NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Instead all this card pulling and cyber-beef why dont turn it around start calling people out to fuck and not fight. I'd be more productive.
Anyways. We'll start with me. Who thinks I'm Cute ?
I wanna see someone actually go out on a date. Instead of meet up over internet qaurrals.
MIDNIGHT RIDAZZ LUVVTALK. (has this been done?)
refrain from the overspammed photos of franz. is someone wants some franzia let it be known wif seriousness.
Just pace yer alc intake so's to avoid the probability that this said "date" leaves you destitute and decides that rinding off with yer bike is a better score than rolling in the hay.
Good luck Sputnik
Dates are typical and plastic. I'd rather judge a relationship with a girl by the length of the conversation I could have with her, rather then the places we go to spend money. Its vapid, just like valentines day, but we take part in it anyways because thats the "norm". Well, I'm tired of it. I refuse to take part in it.
I don't go out of my way to find women, I feel like it takes away at what I'm trying to do, which is to have a good time. I don't go to rides to pick up women. I go to rides to make FRIENDS. I've seen it happen on every ride where the few girls there are constantly getting hit on by all the dudes. Its uncomfortable, unappealing, & mannerless. I love it when dudes on rides try to dress fancy to impress ladies, and what happens? They end up getting too drunk, crashing their bikes, get blood all over their fancy clothes, and end up wishing they wore their helmet.
People wonder why there aren't many women who go on rides. Well, its pretty obvious.
Dates are typical and plastic. I'd rather judge a relationship with a girl by the length of the conversation I could have with her, rather then the places we go to spend money. Its vapid, just like valentines day, but we take part in it anyways because thats the "norm". Well, I'm tired of it. I refuse to take part in it.
I don't go out of my way to find women, I feel like it takes away at what I'm trying to do, which is to have a good time. I don't go to rides to pick up women. I go to rides to make FRIENDS. I've seen it happen on every ride where the few girls there are constantly getting hit on by all the dudes. Its uncomfortable, unappealing, & mannerless. I love it when dudes on rides try to dress fancy to impress ladies, and what happens? They end up getting too drunk, crashing their bikes, get blood all over their fancy clothes, and end up wishing they wore their helmet.
People wonder why there aren't many women who go on rides. Well, its pretty obvious.
Graham, I think you're cute. :D Want to have a stimulating conversation of our diverse opinions over Bread on the sidewalk?
Dates are typical and plastic. I'd rather judge a relationship with a girl by the length of the conversation I could have with her, rather then the places we go to spend money. Its vapid, just like valentines day, but we take part in it anyways because thats the "norm". Well, I'm tired of it. I refuse to take part in it.
You're not like all those other guys, are you. You're special. Want to fuck?
Dates can be typical and plastic, or they can be atypical and organic and sustainable and Fair Trade and shade-grown. It depends on who you go with and where you go. Conversation is certainly a good way to figure out the "who" part, assuming you are blessed with a large pool of acquaintances / friends-of-friends / members of your scene cohort to choose from, and have ample opportunity to have conversations with them. But eventually the two of you are probably gonna go on a date, unless you and she are the type to skip straight ahead from introductory conversation to cocooning. Then it'll be up to the two of you to make sure it's not "typical and plastic," no?
I've seen it happen on every ride where the few girls there are constantly getting hit on by all the dudes. Its uncomfortable, unappealing, & mannerless.
I'm not seeing this, for some reason. At least not the way you describe it. Am I that naïve / blind / oblivious? Or could it be that you are exaggerating just a smidgen?
People wonder why there aren't many women who go on rides. Well, its pretty obvious.
You're damn right it's obvious. When O when will this whole "pee break" situation be resolved?
"They need to learn how to pee in the bushes like a real girl. That's romance."
Or in a dumpster.
Funny you say this... one of my most memorable true romance moments was when rbi arranged a shit load of cardboard boxes behind a dumpster, so that I could maneuver myself in to take a leak. AND he didn't judge when I came out with pee on my shoes.
you shot at cars with a paintball gun? thats so far past the point of being fucked up i dont even know what it is.
These were people who pushed me out of a so-called, "circle just for asking questions.
That and a few women who turned me down in favor of some dude-bruhs who loved to rub shit in.
I stopped doing that after my younger brother tossed me down the aforementioned, hill.
