
Ridazz Roulette!

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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

Topic Box:
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VOTE!!! HERE UR GUID...   36
RIP Jerico Culata   8
Talking to the cops.   25
Saddless   2
Thefts at the final ...   78
Super steep training...   7
New and in East LA -...   18
Choppercabras 12th ...   17
Video with colleague...   3
Please help "Chuey!"   2
Los Angelopes MIA   1
Video with associate...   1
DHS Trigger Words ha...   6
Harry!   12
Happy Bday Roadblock   1
FUNZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...   6
Ridazz Skull   19
Samsung Galaxy Inhum...   1
Open Call for design...   19
Church of F.U.N in N...   0
Halloween - Venice H...   0
Lost Emerica Backpac...   8
Your bike can get st...   6
DONT'S for ladies on...   1
Detroit   2
Hollywood to East Ho...   94
Cardboard Bicycle of...   3
stencilitis continou...   0
NYE 2013   1
UFO RIDE 2: Oct 2nd ...   77
KushTown Ride   4
UFO Ride Lost & Foun...   0
RAIN!   8
Rain vs. Leather Sad...   16
get ready for the ra...   6
rain?   1
RAIN!!!!!   7
ROTW: MannysCarWash   26
Jobs Turets   7
No Gas at the pumps   3
Saturday Night - PU...   3
fuck your lederhosen   6
Why?   59
change forsyths bann...   3
New TV Segment with ...   2
I need a night/weeke...   0
Let's go to Detroit!   238
Questions   6
Jonny - Music Master   5
FUNraiser! Support y...   6
Helmets   1
Carmageddon   39
Lame...   44
buckchin   7
2012 WILL BE BEST YE...   30
Bicyclist killed in ...   1
im writing a paper o...   8
WTF! The Ride! BIKE ...   8
Free tix to see Jane...   10
A Ride of Last Resor...   2
STOLEN BIKE - again   6
C.R.A.N.K.MAS V   31
Pier Pressure   315
RAGE!   3
Los Angelopes art sh...   17
BIKE ANGELES 2012   70
Stoner Stars   32
Stoner Ave Ride toni...   1
A High Performance W...   3
M.R. 105 - MR. TOAD'...   35
Laminating machine?   11
Bike Riders yesterda...   6
DHS Trigger Words Ha...   3
DHS Trigger Words ha...   0
S.C.U.M.B.AG.   144
Send me ur n00dz   6
Brooks saddles   6
Print up a bike   5
Monday Night rehab #...   300
Los Silverwood Park   2
Jericho Culatas Bike   3
Is everyone ok?   59
Tustin/Irvine/Santa ...   12
L.A's 1st --> CLITO...   12
Chrome Air Condition...   0
$ 2 fee to do a ride...   12
cheap insurance   0
ride share LA to SF   4
Free Hlywod Bl ticke...   1
Sexy's Judical Picks...   20
BIKE TOWN BETA - Cri...   10
ridazz in eagle rock   28
new to website   9
Eagle Rock   49
MoM Ridaz Detroit   12
Wolrd's smallets bic...   0
West Side Mosey!!!!   3
Good vibes ride   0
Crank Mob Park   9
New Rider   8
The end of Osnap Led...   7
gucci Factory Outlet   8
Black Rock City 2012   3
Bike Rack Got Stolen   6
coach outlet   3
coach handbags   2
Cool FIND in BURBANK...   0
The Electric Car   2
Assault   11
Stolen Calfee Luna P...   2
Ridazz Day Trip   39
Bike thief caught   8
HIT AND RUN: Cops wo...   4
Rookie   13
Sidewalk Misdemeanor   40
PC & K.   4
Friday night inciden...   7
Santa Monica Critica...   8
Bike Polo 101 - Begi...   8
new to the scene   4
FOR SALE   456
MR #104 HALP   56
Supporting a Bicycle...   2
this guy steals bike...   28
all up in that!   5
Lights Out!   107
SINS and SPROCKETS: ...   13
I hate red lights...   22
Get DINGO Off   22
Team Midnight Ridazz...   8
ARISE! The Golden Ho...   0
Santa Monica Critic...   3
midnight drag race p...   4
(sexy soulfull rock ...   1
Six Pack Shuffle   0
Ridazz Summit   58
miri m   0
K-Town thieves caugh...   10
Coaster Brake Challe...   44
(818) Summer Session...   8
Mid Summer Urban Bik...   6
Stolen Bike GPS Trac...   1
Performance Enhancin...   23
ATT: PC   11
is anyone up?   1
Fuck SMPD   4
Ghost Bikes on Faceb...   1
i tasted coco   6
ROTW: J-row   18
What Books Are You R...   160
Whittier bike swap a...   0
Too Hungry   10
miri   2
Den Dinner Reminder   224
M.R. #103 JULY 2012   72
Nate!   11
karaoke   6
Happy Birthday Norma...   7
Metro till 2AM on th...   4
Spartan Race   2
Dinner at Sarah's   27
Fargo Hill Climb   40
PANTS!!!   140
***CONTRA SEA V***   167
Bike Insurance: good...   5
Something different.   0
7/11 Free Slurpee DA...   11
Redline Ride Thread   22
Look what I found......   4
tern jobs   29
Super Slow Motion MU...   0
Needs more of this   1
SM CM how long is th...   1
Need Bike 4 Fwend   1
The dumb cop that gr...   9
I just have to say i...   58
Facebook vs MR   80
Room 4 rent....   2
Police impound Chris...   93
Bahahahaha   27
Delete pictures on M...   17
chrome bag 4sale   1
Critical mass. Route...   6
Cruzz With Us   28
Family Matters   2
CCC K-Town Ridazz 1 ...   2
cinelli Vigorelli......   0
New Immigration Poli...   8
Stolen Bike Bobby Mi...   7
need some pedal advi...   9
No White Man Ride   49
Santa Monica Pier Ni...   0
Venetians: Pier to P...   0
Attn: Women of MR   13
Hit and Run Cyclist ...   14
Is this ride tonight...   6
No Black Man Ride   13
I Love Ninja Biker!!   15
MOM RIDERS 4yr Anive...   4
BURNING BRO 2012   10
Yes Rainbow Unisex R...   10
Mosey wrecked my bik...   61
Bikes N' Bacon!!!   16

Thread Box:
Thread started by NEWB310 at 10.4.07 - 10:33 am

Hey Meat heads (and veg*ns)

A while back, Mark Edge and I rode to SD from LA on our pretty shitty 14 speed, 30 pound, falling apart bikes in a relatively descent amount of time. 12 hour trip, 9 hours rolling time. We left at 0930 and arrived to SD at 2130ish. We were supposed to roll out earlier but we were in the ER the night before because someone we know (and shall remain nameless) got door'd.

We went pee (a lot), stopped at a few siete onces's (7-11's), stayed hydrated, ate odwalla bars, suckled at the teet of the mighty gel pack, ate at some veg*n cafe, and rode to SD just to eat at POKEZ.

We are looking to leave again on:
10 NOV 2007.

Just checking to see if anyone wants to go with. Some folks expressed interest and this is plenty of time in advance. We will depart at a time convenient to TEH RIDAZZ, should anyone else decide to roll.

We will stay in a cheap hotel and take the train back. Hopefully the train runs that weekend. The last time we went, the tracks were being repaired and we had to hop on a bus. The driver was pretty rad and accommodated us rather nicely, as he expressed to us that he had a really rad bike himself.

So that's all I got.

El Rich.. & Teh Mark Edge
Ride Buddies = serious business


Wow. I have a friend who wanted me to help him put on the same ride pretty near to this date.. Is this you? er, I'm confused. If not. Perhaps we can join forces and ride together? My friend has the ability to get us to ride through Camp Pendleton and avoid that dangerous scary part of the freeway. Anyway, I'd like to contact you more about this and see what we could work out. We were hoping to make this a big turn out. I don't want to step on your toes or anything. I just want to share what our plans were, and perhaps you'd be down with combining ideas. My info is on my profile. I am definitely going to do this!

Joe Borfo
10.4.07 - 10:42 am


Holy fuck, Borfo to San Diego! This ride just increased it's fun factor by 63 points.

Rich and I would love to have a huge turn out for this ride, so we wouldn't mind at all merging this with another planned ride. The more, the merrier!

And despite appearances, riding on the freeway wasn't that scary at all. The shoulder is extra wide there and there are signs for the bikers. The route through the base adds a ton of mileage and, trust me, you will need that energy for the Del Mar hill into Torrey Pines. :(


10.4.07 - 10:49 am




I'll get to your profile in a bit. I'm supposed to actually be working but have as of yet to do anything productive.
We are trying to make this a 160 mile trip. Last one we did was 140. Let us to combine our powers....

El RIch

10.4.07 - 10:56 am



OK, I told my buddy Juvi who wanted to plan this, supposedly he has a bunch of bike buddies who are ready for this as well.

I'll be out of town tomorrow untill the end of October - (Going to Europe!)
Juvi will post his info soon and hopefully you guys can work out details together since I wont be around. Juvi is a great friend, I've known him most of my life and he's a good egg but don't be confused when I talk shit to him and stuff, cause that's just the way it is with us. He's my bitch and he does what I tell him to do, u know what I'm saying!...

Anyway, Juvi will tell you more info soon. His intention was to give it a theme - "The Peace Ride", or something like that (a work in progress). He's creating an MR account and will hope to converse with you so please keep in touch. This trip may turn out to be quite a blast!

Hopefully we can get the SD crew to Join us on this or at least party with them when we get down there, they are fricking fantastic people!

I'm off to Amsterdam! Perhaps I'll send you some artwork Mark for one of the spoke cards? anyways Peace, Love and all that.

Ride On!

Joe Borfo
10.4.07 - 11:02 am


Yes! I can use my Photoshop Powers to design a Spoke Card as well. I like the idea of the "San Diego Peace Ride." If this is what we settle on, it must have the "Heart" dude from Captain Planet on it.


10.4.07 - 11:03 am


This sounds really cool!!

I would bet there are some SD Ridazz (self included) who would hop the train up and ride down with ya. If we do it right we should be able to scare up a party or some sort of hospitality.

Either way,
Bring it!!

10.4.07 - 11:08 am


I suppose we can hammer out the the ideas with this chum of yours, Borfo. I must say, however, that the concept of riding for peace is beyond my capabilities.

This will be the..
The Things We Carry..
Mark shall make a spoke card with MA-TI from Captain Planet infused with some sort of HI-larious caption or jpeg image.

borfo.. I'm watching you via twitter!

10.4.07 - 11:12 am


It always refreshing when Borfo, has something to say. It seems that Joe, is the go to, "travel agent" guy for ridazz.

Peace ride, sound like something the SpokeN'Dissent crew would be interested in joining. PC, OverTheHill, BikeMom, Redtsunami, BoneYer Bike, what do you think?

10.4.07 - 11:23 am


alright, never mind, peace is beyond some peoples capabilities.

10.4.07 - 11:25 am


is that you Newb310! LOL awesome.

Twitter me THIS!

Joe Borfo
10.4.07 - 11:26 am


Maybe the word "peace" is too strong for some, but Juvi is a veteran who supports the troops but wants them to come home from this disastrous war. I'm sure you can all support that. Thats , what I believe, Juvi wanted it to be about. But, again, join forces. Work together on this.

I'd love to have Sexy on the Mic and BBD bringing the tunes all the way to San Day Eggo!

Joe Borfo
10.4.07 - 11:30 am


I hope you guys make it to OB and get to eat the best fish, shrimp, or lobster tacos in San Diego at South Beach Bar & Grill at the end of Newport Ave. where the Surfers hang (and surf). Good bar scene too.


10.4.07 - 11:33 am


If making a ride for PEACE means SEXY n PC n the spoke-sters come with, I suppose that my black heart will have to beat once again!

We still use the Captain Planet spoke card, though!

10.4.07 - 11:35 am


I'm in! I personally would vote for riding through camp pendleton! riding on the freeway doesnt sound nearly as interesting or safe.

10.4.07 - 11:36 am


I did my time working for my Uncle Sam..
I did my time protecting my civil liberties that got YOINKED and get YOINKED every week when G.W. & Cheney jump the General Lee over the Bill of Rights.

Let's ride for Peace.. That is, after all, Having Heart..

El Rich

10.4.07 - 11:39 am


OK Juvi is reading this over. hes kinda slow.. :P

Anyways send him your contact info and work out the details. I am so there!

Yes it happens to be the day after dia de los muertos, but that's cool!

OB Shrimp place sounds yummy, can vegans types eat there?

OK Ok. Im out im OUT!..

Joe Borfo
10.4.07 - 11:48 am


Hey! Well we have been working on this ride for some time now and think it's an awsome idea to work together. I have done the ride a couple of times before and I think it the SHIZZZZ! It's 150 total miles from L.A Union Station to the USS Midway. I have also figured out the departing time from L.A (8:00 pm 11/10/07), This puts us in Camp Pendleton (7:00 am 11/11/07). This is the time the MP's at the gate are able to let us go throug the Base. The end of the ride should finish at the Midway (2:00 pm 11/11/07) where I'm planning to have a Rally for peace and to bring our boyzzzz back. We will be stopping briefly at mission bay to tank up (XX) before we hit the Midway! Contact me at juvseg@gmail.com


10.4.07 - 11:59 am


Thinking out loud, if you wanted to add some numbers to this ride,
I could promote it, like the Arlington West ride. Well actually, thinkpeace did the promotions, but we got about 30 roadies to join us, not just usual commuter/fun riders that came to the anti-war rides. If we have a couple of months before hand, we can get it in magazines and newspapers. We actually had TV news cover it. Fox news, had four different crews covering us. That if there is enough time to get it in magazines.

You may want to keep it local to the peeps on this board, so it stays the in the organic ridazz forum......you know, very "elite like".

Talk, talk talk

10.4.07 - 12:05 pm


switchin to the e mail JAVDOG..
or if you gots any messengers..


