Thread started by
Roadblock at 04.14.09 - 3:07 pm
yep... PC I nominate you buddy. Your poetic posts and biting wit, subconscious snarks and gangster haiku really make riding a bicycle that much more enjoy-able. long live PC!
And how do you get your hair so straight????
steph04.14.09 - 3:09 pm
plus I will always owe you gratitude for conceptualizing the portland ridazz trip (even though ROTYx3 was the one who made it happen)
Roadblock04.14.09 - 3:21 pm
Yea for Pee!!!!
It's about time!
User104.14.09 - 3:21 pm
how many riders DOOESS it take to screw in a light bulb?
dannyzuko04.14.09 - 3:26 pm
@Perpetually Constipated,
Doyou do all your own stunts?
420LaHaRR04.14.09 - 3:30 pm
I thought PC stood for Penis Crazy.
My bad!
User104.14.09 - 3:36 pm
Well, it's about fucking time.
PC04.14.09 - 4:26 pm
What was little PC like?
What will old PC be like?
SKIDMARCUS04.14.09 - 4:41 pm
Did Mrs. C really wanted to see her son grow up to be doing a kid's past time? Was there heated debates? Did you berate her for her poor choice of words? Dissect her logic and feed it back to her? What exactly happened? Did you run away from home?
User104.14.09 - 4:55 pm
do you have any pedestrian friends? are or were you in a real gang at any point of your life in san pedro? is green your favorite color or just on cars? why haven't you dropped everything and become a wandering nomad?
neverclever04.14.09 - 4:57 pm
How come I never see you driving????
User104.14.09 - 5:21 pm
Do you find it strange that ROTW almost spells out, ROT or RITE WING? Did you think it's a conspiracy? A plot to overthrow the hippies perhaps?
User104.14.09 - 5:24 pm
Lets settle for a boat!!
User104.14.09 - 5:24 pm
what was it like being stranded on a lifeboat with a bengal tiger?
(twitter response preferred)
canadienne04.14.09 - 5:36 pm
Answers to all of your ridiculous questions will be forthcoming.
PC04.14.09 - 5:48 pm
What did you mean when you called me a phony?
Do you find your need to be right helpful in access to social capital?
sexy04.14.09 - 5:56 pm
Pleasantly Caustic,
Why don't we hang out more?
420LaHaRR04.14.09 - 6:27 pm
Promoting Complacency!
SPOOK04.14.09 - 6:31 pm
Persistently Cute
missing the DiBernardi
fucking UPS
420LaHaRR04.14.09 - 6:46 pm
Persuasive Cock,
Congrats on your award. You deserve it simply for persuading me to still go to Throbbing Gristle in SF next week and I just know you're going to provide endless hours of entertainment! Here's a poem I commissioned Genesis P'orridge to write for me to give to you:
You gotta get some
You gotta get some
Look at me I touch your breast
Look at me I touch your knees
And I persuade you
Like always I persuade you
Like always I persuade you
Look at me I touch your head
I say the words and you go to bed
My sister and my mother
My father and my son
Do everything I want them to
With persuasion
One lot of persuasion
Like always persuasion
Now there's lots of ways
to persuade you
I could do it with money
I could look at you
I could show you all that
You might as well do it anyway
You might as well choose
to play the game
After all you've seen yourself before
What difference does it
make if I take your
What difference does it
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
make if someone else sees
it too?
All your friends do it
I mean nobody will know it's you
Anybody, it could be any body
I mean, these magazines, you know,
They only go to middle aged men
So why don't you do what I suggest
I persuade you
With words I persuade you
I've got a little biscuit tin
To keep your panties in
I've got a little biscuit tin
To keep your panties in
Soiled panties, white
panties, school panties,
Y-front panties
By the canal, by the canal
And I persuade you
Like always I persuade you
Look at me
Look at me
There's a certaing word
and a certain touch
A certain way and a way too much
There's a little bit here
And a little bit there
When you've done it all
it's too late to care
Oh I persuade you
Like always I persuade you
Look in my eye
Under your covers
I touch you
And tell you what to do
Do it because I tell you
Do it because I love you
And I persuade you
Thank you,
toweliesbong04.14.09 - 6:48 pm
can we record him saying...
"hi im russell and im a pc".
funanu04.14.09 - 6:52 pm
do the hustle doo doo doo doo dod dodo doo. ah i fucked up. so sad not a lot of people supprted the hustle. congrats plus chicken leather says your old i dont belive him.
veronica04.14.09 - 6:56 pm
we definitely need someone to be mac and then russle could hustle him in a thumb fight
veronica04.14.09 - 6:57 pm
pc give us this magic drug of fountain of youth, i meanyou even look younger that chicken leather and he looks like douglas fairbanks jr. whens your birthday we have to get you a stripper coming out of a bike cake!
veronica04.14.09 - 7:20 pm
happy unbirthday oops rotw to you
veronica04.14.09 - 7:22 pm
Does someone want to thumbhustle
MAC04.14.09 - 7:27 pm
Just knowing that Brad has PC's panties in a tin has made this thread priceless.
