Asshole Cyclist!!!!!!
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louisbianchirider at 05.6.09 - 1:52 pm
Driving me crazy whenever I am just being nice to a fellow rider and just saying hi, or I am waving in a fellow rider how you doing kind of way being respectful the pricks out here do not do anything. I mean I am talking about the rich fools or just other riders out when I am riding out around my house I mean come on is it that hard just to nod your head in a friendly fashion or is that to much to ask. I mean the thing that I love is whenever there is a MR infront or next to me they always take the time to talk and get to know you this is why I am a MR because we are all nice to our fellow riders.
other cyclists throw things at me.
_iJunes05.6.09 - 2:28 pm
they laugh because you're funny.
funny looking, funny smelling, etc
spiraldemon05.6.09 - 2:34 pm
Bike messangers are that type of riders. When i meet a new messenger and start to explain about MR they get all snoby and shit telling me there not real riders and blah blah... snobs...
Debut21305.6.09 - 3:30 pm
It's a Westside thing
I often come across snobby roadies when riding over the hill.
especially the Helens riders
Dedicated81805.6.09 - 3:34 pm
How about the guys that dont even offer a helping hand when they see someone fixing a flat or something. Where's Stilline when want a hand?
Gav05.6.09 - 3:51 pm
They usually just stick a frame pump in my front wheel.
larsenf05.6.09 - 3:57 pm
i've met some pretty cool roadies on the westside. but yeah, some of those helen's guys are douches. they support ALC, which is great; but they hate MR and they have nothing but disdain for co-ops...
i call them spandex supremacists. (not to be confused with S.H.A.R.P.s, or Spandex Havers Against Rida Prejudice.)
tortuga_veloce05.6.09 - 3:58 pm
I laughed when iJunes rode into the back of a parked car.
NixonTwin05.6.09 - 3:59 pm
I hate it when riders dont come prepared or even know how to change a flat tire, why should stilline do the dirty work?.. jeez i would imagine that would be the first skill they would aquire...
Debut21305.6.09 - 4:00 pm
Hahahaha. Pump.
I hate all these DTLA bicipeople Who just do it for the trend and then look down on you when you dont mash the light. Urgh. Go walk your dog as an excuse to meet pussy outside ralphs.
Tarmonster.05.6.09 - 4:00 pm
spandex havin anti- vag elitists
mandingo05.6.09 - 4:01 pm
damn tarsis.. i couldnt have said it better myself...
pretti*ugli05.6.09 - 4:02 pm
I laughed when iJunes rode into the back of a parked car.
even i laughed when i rode into the back of a parked car.
_iJunes05.6.09 - 4:05 pm
lol Debut, I hope that wasn't directed at me. I can do all the stuff my self and I have my supplies but Stilline always seems to know how do everything faster than everyone else.
Gav05.6.09 - 4:08 pm
I agree the Helens riders are assholes. But the BIGGEST snob assholes are the LaGrange riders.
illy05.6.09 - 4:14 pm
wah wah wah
what about when ur walking through the grocery store?
do u expect other midnight grocery store walkers to nod their heads at you and push their carts next to you and chit chat?
well why not?
you have that ONE THING IN COMMON. ur buying groceries!
KiMS105.6.09 - 4:19 pm
Practice makes perfect Gav...that comment was towards the unprepared riders who need to buy a clue.
Debut21305.6.09 - 4:19 pm
isn't Luisbianchirider with La Grange?
Gav05.6.09 - 4:23 pm
fucking totally agree
who the fuck goes on a bike ride without knowing how to fix a flat?
whats worse is on rides, that chump walking around, hey man, do you have an extra tube?
no man, ur walking home tonight.
KiMS105.6.09 - 4:23 pm
now if you're grocery shoppin, and dancing, and you came across another grocery shopper dancing, you have yourself a battle
_iJunes05.6.09 - 4:24 pm
lollll i think he rides in their club, i just know generally at the races, the la grange guys always look angry. even during their warmups they just generally look mad.
_iJunes05.6.09 - 4:26 pm
you missed out last night,
we did a whole lot of not riding.
it was great.
KiMS105.6.09 - 4:26 pm
i did no laundry when i got home and fell asleep baked.
story of my life.
_iJunes05.6.09 - 4:28 pm
"no man, ur walking home tonight.--KiMS1"
Hahaha, thats cold man, hahaha...
Debut21305.6.09 - 4:31 pm
kims is cold blooded
like jong il
_iJunes05.6.09 - 4:34 pm
i think being a messenger is totally different from riding for fun, like a lot of us do. messengers have to ride their bikes as a job, haha. i would be pretty bitter too, hahahaha.
it's true though, most of the messengers i've met always say shit like, "ahh, fucking nica. you do those midnight rides? you're fucking lame, those shits are stupid!"
northernsoulbyrd05.6.09 - 6:57 pm
I hate my roadie neighbor,
he always brags off to me about him leaving at 7 a.m to heading up on some 60+ mile destination,he says fixed gears are for immature people who don't have the true skill to handle an all dura ace campo like himself blahh blahh blahh,
And he has an bike rack on his ford mustang,wtf!!
madmike05.6.09 - 7:04 pm
We had two and i quote them " pro messengers" come on to to hell with taco tuesday, they were douchey when they first arrived but later warmed up to it. So guess there not all bad..