El Rich

10.4.07 - 12:08 pm


BBD towing his trailer all the way to San Diego? That would be a tough feat!!

The trailer is heavy enough as it is, and you would need extra batteries for the ride.

If you want to bring tunes & a mic, I have 3 trailer hitches (the part that attaches to the bike) - and BBD has one. The 4 strongest ridazz could take turns pulling the trailer. It takes about 10 minutes to attach a hitch, and about 30 seconds to move the trailer from one hitch to another.

Also - I have trailer which is 1/2 the weight (and 1/2 the loundess) of BBD's, and would be easier to pull.


10.4.07 - 12:11 pm


Woof!!! We also have a map that will take us all the way there and our stops include train stations, liquor stores, and restaurants throughout the entire ride. The train stops are for people that can not do the full ride or that want to meet us in diffrent places. I have it written on a word file that I hope to post with Barfo's help! latezzzzz

10.4.07 - 12:14 pm



They do have a menu. Don't remember how many options there are for those not partaking of sealife. But they make up for it with a nice selecdtion of Draft beers.


10.4.07 - 12:16 pm


I agree Eric. Its a long haul.

I was just considering the music/mic option. I wouldn't mind carrying the load...

Joe Borfo
10.4.07 - 12:16 pm


leave at 8:00 PM and ride all night? Wouldn't it be better to leave at 8:00 AM and ride during the day? I'm not much of a night owl I'm usually in bed by 10 PM, well maybe at 2 AM on special occasions.

10.4.07 - 12:22 pm


Borfo rocks my Nutzzzz

10.4.07 - 12:23 pm


Friggin' SEXY.... He's ELITE!

10.4.07 - 12:24 pm


If you could Borfo, that rig is super heavy......I think BBD, being the rider that he is, could carry it. You would all be surprise at the stamina that guys has. That is, if he doesn't go out on the ride the night before., which would be the 2nd Friday of the month.

10.4.07 - 12:25 pm


Most of the ride that would be during the night is down PCH and El Camino Real. A lot of it has bike lanes on the road. I've only done it during the day, but I'd be interested in doing something overnight.

10.4.07 - 12:25 pm


I would love to but the whole camp pendleton thing is a problem. I have been in contact with the Jarheads and they were very helpfull and told me that at 7:00 am they can be most helpfull. Night time has less traffic too

10.4.07 - 12:39 pm


I would so do this ride...I've got a house guest coming in that week...I'll keep my eyes open if the date changes.

10.4.07 - 12:46 pm


JUVDOG: check yo e mails.....

10.4.07 - 12:47 pm


If we go through Camp Pendleton, does that mean, no anti-war signs?

10.4.07 - 12:59 pm


Hey I'm interested in this too.

So is the plan to ride all night to SD and then what? Stay a day or two? Train it back?

10.4.07 - 1:13 pm


160 miles in one stretch at night ?
What's the rush?
I would do two 80 mile day rides.

10.4.07 - 1:24 pm


Marino, the heavily-accented voice of reason!

10.4.07 - 1:42 pm


This thread was posted to see if anyone wanted to go along for the ride. The idea is/was to tackle lots of miles all at once just to say we did it....
We wanted to do this as early in the a.m as possible to have the rest of caturday afternoon to eat, drink, and be merry in ol San Dee Yaaa Gooo (which means Whale's Vagina in German).
I'm still waiting to see what JAVDOG wants to do, the route and at what time he would wish to depart.
Ideas? Suggestions? Put em in the thread so we can make this ride happen.

El Rich

10.4.07 - 2:14 pm


How is this a 160 mile ride? Does riding through the base actually add 20 more miles?

10.4.07 - 2:23 pm


160 in one night? Hmm, I'm still breaking in my new Brooks saddle. My taint hurts just thinking about this.

10.4.07 - 2:25 pm


Richard_Colossus: If the ol' Perineum Falcon hurts in a month, that would suck indeed..

Mark: We are supposed to add miles this time around to make the total trip 160. Remember? You hate me....

10.4.07 - 2:35 pm


I support this ride being done all in one day!

10.4.07 - 3:51 pm


keep me posted. i am so down

10.4.07 - 4:06 pm


I know, I'm still here...

Juvi or "Juvdog" suggested that at the projected pacing that he has calculated. People of various riding levels could meet up at certain train stations since this ride does follow along the Amtrak line.

Juvdog wanted me to post this on the calander. Just post something, it can always be modified. Make this official.

Sexy has a good question. What can we get away with going through Pendelton? Hopefully Juvdog will reply to this. - From what I've heard, they require cyclists to wear helmets... (thats what they say. I'm sure if you act cool you can get in. just no screaming, " jih@d!" , or anything stupid like that.. I swear I wont do that.)
Something to think about. I hear inside the heart of Pendleton its a crazy ass city where all kinds of shit goes on.

You guys have to come up with a consensus on which way is best. If people feel strongly about doing one-day or break it up. I think it can be done in a day easy and crash in SD. Work the magic with electric warriors, they'll hook us up.

Sorry I can't help anymore until I return.

I'm excited about this. LIVE THE DREAM!

Joe Borfo
10.4.07 - 4:10 pm


I made a poll to see what time people would like to leave.

Midnight Ridazz
LA Ridazz to San Diego, what date & time works best for you?
Leave November 10th, 8:00 AM, ride all day
Leave November 10th, 8:00 PM, ride all night
Leave November 10th, 8:00 AM, split between two days
Any of the above
I don't want to ride to San Diego
I don't understand what this poll is about
Some other date & time
I don't have a bike

10.4.07 - 4:22 pm


Before I vote, I got a question. How does it get to 160 miles? I thought SD is about 100 miles away? Someone have the route posted somewhere? Are we taking the scenic route? Hard to see what's scenic at night no?

10.4.07 - 4:29 pm


User 1:

The route that Rich and I took before was:

Downtown LA to Vernon
LA River Bike Path to Long Beach
Along the beach to Belmont Shores
2nd St. to PCH
PCH allllllllll the way down to San Clemente.
Turned into El Camino Real. Road the bike bath through the campsite and up into Pendleton.
Road the 5 FWY for 7 miles.
Turned into Carlsbad and rode S-21 down to Solana Beach.
Del Mar up into Torrey Pines.
Torrey Pines through La Jolla into Mission Bay, then down into San Diego!

This is 140 miles. It's just over 100 miles if you take the freeway, but, as bikers, we need to hug the coast for maximum riding ability.

If we ride through the base, however, the route takes us far inland and back, adding, at the very least, 10 more miles. Probably more. Riding the 5 fwy instead is VERY direct into Carlsbad.

10.4.07 - 4:42 pm


140 miles sounds about right.

Acording to google maps it's 120 miles downtown Los Angeles to Downtown San Diego. It's 138 miles if you don't take highways. It would be about 10 miles less if you don't go through camp Pendleton (and less hills).

If anyone wants to do a shorter ride, some possible meeting places could be in Long Beach or San Clemente.

10.4.07 - 4:50 pm


What Eric said.
Click "avoid highways" to see a non freeway route

View Larger Map

10.4.07 - 4:59 pm


Hole E Kuh Rap....

A poll?
Y'all some serious bidnezz!

Stay tuned..
This ride is going to go under then name The Peace Ride, per JAVDOGs request.
We is werkin' out details.
Stay posted!

El Rich

10.4.07 - 4:59 pm


Looks fun...the larger the group, the longer the ride. How are you going to make it 160? Did you already cover this?

10.4.07 - 5:54 pm


I'll go. Put me on the list.

10.4.07 - 6:41 pm


I'll be meeting you guys in LB. It's the mileage I thought it was from here. My vote is to start early in the morning. Before the sun comes up.

10.4.07 - 9:20 pm


I assume that the symbolism of having the rally during the day on November 11 (Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day) is important to the organizer. Thus, leaving on the tenth and breaking up the ride into two days could be a problem, unless people are serious about waking up, washing up, and saddling up early on the morning of the 11th to get into SD on time.

10.4.07 - 11:23 pm


I have done the Pendelton route several times. I can tell you, it is only 5 miles longer (at most) than the freeway.
After having a blast on the last 2 dark centuries, this one is going to be a blast. Count me in.

Creative Thing
10.4.07 - 11:33 pm


...and when I say "the organizer," I mean the organizer of the Peace Ride aspect of the thing. I don't even know whether he is working in conjunction with El Rich or Mark Edge. This is confusing.

10.4.07 - 11:37 pm


Who said we are riding for two days PC? I didn't see that posted. I think it's a one day ride--on the tenth

10.5.07 - 1:25 am


Okay, one more thing for tonight.

If you leave really early, you miss head winds. The head winds start kicking up by nine.

I think we should LEAVE at six. This way, we have a damn good chance of making it there in the afternoon, as opposed to night time.

Let's leave early.

10.5.07 - 1:43 am


It was suggested by Marino, and it was one of the poll options.

10.5.07 - 1:43 am


We posted at the same time.

To clarify, in the post above, "it" refers to the idea of breaking the ride into two days.

10.5.07 - 1:46 am


and just one more thing.

people I'd like to go on this ride--(I am sure I will miss some)

City HobGoblin
gordo, if you can get out here.
you and your bike
b rad
molly and any of the vegan bike team or bad ideas
and anyone who I didn't mention who was on the front group on the first Dark Cen.
Okay I left out a bunch of people--I just can't think of all of the strong riders that would make this trip great.

10.5.07 - 2:04 am


As of this momement
6 out of 11 voted for leaving Sat. morning.
3 voted for Sat evening
1 voted for splitting the ride into 2 days
1 voted for some other day

I like the idea of starting at 6 AM though I might just start from Long Beach (22 miles shorter) as I've never ridden more than 45 miles in one day.

How long will it take us to ride from LA to San Diego with a large group?

10.5.07 - 8:29 am


To clear up the confusion, both Rich and the Think Peace organizer are working together on it, so it will be a single ride.

I think if we don't stop every 10 miles, it'll take us 10 hours or so riding time to get down there.

10.5.07 - 9:26 am


Come for whatever reason - the challenge, the fun, the camaraderie, or the message.

Myself, I love the idea of this being a ride for peace. We should declare solidarity with the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine and all oppressed people of the world. Of course it should include fun and camaraderie as well.

We could also make the ride a convergence of sorts - cyclists converging for peace and promote the ride in Long Beach, Orange County and San Diego County. I could help with promoting the ride in these counties.

What do you think?

10.5.07 - 10:17 am



I have, as of yet, to hear back from JAVDOG.
He was adding to the ride the Peace aspect. He was referred to us via Borfo because we were doing an SD ride around the time he was going to do one.

Here's my idea. Let me know what you guys think.
We are going to break the start into a Union Station and Long Beach meet up. If you want some extra miles, meet up at Union Station. We will collect any other riders down in Long Beach.
We will keep the mileage at 140-whatever it is.
As for start times....
I'm an early bird (when it comes to things I like doing.. F work.. but that's another story....). I would ideally like to leave at 6 a.m. from Union Station, as I am not a fan of head winds.
Any stops along the route will be determined at a later time and per the demands of the day.
Should the group be large in size, I'd like to stay clear of the freeway. I don't want any ridazz hurt. That means through the base. I believe we would need helmets.
We should arrive some time at night, if things go smoothly.
We can look for rooms, which may prove problematic, as it is a holiday weekend. Holiday weekends near military weekends = lots of troops renting rooms, getting drunk.
After getting rooms, we can hit up downtown, eat, get tanked, cause trouble.
Should the Peace ride join up, we can rally and what not the following day after check out times from where ever we stay.
We would take the train back. That's about 30 some odd dollars.
That's all I got.
Let me know what you think.

p.s. - I'm pretty sure that route that Marino posted is the route that we will cover. If not, Mark Edge will post the route we took last time.


10.5.07 - 10:39 am


The route is not the one Marino posted.
The basics of what Mark and I covered were posted earlier.
Thanks Mark-o!

THINKPEACE: that's a good idea! I'm all for it.. Let me know what you think of my idea and how we can incorporate that. I still haven't heard from JAVDOG so..
I'm trying to get an idea of what's happening with this ride.


10.5.07 - 10:46 am


I like your ideas for the schedule, route, motel and activities -except the drunk trouble making part - maybe some buzzed merry-making would be good.

Peace ride join up? There's only one SD ride as far as I know. I guess you mean if there's a peace rally aspect to the ride.


10.5.07 - 10:56 am


Let's forget the Bacchus infused rebel-rousing and go for observing minor inconsistencies with a slight head change..
Besides, I'm not much a drinker anyways..
JAVDOG was adding the Peace Ride to this.
If anyone else going has any other ideas or suggestions to this ride, let us know. We are designing this ride for all of us.


10.5.07 - 11:11 am


Something to take in to consideration, is that some people don't like to get up that early in the morning. The polls seems to be leaning towards, leave in the morning, so be it. For myself, or anybody interested in riding, and not will to get up that early, how about a stop around a train or bus station, later in the day. For those that want to catch up later in the day. I know its not pure, I know unless this is "peace type" ride, there is no way I would be at Union Station at 6am.

10.5.07 - 11:12 am


That's a good thought. :0)
I'm just throwing out my ideas.
So the general consensus is for 8 a.m? Let's get all the details out of the way. So keep the suggestions coming. We've got a while before the 10th but the earlier we figure out the specifics, the better.
How do you feel about the whole rally part the following day? Would you be cool with organizing that aspect of the ride?
I'm all for adding the Peace to this ride!


10.5.07 - 11:31 am


You could join up anywhere along the route, though by train it will likely be Long Beach (maybe 8:00 AM?), San Clemente (2 PM?), or points further south.

The Pacific Surfliner roughly follows the 5 FWY and doesn't get close to our route until San Juan Capistrano.

10.5.07 - 11:32 am


At the pace you guys want to go, you should promote it at the roadies forums. They have the gear and the training to ride a century and a half in a day. Like thinkpeace(Eric) and most people on this forum I've never ridden more than 50 miles a day s-l-o-w-l-y.