He's got four inches and 190 pounds of leaner muscle on me in addition to actual, fight-club experience.
And the Air Force just made him even worse!!!
So now, if I feel bad, I just ride a little, go to the gym, or play some Silent Hill/Resident Evil.
I pissed on Dingo's shoes once! While he was wearing them. He was busy distracted talking to some blonde girl and I drained myself on his shoes. He didn't realize right away. But then he fought with me and ripped my colors. It was worth it!
so does this mean if I want to fuck somebody I should start a fight with them. Oh God, I would have to turn gay to live up to the original idea of this thread.
Its funny, I would sometimes get accused by my significant other for going on rides to hook up with girls. That was when the majority of girls on the rides where lesbians. Now the majority girls our young enough to be my daughter. I have seen guys act goofy around attractive girls that come to the rides, never really seen anybody try to pick up on each other. There has been exception, but its rare
yeah, i don't quite understand that statement either. I mean, have you really never been with a person you were interested in romantically who was also interested in you, doing something recreational, either alone or with others? Somehow I doubt that. You seem like an attractive and sociable lady.
Dates don't have to involve somebody picking you up in their sports car and bringing roses to the door... contrary to what Saved By The Bell might have you believe.
C'mon, Liz, we all know what she meant: having someone call you and ask you out on a "date" without already being romantically involved. And probably going to a movie or dinner or something and not really knowing if it is going to work out or if you even like the person and, OH GOD, does the other person even like ME? And all that jazz. FUN!
I still don't really get that... I mean, c'mon, according to those standards, nobody's ever been on a date. I've never had someone say "do you want to go on a date?" you just ask if you want to do something... and you either do or you don't. I mean, the whole date thing is wishy-washy anyway. That's why you hear people always say "is this going to be a date? i dunno... does he think it's a date? what if he thinks it's a date?" etc. etc.
and I quote...
George: I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk or something.
Jerry: Oh, well a walk... that's not a date...
George: OR SOMETHING Jerry: ....or something... Yeah, that's a date!
Obviously there's not enough hook-up action going on, those guys need to get bikes ->
@ FF - If a guy calls you and wants to do something and you go do something, that's like a date right there. Unless he's gay, or you're gay, or both of you are gay, or something.
Also, according to many sociologists college age kids don't date anymore because of a compound of a fear of intimacy and wanting to avoid social awkwardness for those who don't have dates, so all they do is hang out in mixed-sex groups together and hook up once in a while. Hot dang, I think I just found something worth going to graduate school for.
Or it could finally be a collapse of rigid Victorian era social rules, allowing men and women to socialize more freely, thereby informalizing the courtship process again.
thank you, yes that is what i meant. of course ive been out with guys but ive never had a guy take me somewhere on a romantic level when we were not already involved.
thats all.
oh and
"@ FF - If a guy calls you and wants to do something and you go do something, that's like a date right there. Unless he's gay, or you're gay, or both of you are gay, or something. "
does anyone else find that totally wrong? most of my friends are men so does that mean ive dated all my friends??? oh shit...
Or it could finally be a collapse of rigid Victorian era social rules, allowing men and women to socialize more freely, thereby informalizing the courtship process again.
Victorian-era social rules had largely collapsed by the time our grandparents were born. The decidedly modern (for the time) courtship rules that followed them and that persisted through the late 1950s and early 1960s were pretty much shattered by the revolutionary social transformation of The Sixties (read: mid-1960s through early 1970s), which is still before a lot of Ridazz were born. The "kids just hang around in groups these days" observation dates back to the eighties, when a good number of Ridazz were in diapers and some still hadn't been born. The courtship process has been informal since before our parents were courting.
Yet the "date" persists as something that people voluntarily do. So you have to figure that it serves some kind of purpose.
Only on could a discussion about fucking degenerate into a discussion about dating.
"one of my most memorable true romance moments was when rbi arranged a shit load of cardboard boxes behind a dumpster, so that I could maneuver myself in to take a leak. AND he didn't judge when I came out with pee on my shoes."
That one of the sweetest things. EVA!
The problem with peeing standing up is taht it goes everywhere and most of the time it just goes down. Through your thigs and eventually into your socks. Unless you try and lift your vag skin to a certain position. I've only done it twice but...meh.