NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Sorry Sarah but you got it wrong. It wasn't me that made the jackass statement that I was PUCK. It wasn't me that spammed the boards with messages of 328, well not until certain others did it. Maybe you should redirect your requests?
I know you're trying to protect your ride, and you would never do that, I aint waiting around to see that happen.
Roadblock had it right: "The calendar should be sacred from bullshit. That's the one place that we should all respect. People come here from all over the world to see what this midnight ridazz is all about. The forum is obviously a free for all (to a degree) but keep the bullshit away from the calendar."
a ride is a ride. it's for everyone. unless we are intentionally leading cyclists to a slaughter without FUN - well, that's a different story.
but this All Day Ride is for everyone - a lot of work has gone into it and a lot of time - because we want to have FUN - we want to do what we want.
i am ashamed that "people from all over the world" are reading this shit. we want to make LA a bigger and better cycling community and the people i look up to the most are shitting all over a forum in the name of what?
I've always liked the idea of democracy rather then a republic.
Democracy everybody on the ground that see what is happen and has been happening makes a decision in regards to the situation. In a republic an appointed body decides what should be done according to pre-written laws.
I didn't see Lord of The Flys but if it is anything like dealing with USER1 it sounds as if the kids where taking care of business
There was a bunch of 328 spamming going on. Crap like posting in other threads about the schedule and the events. Shit load of spamming by posting up new threads with nothing on them, just titled "328". So I did a bit of my own spamming. Then others got in on it, RB cleaned it up, then it was back to normal!
Oh and alot of troll sign ins were deleted too. Also somewhere in all this Borfo accused me of being PUCK, one of the trolls. But when it came time to put up or shut up by betting on it, he STFU! This after getting everyone all worked up.
Nothings really changed. Dave's still a big hater in Fluffaville, and I'm still chillin in Strong Beach.