NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
after browsing through some of the threads, i couldn't help but notice a recurring theme. drinking and cycling seems to be okay...even fashionable. how does this make sense? is it okay to drink and drive?? most would agree that, no. so why don't the same standards apply to us??? there are huge outcries whenever our rights to the road are infringed upon, but we seem to be a bit selective about our responsibilities.
sorry to come down on y'all, but i have been on a bike for almost four years now...never had any major incidents with motorists. i think for the most part, they respect cyclists...or at least they fear the legal ramifications of being involved in a collision with any of us. the only time that i have ever really been close to being hurt seriously was on a monday night "fast-paced" bike hustle where blowing through red lights was the norm. if you look for trouble on a will find it! don't drink and bike.
luis, have you noticed that people who like to drink and ride their bicycles don't have a problem with people who like to drink and ride their bicycle and people who don't drink and ride their bicycle have a problem with people who like to drink and ride their bicycle? just asking.
Rate of speed is the biggest issue. People feel they can get drunk and the risk of hurting anyone else is so much lower on a bike then in a car while drunk, they feel like it's ok. I tend to agree, but getting hammered and going faster then you can walk isn't ever really a good idea. I'm not worried about myself. I stare fear in the eyes and say, "HEY!! FEAR!!! You wanna drink?" I'm always more concerned about if I'm swerving and I might clip someone else. Then I'd be a motherfucking douchbag.
Mine was dropped, according to the CVC it's punishable by a maximum of $250.
However to be on the safe side
I'm declaring Midnight Ridazz over until further notice.
If you want to drink and ride you can start your own thing, I think Tom LaBonge is the one who suggested "Knight Rides" or something to that effect. Thank You and it was nice knowing you all.
MR is what a lot of people do now instead of hanging out in bars where the beer is expensive and the women are more interested in your car than your new fixie.
If you you are looking for a ride that is semi-sober then try out k-town forge and gorge, wolfpack or arc-ride..... also rides during the daytime are generally pretty sober. (except mom ridazz).
i guess i needd to strt going on more mom ridazz rides. everyone is turning soft and theres always a new topic that someone is crying about everytime i come on this forum now. BICYCLE RIDERS.... HARDEN THE FACK UP!!! BEER + BICYCLE = FUN.
Alcohol and cycling will thin the herd. Just sucks when people bitch and moan on the forums when they get busted. Sucks even more when someone suggests we start a collection. When people make bad decisions make them pay.
Well this one turned ugly quick. I will do my best to get back to the original question.
The amount of media/pictures posted that depict people indulging in alcohol consumption makes it seem that more people do that stuff than actually encountered on rides.
I don't particularly like the broke ass quality pictures on MR of some dude/chick holding a beer. You're not gansta. Period. At least have good lighting and a full color palette, frame that shit right, and have something ill going on in the background. A picture is more than a crunk person showing off their Tecate can, it should tell a story. Higher your standards, stop posting every single wack picture you take!
Alcohol and cycling mix very well for those that "know what they're doing". That basically means you still get home late night with no scratches.
Some people are veterans and have a good autopilot, some are young dumb and reckless, and there are people in between those two levels. I personally don't approve of the 75% of people who can't bike and drink at the same time, they're dangerrrous. The other 25% are GODS.
Don't feel like you're in the minority if you don't drink. The best Crank Mobs I've been on I have been super sober. Alcohol is just a shortcut for reaching an elevated state of mind, just like any other drug.
^^^ i whole-heartedly agree with what he's saying... except about the GODS part. i just like to think of myself as an exceptional exception to the drunken messy masses. with that said... lets get our drink on!!
"At least have good lighting and a full color palette, frame that shit right, and have something ill going on in the background." Hahahaha! Hahahahahhaha!
I was working the CICLE booth at the Pasadena Bicycle Communter's Expo this year and I happened to witness a conversation about bike clubs and organized rides in the LA area.
A person that was new to cycling asked a more experience rider about Midnight Ridazz. Their response was negative, saying "they ride late at night and they drink alot."
I just smiled and stayed out of it. You know why?
Because I know that MR is more than that person's definition. It's more than how people perceive our image gallery. I know that it fucking rules my world!! I know that it's a beast of good. That's all the conviction I need. How about you?
The founding fathers meant to acknowledge the basic human right of drunken bicycle riding in the same part of the constitution that says you have have AK-47s and shit, but they were hung over from their midnight ride the night before so they forgot. One of history's great tragedies.
I don't think people are purposely posting photos of themselves on here drinking tall cans of Tecate, they just happen to be in a photo while holding a beer and that beer happens to be a one of the best tasting cheap beers there are.
I guess everyone here agrees Alcohol=impaired vision=your too fucked up to realize what the fuck is going on=what the fuck happened last night. Right?
I don't drink..... no not only for my health but because I got busted... yes I fucked up. I realized I have a much better time being sober and it makes me a better rider. I don't get mad at people who drink, its there lives and they choose what to do with it. Just be responsible about it... thats all I have to say.
I love seeing people drink it makes me smile because they are having fun but when you start fucking around and put other peoples lives at risk then you have a problem.
