiting for my certifications though.
Lizzard06.23.08 - 11:10 pm
Street medics, like a bikey version of the Anarchist Black Cross?
PC06.24.08 - 3:39 am
so RBI - when would be a good time to do this and what do we need?
redridinghood06.24.08 - 8:26 pm
See you in Chinatown
frumble06.24.08 - 8:47 pm
i can teach a class at any time, i just need the time to teach the class. sundays are my only days off, and i dont really feel like essentially doing work on my only day off. in two months i should be free to throw something together.
ruinedbyidiots06.24.08 - 9:24 pm
When is the Pirate Paddle Boat Invasion going to happen????
Joe Borfo06.24.08 - 9:29 pm
so not for 2 months?
hmmm... that's a bit late for me bc I'll already be floating down the Hudson River... I was hoping to get something together next month.. I'll keep looking and post what I find..
redridinghood06.24.08 - 9:30 pm
RBI, you never responded to my question about Boon's lyrics yesterday and why?
stevo406.24.08 - 10:04 pm
When all the pirate planets are in proper juxtaposition with each other there will be a pirate lake regatta. Or soon. Which ever comes first.
frumble06.25.08 - 5:21 am
stevo - that song had just come on itunes on random. there was really no meaning to it. now i am defeated and am the cool dark clay.
ruinedbyidiots06.25.08 - 10:03 am
yeah dudes....come to the safety ride CPR certified!!
steph is gonna dress as a nurse.... :)
ingipet06.25.08 - 10:05 am
Not sure how pervasive they are in the US, but in the UK there are alot of bike paramedics. Wouldn't really make the ride safer, but would sure be good to have after an accident.
Drew06.25.08 - 11:19 am
Perhaps we should team up on the Echo Parrrgh thing. Pirate style.
jason at woodpussy dot org
frumble06.25.08 - 2:48 pm