Toy Ride - We Need Routes

Thread started by
trickmilla at 11.30.08 - 3:35 am
Midnight Ridazz All City Toy Ride
is Friday December 12, 2008
We have an awesome venue for the after-party.
We will have beer and tamales and music.
We Need Routes + Ride Leaders/Teams
We need start times and locations ASAP.
A few people have stepped up but lots of LA has yet to be represented.
Don't be shy! If there isn't a ride from your hood, make one.
If there is a local ride consider helping out.
We want rides from as many areas as possible!
Westside is leaving from Helms Bakery parking lot on Venice, 1-2 blocks east of National tentatively at 8:30 SHARP to make it to Olvera Street by 10pm.
barleye11.30.08 - 6:10 am
Do you still want me to put something together from the Bicycle District?
mr rollers11.30.08 - 9:23 am
Pasadena Route
Meet in Pasadena at Central Park adjacent to the Del Mar Goldline station. I can lead the Pasadena route.
We can meet up with NELA along the way.
What is the convergence time?
Collaborators, contact me at : eric at 714-906-8686
thinkpeace11.30.08 - 9:50 am
What's the possibility of having shirts made of the design above?
User111.30.08 - 12:02 pm
Hey, does anyone got the East, as in East of East LA(ie., Montebello, Whittier, Pico Rivera, Southgate, and all those cities) covered yet?
Or, should I do like I always do and ride over to the Westside, from the East, then roll with the good 'ole boys an' girls?!?!?!?!?!?
bentstrider11.30.08 - 12:32 pm
Because of a conflicting engagement that night, I won't be able to help lead anything from the San Pedro / Long Beach / South Bay / South LA area this time around. Somebody else is going to have to step up.
Last year it was me and Luser 1. This year, maybe Luser 1 and..,?
PC11.30.08 - 2:56 pm
No problem P, don't even remember you being there.
If I do the ride, it's going to be a straight quick shot and no messing with the river trail. LB Blvd, lf on Alondra Bvd, rt on Almeda Street, and we're there! Wham bam thank ya ma'am. It would be mostly on Almeda. Nice desolate low traffic. Scary solo but nice in a group.
But I think Danny was stepping up to do the route.
User111.30.08 - 4:12 pm
There are train tracks on Alameda, you senile motherfucker. Avoiding the river trail would be a nice change, though.
PC11.30.08 - 4:15 pm
There's basically three roads we can take, Almeda, Santa Fe, or LB Blvd, or a combo of them. We could find a good route out using those three roads.
User111.30.08 - 4:25 pm
And why all the hostility? You're starting to sound like a long shore man.
User111.30.08 - 4:26 pm
They all turn to the darkside eventually.
Being in somewhat the same, employment grade as PC, expect me to go from being weird/normal, to weird/grouchy-ass, muthafucka in less than ten!!!!
bentstrider11.30.08 - 5:20 pm

And if you dont know , now you know.
deesimple11.30.08 - 5:55 pm
Why not just move the Westside start to CRANK MOB PARK? It has the virtue of being a familiar starting spot.
Alex Thompson11.30.08 - 6:01 pm
C-Mob park barleye!!!!
I could then either ride down there via Washington, or gather some far Easterners, and meet up with y'all knee-water swimmers!!!
bentstrider11.30.08 - 6:19 pm
I'm sure suggestions are welcome, but lets also respect people's plans if they are stepping up and doing the work to plan a ride.
I would also suggest that if there is enough distance between the two meeting places (me westside geography isnt so good) both could happen and the rides could converge.
trickmilla11.30.08 - 6:56 pm
But, since my schedules for Fridays are kind of sketchy, I'll have to butt out of route planning.
Instead, I'll follow my usual plan of park the rig at the yard, and ride out by 7ish, hauling ass down Washington!!!
bentstrider12.1.08 - 12:52 am
ever so slightly off topic
but we are prepping the space tuesday night 6p-8p
hit me up if you are interested in helping.
trickmilla12.1.08 - 8:40 am
I picked the Helms bakery parking lot cuz it's fairly large and crank mob park's been there done that....
We're always talking about new spots to try out, so here's a new spot.
barleye12.1.08 - 9:30 am
and what Trickmilla said:
"I'm sure suggestions are welcome, but lets also respect people's plans if they are stepping up and doing the work to plan a ride."
barleye12.1.08 - 9:31 am
Borfo sent me an email asking if the MOMS would talk on leading everyone cool with that before ipost it...? Pasadena ...where would you like to meet?
MOM_RIDAZ42012.1.08 - 1:27 pm
I did? .. oh OK. Can't remember that. No problem though if you are eager for it. I must have said I was going to be busy. (Which is true)
Well, Pasadena traditionally meets up with NELA at Ave 57 Goldline station by MR. T's Bowl. Tren Way will definitely be there with you guys.