You are right. MR's reputation as a drunken mob is real. Every month I try to get other cyclists to come out and join us and I hear the same thing every month. They have two mistaken perceptions, that we all ride fixies and we all are drunk. It is very difficult to try to convince people otherwise. The upside is, those who finally come out really enjoy it. The further you get from LA the stronger the perception is.
there should be more rides like BARCHOPZ for those that absolutely must drink... and regular rides for the rest of the people. Then you can choose which ride you want to attend.
what some of you arent realizing is that if there was no one drinking on these rides than most rides would not have any hype! they would be these slow paced very sober very quiet rides. the fireworks beer and other fun activities is what makes these rides so wild without them its just steril. well thats what i think. and yes its true some people cant hang we call them rookie biotches, but that doesnt mean everyone should stop drinking beer on their bikes that would just be not fun. life is short live it up stop crying and enjoy life.
PACINO: cars aren't killing machines...ur just bitter because you don't own one or the one you own isn't exactly up to par. bikes CAN HURT PEOPLE...pedestrians for example. and what happens to a low-income motorist who is involved in an accident with some drunken moron on a bike (i.e. you) and sees his/her rates go up...or becomes entangled in legal troubles that cost him/her money. this is unnecessary...just bike, then drink. not fuckin' quantum mechanics, then drink.
you really don't think cars are killing machines?
What are the statistics of cyclists killing pedestrians and people in cars? and what are the statistics of motorists killing pedestrians and cyclist and themselves?
since people have been driving cars less in the past few months in the U.S.A. auto casualties have plummeted.
46,000 people die a year in the U.S alone from car accidents
Motorists involved in the death of pedestrians and cyclists, 90 percent of the time the motorists are at fault and 90 percent of the time the driver of the car is male.
The leading cause of death for people age 6-27 are auto crashes.
Man Luis do some research. Cars are killing machines, just admit it.
I'm not saying I love drunk cyclists just that they're not the risk you claim them to be.
And for the record: Cars ARE killing machines.
(especially in the wrong hands)
3000 lbs -vs- 30 lbs.. you do the math.
maybe some "quantum mechanics" are in order..
When was the last time you saw a cloud of people getting killed and injured by so drunken cyclist run amok?
freshnistic flavor, you don't have to convince me, drinking and riding is my favorite pass time..........but I still disagree with what you said......douchebag
i don't think cycling and drinking is a problem as long as you know your limit. Take personal responsibility for yourself. No one wants to babysit on a ride. If anyone passed out at a party because they drank too much, then it was unspoken law than you HAD to sharpie them... are pulling me into a whole other topic. my point is don't drink and bike...just out of respect for the number of unfortunate things that can happen as a result. and if you do drink and bike...don't complain about motorists for example, infringing on your rights to the road...cuz you aint a saint either!
...and i've made no specific claims about the extent to which cyclists are a deadly threat on the road. i'm just saying, there is a lot of !@#$?ocity (South Park terminology) on these threads where people whine and cry about the cops...or we're a bunch of fuckin saints...let's clean our shit up so that they take us seriously out on the road instead of treating us like road kill. general rule of thumb in life (and on the road) walk around like some sort of douche and you'll get treated like one.
I got a better idea Luis. Go on the rides you like and leave the rides you don't like to the peeps that do. This way you can go about with this feel good feeling you get from no one drinking on your rides.
You had people tell you why there's drinking on the rides and we've pretty much come full circle. Look at your last post and look at the first. They're pretty much the same.
We'll go about still drinking and whining about cars/drivers cause they're freaking dangerous! But you're not going to find someone whining about an incident if they were fucked up. You're definitely not going to be able to convince them that things will change if they don't drink on the rides, cause they won't. Why? Cause most of the bike vs car incidents are initiated by the driver doing something stupid.
You would be far better off going to car/driver forums and telling them to watch for bicycle riders.
User1...i'm really just trying to get the cycling community in the if ever there is a's not our fault, it's the motorists' fault 100%. i see too many people on the road doing silly things...drinking and cycling...blowing red lights...forcing peds off the road when they have the right of way...this gives us all (as a whole) a bad rep. i love drinking...i love cycling...just don't think they mesh well. anyhow, good luck to all of y'all...even that half-retard PACINO.
Tern, you wookie biotches, I emailed you about sinking(or was it swimming...?)((anyhow)) call me, email me.....let's set up a fucking conference call...making it happen Friday or're the Tren Way liaison
Tern is right, alarmist. Tern, please visit the thread formally known as 'Drinking & Cycling'
BrassBuns, email me any info, contacts, suppliers that you compiled. Also, if you got a rough total of people requesting a buy-in that would be helpful. I'll try to follow this thing through.
Jeff is has so many photo ops because he is on more rides than anyone else. If 'all city' has an actual face, it is Jeff! And, thanks Jeff for feeding me/ hooking me up with the rollies/ fixing my flat....over the years. Oh shit--now I can say, "over the years!"
opinions vary: some like the community building during the early part of the week. others like the crazy partying during the weekend. I'm glad I experienced the whole week on my first visit to Black Rock City.