User104.14.09 - 7:39 pm
Correction! Soiled, white, Y- front, school panties.
User104.14.09 - 7:43 pm
i love PC (pretty cute) in a very special way. -Coe coe and Franz.
franz04.15.09 - 2:19 am
You guys. (*snif*) I'm so touched.
Here are the answers to some of your ridiculous questions, in no particular order.
And how do you get your hair so straight???? --steph
Sodium hydroxide, bike sweat, and gravity!
What does PC stand for? --Joe Borfo
Phuck Cue.
What was little PC like?
What will old PC be like? --SKIDMARCUS
Little PC was shy around people he didn't know, and a big smartass around people he did know. He often got along with adults better than with other kids. He had blond curly hair until he was about four, then his hair got Mexican. He rode a Schwinn Sting Ray Jr.
Old PC will be like little PC, but with more pants-wetting.
Did Mrs. C really wanted to see her son grow up to be doing a kid's past time? --User 1
What kids' pastime would that be, Allan? Hmm? Hmm?
do you have any pedestrian friends? are or were you in a real gang at any point of your life in san pedro? is green your favorite color or just on cars? why haven't you dropped everything and become a wandering nomad? --neverclever
Yes, and I'm neglecting them just like all of the rest of you are neglecting yours.
Because I would have to grow a beard. A beard. On me. Think about it.
What did you mean when you called me a phony?
Do you find your need to be right helpful in access to social capital? --sexy
I meant that you were grandstanding like you sometimes do. It's annoying. I just wanted to talk about fragrance, you meany!
My need to be right probably costs me social capital. But I'm not a politician or a social climber, so it's not like social capital is something I really need to store up for future use. I'd just as soon spend it now by being the arrogant prick that you know and tolerate.
congrats? --coldcut
what will become of the human race? --la duderina
It will get bigger, but not much better.
Why don't we hang out more? --420 LaHaRR
I don't know. Is that your way of saying we should hang out more? Let's hang out more!
what was it like being stranded on a lifeboat with a bengal tiger?
(twitter response preferred) --canadienne
(twitter response sent)
PC04.15.09 - 4:15 am
Do you ever listen to Flashpoints or Expert Witness Radio on Pacifica?
Do you listen to or read any right leaning publications or radio?
sexy04.15.09 - 2:21 pm
No, and no. Are they on KPFK? I don't listen to a lot of Internet radio unless it's something I can masturbate to (Annie). Well, OK, Chicken Leather and BWSK too.
I used to read National Review often, and for a while there I read Commentary regularly (I almost said "religiously," har har). NR started to decline in quality a few years ago, and my local library doesn't carry Commentary anymore so I don't read either of them very often now. I still read some economic bloggers with a rightish slant, mainly to get their take on the real estate bubble and credit meltdown. You wouldn't be surprised to hear that they all think housing prices should be allowed to keep falling naturally, but you might be surprised at how many of them are calling for temp. nationalization of the banks. I have been a big fan of William F. Buckley Jr., William Safire, S.I. Hayakawa, and P. J. O'Rourke (does he count?) for years. I've also read some Friederich Hayek and quite a bit of Ayn Rand (not her turgid fiction, which I couldn't get through, but her essays on markets and capitalism). Let's see, what else...does reading The New Republic during its worst neoliberal phase count? I can't stand right wing radio; it gives me a headache. They're all yammering idiots.
PC04.15.09 - 3:06 pm
HEY, fucker, you never answered my questions from when you were ROTW!
PC04.15.09 - 3:09 pm
Flashpoints is on KPFK
Expert Witness is on WBAI
Nationalization is by law is what should be happening with the the banks that go under aka put into Recieverships. They should not be given money blindly.
I will answer your questions, Patience ROTW.
sexy04.15.09 - 3:20 pm
FLashpoints is on KPFA Berkley
sexy04.15.09 - 3:21 pm
The child's past time I was referring to was riding bikes. Not the whacked out perverted kid's past time stilline is into.
While I'm here, why don't you do anything that's artsy in your town? The artwalk ain't bad, neither is Angel's Gate. I'm betting you never even went to look at the B&Ws of your local characters, did you?
And I bet you rode that Red Car to nowhere, didn't you?
Finally, how's those Moroccan restaurants in Pedro?
User104.15.09 - 4:05 pm
Last time I went to Artwalk your yappy ass wasn't there.
PC04.15.09 - 4:14 pm
That's cause I knew you weren't going to be there. It's always more fun drinking free wine with my homies. Call me next time.
