NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
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-_-_-_When is a ride not a ride?
-_-_-_When its a SOUP! ========================================== + + +
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= THIS ONE-TIME HISTORIC EVENT! ==================================== + + +
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Come one come all to
The World Famous Midnight Ridazz
First-Ever Alphabet Soup! ================================= + + +
There are some simple rules to follow to make this the greatest ride of all time.
These are:
Your goal is to dress up like a letter. It can be your initial, a cool-shaped letter, or maybe just a letter you think no one else will have. You can keep it simple and just write your name on a shirt; you can add parts to your body and make a cool posing-letter; or you can build an all-out costume! Remember the pure adolescent joys of a simple cardboard box? LETS GET THERE!
The more awesomeness you put into it, the more everyone gets out of it! Can you imagine the ridiculous awesomosity of the pictures after this ride !?!?
3_Relax, Be Respectful and Let's Make History!
This goes without saying, but let's be safe! Think of it this way: the less time spent helping Ridazz off the ground, the more time you get to go nuts at the next stop!
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MEET AT 10PM . Location and Area is to be announced...
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=== This ride brought to you by the makers of ... ========= + + +
=========C U B C A M P ================= + + +
===Pure, un-cut Columbian fun since 2007========== + + +
================================== + + +
I had a feeling people would be showing up as numbers, symbols, punctuation, etc (NON-LETTERS)...obviously you can do whatever you want, but I am hoping people keep it aligned with the theme, and go as a simple letter, so that you can make words, sentences, paragraphs with other Ridazz...its just the spirit of it. Just keep that in mind!
I thought the image appropriate given the theme (seen at the abandoned PetroChem refinery while biking the Ventura River Trail) The ide sounds A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
Items Needed - Cardboard Box, Yarn, Paper Packing Tape, Tempera Paint, a Knife, and an attitude.
1. 2 Big Card-Board Letters (IDENTICAL IN SIZE - BELLY BUTTON TO NECK HIGH Proportion)
2. Put two holes on the tops of each letter: Tie a length of Yarn between them.
3. Sandwich in letters in front and behind of you. Or on your sides.
4. Tie together the letters with yarn and have the yarn act as a shoulder straps.
5. Wet paper packing tape and begin to tape together the sides of the letter to the width needed all around except for where you slide it on or off.
6. When the tape dries it becomes firm like cardboard.
7. Paint with Tempera or Acrylic paint.
8. Comfort is not important when wearing art.
* 2 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)
* 1 point: E ×12, A ×9, I ×9, O ×8, N ×6, R ×6, T ×6, L ×4, S ×4, U ×4
* 2 points: D ×4, G ×3
* 3 points: B ×2, C ×2, M ×2, P ×2
* 4 points: F ×2, H ×2, V ×2, W ×2, Y ×2
* 5 points: K ×1
* 8 points: J ×1, X ×1
* 10 points: Q ×1, Z ×1
OMG OMG OMG I'M COMING! i say fuck it to going to bed early and i'm just going to suffer tomorrow morning for my training at 8am. i love you guys too much and couldn't miss this!
i'm going to start working on my letter now....woo hoo!
the route is amazing and i can roll up to my place in palms at the end. perfect!
Ugh, the whole ride is Westside except the start? Screw that. I am doing my own Alphabet ride:
A - 8pm meet for dinner at Pure Luck.
B - 9pm ride to Scoops.
C - 9:30 ride to Soup Ridazz meet point.
D - 10:30 wave as everyone leaves for the Westside.
E - 10:45 ride home.
ZZZ - sleep
(I'm not hating, I'm just saying that I don't really want to party with Team Silly String at 2am in Culver City the night before riding 100 miles. I'm old and lazy.)
A Assholes
B Bitches
C Cunts
D Dawgs
E Elephants
F Formica
G Gambits
H Hitmen
I Indignants
J Jokers
K Kangeroos
L Lovers
M Monsters
N Natives
O Owls
P Prowlers
Q Quacks
R Ramblers
S Shittalkers
T Truthers
U Unicorns
V Vitamins
W Wazzaos
X .............Xenophobes!
Y Yokels
Coe, there's a group leaving from the BikeRoWave, meeting at 8:15, fucking around for 45 minutes, then heading to the ride. It's posted on the right in pink. -->>
NEW HOURS: 11pm to 4:00am
(no one admitted after 3:30 a.m.)
$3 before 2:00, $5 after. [ 21+ only ].
1027 N. Alvarado
Los Angeles CA, 90026
(enter down the left walk of the premises)
That is also going on tonight, its a weird ass party with weird ass people, I don't know too much about it but if any of you guys wanna go after the ride say your name is LUCAS RODDENBUSH, because we are supposed have a name the list.
Great Ride!!! Thanks!