You should also try to plan to meet up with the Fluffers... uh I mean the Valley folk on the way to downtown as well.
Joe Borfo12.1.08 - 1:32 pm
if you plan to change the meet up spot, please let me know so i can post it up. also, if you want to lead a ride to downtown, again please let me know.
remember that we are going to meet up at 10pm in downtown this year.
funanu12.1.08 - 1:57 pm
Sorry Raquel,
I do now remember me telling you that. My Bad. I hadn't spoken with you since, and Tren Way mentioned they were willing to represent, but we would gladly hand the reigns over to you. We would just like to ride with you as well!
Please let Miguel know what you have planned. Thanks.
Joe Borfo12.1.08 - 2:04 pm
barleye12.1.08 - 2:52 pm
Sorry for the confusion. I officially handed the reigns to MOM Ridazz today. Rachelle might be mixing us up. But the Reverend Dak and Reverend Borfo are separate but equal.
the reverend dak12.1.08 - 3:04 pm
Whose got the valley route down?
anybody...speedybrian perhaps?
dl124512.1.08 - 10:31 pm
can someone do long beach plz? user1?
funanu12.1.08 - 11:48 pm
All two separates are no 5 equals.
Graham12.1.08 - 11:52 pm
I text Danny today and he said he was on it.
User112.2.08 - 12:35 am
I put this together with the information I had on hand.
YOU can update the map with times, links, pictures, and other details.
Moderation is turned on so some jackass doesn't come along and mess the whole thing up. So don;t fret if you don't see your changes instantly.
Lets see if this is useful:
We still need start points for LB, SGV, and ???, + Start times for most rides.
trickmilla12.2.08 - 11:44 am
more imortantly we need the start point and time.
send them to funanu when you have em.
trickmilla12.2.08 - 12:58 pm
i have a really good route that starts at olvera st.
brassknuckle12.2.08 - 12:59 pm
brass, LB route can meet up with your route? maybe at sears tower?
dannyzuko12.2.08 - 1:02 pm
lb route can meet up with us. how about meeting us at olvera st.
brassknuckle12.2.08 - 1:05 pm
Sweet you guys should meet at 8 and circle around for 2 hours till everybody else shows up. STAY BEHIND THE MUSIC TRAILER.
We don't want anybody getting lost if you don't have enough route slips.
trickmilla12.2.08 - 2:06 pm
yeah javi says he plans on riding laps around the gazebo until the party starts
brassknuckle12.2.08 - 2:12 pm
SINS and SPROCKETS will be pre-partying at our house then riding down to olvera street for anyone who wants to join. meet at our place at 8:00 pm for some beers and rock band!
3642 pomeroy st. 90063
Charlie12.2.08 - 3:31 pm
I had a beer with him at Pure Luck and haven't a clue why Dave doesn't like Javi. He seemed pretty cool to me.
User112.2.08 - 3:49 pm
Suggestion for Pasadena / North Hollywood ridazz that don't want to ride round trip.
Beginning riders that don't want to do the round trip, you have a several options.
1. Catch a train in Union Station before midnight (check schedule)
3. Find someone who can offer a crash pad for the night. Take the bus or train home.
2. Park your car near downtown before the ride and take the train back to North Hollywood / Pasadena. (And of course look for people to carpool with).
3. Drive (carpool) to Highland Park and ride from there.
4. Stay home and watch The Nightmare Before Christmas.
5. Tough it out and ride back up hill at 2 AM.
thinkpeace12.3.08 - 10:25 am
Brass how far south will you be going? we don't really need to backtrack?
dannyzuko12.3.08 - 10:31 am
What time should the NELA & Pasadena rides leave? Here's my suggestion
Leave Sierra Madre Villa Station at 8:00 PM
Leave Del Mar Station at 8:30 PM
Leave Highland Park at 9:00 PM
Arrive at Olvera St at 9:30 PM - 30 minutes early to allow for delays.
Sound OK?
thinkpeace12.3.08 - 10:41 am
For the SF valley people doesn't the red line run until 3 on the weekends through December?
toweliesbong12.3.08 - 11:18 am
More suggestions for those that don't want to ride back.
1) Redline will be running until 3 am!
2) We can party all night at the space! Drunk and/or lazy ridazz can chill at the space until the trains start running.
trickmilla12.3.08 - 12:13 pm
Can you hook us up with a start time and start point?
I wanna try and print out some hand bills with all the meet up points and times on them asap.
I think LB is the last ride to confirm.
trickmilla12.3.08 - 1:05 pm