I've ridden with most people on this thread and I know what's going to happen. There is going to be 4 people up front hauling ass and 4 people miles behind. That's too small and scattered to even bother attaching a cause to it.

Promote it at the roadies forums and you can get a bigger crowd.

10.5.07 - 11:48 am


Metrolink lets out at San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano at 2pm and 5pm about 8 minutes apart from each other

10.5.07 - 12:08 pm


marino wrote: At the pace you guys want to go, you should promote it at the roadies forums....most people on this forum have never ridden

Sure, why not promote this on the roadies forum? Slower riders could start at San Clemente (70 miles) or Solana Beach (24 miles).

10.5.07 - 12:19 pm


Why exactly do we need a bunch of roadies, again?

10.5.07 - 12:29 pm


Hey peeps
Sorry I did not have a chance to write again since the last time

- About the departing time. After speaking with (PMO "provost Marshalls office or MP's) at Camp Pendleton. They said they could be most helpful to us @7:00 am. They do however require Helmets and ID cards. Leaving @ 8:00 pm on the 11/10/07 will put us there at that time, with all the stops and the pace of average speed of 10-12miles per hour. It also puts us in San Diego mission bay (legal drinking at the beach) at 1:00 pm before heading down to the USS Midway. Also it alows us to take the train back to L.A.

- by the way the route map on google is Awsome! I'm not to hip on pasting things from the web on to a forum but I will try to paste the route with some of the stops I've thought about

- About the Pace, 150 or 160 or whatever it turns out to be is not going to be very easy! I have done this ride a few times in Two days at an average speed of 12 mph but had enough gas to maybe get it done iin one. who knowns but I'm sure as shit willing to try.

10.5.07 - 12:38 pm


Never mind this post. Just trying to close the italics.

10.5.07 - 12:51 pm


- About the departing time. After speaking with (PMO "provost Marshalls office or MP's) at Camp Pendleton. They said they could be most helpful to us @7:00 am. They do however require Helmets and ID cards. Leaving @ 8:00 pm on the 11/10/07 will put us there at that time, with all the stops and the pace of average speed of 10-12miles per hour.

So if we arrive at the camp another time, say in the afternoon, they will not be helpful? Other than letting us through, what other "helpfulness" can we expect from them?

I'm also getting the idea that the plan is to go back to LA the same day, am I reading this correctly?

10.5.07 - 12:54 pm


sorry about the hanging italics.

According to the Camp Pendleton website, bike traffic is allowed on the weekend between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Whatever the start time, it is proposed we return on Sunday by train.

If we leave at 8 PM, it'll be 11 hours before we can go through camp pendleton. Including stops we would be averaging 6.4 miles-per-hour for the 70 miles to cam pendleton. How long are the stops?

The poll now show 9 people voting for Sat. morning, and 5 for Sat eve, and 1 person for a 2-day ride.

10.5.07 - 1:15 pm


They suggusted we go through as early as we could and since they open the gate at Las Pulgas for riders at 7:00 am I thought it would be a good Idea to get there at that time, They thought the same way because car traffic is low during that time. All this is dependent on the threat level.

10.5.07 - 1:18 pm


tern wrote:
After doing the 7ish miles down to Ocaanside on the 5 fwy, I was convinced it was better than riding way west to get through. The shoulder is huge. I've done it that way ever sisnce.

on the LA to SD thread

10.5.07 - 1:32 pm


Hello Everyone… I am JoKewl on the BadBoyRigid by Cannondale that has joined you all on past adventures through LA streets under the blanket the night sky. I have to admit that there is something romantic about the sights I have seen and the moments I experienced along the way. You are all wild and krazy beings and yet I find you wonderfully tainted. When JuvDog and I first sat to disscuss the LA to SD Peace Ride after a night out with you banshees we felt the Peace Ride should keep in the spirit of the MidnightRidazzz by beginning the ride at 8pm and riding through the night.

With that aside I took the liberty to interpret the ride on a more personal level. To me the Peace Ride was a metaphor to describe my world as it is at this moment in time. You see beginning the ride in the dark of night for me symbolizes the darkness of our country at war. The darkness is having our children… siblings… and friends fighting for their lives and each others as well as for those who cannot fight for themselves. The middle symbolizes the struggle to transition into a more hopeful future when family and friends are reunited to rejoice with each other in the celebration of peace among all. The ride will end at mid-day when it is at its brightest to symbolize the achievement from the plight of a country at war and that of its veterans and warriors alike. It is the manifestation of our hope and struggle. It is why we ALL fight the good fight however and whenever we can. For me… right now it is this ride.

I will… if I must do it alone… dive into the night and face its shadows in motion to show my support of the warriors on the battlefield who fight the good fight… to give thanks to the veterans who have fought the fight… and to honor the families who have stood behind their warriors faced with unwavering adversity from ALL directions. This Peace Ride is my personal fight in support of the warrior… his family… his country. F**K THE POLITICS!

So as no one is left to wonder I… like JuvDog… am a veteran of my my beloved Marine Corps of which I served 5 years in the Wing supporting the ground pounding ShockTroop that is… the GroundForce GruntMarine.

P.S. Though a lone warrior I may be along a darkened bike path I would very much like to have the company of your likes with your own take and personal reasons for the LA to SD Peace Ride. Leave the politics at home and embellish in the freedom felt on a bicycle while celebrating Veterans Day.

10.5.07 - 2:51 pm


yeah, i was in the usnavy myself some years back...so what...

all i can say after that post above is..uh,...oh...uh oh...

10.5.07 - 3:40 pm


Talk about touching ones heart. Wow! Great writing's, I suspect it came right from the heart. I'm sold. I might not necessarily agree with all of that was written, but what would life be like if we all agreed with each.

This sounds like a real good time, I like the idea of riding at night better.
If I'm able to get away from the home responsibilites, consider yourself lone, no more. If God or taxes doesn't keep me away, I'll be there

10.5.07 - 3:44 pm


OK, you guys figure out what the fuck you want this to be, and then let the rest of us know.

10.6.07 - 3:32 am


Two points:

1) Riding at night in November: Isn't that going to be really really really really cold? That's why we wanted it during the day, so that the sun could keep us warm.

2) If we're doing a peace ride, don't we want people to see us? Who is gonna see us in the middle of the night?

10.6.07 - 7:41 am


yeaaahhh, well done well say, ya ll got me all confuse now, I want to do this for the first time, and would like see it all, day time ya know and may be if done again well fuck it a nite why not...

10.6.07 - 9:05 am


To all you interested in going on the ride, be patient and we'll figure this out.

On the ride starting time...

1. If we leave in the evening, there's no way people from L.A. will be able to join up in San Clemente or there abouts. The earliest metrolink or amtrak train would arrive at 10:00 AM.

2. More people will come if we leave in the morning (11 out of 17 voted for a morning departure + the San Clemente option would encourage more people to join

3. Dealing with lack of sleep on top of fatigue may be too much for many)

4. If someone breaks down, wears out, etc. there's always public transportation nearby - not always the case in the middle of the night.

5. Riders will have the option of stopping for the night somewhere and finishing in the morning. If they leave Sat. night and decide they need a stop along the way, they might as well just go back home.

6. We'll be able to see a whole lot more along the way.

and the points markedge brought up:

7) Riding at night in November: Isn't that going to be really really really really cold? That's why we wanted it during the day, so that the sun could keep us warm.

8) If we're doing a peace ride, don't we want people to see us? Who is gonna see us in the middle of the night?

10.6.07 - 10:06 am


Other than my points above, I think riding at night has it's charm. For practical reasons I'd much prefer leaving in the morning.

10.6.07 - 10:08 am


I think everyone has good points and certainly all make good sense. If we would leave in the Morning, which seems to be the the big issue, what time would we leave L.A. and would this prohibit us going though the base? if it does not, than I'm down to leave whenever. Although I prefer leaving at night the point is to RIDE and to make a peaceful statement at the end of the ride.

10.6.07 - 9:23 pm


ok bike beasts..
after sort of talking to the TURN, master of bikes..
This is going to be a one day ride.
Nov. 10.
Miles: about 140 some odd..
Meet up: Union Station. Will roll through LB if anyone riders want to join up there. We can arrange multiple pick ups if need be.
Time: 6 a.m. (possibly later, at 8. still working on the time people)

We're trying to leave as early as possible to beat some headwind action and to get to SD as early as possible. This ride is a tuff one because of the distance.

The whole night aspect to ride was brought about to try and accomodate JAVDOGS Peace ride and all the people that wanted to that. Not that we are ditching that idea, we just wanted to try and work something out so everyone could roll together.

There's more but I can't think. I'm still tired from the ride last night and thinking about my crankshaft..

So that's the ride. Come one, come all. Bring your spandex.

El Rich

10.7.07 - 1:52 pm


I will do tihs ride, whenever it starts.
As I live next to Long Beach, I will meet up at L.B. or Seal Beach whenever the ridazz materilize. I'm starting to do some 50+ rides each weekend, to get ready.
Spandex shorts, check. Bag Balm, check. helmet, I.D., Power Bars, layers for warmth, check, check, check, check.
See you on the 10th, my friends!

Creative Thing
10.7.07 - 7:30 pm


if i've got the day off i'll meet you guys in huntington somewhere and ride from there. maybe secret spot? man, i haven't been to pokez in years.

dave c
10.7.07 - 9:49 pm


What time do you think we will be arriving in San Diego? We should have aproximate schedule so Ridazzz can join up with us thoughout the ride.

10.7.07 - 10:25 pm


When Rich and I did this in September, it took us 12 hours from start to finish, which is why I would like to start at 6am.

Pick up Long Beach ridazz at 7:30.

Pick up Huntington Beach ridazz at 9:00.

Pick up San Clemente ridazz at 11:30

Get down to San Diego by 6PM!

10.8.07 - 11:50 am


That sounds like it might work. I'm excited to roud down to SD with other people. I've only done it solo in the past, mainly because I couldn't find anyone who wanted to ride down there. So, cool!

10.8.07 - 11:54 am


Does someone have a checklist of what to bring on this ride?

What would you bring that you wouldn't necessarily bring on a 30-mile ride?

10.8.07 - 12:05 pm


1. pump or co2 (a pump is more reliable).
2. two or three tubes. (make sure if you have a mountain bike or a weird tire size like 27" or 650, bring the right size tubes.)
3. Folding tire (this has saved me more than once)
4. patch kit
5. Tire levers
6. Tools ( multi-tool with allens and a screwdriver) (15 mm wrench, if your bke needs one) (duct tape is a good idea)
5. Front and back lights w/ extra batteries.
6. layers...bring a light jacket--maybe an extra shirt.
7. food...a bunch of enerty bars, banannas, fig newtons, etc.

You should have some water in you before you start. After riding for 45 minutes to an hour, you should eat a couple bites of enerty bar (or whatever you brought) with a bit of water every 15 minutes...evern if you don't think you need it. This will keep you from using up all of the glycogen in your muscles (bonking) before you get to the destination.

8. Water. Two large water bottles (or bottled water).

you might want to bring a small first aid kit, a tiny flash light, or whatever you think will make your ride more comfortable.

anything I missed?

10.8.07 - 12:28 pm


Maybe an extra tire if you can?

I brought 4 tubes, 4 CO2 cannisters, hand pump, ton of Clif Bars and those energy gels, change of clothes, tool, cable bike lock, etc. That kind of stuff.

Bring an extra chain or a missing link too! And maybe some chain lube. I didn't pack too heavy because I didn't want a ton of shit on my back.

10.8.07 - 12:38 pm


I think between the two of us, that's everything.

10.8.07 - 12:53 pm


Not trying to be a jerk here, but I feel like I need to point a few things out.. I have done this ride around 10 times, once in a day, others in 2. What you are suggesting is that your average speeds will be around 15.5 mph for a 150 mile ride, including wind, hills, traffic. I am not sure how many could keep up with that, I could not and I have over 115,000 cycling miles under me. Now, for your other times:

Pick up Long Beach ridazz at 7:30.
If you leave @ 6:00 from Union Station, you will need to travel around 45 miles in your first 1.5 hrs =22.5 avg

Pick up Huntington Beach ridazz at 9:00.
Not so bad here, only another 20 miles to this point =13.3 avg

Pick up San Clemente ridazz at 11:30
Another 20-25 miles or so, this parts got some hills and such=13.5avg

Get down to San Diego by 6PM!
I guess by here you are starting to take a break? 10.5 avg.

I really commend you guys for doing this ride at this pace, I feel you should let people know that this ride is for the fast experienced cyclists. Be safe, and enjoy the ride!!!!

10.8.07 - 3:15 pm


Good point about the pace. We may get riders who are not in such excellent shape. What do you think would be a reasonable pace? What pace would you ride for 150 miles? (Note: it's only 22 miles or so to Long Beach)

At a 15 MPH pace there would be 2:40 hours for breaks (assuming a 140 mile route)

Perhaps there should be 4 stopping points - Long Beach, Huntington Beach, San Clemente and Encinitas?

The below is not the official route, this is what I made for estimating the distances between stops.

View Larger Map

10.8.07 - 3:38 pm


Dude, it's entirely impossible that the ride from Union Station to Long Beach is 45 miles. I've ridden from my house to LB plenty of times and it's around 26 miles.

That wasn't a set time plan, I was just throwing out numbers.

Yes, there are hills south of Huntington, but for every uphill, there's a downhill too. :)

10.8.07 - 4:01 pm


That my friend is a very good question.. I am not sure what a comfortable pace might be. It would really depend on the group. If you have a group that is used to centuries, you may very well be able to average 15mph or so. If you have found a way to shave off 25 miles to Long Beach, you have done 2 things.. The ride will now be around 120 miles, which will certainly help, and now you aren't going through Palos Verdes. If you had riders that are comfortable over long distances, 120 miles in a day is no problem at all!! How are you going to get to Long Beach? I assume you might try to head out Washington to the San Gabriel bike trail?

