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If you only vote for 1 thing in the California election, please vote NO on 8.
One of the most pitiful corners of social policy in the US is that we still have codified discrimination against gays.
Codified discrimination doesn't end hatred and discrimination but it goes a long way toward changing things.
I am hoping that we make history by stomping down the the first amendment to the CA constitution that would take away rights from a group of Californians
i tried telling a latino friend that ugly betty was recommending voting no on 8. he replied, " i don't listen to ugly people."
my slick persuading skills= fail. lol.
I was on a ride here in SD on Saturday night and about 40 of us swung through a no on 8 vigil in Hillcrest(like WeHo). There had to be literally 10,000 people or more lined up along both sides of a mile long stretch of University Ave. It was fucking amazing. We rode through twice and people were super stoked! Fucking prop better go down!!!
I got a mailer in my box today, one of those junk things everyones been getting for the last couple days, anyway, this one was a yes on 8 thing, anyway, its interesting to note that every person they had endorsing it was some sort of christian employee... be it a pastor or a priest, or the head of some organization...
ALL OF THEM had some sort of 'faith based' connections...
The Constitution of this country provides for freedom of religion, no where does it provide for using one's belief system to discriminate against members of society.
So yeah, for me and all the rest of that 10% or so..
the Yes posters on public property are fair game, recycle them.
...if your church does not want to marry same sex couples, it has the right to refuse but don't go telling other people what they can and cannot do because of your personal beliefs...
What's more amazing than Wanda Sykes dropping bombs about prop 8? Wanda Sykes dropping bombs about prop 8 while dressed in drag as a CEO with a golden parachute!
Ive spoken to people here @ work and most are voiting yes on 8. There hiding behind the Religion bullshit saying its wrong. FUCK IGNORANT PEOPLE. Its about freedom for all. Who the fuck said freedom was not all inclusive
Funniest thing about seeing the Prop 8 demonstrators when I went to the County Recorder's in Norwalk to vote on Sunday was how much gayer the Yes on 8 people were than the No on 8 people.
It was tragic actually, these poor kids trying so hard to deny who they were and actively working against their own long-term best interests.
I was so relieved Obama blew away the election, but this is the other thing I am stressing about.
I'm not gay, and don't even really know any gay people any more, so it's not like this directly effects me. But I do have a heart.
What's the main reason against gay-marriage? Mainly the "religious sanctity" of marriage and all that crap. Ok, I understand. But what about the seperation of Church and State? What about freedom of religion? What if your religion is cool with gay marriage? You have to conform to the State religion anyway? Oh wait, there's no official state or national religion! This isn't a middle eastern country! So we should be able to believe in and live as we please right? So why the fuck is this even ok to propose as a ballot measure? Can I put a measure on the ballot to outlaw Muslim marriages? What about Jewish marriages? What about not letting people over 50 marry? Can I put forth a measure that will restrict Latinos breeding rights? No! None of that would fly. But homosexuals? Sure. Let's make a law specically against them. Fucking great.
I hope the next half of votes will be enough to knock this shit down. I'm going to bed now though. Will be dreaming about gay people all night.
Just got up and checked- 95% precincts in and still passing. Looks like California just approved Prop 8 - something that starts it's description with "eliminates rights..." Super. We should vote to eliminate more rights.
So close. AND WTF, LA county went slightly toward yes!! WTF!! WTF!! It's been how many hundreds of years and we still don't truly have separation of church and state.
It would be a lot of fun to do a church tour this Sunday and pair up to hold hands, feed each other food, etc. No arguing with church goers, only flirting.
Hitler in Nazi Germany required all prisoners who were gay to wear them.
But, now it's a symbol of gay rights and to remind those about our intolerance and how stupid and backwards people can still be to this day.
Even though I am not gay, I feel that this symbol needs to seen more than ever. Hopefully it will provoke thought or effect change for our progression and not regression of human rights
I encourage you all to do it too.
Think about it. This state has voted the gay community to be about as equal as farm animals. Something's wrong here.
Unbelievable. I can't believe suppressing civil rights would actually be supported. This shouldn't have even been allowed on the ballot. Gay, straight, whatever, this is a matter of civil rights. I expect a huge public outcry and battle against this attempt at suppression.
@ trickmilla - I think not getting married here is a good way to demonstrate your support of equality for all. +1 to that!
Keep in mind this passed by a thin margin. The fight isn't over and the numbers are shifting in our direction. We should fight to amend this out of the constitution and then fight to raise the standards by which the constitution can be amended in the future. A sales tax requires a challenging 2/3 majority while a state constitutional amendment requires only a 50 majority, wtf? A US constitutional amendment requires a 2/3 majority of congress and a 3/4 majority of states to ensure it can not be changed lightly.
What a shame ... my enthusiasm about the national election has been dampened by some of these props ... ESPECIALLY prop 8. the last minute blitz about Prop 8 affecting school curricula was unnervingly (and unfortunately) effective.
I like some of the above ideas about a ride (especially he sunday/church ride).