Were there any actual arrests? That was some fucked up Santa Monica style divide and conquer stuff there. Nasty.
Anyway, we had a great time and hope everyone is okay.
Thanks again
Can I get a witness WOOT WOOT.. Don't forget your"trial by deceleration" option, birthday boy.
That was a fun ride until you all got spooked by the police cars on every corner.
I'm not sure how true it is, but a cop I was talking to while they where violating Jaz and ruining his night, said to me, Yes me SeXy. That the problem had something to do with some diabetic named David Hume, NO NO NO, scratched that, they said didn't see John La Har's smiling face and it put SMPD in a bad mood, NO really, it wasn't that either, actually it probably was.
SMPD officer I talked to said, that they got a bunch of complaints and it was the,,,,,are you ready for this............."THE NOISE" They got no traffic complaints, they said people especially complained about the loud whistles.
Take that into consideration whistle people.
My take is that they came for the noise and stayed to watch us, so we didn't make anymore noise, and violated who they did, that stood out to them. They where claiming they could of wrote 50 of us tickets at a time.
They claimed they didn't want to bust our balls, SURE.
They don't really understand VC 21202. Which my thought is to have a meeting with the officer(s) who didn't know what he was talking about and his commander, or supervisor., and explain the law, in a setting, that is not, where someone just got pulled over.
Great Ride, I loved that most participated in the costume part.
at the end B S T U and Y got together and made five words, can you guess which ones?
If not, Trial by declaration will be my first step. How I go about doing that, I am not fully sure currently, but plan on reading up on it. If all else fails I cross my fingers and do the court thing. :
wow i was bummed i had to leave early since i had to be up early today, but i guess i'm glad i missed the police and the drunk driver. i'm so sorry for those that were affected. hopefully the tickets get worked out and those that were hit recover quickly.
everyone looked great last night!!
Thanks for putting this ride together Marcus! The SMPD kind of put a kink in the plans, but still was fun rolling. It was great rolling after the 7/11 stop and going three lanes wide down Santa Monica Blvd. Funny thing watching everyone crammed into that 7/11 waiting in line while we rolled a block west to another 7/11 with no one in it!
I see a ALph@b3T $0uP! part 2 in everyone's future!
Those BMX tricksters were awesome!! Loved watching them do their stuff.
Can we get some more info on the ridazz that got hit? Maybe a coherent statement with details and a time line? This could help some of the people fighting their tickets. It wouldn't hurt to get the names of these people too. At least be able to track them down if needed.
Also if anyone is interested in buying the sign in name "", it's up for sale. CHEAP TWO!!!
Hate to be a killjoy but that ride was messed up. It started out awesome but why the hell would we ride and stop for like forever and then stop in another ten minutes on a dark retarded street knowing the SM cops would f**k with us? Have they ever not? Someone either set this up or is just plain slow. I guess that's the MR climax for the Jackass wannabe set.
Any large ride that goes through Santa Monica should probably have some kind of contingency plan for regrouping somewhere outside of SM in case the cops show up trying to thin the herd. Ideally, the ride would have just stayed together at the Bikerowave. But no matter how much effort is put into keeping the ride together, it will get spread out when forced into a single lane with stops at all the red lights and cops picking people off for minor infractions all the while.
I lost my bike light at Pan Pacific Park. At least I'd like to believe that I lost it, but I suspect that it was stolen. Cateye EL-510 with a gunmetal finish, all scratched up and cracked. There were four AA Duracell rechargeable batteries inside.
Which is the point I'm trying to make Nathan. Why go through SM at all? Is the ride about f**ing with the police or is it about riding. Is it about proving how irrevrent we all are while smoking weed or is it about enjoying the ride as a group taking over the streets? Maybe we should all be fixedgear douchebags which will force the "leaders" of the ride to act somewhat normal just to be different from us.
YAY! Thanks everyone that got all lettered up! This ride was the most-participated-in ride I've been to (costume-wise)! What a treat it was walking around handing out the spoke cards seeing people's letters! SO HAPPY!
The "Bikerowave" stop was intended to be the first stop with the word games. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get everyone (anyone) in to the subterranean parking garage, where we were going to play. I know some didnt even hear me, but people seemed content to ignore me and hang out in the street. I have to admit I don't think the cops would've come if we had all gone into the secluded parking lot.
Only a handful of tickets were given, thats pretty good for a 400+ Ridazz event. If it was unfair, fight it. nuff said.
I would love to see another attempt at the concept. Since we didnt play any games, I really would like to see it happen again.
I don't want to host another Ridazz Ride. The size of the crowd was unmanageable from the get-go. The front of the ride left me at the very beginning! My attempts at megaphon-age were in vain, due to louder drunks with megaphones_BUT_if this became the July MR Ride well then, TWBG (That Would Be Great)! I'd love to help!
