
Thread started by
richtotheie at 01.4.08 - 11:38 am

Hey guys, i'm looking to buy an xtracycle, preferably used. Anyone have one laying around? How much?
Oh great, richie on an X-tra cycle, just what the world needs.
Some dude on LAfixed had one for sale in the For Sale thread. Do you have an acct there?
City Hobgoblin01.4.08 - 11:40 am
He is selling an xtracycle along with a bike.
Will Sell to Forum Members for $650.
Xtracycle alone cost $400+90 (wideloaders) = $490
If you've never heard of an Xtracycle take a minute to check out their website:
Just the Xtracycle unit sells for $400. The additional "WideLoaders" are an additional $90.
I'm not going to rant and rave about Xtracycle's in general. There is plenty of that on the internet already. The frame size is 16". I'm 5'9" and it fits great. My girlfriend is 5'3" and she can ride it.
The bike comes as pictured. It is in excellent work condition and has always been kept indoors. Take a look at the photos. If you have in questions feel free to ask. The deck is padded so that a passenger can sit on the back and hold onto the handlebars behind the seat. You won't even know they're there once you start pedaling.
I built this bike with the intention of doing a cross country tour. Unfortunately it never happened for me. Now with work I simply don't have time to ride like a used to. The price is firm, as I'm in no real hurry to see it go. If I don't sell it for $750 I will put it in storage. I have over $1,200 invested in this bike. Everything was thoroughly thought out and customized. There isn't a bike like it anywhere.
If you're interested in cross-country touring check out these guys:
I went to school with one of these guys and all of them are riding XtraCycles.
franz01.4.08 - 11:49 am
what, you do you think extending the rear wheel will make that tripple decker more ridable? i don't think you can use the free radical to improve mounts and dismounts.
junkboat01.4.08 - 11:51 am
Yes i do think it will add more stability to the 3xtall bike. I'm so far back over my rear wheel, that it would absolutely help. Who are ya junk?
richtotheie01.4.08 - 11:59 am
For those that own them. Do you think the are worth the price?
sexy01.4.08 - 1:45 pm
can an xtracycle take that kind of load? i'd want some triangulation from the rear wheel up to the seat if thats what you're using it for...
stevestevesteve01.4.08 - 2:54 pm
i believe it can take a little over 200 lbs directly on top of it, so you should be fine. that is going to look sweet.
i don't think we met on sunday but i was at the BRW learning how to weld when you showed up used up all the good frames...thanks.
just kidding, i can't wait to see that thing in action.
junkboat01.4.08 - 2:59 pm

"For those that own them. Do you think the are worth the price?"
For me, yes. About 8 months ago I decided I needed a real grocery getter after going over the bars of my foldie when the two grocery bags I was carrying on the handlebars screwed up my steering, sending me, the bike and the groceries all onto the sidewalk (fortunately in mostly separate piles). So I got an Xtracycle conversion kit.
In the last year I've put 2000+ miles on my foldie and only about 300+ on my X, but the X carries a week's groceries for 3 people plus two pizza boxes on top and keeps me from crashing while carrying all that. That safety, utility and not having to drive to get groceries make the X worth it for me, despite the low miles I put into it compared to my foldie. Different bikes have different sweet spots in terms of application.
I had my LBS do the conversion of a hybrid ("comfort") bike to an Xtracycle, they charged $50 for the job.
I now ride the X with wide loaders on all the time. I have to be careful when pushing off to pick up my trailing foot real quick. If I let my trailing foot hang too long, up comes the wide loader to scrunch it.
Putting the heavy stuff low (in the freeloaders or on the wide loaders) makes for less sway than putting the heavy stuff high on the deck, but the X will take the weight either way and keep rolling.
Converting a hybrid I never considered a fun ride into a practical grocery getter I do enjoy using is part of what it's worth for me. The low and closely spaced gears of the hybrid make good sense on the street for a loaded-down X. But that (optimal) low gearing and added weight also give my X a lower topspeed, about 15 MPH for me.
I've only brought my X to one ride since it's a whole lot harder to get there than the foldie, whether ridden (being heavier and slower) or carried by car (it needs a really wide rack, the foldie doesn't need a rack at all). I really doubt the extended wheelbase of an X would fit on bus bike racks.
It takes practice to work out the best ways to strap stuff down that won't fit in the freeloaders. Bagging or otherwise wrapping stuff then strapping it seems to work best for me.
The long wheelbase and increased weight give a smooth ride which feels very stable though not nimble and not fast. I find the promised intangibles of owning and using an X meaningful for me despite the X not being my commuting bike except on days when I need to stop for groceries on the way home -- and on those days it's a sweet ride.
OverTheHill01.5.08 - 12:59 am
Surly and Xtracycle teamed up and made a bike. It's called the Surly "big dummy" it's an entirely integrated bike, the entire frame with xtracycle is one piece. you can check out the specs. It's pretty nice.
LudiChrist01.8.08 - 9:29 am
Check out this video from one of the founders.
It's really about environmental change; but there is an Xtall bike in it towards the end.
The Big Dummy isn't out until I think Feb. sometime. Not positive.
I saw one though and they are really cool. Kinda heavy, but they look solid.
Over all I would say, if you're buying one to do things you do now with a car. They're great!! If you're looking for a new toy, you'll get bored quickly. I love mine and am always scheming about new things to carry with it. It was totally worth it for me.
Drew01.8.08 - 11:41 am
Anyone have updates on their love (or hate) with the xtracycle... or Big Dummy?
I wanted one for some some time... the Big Dummy is bit much, since... you cant convert back, but it seems great if you use an xtracycle all the time. Actually I wont buy a big dummy.. Surly is awesome, but I'll be happy with an old school MTB and an xtracycle.
any new thoughts on this stuff?
Experience with hauling a person on the back?
Anyone figured out how to create their own xtracycle?
md210.29.09 - 10:15 am
I've been looking into a used one as a pain-free method of increasing the size of the rear-wheel on my mothballed EZ-1.
bentstrider10.29.09 - 10:19 am
Extracycles are really cool! Here's a link on building your own
TheJen responding to a
comment by md2
10.29.09 - 10:20 am