Religion SHOULD be taxed. These people make way too much money. Hey and when I went to vote yesterday - at a church - there was a yes on 8 sign up.
These religious freeks are on some end of the world shit. They see these gay rights issues as indicators that the world is coming to an end. They think about fairy tales like sodom and gomorrah.
There's nothing wrong with making "way too much money" except when you thrive on tax shelters and loop holes that are available exclusively to you. A free market demands that the church exist in the very same ecosystem as every other business; not within a centuries-old bubble all their own.
i'll pay for a stack of those stickers so i can go slap tag them around my area.
The small church i voted at had a house across the street with a huge banner spread across with the Vote YES on think one of the biggest cities in California actually went with this proposition. I was thinking this whole time that LA and SF would lead the vote for NO.
its legal so long as your not within 100 yards of the ballots. There were NO on prop 8 supporters outside to battle that sign but i guess it wasn't enough. Anyone see the sky writing the day before voting? huge ass VOTE YES ON PROP 8. kinda bugged me.
Yeah I should have raised my voice about that sign but I felt outflanked inside a church with a bunch of old christian looking people (the in all likely hood may not have been) running the show. I'm Lame.
I have my fingers crossed for the absentee ballots... you know those are a bunch of college students, so I'm hoping that they'll be able to swing the vote over to NO.
On the other hand:
Arizona voted to ban gay marriage- 56/44
Arkansas voted to ban gay couples from adopting- 57/43
Florida voted to ban gay marriage- 62/38
California by far had the closest margin with 52/48, and still counting.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
7:00pm - 9:00pm
West Hollywood Park
647 N San Vicente Blvd
West Hollywood, CA
Contact Info Phone: 3238486460
Proposition 8 Protest Rally & Street Closures
Wednesday, November 5th
Email From West Hollywood City Mayor Jeffrey Prang:
As deeply disappointed as we all are that California voters passed Proposition 8, we must not allow that disappointment to linger. This vote is a temporary defeat in the long march toward equal rights for all citizens in America.
Please join me for a protest rally tonight at 7 pm on San Vicente Blvd between West Hollywood Park and the Pacific Design Center (647 N. San Vicente Blvd. West Hollywood CA 90069) as we move forward towards restoring equality for all in California.
San Vicente Blvd, between Santa Monica Blvd and Melrose Avenue will be closed tonight starting at 6 pm. San Vicente south-bound traffic will be directed to make left or right at Santa Monica Blvd. Signs have already been posted to help divert traffic.
For more information about tonight’s rally, please contact (323) 848-6460.
Wow ... that was a trip.
I went to the first part of the rally. Then thought it was over and met up with a friend for some dinner. 2 hours later were are at his place watching TV and it's turned into this massive march in the streets.
We decided to ride out to check it out.
From TV to real life in 15 mins.
I have to say, the energy was pretty amazing
I actually do feel a bit better.
The Mormons are gonna get an earful tomorrow.
The gays aren't feelin' too gay towards the mormon church atm.
OMG, it was incredible. Traffic anarchy, taking all lanes on sunset on FOOT!! I was out there the whole time, the energy was amazing. They haven't defeated the movement, the just made it stronger. Sit ins in the middle of major intersections, cops everywhere trying to keep one step ahead and redirect traffic. It was nuts.
MAN I did some serious WALKING last night. My legs don't know how to do that anymore! We walked up San Vicente to Sunset (from Santa Monica) and I saw the black guy in Terminator 2 and Wanda Sykkes !! That girl is bad ass. Then we went the length of Sunset (where we saw Lance Bass in a car going the other way! He got all kinds of high fives!) to Crescent Heights down back to Santa Monica and back.
We were just following the group so I don't know where we lost that big group that went to Hollywood and Highlands but we were in the back I guess. It was crazy and amazing at the same time. Seriously it felt like Midnight Ridazz on foot because we were just walking streets, blowing through lights and getting yelled at by cops at the same time to KEEP RIGHT! haha.
Usually I'm pretty slow to getting my photos up, but I wanted to get these up right away and rushed through them. I'll post more later, but grabbed some of the ones that popped out to me more and just throwing em online.
I feel like the joy, hope and optimisim of Obama getting elected combined with the sadness, anger, and frustration of prop 8 passing is really lighting people on fire. We've been to the mountain top.
The GOP was long-gone as soon as they willingly inherited the racist dixi-crats who no longer had a place in the democratic party.
Since Barry Golderwater, who upon retirement, spoke of for integration of gays in the Military, there has been no sign of anything that resembles a "libertarian" republican party.
They clearly don't deal with power well:
Stealing elections, heavy corruption, reckless military intervention, spying on the people, rounding up minorities, and moral grand-standing, McCain and Bush at least gave a half hearted attempt to change the language of the racist anti-immigrant movement, but we see where that got them.
They may find some soul as a minority opposition party, but I am not going to hold my breath.
When the mainstream of the republican party stands up for gay liberation, a fair/ sensible policy to deal with immigrants that want to work here, (and for whom we have jobs), and shows respect for the autonomy of a woman's body. I'll give them a nod of respect, until then, they can go fuck themselves.