I don't know what to say about stops.. usually 15 mins or so every couple of hours seems normal, but again depends on your riders. When I did it in a day, it was exactly 150 miles, I stopped to fix a flat, change a tire, put the cassette back on my wheel. Put the rear cassette back on my wheel again, a bike shop to correctly put the cassette on my wheel, another bike shop to buy 6 tubes(really mad now) and 2 hamburger stops. That ride took me 15 hrs. At least 3 of those hours were on the side of the road, but I know I rode faster than I would have with a group.

The next question is the trains.. I was told, but not verified, the last train to LA that you could take your bike was 6pm. I am not sure if this is still true, but it is worth checking out.

10.8.07 - 4:07 pm


The last train to Los Angeles on Nov. 11th is 9:15 PM, arriving in Los Angeles at 11:59. There is also an Amtrak Bus leaving at 10:00 PM.

Bikes on Amtrak trains:
Bikes may be brought on-board (reserve bike rack space when you get your ticket) or checked as luggage. Be sure to read the Amtrak Bicycle Info

10.8.07 - 4:27 pm


This is getting a bit frustrating. I guess everyone is an expert...(okay, I include myself in this minor crtique).

We are riding the train home on the next day. So the train thing is a non issue.

We've been down to Long Beach twice on the Dark Century rides and many other times, as well. It's not 45 miles. It's like 26. Not shaving anything...just riding down the river path.

It would be nice of Mark to pick people up along the way. Go mark! If we are late picking people up, then so be it.

And well--you make a good point--people may not be able to make the ride--at any speed. People should be able to do a century with no major difficulties to be ready to complete this ride.

10.8.07 - 4:28 pm


enough from me....but one thing---the more you post working maps in a thread, the slower the thread loads.

10.8.07 - 4:32 pm


Well, also this board loads slow in general, especially threads over 20 replies. Ha!

Naturally, there will be slower and there will be faster riders. But it's 140+ miles, so I don't think there will be many people showing up that haven't done 50+ miles in one jaunt. I think we'll be able to keep a decent pace.

10.8.07 - 4:42 pm


Wazzz up!

It seems to me that there are two diffrent aproaches to a similar ride so I guess the thing to do is have two rides that compliment each other. The early ride that leaves at 6:00 am on the 10th and arrives in San Diego @ 6:00 pm on the 10th, and The Later ride that departs at 8:00 pm on the 10th and arrives in San Diego @ roughly 1:00 pm on the 11th of November. This way everybody can achieve their goal which is to RIDE to San Diego. Look for "Peace Ride" about info on the 8:00 pm ride


10.8.07 - 10:43 pm


I am not a long distance expert, but I have riden to S.D twice with Midnightridazz type groups (mixed abilities) as well as both Dark Centuries. Each time I am way over optomistic about how long the ride will take, and every single time it takes 10 hours from start to finish for 100 miles. Therefor I think a 6am-6pm ride time will be pretty accurate. We can expect to average not much faster than 10 m.p.h., no matter how many flats we get or how few breaks we take.
Tern and Mark are correct-It is 25 or so miles from Union Station to the Queen Mary side of L.B.

Creative Thing
10.8.07 - 11:25 pm


I'm trying to figure out why on earth anybody would go through Palos Verdes to get from downtown LA to Long Beach.

10.9.07 - 12:43 am


Yep it's 25 miles to one way LA-LB. When we did the toy drive I clocked exactly 50 miles that night. I'm two miles from downtown LB.

10 mph is what I was thinking also we could have as a target. Keep track of how we're doing on our average and judge our breaks from that.

I haven't heard much about what is the plan for when we're down there. Other than the tools and parts, what else do we need? Are we spending the night down there? Also alot of the tools can cover all the ridazz, there's not much of a need for everyone to have a combo tool kit for example.

10.9.07 - 12:52 am


My 4 cents.

Having participated in the Dark century, and other century rides. it is imperative that riders partaking in this 100 mile plus journey be prepared for some of the following conditions and/or situations.

flat tires, frequent stops, fast riding, slow riding, uphills, downhills, hunger, thirst, dehydration, frustration, the "what on earth was I thinking" syndrome and the proverbial "why is everyone going so fast". and for some of us the "why are we going so slow". Either way, whether were 5 riders strong or 20 riders strong. we have to stay together as much as we possibly can. It would be great if we could invoke a no rider left far behind policy.

Perhaps we can designate 2 riders that will carry walkie talkies for communication purposes. 1 in the back and 1 in the front.
also phone numbers for those with cell phones would be very helpful in case riders do get seperated. I love these rides and I Love it when riders return with words like. "I had a great time", what a kick ass ride", "the people were so supportive".

By the way, I will say that a 6a.m. start time sucks (I hate mornings) but for traveling to san diego it is the smartest time to start. Count me in.


10.10.07 - 3:42 pm


So are we really having (2) rides? Or atleast (2) start times for the same route? Works for me personally. Just want to make sure everybody is on the same page. Hell, it might turn out to be a good thing for people who have trouble, or need a break to lay low and pick up with the second group.


10.10.07 - 3:50 pm


As an FYI, for pacing/scheduling,

most century riders use the 6hr mark as the time to beat. That includes stops, etc. You guys can extrapolate from there.

Good luck!


10.10.07 - 3:56 pm


I have posted the Ride that will leave at 8:00 pm 11/10/07 (PEACE RIDE). I think it will work out quite nice having two rides. As Drew mentioned the evening ride could pick up people that decided to chill at any of the beaches or sites that the ride passes through. Trent Way where are you?

10.10.07 - 10:01 pm


Just one thing.

On MR, tern is not DREW.

We are two different people.

10.10.07 - 10:21 pm


I am stoaked that mindfullofmusic is doing this ride. This is going to be an epic outing.

Creative Thing
10.11.07 - 9:22 am


Sweet! I'm glad Wayne will be showing up.

Actually, having the two rides (with one to pick up stragglers or those who wish to chill out for the day) is kind of neat. I was worried about that idea, but I never thought of it that way.

Less than a month left!

10.11.07 - 10:14 am


where and what time is lunch when heading to San Diego? As much as i'd like to pack a steak, some mash potatoes and vegys and throw it on my back for the trek down to SD. I don't see that happening. are we planning a food stop? in addition to liquor stores and 7elevens?

10.11.07 - 12:13 pm



Did we need to take a break so you get some cheese to go with that whine?
Just kidding!

So.. Looks like I'm going to meet up on Sunday with dude from the thread to talk about what's going on with this ride.
Depending on the time we leave, we will stop for an official lunch, depending on where we are.
Mark and I did pretty good the last time we did this ride, with our little stops and what not. There are plenty of 7-11's and gas stations to stop at along the way.
I will post this ride as official on Monday.
Anyone want to meet up in SIlverlake on Sunday?
Everyone cool with the 6 a.m start?
Don't be lazy.. Get out of bed early and ride!


10.11.07 - 9:56 pm


Man, the last time I did anything close to a century was back in '99.
Myself and a friend rode a couple of outdated/outmoded mtb's up to Pearblossom and back from Victorville.
We put in 88 total miles that day, and did it in 10 hours.
Lots of stopping along the CA Aqueduct so go figure.

Anywho, with the 60-150 miles +24HrFitness I put in each week, I'm fairly sure I could adapt myself to this type of "one-day-distance".
Big question is, should I attempt it on one of my tanks, or see about biting the bullet and requisitioning a lighter(20lb/under) steed?
Don't want to be lazy, but don't want to smoke myself out pushing extra weight over a distance either.

10.11.07 - 10:15 pm


bantstider--take the light bike. Is that the recument?? Take the bike that will get you the most distance with the least effort. Don't take the Hummer bike. You will need every extra bit of advantage you have. The more you have, the more comfortable and happy you will be, for sure.

10.11.07 - 10:44 pm


Also, Bentstider....start putting some big mileage in on your rides...that way, you will be able to figure it out for sure.

Build up.
Build Up.

10.11.07 - 10:48 pm


Gouda, sharp cheddar, and gorgonzola please....LOL Oh and blue cheese from hooters...:-)

10.11.07 - 11:00 pm


We may have to stop to eat, but we don't really need to do that.

Food adds weight. If you bring the food you will be eating on the ride, you will be better off.

Eat a good bigass dinner the evening before,

Then, eat a moderate, high carb breakfast the early morning of the ride. Make sure to take a shit, if you can.

Then it is all by the book. This will keep you able to make the ride.

After 45 minutes to an hour of riding, eat a few bites of an energy bar, or a bananna or a fig newton--and take couple of drinks of water every 15 minutes, even if you don't think you need them.

This will keep the glycogen in your leg muscles form depleting.

YOu should be good, if you do this.

10.11.07 - 11:12 pm


Yeah, mindofmusic--I am glad to ride with you again!

10.11.07 - 11:22 pm


anyone up to do a rinky dink century anytime before?

10.12.07 - 1:04 am


-Well, the mileage build-up has been my only problem as of late.
Just seems the places where I do get time to ride are relatively boring.
Plus couple the fact that I'm training alone, and you have an extremely, dull 25+mile ride through Rural Route X passing through what seem to be acres upon acres of corn forest in Kansas.
At least through Nov-end of January, I'll be driving lightly to where I'm home more often than normal.
That way, I can get more gym time in like I used to before driving, and maybe even take some supplemental "spinning classes" to see if those really do anything.

Gym Training before I started driving=4-6days/week, 2-4hrs/day.
Gym Training after I started driving=2-4days/week, 1.5-3hrs/day.
For now, the lesser level is at least keeping me from getting gaining any weight.
I couple this reduced amount of gym time with at least 10-20 mile bike rides, and 80-150 push-ups whenever a 24 isn't nearby.
As far as food goes, that could be some of my problem.
I never really eat as often as I should, or carry food on me.
Most of my daily rides have consisted of water, and the ride itself being from "where I parked my truck" to "someplace to eat at 5-15 miles away".

10.12.07 - 7:47 am


it's coming....

10.18.07 - 10:49 am


uhhh, what's coming? Or should I ask?

10.18.07 - 12:35 pm



I AM Traffic
10.18.07 - 2:24 pm



10.18.07 - 2:28 pm



I AM Traffic
10.18.07 - 2:34 pm


Hey! is this ride still happening? If so, does anyone want to join me for training rides the next three Saturdays(including tomorrow).

Let me know here or at mindfullofmusic@gmail.com.

Meet at?

10-20-07 - 40 miles - Start time 8a.m
10-27-07 - 55 miles - Start time 7a.m
11-03-07 - 70 miles - Start time 6:30a.m

Hit me

10.19.07 - 4:02 pm


I would be happy to ride with you this weekend, but I'm still waiting on a back wheel for my road my. For now, I am stuck with riding the single speed 29er exclusively. I should have a wheel by next week--so I'll be into doing any kind of impromtu long distance ride to get ready for the LA to SD.

Thanks mindofmusic.

10.19.07 - 4:12 pm


the hustle is doing a century that monday. might be a good way to get in shape. or a good way to damage yourself. i don't know most of y'all coz i only ride the hustle and cubcamp, but i plan on hitching onto that 6 am ride. that'll put my milage for the week over 350 which might be my new record. i usually put in about 60-80 miles @ ~19-21 mph on the pch on sats if anyone wants to ride. unfortunately tomorrow is out as i am in berkeley. but i'll be logging the miles from here on out to make sure my legs are prepared. holla. woot.

10.19.07 - 4:32 pm


I've been riding with the wolfpack for about 2 months now and will be doing that century ride plus the la to sd ride. All in all i think I'll have put in about 270 miles that week. I know, I know, crazy. Tern let me know if u wanna ride and lets pick a place to meet.

10.19.07 - 4:49 pm


Hey mind of music....I'll ride with you next weekend.


Anyone else?? Let's make it a century on a weekend morning--next weekend, no?

More or less miles, mindofmusic? Should we stick with the prescribed schedule? I have a great ride in mind if we decide to keep it under 100 miles. Grueling!! 70 miles of tough stuff.

Get to me on email, mindofmusic.

10.19.07 - 4:58 pm


i'm doing 2 century's plus in mileage in that one week. So for me it's all about moderation. I'll be sticking to the 40, 55, & 70 mile training.

Now as for tomorrows ride. I'm starting at the 7eleven on Cahuenga and Yucca.

Sweet route through the cahuenga pass and down around to the l.a. zoo and out to the bike trail along the 5 freeway over to san fernando back into burbank for a pitstop. Then down alameda and the option of riding through griffith over the mountain and back into hollywood or the easy way on surface streets.

I'll be at the 7eleven at 7:30 and I'll be leaving around 8a.m. my number if anyone wants to ride. 818-692-3115.

10.19.07 - 6:43 pm


by the way if anyone wants to do the training ride on sunday let me know. I can ride both days. Saturday and Sunday at 8a.m.

10.19.07 - 6:46 pm


Sorry. mindofmusic---not wheel, no ride. Have fun. I would meet you for the ride, if I cold.

10.19.07 - 6:58 pm


hey, hey so i ride an old Peugeot. and, i've never ridden a century. But i'd like in for this ride. Can anyone give me some advice about how i should prepare? I think the longest i've ever ridden was like 36 miles in a day. I dunno how many hours, but it was like less than 4. eh...im not the fittest guy, but i'd really like to participate.


ps advice to a newb@ yosoyoso@gmail.com

10.21.07 - 12:57 am


I would like you to be a part of this ride, too....I'm sure the other riders would, too. But, it seems like you don't have enough time to prepare. Is it possible that you could make it? Totally. Is is possible that you coule make it with the rest of the group? Maybe not.

The thing to do is to build up your endurance by riding big milage weekly.

If you aren't in the best of shape, maybe you should wait for another long ride that comes up on MR--or anywhere else.

In the mean time, you should start building your mileage.

Before riding my first century with other people, I was very comfortable riding 35 miles four days a week. And, at the same time, I built up to riding 80 miles in a single ride with no major stops. Was this overkill--maybe. But, I didn't get left behind....and no one waited for me.

