Question for Roadblock

Thread started by
PC at 05.11.09 - 6:15 pm
If thirty sweaty cyclists showed up at your house to protest the lack of a proper quote function on the forum, would you heed their call?
I guess it's a good thing politicians are more susceptible to public pressure than Roadblock.
danya05.11.09 - 6:19 pm
"If thirty sweaty cyclists showed up at your house to protest the lack of a proper quote function on the forum, would you heed their call?"
I think I would give an answer with about the same value that the city council does... I would say absolutely you guys deserve a quote function, in fact I move that we recommend a motion to study the effects of a quote function immediately.
the problem is budget my friends... I am not a developer... and developers are fucking highly paid and highly unmotivated to start modifying highly proprietary code that was written in 2003. I would consider paying a developer to do it I guess... how many hours would it take? at $80 - $120 hr? I still have that paypal account with donated money in it....
Roadblock05.11.09 - 6:50 pm
See, this is why we can't get any infrastructure. The powers that be are all talk.

PC05.11.09 - 6:52 pm
they are all talk because they dont have any money... you were totally waiting with that image for 45 minutes... hahah
Roadblock05.11.09 - 6:53 pm
The forum community is tired of waiting. We want action!
PC05.11.09 - 6:56 pm
Quotations on the threads!
Paint it or we will!
danya05.11.09 - 7:06 pm
imachynna05.11.09 - 7:28 pm
I need to raise about $2k before developers will even look at this site.. to really put something together I need to get a professional and have them be dedicated for a month straight using popular well supported open source code.... which costs bookoo buckaroos. what a can of worms too. everytime there is a security patch or upgrade the developer has to be involved... you all REALLY want to go there huh?
Roadblock05.11.09 - 7:38 pm
The link doesn't work for me. What's the address to send money to?
Also wasn't there some ridazz that wanted to help? They aren't working for free? Thought they were.
User105.11.09 - 7:39 pm
everyone talks but who wants to put in a good month's worth of time to make a real upgrade...?. as it is this code is pretty fucking solid and simple the more complicated it gets the more development time is needed in the future.... everyone who dabbles in code thinks they can do it. everyone with the experience necessary knows just what a mountain it is to make something better than what it is already...
Roadblock05.11.09 - 7:43 pm
has anyone thought of doing a MR fund raising kegger?
I can look into what venues are available in my area.
Keggers make money pretty well. $5 at the door style.
Maybe have a meet point, sell the wristbands for the kegger, and ride to the venue.
wristband gets you in and gets you beer.
ONEpedalDEATHkick 81805.11.09 - 7:49 pm
How much code would you be messing with if you just added a calendar page?
Maybe we should take a vote on what we'd like to see, cause I kinda like the ghettoeyness to it. Well other than not having a calendar page that is.
User105.11.09 - 7:50 pm
I mean wtf? Theres certainly enough of us, and who doesnt drink beer for that matter?
ONEpedalDEATHkick 81805.11.09 - 7:51 pm
just as a reminder, i volunteered my time... that's $0/hr
snowcone05.11.09 - 7:52 pm
integrating a calendar is all about unifying the registration. putting up a calendar like bikeboom is simple by itself. it's getting it to work with people's accounts that is tricky. THEN who's going to sit there and delete defunct rides that no longer happen? wonder why goga is still listed on bikeboom? cause it's a pain in the ass to check whether rides still happen. the ghetto calendar over there>>>> relies on dedicated people being active in the community and maintinaing their presence on the calendar....
Roadblock05.11.09 - 7:53 pm
snowcone. I appreciate it. are you interested in working with drupal or joomla?
Roadblock05.11.09 - 7:55 pm
I know this is going to sound snobby, but I need to see a resume and examples of work from anyone that is up for doing this. I need code that is clean and elegant so that in the future other developers will be able to work on it should the original developer not be available... that and migrating the data over is something that has to work well. this is history and a lot of work to rebuild it the photogallery and calendar...
