Throwing shoes @ Obama?

Thread started by
User1 at 04.14.09 - 10:55 am
Latest from your friend and mine, the Stimulator.............
Is it too early to throw a shoe at Obama?
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"
height="510" allowscriptaccess="always"
Is it too early to throw a shoe at Obama? NO
But it is too late note to vote for him. They would all do it again.
sexy04.14.09 - 11:45 am
what the fuck was that video even talking about? I couldnt get through more than 10 seconds
note to activists: when making a video about serious issues, keep your videos serious and informative. skip the bs graphics and video effects.
Roadblock04.14.09 - 2:04 pm
That video was about,
1. Montezuma’s Revenge in Reverse
2. California Droughting
3. Coke Crude
4. New School student beat down
5. London PoPo G20 murder
6. RNC 8 are not terrorists
7. Univ. of Colorado gets pwend
8. Obama’s war chest
9. P.H.A.T.W.A.
10. Skidmark Bob of Free Radio Santa Cruz
I love stim!
Rock on dood!!!!!
User104.14.09 - 3:26 pm
as always The Stimulator always recaps some important under-reported news events. Brought along with brilliant commentary, and silly comical satire.
sexy04.14.09 - 6:06 pm