I'm sure we will be waiting on people....maybe one of those people will be me. But, from what you've said....you need a little while doing distance in the saddle. I'm not trying to exclude you...I'm just trying to be realistic.

It doesn't take that long to get ready to ride 140-150 miles...depending on your fitness. I post every semi-organized ride that I participate in on this site...or on bikeboom, if someone else hasn't done it already. So, step it up. Get ready for next time.

Or, if you'd like, come with us. But, I'd suggest you don't, although I'm sure we would enjoy your company. There is another version of this ride that will be a bit slower, but it will be at night. It starts on the same day, they will arrive in SD the next afternoon. They will be riding at 10 to 12 miles an hour, which makes it like 18 hours with stops. The name of the ride is the Peace Ride--I think. Search the MR threads for this ride But, even this ride might be a bit much for you, at this point.

Just UP the miles....you'll know that you are ready next time.

10.21.07 - 4:54 pm


i may not be the fittest, but im a stubborn asshole. haha, I think i can keep up with the group, and i'll try 40 miles three times a week. And i'll be realistic, i'll try to do a long ride at least a week before this ride, and if i can't make it... well then i won't make the day ride... but something about the mood set in the peace ride seems maybe too gungho? i dunno if anything i'll start with the day crew and wait for the nighties to come down... and then i'll continue the ride with the people riding at night.

; )


10.21.07 - 9:25 pm


im so there bitches! also, fyi, i work for the wonderful marriott company and get SUPER cheap rooms. that is, if you all think you are up for the task of dealing with me!!!!! mwaaahhhahahaha!

10.21.07 - 9:48 pm


SHANNON!!!!1 Yes, please please please please come. Will you have a bike? Can we put pink streamers on ours so we can add 15% more prettiness to the ride?

10.21.07 - 11:29 pm


wohoooo! streamers for all!!! i actually got my bike back on the road so as long as there are a few good mechanics on hand, ill make it. and if not, i guess we will just have to bump uglies to pass the SD border! booyah!

10.21.07 - 11:39 pm


to kick off the event... i might even pour a beer all over your neck! (if yr lucky)

10.21.07 - 11:50 pm


I have tools! And I am quasi-knowledgeable!

I just finished the Google Maps with the route, so Rich and I will officially post the ride on the calendar today.


10.22.07 - 9:42 am


Rev. Borfo will be there!

Can i get a witness please!

I love the smell of taint-balm in the morning...it smells like.. victory

Joe Borfo
10.22.07 - 10:32 am


Which reminds me: I need to buy some taint balm.

Any specific brand the Ridazz recommend?

10.22.07 - 10:59 am


Hey OSO..

Mark and I will be riding 80 miles on Thursday night, just for shits and giggles. You (and anyone else) may join, if you'd like. We have yet to pic a route and will probably go a good pace. Mark is pretty quick and I hold onto cars. We'll probably just make a route up and use the ol' odometer on the bikes.
Let us know!


10.22.07 - 11:28 am


Hey I'm totally down for a ride, thursday night right? where are you guys located, im mostly in down town and the westside, so let me know!

taint balm... pit balm? shit people are going to have to fill me in on this ish...


10.22.07 - 1:46 pm


HeY!!! For thos who can't ride on thursday night but want to put in some mileage before the big weekend. I'm riding this Saturday at 730a.m. 55 miles, meeting at the 7eleven at Cahuenga and Yucca. I'm just trying to get my body used to getting up that early on a saturday morning...LOL

I'm also riding 70 miles the following saturday.


10.22.07 - 2:58 pm


@ oso:
we are in Downtown L.A..
We'll post a meet up and a route on Thursday..
I'm dealing with a wild tooth that has decided to grow NOW, of all times..
so we'll keep you updated..
just check this thread..

@ mindfull:
i'd go but i'll be out of town.. that's why we are doing the Thursday night deal.. :0(

10.22.07 - 4:39 pm


no worries. U guys have a good ride.

10.22.07 - 4:41 pm


im scared

10.23.07 - 8:30 am


Knot neerlie skared enuf!

Joe Borfo
10.23.07 - 9:08 am


Don't be, Shannon. It's gonna be so much fun, you won't care.

And the view of the ocean for 75% of the ride totally takes your mind of anything to be scared of.

10.23.07 - 11:48 am


what if i have a crippling fear of the ocean?!?!?!

10.24.07 - 5:38 am


Learn to face your fears ...

By the way, Has anyone contacted the San Diegans? (Nutter Buckets, Cretins, etc.) ?

I think this will be an excellent chance to meet up with those fun freaks and have an event down there!

This is a warning out to all the Electric Warriors - L.A. Ridazz will be rolling into your town. Are you ready!?!?!

Joe Borfo
10.24.07 - 8:33 am


If you have a crippling fear of the ocean, you've chosen quite the ironic place to live.

10.24.07 - 9:20 am


a few of us cretins and nutterbuckets will be riding.

10.24.07 - 9:44 am


Awesome Ludi Christ!

Can you tell the other SD folk that we want to roll with them when we get down there? Bonfire?... oh maybe not a fire this time... But some other form of Mayhem!?!?

Joe Borfo
10.24.07 - 10:58 am


Fuck!!! They got some big waves down there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll have to pack my speedos!!!

10.24.07 - 12:47 pm



Will Camp Pendleton let us ride through late at night? Just wondering.

Are we stopping to sleep or are we riding non stop? I was assuming I was just going to fall asleep on the beach...

Joe Borfo
10.24.07 - 2:10 pm


i figured id just fall asleep on my bike.

10.25.07 - 7:43 am


i just remembered that the 10th is the lady's and my anniversary. i'm super bummed.

dave c
10.26.07 - 1:36 am


mindfullofmusic....what happened?!?!

10.27.07 - 12:59 pm


Oh Noooooooo.....I didnt think anybody was gonna show up so I started my ride from home and just went straight up cahuenga. I thought everyone was riding on Thursday. So sorry if anyone showed up on Sat. Damn, would have been way better riding with someone than riding solo.

10.28.07 - 8:55 am


no, it was just me. :(

10.28.07 - 1:58 pm



Urban Commuter
10.28.07 - 2:34 pm


Roll Call:

Who is going to ride to San Diego?


Joe Borfo
10.28.07 - 7:05 pm


I will be meeting up with the Saturday morning ridazz at the Seal Beach Mickey-D on PCH.
I'll need a cell phone # to coordinate when you will be rolling by.

Creative Thing
10.28.07 - 7:13 pm


wife bike will be there representing the fixie crew!

10.28.07 - 7:40 pm


I'm thinking about doing this ride. However, seeing as I'm a newbie hipster douche-bag, I'm a little apprehensive about the whole thing.

10.28.07 - 9:58 pm


Frankly, this is more of a ride for experienced hipster douchebags.

10.28.07 - 10:11 pm


What about NHDB's that do 20 miles, five days a week, plus?

10.28.07 - 11:42 pm


NHDB in effect

Joe Borfo
10.29.07 - 10:18 am


You all wear cycling shorts??


Its a good idea for anything over 15 minutes on the saddle. Gotta protect all those sensitive nerve endings and blood vessels. and saddle sores. ouch.

check it out.......

Urban Commuter
10.29.07 - 12:16 pm


rad investment in comfort.

and style.

Urban Commuter
10.29.07 - 12:18 pm


Yes, yes.
Lycra shorts with a good chamois, Bag Balm, clipless shoes & pedals, a multi gear road bike, cycling gloves and of course a helmet will all make the long day in the saddle more tolerable.
Lose your hipster cool and leave the jeans, knickers and walking shorts for the after ride festivities.

Creative Thing
10.29.07 - 12:23 pm


I'm telling you....

get more play with $120 pro level Limited Edition fundraising lycra shorts than with a $120 pair of Diesel skinny jeans.

no joke.

and the shorts will last longer.... along with other things.

Urban Commuter
10.29.07 - 12:43 pm


man I am thinking about doing this ride but I am doubting my capabilities, plus I got nothing but a mountain bike. How is the pace? Is it slow or are you guys gonna be haulin' ass? I don't even know why I am contemplating this...

10.29.07 - 3:57 pm


If I had 120 to spend on some silly pants, they wouldn't be lyrcra and they definitely wouldn't be denim. They would be tight black leather and I'd wear them every day until I died in a french bathtub.

10.29.07 - 4:47 pm


I am speaking for the ride that leaves on 10th:

It will be an easy pace. Average of 15 mph.

Joe Borfo
10.29.07 - 5:11 pm


long ride for a mtnbike with slicks.

damn those shorts have a switchblade pocket.

some dude in an suv tried to stab me with a bic pen awhile back... if i only had the switchblade pocket i could have really shanked him good.

10.29.07 - 5:14 pm


Are people going to want to hang when we get down there, or are you all just gonna catch the next train back right away?..

Where's them nutter-buckets at? I think I might have some Tren Way interested in going.

Joe Borfo
10.30.07 - 12:10 am


oh, the cretins and the bucketts will all be ready to party, you guys know how we do... at least those of you who have partied with us before... we crash, then get smashed!


whiskey and bruises
10.30.07 - 12:49 am


Sexy may be able to attend the night ride version. I will see shortly.

10.31.07 - 12:43 pm


Joe, I'm not leaving until the next day. Fuck going back immediately; if I've just ridden 140 miles to get to San Diego, I sure as hell am going to stay in the city for some length of time.

Where is everyone staying? I think Rich and I are gonna need to rent a hotel room since we know NO ONE.

10.31.07 - 4:03 pm


Hey guys! Due to the fact that i'm doing the All city century wolfpack ride. I won't be doing that 70 miler on Saturday 11/3. Soooo I will see u other crazy people on Monday at the ALL CITY and all the normal people on the 10th...LOL

11.1.07 - 9:18 pm


Yeah--see you Monday....see you Saturday.

I guess I'm both crazy and normal.

11.1.07 - 9:22 pm


Hey richtotheie, marcoos and b rad? I haven't heard if you are gonna ride either of the rides. Are you?

11.1.07 - 9:24 pm


For those who are going at night (like me), here's the details:

Start Date/time: 11/10/07 at 8:00 pm

Start Place: Olvera Street, 845 N. Alameda Street, Los Angeles CA, 90012 (Across the street from Union Station)

End Date/time: 11/11/07 at 1:00 pm

End Place: USS Midway Carrier Museum, 937 N Harbor Dr. San Diego CA 92132

Distance: 150 miles (roughly)

Pace: 10-12 mph (very Chill)

This ride is to promote Peace and to end this Bullshit war in Iraq so we can bring all of our troops home safe. The Ride will end with a demonstration for peace at the USS MIDWAY.

Still working out details with what we can do with the San Diego Folks...



Joe Borfo
11.1.07 - 10:18 pm


Okay, the above is a repost for a different ride. There is a post and a thread for that ride. The two rides are teaming up, so to speak.

The ride that is involved with this thread will leave on the early morning of the 10th. We will make good time on this ride, so that we can get rooms or put up at friend's houses.....and then party (or in some cases meditate and eat vegan food) all night long--while the other (really cool and fabulous) people are in route on their 18 hour peace ride.

I think I can say that we support their active aims also, but we just want to do the ride quick--and then have some fun.

So, yeah.

Whichever ride you go on, it will be a 140-150 mile super-epic ride.

11.1.07 - 10:45 pm


I want to do the day ride, but I still haven't gotten my hands on a proper bike. I am this close

(*makes "this close" gesture with thumb and forefinger*)

to just saying the hell with it and doing it on my track bike with a bag on my back.

11.1.07 - 10:54 pm


Bring it on , PC!!

I think you can make it with that beautiful Bianchi 'true' track bike. We would enjoy the celeste green scenery, for sure.

Although you might hate life a bit, I think you will be better off keeping the time in the saddle less than the scheduled time for the other ride.

11.1.07 - 11:13 pm


I was thinking of the De Bernardi, actually, as it is way more forgiving of road surfaces than the Bianchi, which I sometimes call the "princess and the pea" bike because the steep track geometry means that I feel every fucking road surface irregularity in my wrists and tailbone.

So, um, how are the roads on the way down there?

11.1.07 - 11:24 pm


Well, the river path is pretty gnarly, overall. But, we are riding on the smooth southern portion of it. The ride from downtown will be rough on Alemeda, but that's just a few miles. Vernon has been recently repaved, and it's one of the best stretches of road you can ride on in LA, at the moment. PCH is PCH. It's pretty smooth because of all of the property taxes comming into keeping it up to shape....but there a couple of rough spots...lots of stop lights.

Where I see trouble for PC tracksters starts at Laguna....ups and downs for a good ways.

Then, there is Torrey Pines. It's really not that bad at all, but we will have been riding over a hundred miles at that point. My advice--stay on the road--don't go on the bike path.

Then, the difficulty lies in finding the route with ups and downs for most of the rest of the way, but the last part isn't too bad, because we'll be smelling the barn.

There you go.

11.1.07 - 11:51 pm


when i die on the ride.. will you guys bury my body RIGHT where i fall over... that way people can come leave flowers?

11.2.07 - 12:10 am


Maybe a ghost bike for a marker. Or better yet, a bench and a Parktools stand; ridazz can hang out and fix their bikes. No No Wait!
We'll bury your bike ass up in the ground like those cadillacs out in the desert.

In tribute of course ; P

11.2.07 - 12:55 am


Why don't all of us who are fixed just stick together so we don't get dropped like mofos on the descents?

11.2.07 - 2:47 am


Good idea. That gives us slow freewheelers a chance to catch up after getting dropped on the climb ;-)............

11.2.07 - 3:00 am


OK, so...rooms, accommodations? For the day ridazz, I'm talking about. Should we go in on some cheap motel or hotel rooms somewhere downtown?

11.2.07 - 3:23 am


like i said before, i get employee rates at all marriotts. i can get 2 rooms at a time, and can probably get the san diego marriott for about 50 bucks a night. ill find out the exact rate today at work.
what rides are going on before the 10th? i want to beef up (in 8 days hahaha)

11.2.07 - 8:59 am


oops. Sorry, I didn't see there was a separate thread.