User104.15.09 - 4:16 pm
Only if you promise not to say "who's this?" when you answer this time. You've had your new phone for how many months now?
PC04.15.09 - 4:26 pm
I don't have the executive service where they back up ur crap for you. I had to repopulate the new phone. Anyways this thread is about you, RTOW, not my phone, or Dave. You're getting sidetracked.
Go back and answer your questions.
User104.15.09 - 4:31 pm
I'm talking shit in my own ROTW thread. My name is Russell and I'm a PC.
PC04.15.09 - 4:32 pm
Do you want to buy your goat back from me? Hurry up before I put that shit on Craigslist.
PC04.15.09 - 4:35 pm
Partial Cannibal?
I have a soft spot in my heart for him.
alicestrong04.15.09 - 5:49 pm
boo. you didnt answer my question....
Roadblock04.15.09 - 6:32 pm
nor mine! where is this twitter response, hm?
canadienne04.15.09 - 6:40 pm
aaaaaaaaaye this is a great idear.. good call.
theshues04.15.09 - 6:46 pm
You didn't get my tweet? From my Twitter account? My really real Twitter account that really exists?
PC04.15.09 - 7:05 pm
hardy har, etc.
also, for you:
Stand and take a bow
Percival Cornelius
Your fans applaud you
canadienne04.15.09 - 7:17 pm
I'm frustrated that I don't know how to post embedded video...
alicestrong04.15.09 - 7:18 pm
Have patience, RB. All of your answerable questions will be given questionable answers.
PC04.15.09 - 8:54 pm
How about a race of computing speeds?
MAC04.15.09 - 9:43 pm
did anyone mention how good PC smells? its no lie, he smells really nice!
Llana Pajama04.15.09 - 10:07 pm
Gangster PC is in a shallow grave somewhere in the Angeles National Forest. Seriously, guise, he's not coming back. I heard you loud and clear.
PC04.15.09 - 10:13 pm
CONGRATS!!!! Your right it's about time.... ( 8
bigsexxy04.15.09 - 10:15 pm
Hey Pee,
what's the best beer ratio for about a 20 mile ride? I typically ride one tall can of Tecate per 5-7 miles. You think that's too low? Should I bump it up to a tall can per 10 miles? I'm talking mostly flat terrain with an occasional hill.
Can you post the answer in facebook?
k thanks
User104.15.09 - 11:22 pm
can you get me into the union? --Roadblock
Nope, sorry. Sometimes I'm amazed that I got myself in.
How come I never see you driving???? --User 1
You do. You just don't know it because I'm wearing one of those Groucho Marx mustache/nose/glasses things. That way I can make everybody think that I am car-"free" and I can have mucho street cred.
how many riders DOOESS it take to screw in a light bulb? --dannyzuko
Fifty. Two to go inside the lightbulb and screw, one to take pictures, and forty-seven to sit around outside on the sidewalk and throw things at each other.
how's those Moroccan restaurants in Pedro?
There's only one (Babouch), but it's not bad. Why do I get the feeling that you're working your way up to asking me out on a man date?
PC04.16.09 - 4:39 am
That was Loser 1 asking about the Moroccan restaurants. Quote fail. Sorry.
Incidentally, I just right now remembered what that "don't crush PC" reference was referring to. Good thymes.
PC04.16.09 - 4:47 am
Pedro Champion
Don't forget I owe you a Funderstorm Show for the Surly purchase! I have an idea that involves a lot of awesome...
SKIDMARCUS04.16.09 - 11:02 am
As a follow up to User1's question, what's the best beer ratio for doing skids? Like, how many do I need to drink and how many should I have in my bag for the correct weight distribution? Also, is it different if I'm riding in a big pack, 'cause I'm thinking the aero might vary?
Oh and finally, if I drink enough beer, am I exempt from having to hold my line?
mr rollers04.16.09 - 11:17 am
The Banner Above ME and PC FTW BABY!!!
vegan banananan phone=PC
PC is My HomeBoy!
See you soon old Pal.
skano04.16.09 - 11:47 am
If the world cashed in on all the FUNDERSTORM shows that Skidmarcus owes. The Economy would crash!
sexy04.16.09 - 11:50 am
Please contrast with my chart showing what FUNDERSTORM has given you!
SKIDMARCUS04.16.09 - 11:54 am
I have NOT forgotten the Funderstorm show that I am owed.
