One Less Duderina

Thread started by
PC at 11.29.08 - 9:58 am
...would mean a lot fewer meaningless bumped threads.
Boo PC,
feelin' Crabby? Did you have to work all night?
trickmilla11.29.08 - 10:07 am
ceriosly what's up with all the bumps?
User111.29.08 - 12:29 pm
I'm a complete loser. That is the only plausible explanation
la duderina11.29.08 - 12:32 pm
me -
duderina -
this is why its more fun to come here in the middle of the night and bump old meaningless threads for the fuck of it.
la duderina
11.29.08 - 3:33 am
User111.29.08 - 12:33 pm
talk about meaningless bumps...the bump thread? Why don't you hate on that PC?
la duderina11.29.08 - 12:48 pm
Because "Preventable-Crash" is one, tough, macaroni!!!!
bentstrider11.29.08 - 12:51 pm
I see this as La Dude milling over our history. Either she is a spy (if she was she wouldn't be announcing it) or more probable she is checking out past topics with 'words in the title of threads' that fancy her interest. I think she is just so into this thing we all have going on, that it is on her mind as her foremost topic of interest. I welcome the obvious excitement that this all brings to her. I can understand that excitement, this site and the rides still turn me on and do it for me. No harm in that.
Ride ON. Bump ON!
Continue with your enjoyment La Duderina. Don't let the squares get you down
sexy11.29.08 - 2:11 pm
Follow District Superintendent Sexy's advice, and you too, could become "One, Tough Macaroni"!!!!!
bentstrider11.29.08 - 2:21 pm
I think she is just so into this thing we all have going on, that it is on her mind as her foremost topic of interest.
Hit the nail on the head right there. God if I could be as addicted to school as I am to riding my bike...
The whole bicycle culture out here astounds me. I think it is so fucking fantastic I just can't get over it. Its nice to finally not feel like a loser arriving somewhere on a bicycle.
p.s. Sexy for President 2012
la duderina11.29.08 - 3:01 pm
"as addicted to school as I am to riding my bike... "
or at least as addicted to as I am to
la duderina11.29.08 - 3:04 pm
Oh, so you're going to start at the top and be a lawyer or something?
Thought about that route, but I'm much more of a bodily-harm, risk taker.
Not to get off-topic or sound mean, but I'm one of those weird guys who thinks desk/office jobs are for retiree's.
But, split your mind and your time, then you will get to where you want to be eventually.
bentstrider11.29.08 - 4:43 pm
Dude remember...... This is site is pure entertainment(on whatever level you take it), after you look at it for 5 minutes to find out what is going on that you would like to possibly be part of. (You already know this, but it is a friendly reminder) Law school requires full concentration and diligent studying, especially if this is your first year. If you haven't passed your baby bar, you going to have to tackle that pre-beast.
Keep your eye on the prize. When you get bored studying, think about all the good you are going to be able to do when you pass the bar. Hopefully thinking back to whatever inspired you to decide on a career in law will reinvigorate your desire to get back to the books. This country needs good dedicated lawyers, hopefully you will fulfill that role.
When you spend too much time on here, look at for a friendly reminder from the ROTY. He will speak to you in two words that will remind you to get back to studying. Take it seriously.
As for 2012, I will not betray the ROTY. As of this past election and any future elections I will remain under him as his running mate. If we receives the countries approvals, { (this part is a secret) I will automatically be dis-qualified for office and have to step down and allow his top general, my friend, confidant, and co-conspirator to take my place. That is the plan.}
As for now, take your thumb and press down real hard on the forehead of the guy you "voted in" for President and don't let go until he does what you say. Then take a breath, let your thumb rest and press again, focusing in on the next issue of national importance. Repeat until all is well.
sexy11.29.08 - 6:16 pm
One Less Duderian = Way less estrogen at Wolfpack.
Bump on Duderina.. and Ride ON.
Maybe we'll see you on a Mountaineerzz sometime soon.
adamthelizard11.29.08 - 6:25 pm
"When you spend too much time on here, look at for a friendly reminder from the ROTY. He will speak to you in two words that will remind you to get back to studying. Take it seriously."
I need to keep this in mind as well.
imachynna11.29.08 - 6:26 pm
I'm going to stop fucking around. Starting
la duderina11.29.08 - 6:53 pm
George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
mr rollers11.29.08 - 7:01 pm
yesss! studying totally pays off...I just found the spoke card from skate & destroy ride that I thought I lost. It was stuck in with my adverse possession note cards. sweet.
ok back to work now. fuck my life.
la duderina11.29.08 - 10:55 pm