It's Official, Bikes r 4 Hipsters!

Thread started by
User1 at 02.10.08 - 12:02 pm

For what it's worth, article in the OC Weekly this week
[Trendzilla] Look, Ma! No Brakes!
Taking to the streets with the fixies
Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 3:01 pm
As much as we—I—make fun, hipsters really mean well.
At least they idolize such things as intellectualism, Godard and vegan cuisine. It could be worse. They could like Glocks and UFC matches.
One of the newest blips on the hipster do-good-feel-good radar? Bicycles. Environmentalism is cool, too. Nobody's sure when it got big, but most attribute it to groups of kids who decided to get together and take to the streets en masse—on bikes, on roller skates and blades, on skateboards—with no particular goal in mind other than getting from point A to point B and having fun while doing it.
Critical Mass is a monthly bike-ride group that originated in San Francisco in 1992. The first ride down Market Street consisted of something like 48 riders, but the number and tradition has grown quickly—thousands now hit the streets all over the world in their own Critical Mass divisions. The groups are seen as somewhat dangerous by police and city officials, since they use a few bicyclists to block off traffic in order for the entire horde to push right on through those pesky red lights and stop signs.
While coastal communities have seen the rise in popularity of those cutesy, candy-colored beach cruisers pictured here for the past decade or so, the latest trend in urban communities is the fixed-gear bike, characterized by its lack of a freewheel (which allows a bicyclist to switch gears while in motion), and it usually only has one gear ratio. No freewheel means the inability to coast—the pedals continuously cycle. Fixed-gear bikes look pretty minimal: a simple frame, thin wheels, maybe those ergonomic curved handlebars. They're lightweight and low maintenance. But mostly, people think they just look cool.
Did I mention there are usually no brakes on these things?
Well, there aren't. Most fixed-gear riders (called "fixies") pride themselves on learning how to stop without brakes—intense concentration on what they call "flow," being able to measure distances when you need to stop from afar. Fixies slow down or stop by resisting the turning pedals, and some even drag their feet against the tires. They think brakes aren't necessary. Legs are all you need, they say. And besides, brakes look ugly on a bike.
What if you need to pull an emergency stop? Well, if you're a proper fixie, you shouldn't have to. Seriously. It's a matter of pride with these guys. Though fixies are centralized in Northern California, you can see these guys cruising up and down PCH any time of the day. They're easy to spot: pant legs of their skinny jeans rolled up, trendy shoes sans socks, messenger bag thrown across their back. If it sounds silly, it kind of is, but what do we non-fixies know? I've always thought brakes were kinda necessary. But what does safety matter when you look fucking awesome?
Real quick on the uptake behind the Orange Curtain, aren't they?
hatehills02.10.08 - 12:10 pm
People have been saying this for years.
We were supposed to have the "hipsters" stop riding bikes a long time ago because they would be deemed "uncool" pretty soon.
Hasn't happened yet has it? Oh wait, maybe your appearance and how you carry yourself doesn't have to be some kind of badge or pledge to a minute drop of smegma on the greater dong of youth culture.
Shouldn't we be more concerned with what's going on in our world rather than wasting time critiquing someone because they like to wear tight jeans?
Signal to noise, guys.
kyber02.10.08 - 12:12 pm
what they left out
is that bikes are fun
ectoplasm02.10.08 - 12:14 pm
The author is asian, too.
kyber02.10.08 - 12:20 pm
i found this while googling "asian player hater"
ruinedbyidiots02.10.08 - 12:24 pm
Always thought that jeans from the lilttle-girls department were for the Emo kiddettes, and whatnot.
Now I see skaters and other extreme types sporting these.
Skaters claim that they allow "freedom of movement" due to no hemmings getting caught on guard-rails.
If anything, the people that buy these pants should be dropkicked for shelling out $50 for a pair of jeans to mutilate.
Be a real man!!!!
Jack the clothes off your neighbor's clothesline!!!!
bentstrider02.10.08 - 12:25 pm
I'm drinking at 1230 on a sunday
kyber02.10.08 - 12:30 pm
The Asian part?
or my remark about dropkicking the $50+ pants buyer?
bentstrider02.10.08 - 12:32 pm
This entire thread.
kyber02.10.08 - 12:33 pm
its practically impossible to wear tight pants if you actually ride your bike.
ruinedbyidiots02.10.08 - 12:34 pm
I'm still sticking to my logic regarding $50+ pants buyers.
bentstrider02.10.08 - 12:39 pm
Don't look at me, I only own one pair of wearable pants at a time.
Why invest money in pants when you can only wear one pair at a time anyway?
kyber02.10.08 - 12:41 pm
Fifty bucks gets me 5-7 pairs of cargo pants at the surplus store.
All black, all comfy, and rip-resistant.
bentstrider02.10.08 - 12:58 pm
Freewheels allow bicycles to change gears? Fixed-gear riders are called "fixies"?
Some advice for aspiring journalists: do a little fact-checking on your article before it goes to press so you don't look like an idiot.
angle02.10.08 - 1:16 pm
If you're not racist, your not trying... not really... i made that up.
The pants I wear when I ride bikes have all been given to me, as gifts. I usually wear shorts, and it's finally warming up enough at night that I can get away with it.
When I drive, I'm usually bottomless. Think: Donald Duck.
the reverend dak02.10.08 - 2:08 pm
I only wear pants when I ride because I'm afraid of dong on drivetrain action.
kyber02.10.08 - 2:19 pm
We should call cars in LA "fixies" since they spend most of their time fixed in place in traffic. That oughta confuse 'em a little.
ideasculptor02.10.08 - 4:37 pm
Incredibly lazy writing, and the photo is totally irrelevant. The writer looked up a few buzz words on Google and pasted things together.
cabhauler02.10.08 - 7:54 pm
Tae gave me free ice cream at scoops tonight.
kyber02.10.08 - 8:59 pm
reguarding wearing tight pants and not be able to ride.
I wore those tight black jeans back in the early 90's, and those things are all stretchy, so it would actually be easy to ride with them on. The ones today look like they are stretchy too.
sexy02.10.08 - 9:07 pm
That's the photo that the author dug up while looking for "fixies?"
That's fucking amazing!
NEWB31002.10.08 - 9:19 pm
wait, you can't stop pedaling on a "fixed gear"?????!
those rogue-ish hipsters and their crazy lifestyles!!!
ectoplasm02.10.08 - 9:27 pm
...Safety Third.
PC02.10.08 - 11:29 pm
eddieboyinla02.11.08 - 8:17 am
Ice-cream bars, home-skillet!!!
Frozen treats that you eat any day of the week.
Or, if you have a high metabolism like myself, and need a sugar-high after 2-3 hours in the gym.
M'mmmm, sugar-high.
bentstrider02.11.08 - 8:22 am

Check the "hipster" spoke card for a defination.
Never been cool.
What do I do on Saturday?
Played Star Wars the Role-Playing game.
rev10602.11.08 - 12:33 pm
bentstrider02.11.08 - 3:38 pm