PC04.16.09 - 1:49 pm
Like, how many do I need to drink and how many should I have in my bag for the correct weight distribution? Also, is it different if I'm riding in a big pack, 'cause I'm thinking the aero might vary? --Mr. Rollers
First of all, Mr. Rollers, I would like to welcome you to the bicycle community. It's always nice to see new faces! In reply to your question, though, I have to say that you're overthinking it. There is no optimal beer ratio for skidding. The important thing is that you skid as often as possible when riding in big groups. This is the only way (apart from doing barspins at rest stops) to signal your sexual desirability to pretty girls on bicycle rides, so you need to make sure that each and every pretty girl on the ride sees you skid at least once during the night. Skid early, skid often. Once every five minutes or so is a good rule of thumb. Don't worry about the people behind you--they're probably not pretty girls, so fuck 'em.
Oh and finally, if I drink enough beer, am I exempt from having to hold my line?
Absolutely. It's important to remember that when you drink, the alcohol does not only intoxicate you: it also intoxicates the laws of physics. So you need not ever worry that your obnoxious and reckless behavior might ruin somebody else's evening or make you look like a jackass. The world is just as drunk as you are! Swerve, cut people off, jump off curbs into groups, pick fights, steal beer. It's OK because you're hammered and so is consensus reality! Thanks again for writing, Mr. Rollers, and I look forward to meeting you in person.
PC04.16.09 - 2:08 pm
PC definitely holds his Line.
skano04.16.09 - 2:30 pm
I'm "holding my line" right now.
PC04.16.09 - 2:37 pm
Thanks for all the help, PC!
I think I have a much clearer understanding of what's involved in this bike riding thing now.
mr rollers04.16.09 - 3:23 pm
You're only just now ROTW?! That was a long time coming. Long overdue.
You keep us all honest. And you hold us accountable for all our stupid bullshit. That's important.
Thanks, Russell.
katiepoche04.16.09 - 4:57 pm
Eventually we will keep ourselves honest and hold ourselves accountable. Until that time, though, ....
katiepoche04.16.09 - 4:58 pm
Now all we need is someone to keep me honest and hold me accountable for my bullshit, and we're all set!
PC04.16.09 - 11:27 pm
What is your all time favorite midnight ridazz ride?
What is your all time favorite ride?
Do you listen to Billy Squire?
You consider yourself to be core Elite?
What is Core Elite?
How did you get into unloading ships at the dock?
Did you ever figure out who "i" is?
Should there be a limit to how many question is ask per sign in name to the ROTW?
Do you ever see yourself getting married? If so what would your idea mate be like?
How much TV do you watch?
Where do you get your news from?
Do you think Obama is doing a good job per your political views at being the President?
What is your favorite color?
Are you a Bike God?
Do you have a crush on any other rida(z)?
Do you read every book you buy cover to cover, if no what is the percentage of those that you do?
If you had a one minute audience with the President what would you say?
Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with the job your congress member is doing? who is your congress member?
Do you have a college education? if yes, in what?
Do you have a favorite radio show?
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Do you feel good about the work you do as a long shoreman?
sexy04.16.09 - 11:40 pm
I hate you so much, David.
PC04.17.09 - 5:36 am
Actually, some of those are good questions. But you'll have to wait until I get back from CoacHELLa for your answers.
PC04.17.09 - 5:36 am
I get the sense sexy will keep you honest and hold you accountable for your actions.
What's the long in longshoreman all about? Is there such a thing as a shortshoreman?
katiepoche04.17.09 - 11:49 am
PC is not a long shoreman. If anything he's a short shoreman.
BTW, can you post a link from facebook to your answer PC?
User104.17.09 - 11:53 am
Why are you going to CoacHELLa if you don't want to? Isn't Coachella kind of expensive?
Or are you crashing it? I thought you were against crashing. "Hold your line!"
Or maybe the longshoreman's union provides free tickets to springtime music festivals every year, for all union members.
katiepoche04.17.09 - 4:58 pm
isn't much I haven't been able to sneak into. Coachella is locked down. Very very difficult to crash that place. I tried, two hours one night. All sorts of different angles. Finally got it. Jumped over a fence where in the inside it was a maintenance area fenced away from the rest of the inside. All of the perimeter inside is covered with security guards Wouldn't you know it, there was even a guard by the maintenance area. The sheriffs where arresting and kicking people out all night. I just got processed and escorted off of the polo grounds. Lucky I didn't get sited or arrested.
sexy04.17.09 - 10:18 pm
the guards sit on you?
coldcut04.17.09 - 10:21 pm
what do you mean the guards sit on you? What happen?
sexy04.17.09 - 10:24 pm
Lucky I didn't get sited or arrested.
04.18.09 - 1:18 am
hahaha, no the guards don't sit on you. well realistically, there has to be a guard who probably sat on someone at one time during coachella, but you know what i mean.
i was just stoned and found a grammatical error amusing.
coldcut04.18.09 - 9:30 am
How did you get to be so knowledgeable?
Are you really fluent in 4 languages (that's the rumour)? Is spanish one of them?
Now that you're ROTW will you be aiming to replace the incumbent ROTY?
What fragrance do you wear for rides that won't mix in with natural odors emitted by the body?