See you all when we get there...

Joe Borfo
11.2.07 - 9:02 am


For anyone who is confused, and they are going to do the 'Knight Ride', the thread is - Here.

dot com

Joe Borfo
11.2.07 - 9:12 am


Shannon, I will helm your burial if you die. Can I play "The Final Countdown" and do magic tricks and bring you back to life?

If you're doing the ride on fixed, it's totally possible. The only issue I think anyone may have is the Torrey Pines incline. Rich and I did NOT take the bike path and instead took the bike lane up the main road. It's a long long long long long gradual ascent.

PC, the ride up to Griffith Observatory for Lights Out was way harder. If you can do that, you can do every hill on this ride.

The ride really isn't that difficult, except that it takes a long time.

11.2.07 - 12:23 pm


Are we having a group of fixed gears?
I'm on a single speed freewheel right now, since the loss of my bike...
I am not looking foward to shelling out a grip of $$$ for a geared bike.
I think I need to take my flying saucer chain ring from a 54 to something more suitable for hills....
I made it up the Griffith Park hill on lights out but that was a bitch..
I'm all about being lazy..
Any suggestions for size? (no size jokes, please)

As for rooms..
Wife bike!
Hook us up!


11.2.07 - 12:50 pm


ls somebody interested in making an Invite for the San Diegans to join our party down there?

Joe Borfo
11.2.07 - 12:55 pm


I'm down to go. I've done this ride a couple of times before. I'll probably be up for the Huntington Beach pickup

11.2.07 - 1:05 pm



Come on. Somebody send an email... I'm shy

Joe Borfo
11.2.07 - 1:06 pm


What do you mean by 'invite', Borfo?

I am likely going...Can I get a floorspot on one of the roomzz?

Is there a ride riding back? Cars? Trains? Sorry to ask but there's too many posts above! I'd be down to ride back probably.

Also, Is this ride for Peace, or against it?

11.2.07 - 1:12 pm


Can someone carve out a nice corner on their floor (or balcony if applicable)? I am a broke ass mofo and already plan on resorting to freeganism in order to eat. If you'd be so kind as to let me sleep on your floor, I will repay you in the future.

I'm also tentatively planning to ride back to LA, simply because I can't afford the train.

11.2.07 - 1:19 pm


Ride back?
B A H !
I think most people are taking the trains..
I am also broke but I sold some blood and plasma.
You should do likewise!


11.2.07 - 2:45 pm


I'm deathly afraid of needles.

11.2.07 - 3:47 pm


How many people can we get into one of these Marriott rooms?

11.2.07 - 3:50 pm


Invite - to a big old bash when we get down there! I hear that Funderstorm will be performing!

My wife will be down there doing some real estate stuff at the same time. We could give you a ride home, Brendan, if you let me keep the anti-Franz cape. But, I don't think she leaves until Monday... She's also still debating on that weekend to do it..

Otherwise, I was going to take the train.


I'm hoping everything will work out.
I'm committed to ride at night with the "peace" theme because I promised Juvdog I would when he planned this a long time ago - which coincidently was also planned by Mark and Rich.. I thought it was all going to be worked out while I was away, but no... So anyways, I hope to see you when we get to San Diego at noon at the USS Midway and then hopefully figure out something fun to do before you all decide to split.

dot com

Joe Borfo
11.2.07 - 4:05 pm


Mark is checking out the room deal..
He will post when he finds out what's happening..
If anything, we'll get a room some place and stuff it with smelly bikers.
Be prepared for maximum floorage!


11.2.07 - 5:03 pm


Kyber, I'll chip in $20 for you to ride back on a train.

Anyone else want to chip in too and help him get back?

11.2.07 - 10:49 pm


i will definatly pitch in 20 bucks for brendons return to LA. and, about the rooms.... i can have as many smelly bikers in there as i possibly can!!!

11.3.07 - 5:34 am


p.s... mark will you please email me!

11.3.07 - 5:37 am


Argh, I can't decide whether to ride at night or during the day! I like the idea of the night ride but I wanna go a little faster :) Anyway either way ya'll can definitely count me in to one or the other!

Lance K
11.3.07 - 11:28 pm


It don't matter to Jesus!

Joe Borfo
11.3.07 - 11:32 pm


Looks like you got a ride back!
If you need some eats and what not, we got you!
Are you people gonna be bummed if there's no spoke card?
I'm broke and lazy..
Go figure..

So who all is going on the single speed?


11.4.07 - 6:41 pm


I would be happy to make a spoke card for this ride. After 100+ miles, we all deserve a card!
How many will we need? I will start working on the artwork tomorrow.
I am a graphic designer/artist (currently out of work), so you know this card is gonna be bitchin.

Creative Thing
11.4.07 - 10:07 pm



Turns out I am taking the train. You still need a ticket?

Joe Borfo
11.5.07 - 2:07 pm


so is there going to be a stop at the end of the blue line somewhere for us lazy fucks who feel like only doing 120 miles instead of 150?
also, anyone know how much the train costs to get back?

11.5.07 - 2:20 pm


look at pc's amtrak thread.

so I guess we aren't going to party down there since nobody hasn't really said anything...

Joe Borfo
11.5.07 - 2:26 pm


I'm planning on meeting the ride in downtown LB, although for some reason it looks like they're going to stay on the bike path all the way through Belmont Shore. So I may have to meet them on the path. Anyway, if that's what ends up happening, the path isn't too far from the last Blue Line stop.

The train ticket back is $23.20 if you use promotional code H636.

11.5.07 - 2:55 pm


...and, we really should get this lodging situation taken care of. Are we on our own for getting rooms, or are we going to do some Marriott thing, or what? Don't forget, we need to make sure that Kyber's broke ass has a place to sleep. I will help with that, but I need to know where we're going to stay.

11.5.07 - 2:57 pm


kyber's broke ass... and mine

11.5.07 - 2:59 pm


oh yeah, and I'd also like to meet in LB.. PC, what time and where, I'm gonna take the blue line down.

11.5.07 - 2:59 pm


I wish my Jarhead friends would just ride with you guys.

No Sleep till SD!

Joe Borfo
11.5.07 - 3:05 pm


yeah, we must celebrate after riding to SD!

11.5.07 - 3:07 pm


Fuzz, I want to find out from Mark and El Rich what time they expect to hit downtown LB, and be there in advance of that so that they won't have to make an actual stop there. (Since downtown wasn't one of their scheduled stops, we should just fall in line with them when they ride by.) So when I find out what time that will be, I'll know what time I'll be there.

11.5.07 - 3:27 pm


Good call fluffa!!!

11.5.07 - 3:43 pm


Thanks for all the offers of assistance, I really appreciate it. And one day when I finally find work I'll give back to everyone helped me for the last couple of months.

I'm taking the train back with you guys, and I still need a ticket. Had to blow some of the last cash I had today on an emergency dental visit....so. Yeah.

Someone hook me up?

11.5.07 - 5:24 pm


I got your ticket.

in my pants...

Joe Borfo
11.5.07 - 5:34 pm


I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but I've been thinking about some of you who are considering riding the early ride. I think it may be challenging for some, and I am recommending that those who feel it will be too fast a pace, far to ride, or even dangerous considering traffic, to ride at night with us. Check the Peace Ride info. We are going to follow our schedule religiously and I think you should think about whether or not you could handle the early ride. Our pace will be average of 12 mph. Thats a really chill pace. The only thing I stress is to bring tubes, a bright light, a helmet (required for Camp Pendelton), and WARM CLOTHES! It will get cold at night.

You may not know them, but I trust my friends who are leading this and they have done this before a few times.

Again, I am not trying to sabotage the day ride. In fact, I think you guys will have a ball. We hopefully will meet up and I hope we can stay in contact with each other. If you have any questions about all of this please let me know. I'm just trying to let the weaker riders know that we will be taking it slow - if that is what you are looking for.

Make sure we can call each other during the ride so that we can possibly meet up when the time allows.

I wish you guys a safe and fun ride.


Joe Borfo
11.6.07 - 12:17 am



11.6.07 - 12:45 am


hey quick question... im from sd, a couple of us are coming up on friday night to ride with you guys on saturday... anyone know if there is a place we can stay? we are chill people, sexy and the rest of the trenway boys know me as trainreck... lets get a couch or something... please?

whiskey and bruises
11.6.07 - 9:23 am


Were not spending the night anywhere. Check our schedule HERE

It's the daytime ride in which they plan to crash at a marriott or something.

Joe Borfo
11.6.07 - 9:27 am



More info!

PC, we're leaving Union Station at 6:30am and it's about 26 miles to Long Beach. I'll be safe and say that we'll reach LBC at 8:00am. We can definitely ride up to the last Blue Line stop to grab anyone there. It's seriously less than a half mile from one of our turns after biking through the pike.

SO: We will be stopping in Long Beach to pick up Ridazz at 8:00am.

Shannon (Wife Bike) said she will get two rooms at the Marriot. If you are going on this trip, please let us know where you plan on staying or what you want to do!

11.6.07 - 10:07 am


As of right now it looks like I'll be catching you guys at the blue line, along with the LB folks.

The extra 30 miles will probably be the difference between me making it and not making it. Especially since I'm fighting this nasty infection.

11.6.07 - 10:15 am



When you say a "few of us...."
How many of you are there?
Mark and me got a lot of floor.. no couch (unless you are small and compact..)
Let us know!


11.6.07 - 11:14 am


whiskey and bruises,

I can put up comfortably three people and it's two miles from the connection point in Long Beach. Could put up more people if needed. If you're coming in from the Union Station on the Metrolink, you could take the Blueline here too.

11.6.07 - 11:45 am


@CreativeThing: Not to step on your toes.. I am drawing a really shitty spoke card.. Shitty spoke cards rock!
@PC: Mark posted that we shall be meandering through the LBC to pick up ridazz at the Transit Mall/Blue Line stop. That will be at 8 a.m.

@Everyone: So far, there are 2 rooms from WifeBike at the ever fun Marriot. I'm taking it everyone is going to stay in these since we are all pretty much broke. Hopefully we behave and don't get kicked out. We are trying to rummage up another room somewhere in SD. We shall keep y'all posted.

Who's going for sure?

11.6.07 - 11:51 am


I'll be there for sure, Sorry I can't hang with you guys when we get to SD but it's me and my girls anniversary. So umm, the faster we get there the faster I can get my Anniversary gift. LOL


11.6.07 - 12:31 pm


I am doing this ride.
I will be at the McDonald's on PCH in Seal Beach.
Don't look for me, I'll be looking for you! Looks like the group will roll by between 8:30 and 9:00.
Please save a spoke card for my archive!
I'm saving my rad spoke card design for a future ride.

I will be taking the late train back on Saturday night. It leaves S.D. at 9:15 pm.

Creative Thing
11.6.07 - 1:04 pm



In addition to Borfo's suggestions, You will also need an ID card to get through Pendleton. See you there!!!

11.6.07 - 3:01 pm


So, for the day ride:

How many of us are going?

How many people can fit into each of these Marriott rooms?

Who needs a room?

Are we going through Pendleton, or not (I vote not)?

11.6.07 - 3:04 pm


Screw going through Pendleton, I wanna ride on the freeway.

11.6.07 - 4:05 pm


m3 +00

11.6.07 - 4:06 pm


I'm not positive on this, but i think to bike through Camp Pendleton, you are required to wear a helmet and bring valid ID for them to let you through the gates. Might be something to look into if that's the route you're going.

11.6.07 - 4:12 pm


I'm DEFINITELY going on one of these rides, currently about 75% sure I'll go with you guys during the day...
I'm just trying to judge whether I'll be more tired working 'till midnight and getting up at 6am, or trying to sleep in all day and stay up all night........

Lance K
11.6.07 - 4:20 pm


I'm not going through Pendleton, seriously.

11.6.07 - 4:21 pm


o, rly?

11.6.07 - 4:34 pm


I think there are (5) coming up from SD.

I'm game to ride the freeway.

11.6.07 - 4:39 pm


11.6.07 - 4:40 pm


I'm don't sure how I'm playing this. I lost my wallet so no ID right now. I want to do the ride on the 9th and also want to ride with you guys as long as I can. If I make it to SD, that's fine, if not, no biggie. I'll make it next time and I'll know what it takes.

If I go to SD, it'll be on the freeway. Tell you the truth, I was never crazy about going through the base in the first place.

11.6.07 - 4:55 pm


How fast are you guys gonna be riding?

Because... I'm a lazy fatass.

Plus, my birthday is on that day, and I have nothing to do.

11.6.07 - 4:58 pm


For those of you worried about going through the base, don't.
We are going on the freeway.
Its a really short part.
It's a 2 mile strech, exit to a road stop, a five mile strech, and that's it.
We will (depending on how many of us there are) in groups. That way, there aren't a ton of us at once on the freeway.
A few of us have been on the freeway so we know where we are going.

PC: I'm not sure how many of us are going to fit in the Marriot rooms.
Mark and I are looking for another room downtown just in case.

AGAIN: Who's going for sure, during the day?


11.6.07 - 5:16 pm


Me, dayside, for 99% sure. Only way I wouldn't go is if this fucking cold and fever don't clear up by Saturday morning. But they will.

11.6.07 - 5:19 pm


if anyone still needs a place to stay, my brother offered us his floor and couch!

11.6.07 - 5:22 pm


whiskey and bruises:

i live with Kyber and Mixtemotions..we have a futon available as well as floor space..
email me for details


11.6.07 - 5:28 pm


I'm going day and I have a place to stay.

11.6.07 - 5:35 pm


I am going for sure.

People that I think I can safely speak for:


11.6.07 - 5:36 pm



Mark and I are going to reserve a room.
Anyone want in?
One spot we were looking at says (and this is on the interwebz) that we'd get 2 queen size beds for 4 people.
The place we stayed at last time said the same thing: 4 people in the room but there was one bed. The space in that room was pretty grand, though.
Also, check with teh WifeBike, as she is handling things at teh Marriots.
If you need anything, let us know so we have all this shit figured out before hand; i.e. foods, train fare back, a place to sleep, etc.