saw that... which i thought was pretty smart...
the comments section had the better version
Note the the guy who uses one in IRAQ!!
md2 responding to a
comment by TheJen
10.29.09 - 10:31 am
Put a rear-facing seat on that one, along with a swivel-mount, and you've got yourself a tail-gunner!!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by md2
10.29.09 - 10:41 am
i think using the bottom bracket as the mounting point was clever... but creating stability seems more complicated... the xtracycle has a nice frame design.... which as Ive seen, is hard to mimic (unless you want to weld).
the first bike uses the frame's kickstand mount and if you dont have one, you can easily bypass that and create a mount (probably use a the mount from a kickstand or similar to clamp onto the chainstay).
anyhow... I just wonder if there are any real savings here....
md2 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
10.29.09 - 11:23 am
Well I'm no engineer and my math skills past basics are iffy, so this is all going to be on strict, trial and error.
If it hold together after some slight tweaks, we got ourselves a winner.
If it busts my ass, then I'm shelling out.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by md2
10.29.09 - 11:27 am
not that you have to, but if you can... try documenting your project (photos and such)...
If you think of ideas for the stabilizer, let us know. Actually, it might be cool to post your progress or brainstorming... maybe others with more experience can help.
I would only be good for helping you make errors and talking shit, but if you need either... post away.
md2 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
10.29.09 - 11:36 am
Hey, I'm just at the brainstorming(candle instead of light bulb flickering in head) stage right now.
I'm going to hit up some yard sales and the local swap meet this weekend when I get off of work and if I'm not out of energy for some reason.
Right now, all I need is some junker Dual Suspension with 26"s, some Home Depot implements and I'll be good to go.
The next phase if this works is to switch the front fork out to a 26" as well.
I'll just have to find something with an extra long steer tube in 1".
I just want to ride this thing again without having to pack two different sizes of tubes.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by md2
10.29.09 - 11:51 am
i gave up already.... story of my life.
"The next phase if this works is to switch the front fork out to a 26" as well. "
why would you do this? If youre using it on a 700c frame, you will basically bring the bottom bracket too low... pedal crank floor hit crash sucks.
I dont see why you NEED rear suspension. I dont really see why you can use a 700c rear wheel on a 26" rear triangle (if it clears), and you can still get some brakes to mount correctly.
Beside that... just use an old road frame rear chain/seat stay...
md2 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
10.29.09 - 12:09 pm
I'm doing this to my recumbent, which is currently 20" on the ass, 16" in the front.
Unfortunately, no sign of 700 anything up here, used anyway.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by md2
10.29.09 - 12:20 pm
changing to a 26"?
Dont you think you're basically creating a higher bottom bracket? even for a recumbent? Youre really changing the geometry...
BUT im not into incumbents so i may be wrong... but look into it.
You may be raising the frame too high... so as to throw off how the bike is supposed to distribute weight and stuff
kind of like putting monster truck wheels on a toyota tacoma... more included to roll over, right?
md2 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
10.29.09 - 12:27 pm
Hey, no one else is riding it and buying a specifically built recumbent won't be happening until everyone else in the house starts working.
In essence, I'm cheap and don't have a whole lot going right now, so it's time to drop some of the safety shit and go extreme!!!
I wear a helmet, but that's about it.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by md2
10.29.09 - 12:47 pm
no, no... thats not the point...
I thought we were brainstorming? patience.... or else you'll buy a frame that is not your size and complain that a shop screwed you.
since the rear wheel is 20"... what about the rear chainstay of
1. BMX frame
2. Those 20" kids MTB frames?
For one.. the bmx stays will not extend as much as an MTB frame, but on the other hand if $$$ is an issue... find a used BMX will be easy and less expensive (possibly stronger too).
It would be like a mini extra cycle.
The key would be to find a bmx frame that uses chainstay brake mounts, or seat stay mounts (not caliper brakes).
What do you think?
md2 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
10.29.09 - 1:17 pm
I could do this, but I'm not looking to purposely extend my wheelbase, just a weld-free way to make a 26" fit on the back.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by md2
10.29.09 - 7:05 pm
I am humbled by the picture of a DIY longtail bike built by one of our Country's soldiers in Iraq.
I am not without a car, but I do not want our Country's men and women in combat for oil.
I think it's a shame there is no competition here for gasoline sales based on "no bad guys' oil here". I'd buy such gasoline if such a claim were made and true.
Meantime, I continue to use my longtail Xtracycle for almost all my grocery and utility runs. It's got 1600+ miles now. That, and the 4000+ miles on another of my bikes is my small but visible and personal contribution to lessening our Coutry's dependence on foreign oil, and keeping a little more carbon in the ground too. Biking means a lot of important things to me.
I hope the soldier who built that awesome longtail DIY bike makes it home safe and sound and proud, and brings home his bike too. It would look awesome on a ride... though perhaps *one* particular piece of equipment could be omitted for rides here? LA's tough OK but no way is it *that* tough...
OverTheHill responding to a
comment by md2
10.29.09 - 11:32 pm
Fine then, we'll replace it with a beanbag/flashbang launcher.
The streets aren't that tough, but they could still use a little discipline.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by OverTheHill
10.30.09 - 1:21 am
Don't worry, you'll be the first to fire it!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by coldcut
10.30.09 - 1:46 am