Debut21305.6.09 - 7:08 pm
hahahahaha, bike racks on cars are so lame! i guess if you're traveling to another state or something it's coo...
seriously, i know a messenger who works in downtown and drives to downtown with his bike on the rack of his car, HAHAHA. and that foo lives by USC! what kind of a messenger is he! and plus, he's not even a fucking bike messenger, he's a fucking walking messenger who just has a bike!
northernsoulbyrd05.6.09 - 7:09 pm
I ride for LaGrange the members, well strike that there are some of the members are dicks and rich fucking snobs yes will agree with that but all the ones I know are awesome guys that wave at the other riders. I agree that the helens guys are dicks. The LaGrange riders that are the nice ones are the actual racing team members not just the members but I have asked them what the think about MR the support us just not when they are riding in races but they do respect MR with any race group you get some guys that are douch bags.
louisbianchirider05.6.09 - 8:21 pm
There was this dude in Sherman Oaks this morning who purposely ignored me.
My best experiences where when before I brought a patch kit, pump and extra tubes, these roadies in Bennedict Canyon would ignore me when I had a flat. GOOD LOOKIN OUT!
sexy05.6.09 - 9:40 pm
dont you hate it when people dont even take 6 seconds out there ride and slow down and ask if you need any help I mean come on the bike will always be there for you to keep going why not help out a fellow rider atleast this way I hope the favor is shared if I have a problem
louisbianchirider05.6.09 - 9:58 pm
well the fastest way people are gonna realize that they need to be self sufficient is after that first time they get stranded.
teach a mafugga to fish instead of giving him fish.
i mean, if its some young ass kid, then yes, i will stop and help and teach him/her how to fix a flat.
but srsly, if ur old enough, you need to be responsible for yourself.
all u need is a tube, a pump, and a 5 minute DIY clip from youtube and your prepared for flats.
KiMS105.7.09 - 2:50 am
I ride through the Westside and Brentwood alot and forget the assistnace factor because every rider should be self sufficient and not rely on others but the LaGrange riders are so fucking rude that they wont even look your direction when you ride by them. They think they are hot shit or super strong. But the majority of them are fucking weekend posers with expensive bikes. Thats the main reason most of them get dropped on San Vicente or Sepulveda. Those guys are the biggest asshols I have come across. Fuck you LaGrange.
illy05.7.09 - 10:25 am
I was probably one of these assholes this morning because I woke up late and didn’t have time to shower, needed air but couldn’t find either of the 2 pumps at Ridge Way and no time to go somewhere else, long red light taking too long and traffic too crazy to try and run it, knee hurting and knee support thingie making it sweaty and gross, trying not to be late to work…
So whoever I ignored (by not making eye contact) probably thought I was an assholes as I passed him and didn’t say hi or ring my bell or anything… saw him after 4 or so intersections still kind of behind me and was too embarrassed to smile so I kept the asshole attitude going
I will be nicer next time
I did take time to wave at drivers for yielding and stopping for me and SEEING me on the road. I think every bit of gratitude helps and can go a long way in making drivers feel appreciated. They can pat themselves on the back as if they did something so fucking great and extraordinary and maybe keep the positive attitude going for the next rider they see on the road.
Kakihara05.7.09 - 10:32 am
Yo man I ride for the team LaGrange alot of them are asses man but atleast as far as I know there are several of them that are cool guys and will help out a fellow rider there are alot though that ride the expensive bikes and are pricks with no riding talent at all but atleast I am the one rider that will stop and be nice and kind but there are about 40 others that are nice guys.
louisbianchirider05.7.09 - 1:05 pm
sometimes i'm too shy to say hi.
and then when i do it they dont see me
so by then i would ignore them because they think i'm an ass
66605.7.09 - 1:32 pm
Yeah I am not shy but the guys that see me and then refuse to look back wave back or if you dont want your hands of the bars nod at me they piss me off even a smile will work
louisbianchirider05.7.09 - 1:52 pm
no doubt i'm a dick myself but only towards those with nicer bikes than mine, thats just how i do it.
i never really have anything to help out but i've fixed 4 flats for people using their shit.
_iJunes05.7.09 - 1:56 pm
So whoever I ignored (by not making eye contact) probably thought I was an assholes as I passed him and didn’t say hi or ring my bell or anything… saw him after 4 or so intersections still kind of behind me and was too embarrassed to smile so I kept the asshole attitude going
Don't worry, I'm sure he was so mad at getting passed by a tiny girl on a Huffy that he didn't even notice your attitude.
PC05.7.09 - 3:23 pm
Hey, I dont need anyone to stop for me or even wave or smile. Just dont act like a dick when someone pulls up to you at a light. You might feel like an asshole after you get dropped. Yes, I am talking about the LAGrange guys.
illy05.7.09 - 3:36 pm
It's fun to ruin a roadie's attempt at dropping you.
Gav05.7.09 - 3:40 pm
Ridazz that think they're going to handed a bone are lame. I was on one ride and this dude had a flat. He could even get his tire off. He had no tools, spare tube, pump or patches either. Out of 6 people I was the only one with a tube. I wasn't about to give the fucker my tube. F him! Next time come prepared and don't expect someone to do your dirty work for you!
He ended up having to call someone to come pick him up! hahahhahaa
Oh yeah, no one had a patch kit either. I somehow didn't have cement.
User105.7.09 - 7:43 pm
when I put the LaGrange gear on you will never catch me ha like to see you people try you see me at a light I will dust you but I will still be nice
louisbianchirider05.7.09 - 9:13 pm
I nod all the damned time when I'm riding. Doesn't matter if I know you, if you ride the same kinda bike I do, if I'm in a hurry. You're on a bike, I nod.
Waving ... well, that might be construed as "I actually know you and would like to stop and say hello." If the person doesn't recognize you, they probably just don't know how to respond. Nods, on the other hand: People who get a nod and don't nod back can eat a bag of dicks.
katiepoche05.7.09 - 10:12 pm