(there were 6 different letters:
Ha ha .. today, my buddy from Venice (who knows I ride) asked if I knew anything about 'a bunch of bike hooligans with letters on their shirts' taking over the venice streets ... GOOD JOB!
I'd like to thank everyone for coming to our ride. Twas a huge Funcess.
Awesome Dancing, Great riding - No major accidents right?
The first pit was intended to be a giant Soup Bowl full of the 400 or so Midnight RIdazz. Unfortunately there were mixed directions as someone had started telling people to leave that we shouldn't be there as marcus and i were getting people to go into the pit. People were blocking the streets.
Talking to the cop, he told me they were called due to complaints of blocking the streets. They DID NOT tell us to leave. Everyone freaked out and started riding. Simply moving to the sidewalk and being compliant would probably have been sufficient enough for them to leave.
Awezum fun in VENICE!!! Thanks GIRLS AND GUYS!!! :D
I don't appreciate your comments and am bewildered how you could think that we would have set up a ride to run into cops. We ride through SM because we CAN. Because we're WESTSIDERS, Because it's our RIGHT.
The route was posted so you should have complained BEFORE the ride. If you want to cower from cops, then please, go complain about it somewhere else.
Btw marcus, where's my 5lbs of alphabet soup?? don't eat it. IT's got phun in it.
I'm all for everyone's right to ride. I think everyone who shows up is. For the sake of those of us who want to ride and not express ourselves politically I just want to know if the ride is being set up to mess with the police which I think you just confirmed. So that's all. It's not fair to the majority of people who are there to ride not help make the point for the few of you who know how the cops are out there. I guess everyone needs an issue right and if you don't have one make one up. Good luck on your life as a future has been hippie.
A couple of notes though, the late start from Pan Pacific and the stop, at the secluded parking lot, happening 10 minutes after the 7-11 stop did not go over too well with a lot of ridazz. A soon as we got to the second stop there were several attempts to hijack the ride. Most of the people milling on the streets were just looking for a reason to leave, the cops showing up gave them that.
From what I saw, the cops did not really ask us to leave the second spot. Some people just panicked and started riding away taking a a huge part of the group with them.
Lastly, please act responsibly. I think every effort is made to make Ridazz a positive experience. We've addressed issues, such as trash, as a group before and succeeded. With the amount of beer we drink, I can't blame people for pissing wherever they can but don't piss on someone's front yard, door or gate. Also to the rida who used a car to hold herself up leaving a scratch the length of the car, you shoulda stopped. It shit like this that generate complaints about us.
The only way to change this group is to start a new ride or help make other rides bigger and better. Obviously one can't be critical of the organizers of MR here or without getting jumped on. It's too bad something that could be so cool ends up being retarded. That is my final word. Til then you midnight ridazz keep trying to different and when everyone has a bike you can help bring walking back into the mainstream. That's what you guys are all about.
^^^^ Relax, each ride is different. MR has no political agenda, it is a fun ride. The run in with the cops was caused by people panicking as soon as they see them. This forum is a small portion of MR and most times it is cliquish but what forum isn't.
Come out again and it will be a completely different experience. That is the beauty of MR, each ride has a different flavor. Each ride has a different organizer and planning it is difficult. It is hard to plan when there are so many variables.
One of the first rides I help coordinate was Los Noches 1 with Mr Raymond et al..., and did not matter how much we planned and try to anticipate every possible scenario the ride will shape itself. Once the spoke cards are passed out and the ridazz are rolling, it is completely out of your control.
If you want to make a ride, do it yourself. That's what this is all about.
We understand your criticism, but sometimes we need to try different things and maybe it doesn't always turn out perfect for everyone. If you have been on different MR rides you would know that. I encourage you to make it happen. We have been to the future. We may be going back again soon. Everything else has happened already.
mlee99z, are you trying to make future rides go more smoothly, or are you just reinforcing your own preconceptions of what this community is "all about"? If you want people to take your criticisms seriously, you will probably find them more receptive if you stop insulting them first. On the other hand, if you're more interested in proclaiming your dislike for certain aspects of the bike culture by broadly stereotyping the whole group, well then, keep railing against the "fixedgear douchebags" and the "Jackass wannabe set."
It was a bummer that not everything went according to plan on Friday, but sometimes that happens. I think you had a couple valid complaints, but few people will take them to heart if you keep telling everyone that their sucky hipster rides suck because they're all a bunch of sucky hipsters. People see criticism mixed in with insults like that and figure it's just some jerk with a chip on his shoulder.
Please, don't be a jerk. That (along with sc_nomad's suggestion to "relax") is probably the best advice I can give you for maximizing your riding pleasure 'round these parts.