Jazzy Phat Nastee04.18.09 - 10:03 am
i love how this wont end. you cannot be satisfied with the mystery of pc. You guys just want to find out all this stuff and then dump him or man date him. Sexy keep this thread going for a year then PC will meet with the likes of BORFO for the title. Accept the mystery of pc cuz what else are you gonna talk to pc about when you see him?
veronica04.18.09 - 8:15 pm
what have i not talked to PC about when i saw him? he's a modern day Socrates.
tortuga_veloce04.18.09 - 8:20 pm
plus he smells good even after al those miles
veronica04.18.09 - 8:25 pm
Yeah, PC has no clue how excited I am that we're going to have a 3 day man date in San Fucking Francisco of all places. How romantic is that?!?!
I have a mind to leave our carpoolers in Los Banos so I can get some alone time with the future ROTY!!!! AHHAHAHAHAHA! Watch out User1 if you come.
toweliesbong04.18.09 - 8:59 pm
Please know that I am trying REALLY HARD NOT TO MAKE A COMMING JOKE.
COMMING ALL OVER THE GODDAMNED PLACE was the direction it was going.
Just so you know.
When y'all going to San Francisco?
katiepoche04.19.09 - 10:34 pm
Thursday morning, 10am, we'll strap User1 to the roof if you'd like to come!
toweliesbong04.20.09 - 1:17 am
If you were to write a movie based on your life, what would be the tone and plot of it? Who would play you?
SKIDMARCUS04.20.09 - 10:40 am
If you were to direct a porno based on your life, what would be the soundtrack and plot of it? Who would play you?
tortuga_veloce04.20.09 - 10:44 am
Wow, great question!!! PC and I were talking about this very subject via Nextel PTT the other day and he told me the soundtrack would be by Throbbing Gristle and Cosey Fanni Tutti would play him.
toweliesbong04.20.09 - 10:47 am
Cosey would be a brilliant choice for PC's porno life! I can totally see this movie unfolding now.
User104.20.09 - 1:12 pm
Russel, wish you were there on Saturday, we rode near your house on an ALC training ride. Lunched at Pt. Fermin and the went up Pacific and over to Western and then headed up to PV. I got more respect for you, John and Steve when you ride up from SP to LA.
mk452404.20.09 - 1:52 pm
He hasn't turned me down yet. Until then he's mine!
toweliesbong04.20.09 - 3:57 pm
I'm always late for such things, but congrats Perpetually Cynical!
about time, is right! Sheeeeeeesh.
I wish I could grow up to be like you.
the reverend dak04.20.09 - 4:24 pm
PC is my favorite Rida of all the Ridazz.
Long Live PC
la duderina04.20.09 - 4:37 pm
Crap, I need to work fast if I'm going to answer all that before my week is up. Excuse me while I quit my job.
PC04.21.09 - 1:30 am
All questions from Sexy:
What is your all time favorite midnight ridazz ride?
That would have to be the Halloween ride of 2007. Pre-party at the Oven, bananas vs. gorillas, the pedicab trike, Funderstorm at 5:30 AM, and the "ride" ended up lasting all weekend. Was that an official Ridazz ride?
What is your all time favorite ride?
Do you listen to Billy Squire?
Nah, all he ever wants to talk about is tax law. He's all "Alternative Minimum Tax" this and "Alternative Minimum Tax" that. It's like, dude, I know that it's a badly written law but don't you have any hobbies? These days I just hang up on him when he drunk dials me.
You consider yourself to be core Elite?
What is Core Elite?
The flavor of the month, many months ago.
How did you get into unloading ships at the dock?
It's in the blood down here in the harbor area. One of my grandfathers did it full time, the other did it part time before becoming a carpenter for the Harbor Department. My dad did it part time in the sixties and seventies, but there wasn't enough work to support our family so he went into other things.
Or are you asking me why
I wanted to do it? Well, I get to work when I want to and take time off when I want to, nobody cares how I dress or what I act like, I don't have to suck anybody's ass, the scenery is awesome, and yes, the money ain't bad. It's the perfect job for me, really, until I find that independently wealthy sugar mama.
Did you ever figure out who "i" is?
It was Robert Stanfield trying to real-life troll me into a secluded area so that he could rape me.
I don't fucking know, dude. I can't believe anybody still cares about this.
Should there be a limit to how many question is ask per sign in name to the ROTW?
No. The ROTW can just ignore the lame ones (like this one) if she or he wishes.
Do you ever see yourself getting married? If so what would your idea mate be like?
I could see it, sure. Now I just need to go find an interesting, smart, hott woman who would be willing to put up with me literally forever. BRB!
How much TV do you watch?
