Thread started by
spiraldemon at 09.16.08 - 2:12 pm
This thread is dedicated to everyone's favorite SUCK JOY.
Whatever ride he goes on, whatever forum thread he posts on, he sucks the joy out of everything around him.
The Biggest, Gayest nay-sayer on these forums: He's Big, he's Gay, he's Al.
Congratulations, Loser1!
I should have snuffed you out while I had a chance Fluffa. They would have concluded it was mountain lion attack and I would have been home free! Next time we go camping, I'm gona whip ya ass and take yo bike!
User109.16.08 - 3:20 pm
Any Mountain Lion that bites Jeff will probably drop dead, then burst into flames!!!
bentstrider09.16.08 - 6:01 pm
Great writing style Jeff. That sounded like it came straight from the heart.
Well Said!
sexy09.16.08 - 8:58 pm
Loser1 is too big and slow to catch me in real life, so he needs to dream about catching me
spiraldemon09.17.08 - 2:35 pm
User 1 is a bringer of joy to the L.A. cycling community.
He's like the curmudgeonly uncle who makes you smile even while he's ranting.
Not only that, I think he might be Robert Anton Wilson's doppelganger.
Seriously, look at that picture above, then click over to the Discordian Ride thread and scroll down.
JB09.17.08 - 4:12 pm
I wonder if this title still hangs in the air?
bentstrider12.1.08 - 3:29 am
Best Post Ever...........................................
old is inevitable if you live long enough.
stubborn, fat, ignorant are avoidable.
loser1, you're all three.
fuck u
01.24.09 - 8:57 am
sexy02.2.09 - 9:40 am
WOAH! That post should require you to do some community service or something...ouch
SKIDMARCUS02.2.09 - 10:28 am
OK now this is getting REAL disturbing. Dave, are stalking me? There's is laws about internet stalking you know? Or is this just a healthy infatuation?
OK I'll play along.
What's the email address you want me to send my nudie to?
User102.2.09 - 1:13 pm
it's disturbing that you have nudes of yourself to hand out.
it's even more surprising that nude images of you wouldn't break any photographic equipment or blind people, including yourself.
spiraldemon02.2.09 - 2:13 pm
dementia is setting in for Loser1.
remember to euthanize on sight, he's a danger to himself and everyone who has to look as his dumb face
spiraldemon02.3.09 - 10:03 am
after having personal experience with dementia patient I could see the reason argued for in the eugenics movement and that the nazi movement where in favor of euthanasia.
I could see with the future elder boom, where people are living longer if you don't have someone who care for you or you don't have the financial resources to have someone care for you that euthanasia could be a possibly. Why not, we don't care about poor people around the world or poor people in our own country. Are government kill people like "it ain't no thing" as it is. We support other govt that ethnically cleanse other people. This is a strong possibility.
Why do I say all of this, having someone that loves you is a strong insurance policy when something goes wrong. When nobody loves you, it is easy to be up shit creek when something goes wrong, like dementia.
sexy02.3.09 - 11:11 am
User102.3.09 - 12:12 pm
somebody needs to put Loser1 out of his misery before he sucks the joy out of the Salton Sea
spiraldemon02.3.09 - 2:47 pm