11.6.07 - 5:52 pm


I am staying at a friend's house downtown.
I just talked to Tracy. She said she will be taking the train back that night. She said Kiet would be doing the same thing (I guess there is an Amtrak that leaves at 10:00 pm from SD).

As for T-bone, I'm not sure if he will be staying overnight.
Are you staying over night, T-bone?

B-rad will stay over night. He says he's gonna ride back on Sunday (wow....300 miles after we just did the wolfpack century...craziness.)

So, there you go. I'm all set up with a place to stay.

11.6.07 - 7:20 pm


I'm definitely going. What else would I be doing?

11.6.07 - 7:22 pm


looks like i may have to work this weekend so i can pay my way to sydney..... not sure yet... but ill keep you posted. in any case, if you guys still want me to, i can book a room for you in SD i checked the rates and for 2 beds it till cost about 80 bucks. just let me know.

11.6.07 - 11:11 pm


Whenever I want to go to Sydney, I just get on my bike and go to her house.

11.6.07 - 11:48 pm


NEWB310 wrote:

Mark and I are going to reserve a room.
Anyone want in?

(*raises hand*)

11.7.07 - 3:02 am


those of you who have offered a place to stay on friday night, THANKS!!! you guys are awesome, but i think we have a place eight blocks from the station, as for saturday, i live in a small shitty apartment a few miles from downtown sd, i can sleep maybe four people if you need it, hit me up on the ride down and discuss. YEAH!!!

whiskey and bruises
11.7.07 - 9:32 am


No problem.
We are getting a spot. Mark still has to call. He's got the credit card.
He's all baller status. Looks like you got a place to nap!
You going on your fixed gear?
Anyone going on a fixed gear?


11.7.07 - 12:20 pm


Rich and I are picking up the spoke cards this morning. They are gorgeous/hilarious and have the route on the back. So expect the spoke card to be the size of an encyclopedia.

I'm trying to find a third hotel room for us to split somewhere downtown that's not a billion dollars a night. I'm still worried that we won't all fit in two rooms.

11.8.07 - 10:14 am


I am riding fixed, as that's the only operable bike I own right now. I think PC is too, as I've never seen him ride anything else. WIFE BIKE, fuzzbeast....I think that's it.

As far as room goes, I can always find my own place to stay if it comes to it. I'm getting pretty good at securing couches in strange cities.

11.8.07 - 10:36 am


Whiskey and Bruises has some space (I think )
and I can take definitely (1) maybe (2). My place is small, but I'll make some space.

11.8.07 - 2:17 pm


Let's go fixed/single speed-sters!
Yay for brakes and coasting!


11.8.07 - 2:40 pm



please email me back.

Joe Borfo
11.8.07 - 2:56 pm


Ayup, I will be riding a track bike.

11.8.07 - 3:12 pm


Sorry to burst ur bubble Tern. i won't be going to SD with u guys. The Wolf Pack Century did me well. I will be resting this weekend. Hope u guys have a fun & safe trip.

11.8.07 - 3:19 pm


Me and Steph are definitely going in the morning, and will be taking the train back up to o'side to stay with my moms at some point that night...

Lance K
11.8.07 - 4:28 pm


Any info on the Long Beach meet up? Where and when?


11.8.07 - 5:25 pm


look up above. I think we are picking you up at like 8:00 or 8:30. Markedge or newbie posted it above.

11.8.07 - 5:39 pm


yeah whatever where's the party Saturday night?

11.8.07 - 5:55 pm



to ride really fast, i'd eliminate the push-ups.

try arm slings instead for pure upper body muscle wasting!

Urban Commuter
11.8.07 - 6:23 pm


we are picking people up from Long Beach at 8 am

not 8:30

11.8.07 - 7:41 pm



"Mark posted that we shall be meandering through the LBC to pick up ridazz at the Transit Mall/Blue Line stop. That will be at 8 a.m. "

11.8.07 - 7:48 pm


The Turn knows many a great thing. To all the people wanting to the know the stop schedule, here's the information:

Long Beach Transit Mall (where the blue line goes and all the buses stop in downtown) - Hopefully we will be there by 8 a.m

Another stop will be at the McDonald's on 2nd/PCH.. this should be no later than 9 a.m

Other people have asked that I call them when we reach the transit mall so they can get a good time estimate as to when we may pick them up.
I think a rider is going to link up with us in HB.
We have another stop for San Clemente later in the day. That's at the Amtrak station.
If you need us to collect you from some place along the route (check the map we posted), let us know so we can call you when we are around the area.
Just e mail me with your contact info so we can get a hold of you.



11.8.07 - 9:03 pm


carb and vitamin c (thanks sore throat) loading begins now...

11.8.07 - 10:34 pm


I thought fuzzbeasts were immune to everything..

11.9.07 - 12:50 am


yeah whatever where's the party Saturday night?

11.9.07 - 1:48 am


The McDonalds is on PCH, between the San Gabrial River overpass and Main Street in Seal Beach. It's just a mile further down PCH from the spot mentioned above.
Don't stop at 2nd and PCH for me, anyway.

Creative Thing
11.9.07 - 9:55 am


Ooops! We will make sure to nab you as we pass!


11.9.07 - 10:27 am


thanks Mark, for the wrong information!


11.9.07 - 11:23 am


sheesh, what a jerk that mark is.

11.9.07 - 11:26 am


Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, sounds like everyone's ready to ride. Wooohoooooo!!!! So whats the challenge for tomorrow? we gonna get to SD by Noon? LOL

11.9.07 - 11:28 am


Challenge of the day....everyone pick a Time they think we are going to finish. Tomorrow morning we'll put those times on paper. When we arrive into SD, the person with the closest estimated time of arrival will receive a 25 dollar gift certificate. Can't tell you who the gift card is for. That's the surprise and GOOD LUCK!!!

11.9.07 - 11:32 am


I think I'll reach Downtown SD by 1:00 PM


Joe Borfo
11.9.07 - 11:39 am


8 pm

11.9.07 - 11:45 am


remember your times tomorrow morning. i'll be collecting them as we pick everyone up. for those that are joining the ride really, really late. I apologize but i'm cuting off all time Guesses at the LA County line. just keeping it fare.

11.9.07 - 11:51 am


Who's going fo sho?

WifeBike ?
Fuzzbeast ?

Who else?


11.9.07 - 12:25 pm


yeah, i;m going, starting at the blue line with pc and kyber and possibly laharr.

11.9.07 - 1:18 pm


yeah whatever where's the party Saturday night?

11.9.07 - 1:29 pm


exactly where are you meeting and what time are you guys leaving in the morning??????

11.9.07 - 1:54 pm


whats the pacxe going to be like -avg mph

11.9.07 - 1:55 pm


meet at 6 am. Union Station. LEAVE AT 6:30 AM.

I'm not sure about the average MPH. I'm not too good at guessing those types of things.

There's more info on the ride post.


11.9.07 - 2:03 pm


I hope you're open to a new comer joining in. I've only ridden on the Halloween Ride with you guys. Good group! Did Irvine to SD last month and liked the route. Adding 50 to it would be a fun challenge. See you in the morning.

11.9.07 - 2:39 pm


Two things:

1) Can we try to keep this ride on time as possible? Meaning, let's leave at the posted time, and try to keep the "pick ups" of other people along the way as quick as possible. Extended stops will do NOTHING for your endurance, nor will it make the ride any easier for you. Once your legs go cold, it's pretty safe to say that you are pretty much done with the ride. In my ideal little world, the pack would come breezing by the meeting point and whatever riders that have to latch on would just hitch on to the back of the train. I hope this happens.

2) Start eating now, people! What you eat tonight will be fuel for tomorrow morning. If you don't eat enough tonight, you will be toast faster than you will be able to realize tmo. morning. Hitting the wall sucks. Hitting the wall in the middle of nowhere, really fucking sucks.

11.9.07 - 2:41 pm


I am pretty damn excited about this one.

11.9.07 - 2:58 pm


ok my people im in! tonight at dia de los I will not drink instead i will fuel up on protien,, aslo if i may im stayin w/wifey ,,in the roomms please ,,im kinda in a low fund situation,,but that wont stop me i've lived in europe broke haha...lets do this ,,,,,ride on 6:00 am

11.9.07 - 3:17 pm


This is a long ass ride. Listen to what Kyber is saying. It's very true. For anyone who has not ridden over 65 miles in a day and taking this ride remember... FEED YOUR BODY. You need to have plenty of energy bars or gel packs and eat at least one an hour (that's at least 10!). Have water bottles and drink until you're pissing clear. There's no hitchhiking home on the 5 freeway. Once you've screwed up and exhausted your reserves, it'll take hours to get it back.

11.9.07 - 3:23 pm


Don't worry, Kyber. I'm obsessed with being punctual, so I'll make sure that we all roll at the right times.

If you're late to Union Station and don't make the 6:30am roll out time, hop on the Blue Line and wait at the Transit Mall for us to get there around 8:00 am.

We welcome newbies with open arms!

11.9.07 - 3:26 pm


kyber any suggestion on what to eat/fuel up tonight?

11.9.07 - 3:37 pm


oof ive never done anything this long, but im gonna give it my best shot. now commences the carb scarffing!

11.9.07 - 3:42 pm


Things I like to eat before rides:

uncle eddie's vegan chocolate chip cookies.. or the Trader Joe's brand..
Pasta and veggies..
PB & J saminches..
etc etc..

Remember to bring your gels/bars and assorted goodies for fuel whilst you ride!
We will stop for a lunch hopefully at 12 or so.. Depending on where we are and per needs of the ridazz.. If y'all git hungry, say so!
A closed mouth don't get fed!


11.9.07 - 3:51 pm


Looks like this ride is going to take place in weather that is in the high 50's to mid 60's. Cloudy in the a.m, sun in the middle of the ride, and closing with cloud coverage in SD.
We will warm up but if you think you may be cold at the beginning of the ride, dress accordingly.
I know I'll sporting a thermal for a while.
Once it gets a little warmer out, it'll be time to get sexy.


11.9.07 - 4:08 pm


you know....beer is pretty high in carbs.

11.9.07 - 4:25 pm


I'm watching my figure.

11.9.07 - 4:35 pm


yeah whatever where's the party Saturday night?

11.9.07 - 4:52 pm


yeah whatever where's the party Saturday night?

11.9.07 - 4:58 pm


The party is wherever you are.


11.9.07 - 5:02 pm


The party is we

11.9.07 - 5:04 pm


dude is it gonna rain tomorrow,,cause us fix heads kinda have a hard time stopping when it raaaaains??

is it gonna rain?
is it gonna rain?
is it gonna rain?
is it gonna rain?
is it gonna rain?
is it gonna rain?
is it gonna rain?
is it gonna rain?
is it gonna rain?
is it gonna rain?

11.9.07 - 5:21 pm


I shecked the weather..
Doesn't look like there will be any rain.
If it rains, I'm pretty sure nothing will happen to us because rain is repelled by sexyness.


11.9.07 - 5:30 pm



11.9.07 - 5:31 pm


I'm going for certain!! I have no idea what kinda time I will make... this will be my longest ride ever!!! Eating lots today and tonight... I CAN'T WAIT! It's going to be an awesome ride =) See y'alls tomorrow!

11.9.07 - 5:56 pm


Awesome, looks like this group should be pretty good sized if not too many people punk out tomorrow morning :)

Steph and I are gonna meetchu guys at the Transit Mall...we'll be on the 7:45 train with any luck

Lance K
11.9.07 - 6:49 pm


Beautiful. I hope no more than 30 people show up, as that's the amount of spoke cards we made.

I just bought Amtrak tickets for Sunday. We're taking the last train up to LA at 6:20pm.

AHHHH. Going to stuff some carbs and then get some zzzz's before the long day tomorrow.

11.9.07 - 8:07 pm


Lucky bastage...i gotta work 'till midnight tonight...see you all tomorrow!

Lance K
11.9.07 - 8:12 pm


There are trains back to LA after 6:20.

11.9.07 - 8:15 pm


...there's also an 8:20 PM train, arriving in LA at 11:05, and a 9:15, arriving at 11:59.

Remember, the Surfliner is an unreserved train, so you can take a later train if you want to. Your ticket is actually good for a year.

11.9.07 - 8:49 pm


have an AWESOME time and ride safe!!!

11.10.07 - 12:16 am


Leaving my house in 15!


11.10.07 - 5:26 am


ok listen kids i wish you a great and wonder .ride...... i cant make cause i went to orange 20 just to find out my sugino is out of comission,like seriously out,,,,,,,ooooooook i cant honestly cant make it i love ya'll and wish u a great ride drink one for me skiddy ,,heheheh alright ,,,peace c ya'll later.......

11.10.07 - 5:51 am


What a great ride!
Mark and Rich, the spoke card was the best one I have seen yet.
Great course, great people, great ride.
Special props to Nichole on her first century ride...on a heavy single speed. Fantastic!
When do we do it again???

Creative Thing
11.10.07 - 11:44 pm


cray r u back cuz its saturday! dont u know ..? ! anyways my crank totally went out on me ask the ninjas at 20 ,,well nxt time for sure ,,i sould have paid more att to the theard hell yeah i LOVE YALL NEX TIME PEACE

11.11.07 - 1:08 am


the ride was super fun, it was my first century. I wish I could of made it all the way but my legs were cramping way to much. I feel great this morning. Thanks to all who made this happen. The next ride we'll get more SD ridazz to do it!!!


11.11.07 - 8:55 am


The ride was so fun. Thanks San Diego people for riding down with us. It made the ride even better. I will check out your bike shop this afternoon. Hopefully, I'll see all of you San Diego riders and everyone else at the meet up spot early this afternoon.

B-rad. You are inspiring. Even though you woke up late and missed the ride, you chased us all day and met up a couple of hours after we first arrived down town. Most people would have just stayed at home.....but not you, my friend.