Except for "Family Guy" and shit, very little. It's just such a commitment that you have to make, you know? You have to learn all of a show's characters and then you have to, like, actually make time to watch the show in between all the other crap you have to do in life. How the fuck do people watch hours of TV every night? Seriously, how? Where do they find the time?
Where do you get your news from?
I get my local news from the crappy local paper The Daily Breeze and the scrappy local weekly Random Lengths. I don't get the LA Times anymore, so I get my world news from the radio and online. You want specific sources?
Do you think Obama is doing a good job per your political views at being the President?
What is your favorite color?
Are you a Bike God?
O you of little faith. You have to ask?
Do you have a crush on any other rida(z)?
Do you read every book you buy cover to cover, if no what is the percentage of those that you do?
Eventually, I end up reading about 90% of the books I buy from cover to cover. That's eventually, and sometimes eventually means years. That sounds pretty good until you realize that fully one out of every ten books I have ever bought remain unread to this very day. Now do you see why I don't watch much TV? Who the fucking fuck has the time, Sexy David? Who?
If you had a one minute audience with the President what would you say?
"Stop trying to prop up housing prices. Affordable housing is a good thing, remember? Nationalize the banks now and get it over with. Fuck the shareholders; they should have read the prospectus. Grow a pair of balls and start prosecuting the war criminals from the Bush Administration. Grow a conscience and put a stop to the practice of 'extraordinary rendition.' Grow an imagination and think about what a country would be like without a futile war on drugs, a sprawling prison-industrial complex, or a permanent crackdown on civil liberties. Then act like the leader you pretend to be, and lead the way to that country. Congratulations on your victory in November, and I hope racists don't kill you."
I would say all of that really, really fast.
Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with the job your congress member is doing? who is your congress member?
Strongly disagree. Dana Rohrbacher, of all people.
Do you have a college education? if yes, in what?
Do you have a favorite radio show?
Vic and Sade!
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Finally a good question! Bob's Red Mill oatmeal with sliced banana, peanuts, raisins, cinammon about a tablespoon of flaxseed meal, and just a leeeeeeeetle bit of Spike salt-free seasoning. So. Fucking. Good.
Do you feel good about the work you do as a long shoreman?
Longshoreman. One word. How do you mean "feel good"?
PC04.21.09 - 5:27 am
What's the long in longshoreman all about? --katiepoche
In the olden days of yore, when a ship came in and they needed people to unload it, a cry would go out in the working-class quarters of the port city: "Men along the shore!" The men who answered this call came to be known as longshoremen.
Is there such a thing as a shortshoreman? --katiepoche
Oooooh, you were so close to being the 1,000th person to make that joke in my presence. Unfortunately somebody else is going to take home those Dodger tickets. Thanks for playing!
PC04.21.09 - 5:34 am
PC it was great to see you at coachella..................
my question is: what did you think of the Cure?
robert stanfield04.21.09 - 10:45 am
I dun't see NONE of you at Coachella! I heard that PC would be there and had an eye out for him but nope!
neverclever04.21.09 - 12:12 pm
I saw somebody who could have been user:neverclever dancing with his shirt off to My Bloody Valentine on Sunday night. Couldn't see the face, though. I also saw some pretty great doppelgangers all weekend. Of the Ridazz ones, there were:
A Mr. Rollers
A royalacademy dancing to Peanut Butter Wolf
Several mixtemotionses and kakiharas (but never together)
A Lance K
A deesimple
A larsensf
And a real markedge, a real onethirtynine and his real ladyfriend (blanking on her name but she was in New York last year), and I theeeeenk I may have seen a real DJ Annie standing in the camping area but I got no response when I hollered out to her.
PC04.21.09 - 1:07 pm
And of course, a real Sushi Robo, who came all the way out on Sunday night just to have a brief man date with me (and see The Cure).
PC04.21.09 - 1:09 pm
I was totally rocking out to MBV but with a shirt on, in fact, your favorite The Stone Roses t-shirt! HA! Oh well. Missed The Cure for some Public Enemy, The Kills, Throbbing Gristle, Etienne De Crecy and zero wait to get out of the parking lot!
neverclever04.21.09 - 1:33 pm
Well then, there's an uncanny neverclever doppelganger* wandering around the American southwest somewhere.
*I'll bet you any money that I am the first person on earth to use those three words, in that order, in a sentence.
PC04.21.09 - 2:13 pm
I'm glad my doppleganger was there - he save me all the bother and expense. I hope he had a good time.
He probably likes all the same bands I like, only he has the stamina to stand around in a hot crowd of humanity for hours on end and he still has intact eardrums.
mr rollers04.21.09 - 3:00 pm
""Stop trying to prop up housing prices. Affordable housing is a good thing, remember? Nationalize the banks now and get it over with. Fuck the shareholders; they should have read the prospectus. Grow a pair of balls and start prosecuting the war criminals from the Bush Administration. Grow a conscience and put a stop to the practice of 'extraordinary rendition.' Grow an imagination and think about what a country would be like without a futile war on drugs, a sprawling prison-industrial complex, or a permanent crackdown on civil liberties. Then act like the leader you pretend to be, and lead the way to that country. Congratulations on your victory in November, and I hope racists don't kill you."
well said....
