Cycling Is Not A Crime
Thread started by
Tbone at 03.17.09 - 9:05 pm
I was just referred to your great web site and concept. I'm looking forward to joining everyone for a ride. In the mean time, I've just started a web site to get grass roots involvement.
Our mission is to elevate the position of the cyclist in the psyche of the motorist to a place of friendship and mutual respect. please visit us and consider joining at
That's the way to do it, now if only we could fire it in the back-country.
bentstrider03.17.09 - 9:24 pm
oh lord didn't they have this 'campaign' for skateboarding is not a crime?
why do bikes have to be introduced to the circle of counter-culture?
can't we just all be a part of the solution?
_iJunes03.17.09 - 9:59 pm
Tbone, I saw that someone posted about making a cyclist bill of rights on your site and thought I should share this with you:
shadylane03.17.09 - 10:52 pm
who is this Michael Gardiol? He's impersonating Borfo!
grrrrrrrrr makes me soooooo mad!!!!
User103.18.09 - 11:01 am
junu I think it's too late to try to stop bikes from becoming counter-culture!
monovsstereo03.18.09 - 11:47 am
juno. In case you haven't realized your running off at the mouth is the problem. How could you be the solution!!!!???
Why yes you could. Sssshhhhhh thats the solution SSSsssHHhhh Juno
Is this the Wizzoa site? I went to sign up and and I was already on.
sexy03.18.09 - 12:01 pm
Cycling is not a crime?
Is cycling complicit to the dominant petrol fueled war mongering capitalist imperialist system?
Count me out then.
marino03.18.09 - 12:42 pm