Kiet and Tracy--you guys were strong the whole way. I love riding with both of you as often as I do.
Big Ups to all of those who just rode their longest ride ever. I am still in

Creative Thing....Thats our third 100 plus mile ride we've been on since June!

Everyone else....thanks. This is exactly my idea of how to have fun.

16.3 avg. mph
Just over 7.9 hours of riding time.

11.11.07 - 10:26 am


HEY HEY thats what I am talkin bout...Super fun ride, even though I cant remember some of miles 85-100 and none of miles 110-120! Haha..That was double the miles I've ridden at once...I am definitely down for Round Two...


So big thanks and props to Rich and Mark for the idea, routes, and ROOM! You guys really did great coordinating this while letting awesomeness happen. Really!

Miss Mixte, I am super proud of you! that was really inspiring!

Highways, highway flats (!!!), vegan mirages, go daddy go, Clif, Super Awesome Fun Team Adjective...To meeting new ridazz, snot-rocketing on old ridazz, and more ridezz....

Also thanks to the drunks at Pokeys for the Post-ride Concussion Extravaganzza! When in San Diego, watch which windows you try to punch through!

BTW....Nevermind, I found the party. It was asleep in Room 205. Good times!

11.11.07 - 10:47 pm


Awww guys! this was so, so good, Rich and Mark thanks for the amazing ride! Thanks for props CreativeThing! =) Wayne thank you for the encouragement and roadside assistance on the 5! SD folks, you are the awesome. Big ups everyone who's trip to SD was their 1st century too!!! (Century PLUS for ridazz who left from Union Station!) So exciting! (((((((hugs to everyone))))))) I'll be smiling about this one all week.

11.11.07 - 10:53 pm


Aww. Thanks SKIDMARCUS! =) Torrey Pines 4 life! ;)

11.11.07 - 11:00 pm


b-rad and mikebike's guide to riding:
-stay out til 2 the night before the ride
-unplug the alarm clock after the 2nd snooze
-leave without a decent route map
-decide taking the metro to long beach is a dumb idea
-take the highway instead of the base
-bomb down massive hills in pitch black blinded by oncoming traffic

b-rad's amendum to the guide:
-wake up
-bake and slam beers
-ride 50mi to oceanside without a map, cell phone, or a drink of water
-get there an hour early

11.11.07 - 11:21 pm



11.12.07 - 1:43 am


...no, seriously. You don't understand.


11.12.07 - 2:25 am


are we there yet?

Joe Borfo
11.12.07 - 9:56 am


not if you turn around half way there.

11.12.07 - 1:17 pm


Spill it, Borfo. Let's hear the whole story.

"We're not gonna make it
NO! We ain't gonna make it
We're not gonna make it, anymoooooooore..."

11.12.07 - 1:20 pm


OK, Fine. I'm a big pussy. I only lasted 126 miles...

Just a lesson not to do a Midnight Ridazz Ride and come home drunk on a tricycle at 4 in the morning the night before you decide to ride all the way to San Diego.

Dot Com

Joe Borfo
11.12.07 - 1:33 pm


you're my hero


11.12.07 - 1:40 pm


All I can say is awesome!!!!!!

Scenic, Smooth, Hilly(uughhh, Torre Pine is no friend of mine), Fast, and Intense. That was my first time passing the 100 mile mark.

The spoke card was awesome.

I have Pictures which I will do my best to post by Wednesday 11/14 and video which i'll have to edit and post by the weekend.

Ummmmm, Hellloooooooo who won the Gift Card, would love to know.

Oh and one more thing....Great planning guys!


11.12.07 - 1:51 pm


I won! I guessed 7:31, we hit the San Diego Amtrak station at 7:33. Thanks for the prize. Maybe I'll have it laminated into a spoke card. No, I won't. I'll spend it.

Lance K, email or text me please. Your blinkie fell off of my belt on Sunday, so I need your information so that I can get a new one to you ASAP. Sorry about that. I really tried not to lose it, but I'm an idiot. Blackburn Mars 3.0, yes? Also let me know if it had any special (like rechargeable) batteries in it.

11.12.07 - 3:17 pm


Congrats! Ummmm, make a phony one for the spoke card and spend the real one...LOL

7:33 damn, I didn't get to my spot until 7:45. thats not fare, and I had to go over 2 stinking bridges. okay keep an eye out for the pics...I have some good ones.


11.12.07 - 3:55 pm


Holy shit, what a fucking blast.

Seriously, dudes, I loved it. One of the most epic and awesome things I've ever done. I'm so proud of each one of you who made that ride. 130 miles is fucking insane and for a ton of you, that was your longest ride. And you all kept up THE WHOLE WAY!!!!!!!

So who's down for Midnight Ridazz the weekend of December 8th and 9th?

11.12.07 - 9:27 pm


thanks a lot guys for hosting this ride. You don't know how much it means to me to complete this. Everything is coming full circle for me. I owe you guys a beer. Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11.13.07 - 10:02 am


was there a lot of traffic? ie was it safe or were there crazy parts? family lives in sd and would like to attempt to bike there one day, when's the next one?

11.13.07 - 4:31 pm


There was no traffic for the night version of this ride.

Joe Borfo
11.13.07 - 4:49 pm


I didn't really think traffic was much of an issue during the day ride either. I mean, obviously there were cars on the road since it was a saturday and all, but I actually found this route to be a lot easier than riding the streets of LA on any given day.

A lot of this had to do with the road conditions (the roads were nice and paved) and the fact that there were a ton of roadies on the streets for most of the way so I assume the locals are used to seeing bikes on the street.

11.13.07 - 4:52 pm


kyber--my cell phone is on your desk...I think. I'm pretty sure its at your house, if not directly on you computer desk.
let me know. Thanks


11.13.07 - 4:56 pm


get ready for bike camping at Leo Carillo in the first part of december--with markedge, newbie, tern, kyber, PC, fuzz and the whole crew. We want to be your crew!

11.13.07 - 5:11 pm


Just a few Pics from the ride....more coming later.


11.14.07 - 12:23 am


Thanks mind!! I can't wait to see the video footage.

11.14.07 - 9:45 am



I looked all over ridge way for your phone, and could not find it. Do you remember the last time you saw it?

11.14.07 - 2:53 pm


Update for Lance K: I stopped by REI last night and bought you a new light. Are you going to be at CRANK Mob on Saturday?

11.14.07 - 3:03 pm


Kyber--sorry. I must have left it on the train. That's the only other place I could have left it. Thanks for looking.

11.14.07 - 4:14 pm


Just a few more pics....I'll post the remaining ones tomorrow

11.14.07 - 5:33 pm


Bike Camping! sounds good to me...

Hey PC! I KNEW I forgot to order something from Nashbar last night! I was just gonna buy a new one and have you gimme the cash since it's probably cheaper from them...but that works too! Thanks for taking care of that so quick...

I'm going to the Mulholland Massacre ride Sat. Morning...I plan to be at crank mob but who knows if I'll be up for it. I'd give 85% odds depending on how fast we do the morning ride :)

Lance K
11.14.07 - 6:45 pm


All the photos are up....watch out for the videos.

11.15.07 - 9:04 am



Reminds of what a blast that whole ride was!
It's Thursday and I'm still smiling about that ride.
Thanks everyone for ridin'!

**Vote the group pic we took in LB as really REALLY fuckin sexy!**


11.15.07 - 9:39 am


bump. I'm gonna read this sucker at work tomorrow and I don't wanna search for it.

City Hobgoblin
03.13.08 - 10:31 pm



( oh shit i'm helping him arent I?)

Joe Borfo
03.14.08 - 12:19 am


Yeah. You HALP'd! Way to go!

03.14.08 - 1:24 am


CH I love you

03.14.08 - 6:22 am


love you too Sexy!

WTF, there's no map in this thread... the ones up top don't have any info about the LA/Long Beach river trail.


City Hobgoblin
03.14.08 - 10:25 am


Dammit, I just re-read Drew's post in the other thread:
"There is a much easier way to get down then what is posted in the map for la2sd. "

*sigh* well reading this thing was a fuckin waste.

City Hobgoblin
03.14.08 - 10:30 am


No CH,

not the whole way, just when you get to Torrey Pines area DelMar/LaJolla at the end.
The rest of it from LA is fine.

03.14.08 - 10:38 am


city h g:
alameda south
left on vernon
vernon turns into pacific and curves south
at this point turn left on leonis
leonis turns into district
pass atlantic
the bike path starts just after the railroad tracks on the left

on the path

just after you pass under the 710 (the first freeway you go under on the bike path) you will come to imperial hwy underpass.....go under then get onto Imperial hwy and cross the river.

continue south on the river path on the east side of the river

go all the way until the bike path ends

curve around behind the rv park at the end of the path and make a left on golden shore.

make a right on ocean blvd.

there you go.

03.14.08 - 10:47 am


can you tell us more about the cut at Torrey Pines???
Thats what we rode on this LA2SD by Mark and Rich, correct???

03.14.08 - 10:48 am


Yeah, San Diego drew, do you remember where we made the turn to find that scary, unlit bike path? That thing ruled and cut off 10 miles from the route.

03.14.08 - 11:52 am


That was up there at UCSD.. I remember it by sight only. Instead of going down that one part, you turn into the campus. Me and vague directions FTW

03.14.08 - 11:55 am


I just wrote the whole thing out and hit reply.
the site made me put in my password again, then erased my message.
I f*%#@in hate when that happens.

03.14.08 - 12:05 pm


That series of short cuts took a bunch of miles off of our ride! I'd like to know how to do that again.

03.14.08 - 12:13 pm


I just wrote the whole thing out and hit reply.
the site made me put in my password again, then erased my message.
I f*%#@in hate when that happens."

Tell me about it. Nothing is worse then spending 1/2 an hour cooking up a verbal pile driver for sexy, only to lose it on the time out. And you know you won't be able to recreate it just right, either.

Speaking of, how does sexy manage to post those boring ass multi-page diatribes? Does he copy/paste from word? I'm surprised he makes it around that.

City Hobgoblin
03.14.08 - 12:18 pm


I'll write it out again in a little while and post it.
Have to do some work, being that I am at work.

03.14.08 - 12:48 pm


OK CH, let’s try this again.

PCH/Hwy 101 south
When you come out of Del Mar, the name changes to N. Torrey Pines road.
Go up the hill
From the top of the hill, go ½ mile to intersection of N. Torrey Pines Road and Genesee Ave. (road starts to drop down hill)
GO RIGHT on to N. Torrey Pines. (edge of UCSD campus).
Go ½ mile to intersection of N. Torrey Pines and Torrey Pines.
GO STRAIGHT through intersection, then down off ramp on right to Gilman Dr.
Take Gilman down under the 5 freeway bridge.
On the right just past the bridge is a bike path that parallels the freeway.
Bike path dumps out on to Santa Fe Dr.
Santa Fe Dr. to Damon Ave.
Right on Damon Ave.
Left on Mission Bay Dr.
MBD turns in to East MBD, then to PCH
At PCH and Sea World Dr. Go straight through and over the 5 freeway.
Turn left on Taylor St.
Right on Congress St.
Right on San Diego Ave.
Right down Noell St. (be carefull shitty condition at bottom of hill)
Left on Hancock St.
Hancock becomes Kettner Blvd.
Take Kettner to Downtown.

If you are going to the Marriott Kettner dead ends in to Harbor Dr.
Go left. Marriott is on the right like two blocks down.

Bail out plan:
If you are running late or are tired, take the blue line trolley south at Old Town (Taylor St. and Congress) when you pass it.
Get off at City College stop and call me. I will get you the rest of the way to where ever we all are at that point. Unfortunately, there will be a hill involved.

03.14.08 - 7:14 pm



03.14.08 - 8:43 pm


I say old Chap, this is a bump for CH

03.15.08 - 12:20 am


When is the next sojourn to SD?

03.16.08 - 3:11 pm


Drew, tern,
Thanks again for the directions! The ride was amazing and the scenery was spectacular.
I'm still not sure why it took us 14 hours... it's not like we were titting around all that much. Or maybe we were. Oh well, I wouldn't do anything different.
Fun to see everyone on Sunday morning. Entertainment.

Tiffany tomato,
I owe you gas money and so much gratitude! Thank you again for being so accommodating on Sunday! You saved Karl from a meltdown. It was a pleasure to meet you.

To those considering it, I recommend doing this ride in the springtime (ie soon). The scenery is too much for words, the weather was perfect, plus you have prevailing tailwinds. Get a few strong friends together and go for it. If you are a strong rider, it's very doable on a fixed gear. Saddlebag > backpack/messenger bag. If tern says your saddle bag is like the fanny pack of the bike world it means he's been drinking and he loves you.

City Hobgoblin
03.17.08 - 10:39 am


hey city, it was my pleasure giving you two a ride back. i loved hearing about your ride down. you guys are amazing. maybe one day i'll be able to do it...

see you all soon! can't wait to go back to SD

03.17.08 - 12:27 pm



Can we do this again soon?

06.28.08 - 11:16 am


I'm in if we do.

06.28.08 - 11:26 am


Oh, we will. It's just a matter of time.

06.28.08 - 11:35 am


make it...

06.28.08 - 2:24 pm


MAKE IT HAPPEN! im there

06.28.08 - 2:58 pm



06.28.08 - 3:00 pm


Not to fear, Mates!

According to the SD kids, they are throwing some swank shin dig the first weekend of August. I don't know if this quells the itch in your chamois but that is the next scheduled venture to SD via biciclette.

I wasn't too sure if that was the correct date but from the last weekend that I went down thar, that was big idea.

Since this thread has seen some recent activity, lets start getting this ball rolling.

Scroll up for now to see what things you'll need, lodgings you will need to plan for, etc.


06.28.08 - 3:13 pm


Helll yeah! So down.

06.28.08 - 7:12 pm


this ride so has my name all over it!

06.28.08 - 7:22 pm



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