Roadblock04.21.09 - 3:05 pm
Yeah, I think I'll print that out on a card, laminate it and carry it with me at all times.
Just in case, ya know?
mr rollers04.21.09 - 3:08 pm
Yeah — the shortshoreman joke was trite. I was only just playing with words, though.
It's an Irish thing. My mom pointed this out when I was about twenty. It's not that I'm actively trying to fuck with people. It's that I enjoy the dodge and weave. Perhaps I should save it up for when I intend to subvert. (Either that, or I'll have to start subverting you.)
(But that's
EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT, though, isn't it? Has my goat just been gotten? Aww, crap.)
katiepoche04.21.09 - 10:02 pm
Damn, girl, is it an Irish thing to offer overelaborated navel-gazing explanations of your motives every time somebody ribs you for making a harmless joke? Because if so, then you couldn't be more Irish if you had Sinead O'Connor up in your cervix mixing up Shamrock Shakes. Jesus. Hey, but I'd like to see you try to subvert me.
Your goat is out back in the yard. Let me know when you want to pick her up. You'd better make it soon, though, because frankly I don't like the way Allan's goat has been looking at her.
PC04.22.09 - 3:45 am
When are you going to ride Wolfpack? --la duderina
When it stops being on Monday nights!
Why are you going to CoacHELLa if you don't want to? Isn't Coachella kind of expensive? --katiepoche
I had promised my cousin that if he won the contest he was entering, the prize for which was a Coachella pass, I would take him (his parents wouldn't have let him go otherwise). I didn't think he had a chance in hell of winning, so I didn't give it another thought until he called me Thursday night to tell me he had won. So, yeah, I didn't really want to go but I knew that once I went I would have a good time and see killer performances. And I was right.
Leonard Cohen. Leonard Fucking Cohen.
How did you get to be so knowledgeable? --Jazzy Phat Nastee
I don't know how to answer that without it sounding like I'm actually claiming to be knowledgeable, which is the kind of hubristic shit that gets characters in fairy tales and Greek tragedies knocked right on their asses by fate or the gods.
So for the sake of my ass, I will just say that whatever I do know comes from following my curiosity as far as I can (via reading or experience), and trying not to forget shit. That second one may be more important.
Are you really fluent in 4 languages (that's the rumour)? Is spanish one of them? --Jazzy Phat Nastee
I wish. I'm a typical monolingual American jackoff. This is a source of constant embarrassment when I go overseas and the people have to help me out by speaking my language because I can't speak theirs. (Except when it's funny, like the time at that vegan macrobiotic cafe in Paris where the proprietress didn't speak much English either, so all the customers in the place ended up collaborating to help me and her figure out what I should order.)
Now that you're ROTW will you be aiming to replace the incumbent ROTY? -- Jazzy Phat Nastee
Yes. I'm announcing my candidacy right now. Borfo is fucking going down. Mark my words.
What fragrance do you wear for rides that won't mix in with natural odors emitted by the body?
Well, they're actually supposed to work with your natural chemistry rather than mask it. Some do work better than others for when you're going to be heating up and sweating, though. Good ol' Tam Dao is a good one for breaking a sweat in, and so is Carolina Herrera's 212, which is a real spicy/citrussy one that almost seems like it was made to be worn on hot, humid, sweaty days in the city.
PC04.22.09 - 4:29 am
If you were to write a movie based on your life, what would be the tone and plot of it? Who would play you? --SKIDMARCUS
It would be an epic, sprawling tale of an obnoxiously abrasive underachiever who somehow manages to make a living and have friends. It would have to be a fantasy because that's what the life sometimes seems like. I would be played by Albert Brooks.
If you were to direct a porno based on your life, what would be the soundtrack and plot of it? Who would play you? --tortuga_veloce
It would have a soundtrack by EinstĂĽrzende Neubauten and a plot like Betty Blue but without as much fucking. I would be played by Albert Brooks.
PC it was great to see you at coachella..................
my question is: what did you think of the Cure? --Robert Stanfield, a.k.a. "i"
What a set! I was planning to go check out some of Throbbing Gristle at 11:00 but I couldn't tear myself away from The Cure. A lot of old b-sides and shit, played very rockingly. Needless to say, that little moment at the end, after Goldenvoice cut off the PA and we could only hear the band through the stage monitors and you couldn't hear Robert Smith at all and the whole audience sang along to "Boys Don't Cry" as though to lend him the voice that Goldenvoice had denied him, was just fucking transcendent.
whats your favorite jamba juice smoothie? --ruinedbyidiots
Would you believe I've never had one? Never have I ever.