I admit I was a bit crass and do apologize. I think the vast majority of the people on these rides are totally cool and have good intentions. I guess my anger was directed at the fact that although the organizers gave their time and effort to set the ride up which is appreciated, they seem to ignore the inherent responsibility with setting up any organized event with such a large group of people especially when they are on bikes. The event could be so good for a long time but I think the way it seems to be going something bad is going to happen and that will be end of group rides for everyone in the city. So keep that in mind that really is my last post so you guys can have your site back for yourselves.
i agree. i don't know if marcus and richie just forgot what a hassle the smpd is, but i thought it was inconsiderate of them to take a huge group of cyclists into that city, knowing perfectly well that those who are not fully prepared with lights, ride tall bikes, and/or are not used to stopping at all stop signs and red lights, might get ticketed.
we're lucky that the lapd is much more lenient and even supportive of our rides. many riders are used to that and it was unfortunate that alphabet soup got so cold, so quickly.
My, oh my!!!
Does the controversy machine never stop.
Seems like every ride that's organized, executed and written into the history books, there's always going to be the lone voice of disapproval.
i agree. i don't know if marcus and richie just forgot what a hassle the smpd is, but i thought it was inconsiderate of them to take a huge group of cyclists into that city, knowing perfectly well that those who are not fully prepared with lights, ride tall bikes, and/or are not used to stopping at all stop signs and red lights, might get ticketed.
Or, hey, maybe people should take responsibility for their own actions instead of expecting ride organizers to wipe their asses for them.
smpd doesn't give a hoot, unless it's smcm. We rode crazy all night tonight with absolutely no trouble miss bluebike. The only person who really needs to worry about SMPD outside of SMCM seems to be me, and now JAZR.
This is your Country Ms. Bluebike you should not have to be afraid to do the things you love. Join us.
Yup. it's about accountability. If you are not doing anything wrong there really isn't any reason to worry.
I'm not sure if SMPD cares if it is SMCM or not. Even with Swarm the Pier 1, they showed up in force at the pier. However they just watched the crowd until some fool cut their recruitment banner, that was hanging from the pier. But even then Wild Bill was able to diffuse that situation.
They later gave us tickets from riding through the Promenade, but the confrontation was completely avoidable. They asked us to get off our bikes while going through the Promenade, it is posted that there is not bike riding through the Promenade is prohibited. Someone challenged the cops, they retaliated and a couple guys got tickets. Just a case of someone picking the wrong battle.
From what I've seen is they will not do anything until someone gives them a legitimate reason. But as soon as that line is breached, they throw the book at you hoping something will stick.
Comparatively speaking, there was as much (or less) trouble at The Alphabet Soup Ride as any other recent Ridazz Ride, AND this was the largest of recent ones. Thats a fact. The only difference was that the ride split up really bad. Oh well, would you like a refund?
I am sorry we couldn't provide more police entertainment but the 8 cruisers we hired cost us well over $40k.
i had no idea that tall bikes were illegal and i'm certain that others might not have known that as well. yes, PC, we should take responsibility, like the girl that you so valiantly defended on lafixed should take responsibility for getting dropped and people calling her out if she comes unprepared.
Tonight, on a very special episode of My So Called Bike...
Meany Bluebike shows her sensitive side when somebody disagrees with her. Twice. In a row.
Sexy David, stunning his doctors and family, heroically walks across his room despite a broken foot, and then sits down at the computer and types something stupid.
A hipster has twenty dollars in his pocket for beer, but not ten dollars for a bike light. Somehow, this is somebody else's fault.
The Crimanimalz Gang ride their bikes on the freeway. Somehow, this isn't boring.
Tern still doesn't leave town.
Tonight at 8:00, 7:00 Central. Watch with the whole family.
Do you remember that episode where Ricky dances with Delia Fisher to the song "What is Love"? I was having some serious flashbacks to that at the last LACM because Digablesoul (at least, I think it was him) kept playing that song over and over again.
I'm not sure what everyone is getting all upset about. The only thing the cops did was show up. I'm not if even one of them got out of their cars! Who's fault is it for not knowing what to do in that situation? I say it's each and every rida. It's each and every rida's fault if they behave like sheep too. Not one police officer gave any order to disperse. So why do you disperse? It's your own fuckin fault if the ride didn't turn out the way you wanted it to. Next time stay together as a cohesive group! If in doubt, follow the music trailer!
i was in the back of the ride after the bikerowave stop, and i saw at least four cyclists pulled over, one being frisked, and at least twelve cop cars riding along side the groups.
Yes I saw the same thing. All that wouldn't have happened if everyone stayed together and DIDN"T LEAVE the Bikrowave parking lot. The parking lot was where the ride should have stopped. That's the only thing I can see the organizers did wrong, and even that was a very minor over looked part. We could have and should have just all gone to the parking lot there until the cops left. Hopefully we learn from that night.