PC04.22.09 - 4:49 am
OK, I think I'm all caught up. My week's up anyway. Let's fuck with somebody else now.
PC04.22.09 - 4:50 am
Give PC a week and he takes a frickin' sabbatical.
Joe Borfo04.22.09 - 10:09 am
its not over for another 6 minutes!!
When was the last time you danced?
Ever colored your hair?
Do you plan to / have you already written your epitaph?
answers or the week starts over!
PIZZAWOLF04.22.09 - 3:04 pm
At coachella watching The Cure, yes, no!
PC04.22.09 - 3:26 pm
What did you think of the Throbbing Gristle show? Why the fuck were you 45 minutes late to it? I thought you were a huge fan? And you showed up 45 minutes late? WTF?
You're a dick!!!
toweliesbong04.24.09 - 3:31 am
This thread will never die. You'll have to kill me to kill the thread
back to the questions?
How was being the official ROTW?
Do you now have a hang over from being ROTW?
Did you like the extra attention?
If you could name the ROTY who would it be?
Do you think Joe Borfo is deserving of ROTY?
In terms of baseball, how far has Brad tried to get with you?
How has the economy effected work at the dock, are we getting that much less of stuff imported in?
Do you ever ride the critical mass rides?
How often do you ride the Surly cross bike you bought from Skidmarcus?
Did it upset you when you set spent time and money to set up the after party, prepared and showed up for the Russel Hustle and "i" didn't show up?
Do you have anything else you want to say to "i"?
Have you ever won a alleycat race?
What color are you painting the DeBardnardi'?
What other sites do you visit besides midnight ridazz?
What other sites would you recommend others visit?
What are your plans now that you are through being ROTW?
sexy04.24.09 - 11:05 am
Pee has been a big bitch ever since his ROTW ended. He's crashed hard, and we're having to deal with the aftermath!
User104.24.09 - 12:12 pm
perhaps it was your shitty taste in music and your incessant banter that he could not tolerate on the way back from SF..hmmm?
see you tonight
Kakihara04.24.09 - 12:47 pm
I take it was a rough side back for everybody who doesn't sign in as USER1 that was in the same car as USER1?
sexy04.24.09 - 1:07 pm
that ride back not side back.
sexy04.24.09 - 1:08 pm
Persuasive Craptalker
Thanks for stirring up the pot and sprinkling some intelligence on top PC.
trickmilla04.24.09 - 2:15 pm
How was being the official ROTW?
Do you now have a hang over from being ROTW?
Did you like the extra attention?
If you could name the ROTY who would it be?
Do you think Joe Borfo is deserving of ROTY?
In terms of baseball, how far has Brad tried to get with you?
How has the economy effected work at the dock, are we getting that much less of stuff imported in?
Do you ever ride the critical mass rides?
How often do you ride the Surly cross bike you bought from Skidmarcus?
Did it upset you when you set spent time and money to set up the after party, prepared and showed up for the Russel Hustle and "i" didn't show up?
Do you have anything else you want to say to "i"?
Have you ever won a alleycat race?
What color are you painting the DeBardnardi'?
What other sites do you visit besides midnight ridazz?
What other sites would you recommend others visit?
What are your plans now that you are through being ROTW?
Quoth Joe Borfo: "It's OVER!"
PC04.26.09 - 2:33 am
It's not over until someone calls the next ROTW!!!
PC for ROTY!!!!!
toweliesbong04.26.09 - 2:39 am
answer my simple question. They don't involved long thought and carefully detailed answers like your question that I never answer does. Plus I'm long winded.
sexy04.26.09 - 2:46 am
Pee needs to be nominated ROTW again. The little guy was having a hard time dealing with just being a regular schmuck again while in SF. Can we make a special consideration?
User104.26.09 - 10:03 am
When are you going to ride Wolfpack? --la duderina
When it stops being on Monday nights!
ohh come on, you're a union man, you can get a day off now and then!
la duderina04.26.09 - 10:16 am
Oh, I think User1 and my friend Scott have way better Photoshop ones. PC slept a lot on the way up there and was getting quite perturbed with all the flashes going off. hahahahahahahah
toweliesbong04.29.09 - 10:34 pm
ROTW??? I didn't take a nap all weekend and PC fell asleep the minute he got shotgun.
toweliesbong04.30.09 - 12:24 am
however, PC, I think your week has been long enough.....
la duderina05.3.09 - 3:13 am
i'd like to request a continuance. and a taco.
TACOWOLF05.4.09 - 12:18 pm
Is this any kind of behavior for a ROTW? Look at him trying to break my camera!!!
toweliesbong05.5.09 - 8:44 pm