Roadblock05.11.09 - 7:59 pm
OK, Councilman, if you could just get off your iPhone for a minute, I have a question. How much time, money, and/or effort would it cost to implement a quote function? JUST a quote function. Not a calendar to pointlessly duplicate BikeBoom, not an upgrade to the photo galleries to make it even easier for people to dump their redundant pictures of their friends drinking in parking lots onto the site, not thread pagination to uselessly break up the flow of discussions...JUST a quote function by itself. Hmm?
PC05.11.09 - 8:01 pm
AND I know people are going to raise fists but this forum format is so easy to maintain.... I hardly every touch shit. which is perfect. regular forums suck. nothing people say is really that important thatit has to be categorized and yada yada... it's why twitter and facebook is blowin up and vanilla boards are fading into internet memory. this forum is like a primitive twitter....
sorry for being crabby. I just know how much work is ahead and I'm already struggling to just get my own work done that pays and this is a headache no matter how simple it can look....
Roadblock05.11.09 - 8:04 pm
there might be someone here who could do it..... I think it actually might be pretty simple.....
Roadblock05.11.09 - 8:05 pm
perhaps even mr. hardy could help?? :)
Roadblock05.11.09 - 8:06 pm
I think we just need to meet up and talk about it.
This is an example of my work:
You can browse the source code here:
i can also send you a resume ;]
snowcone05.11.09 - 8:11 pm
maybe we could do a wish list and a difficultly scale?
I haven't been to bikeboom site in years, what's the address anyways?
And do we really need a quote function? I think what we really need is a common means of posting it up. How bout,
Poster -
gibberish, mispelled words, yo momma! More gibberish! Yeah ur a bitch to!!! Some useless and unresearch "facts".
Me -
Well pwned yo momma bithc!!! Some claim that's not true and I know it.
User105.11.09 - 8:14 pm
Allan, we need a quote function precisely so that nobody will ever have to read your crappy quote formatting again. Thank you for reminding me of that.
PC05.11.09 - 8:16 pm
question to RB, who will be nominated for moderating?
i wouldnt want to have dickheads or immature moderators who would go on a banning spree cause they're intoxicated or just plain bored.
tekmo05.11.09 - 8:16 pm
...and thank
you for reminding me to ask RB to please, please, please NOT add a bunch of fun-killing moderation to the site.
PC05.11.09 - 8:19 pm
yeah man I have the same reaction when I saw it before... I don't understand what it does and cant really evaluate if you have the experience or stamina to do this project..... do you have a working example of a php based site you've built? would love to see your resume. and projects you've worked on much appreciated.
if we're going for a real build, then lets do it... and make it so other cities can join the fun. via
ideas on what it needs:
calendar with commenting
photo gallery with commenting voting
forum same simple functionality as this but with quote (harrumpf)
ride wiki knowledgebase
also frameworks are a harder hit on the server meaning more server costs.... faster server reqs
Roadblock05.11.09 - 8:20 pm
This is pretty much the equivalent of the Bicycle Master Plan. A bunch of largely unnecessary, expensive shit getting in the way of simple, cheap, needed improvements.
PC05.11.09 - 8:27 pm
for the record.... this site was designed and built in 2003 and upgraded in 2004. at the time I couldnt find any opensource solution that did what this site does.... gallery, forum, calendar and cms. so kill me. I spent a LOT of money on the code and I have to say, the guy who wrote it gave me some really clean code for the time that has lasted without much of a hitch.... and godammit the forum is very twitter simple... I think I was ahead of my time in thinking that people dont really say anything all that important that it deserves to be categorized hahah. :)
Roadblock05.11.09 - 8:29 pm
yeah PC I hear you. hahaha and just like the bicycle master plan, getting improvement arent as "simple" as they seem....
Roadblock05.11.09 - 8:32 pm
This site would look ugly if it were like all the other forums. I don't know, I think it looks good and WORKS well. Timeless. The only thing I'd like to see change is the banner, although it seems to symbolize the "old days" and the "good times."
imachynna05.11.09 - 8:33 pm
@ RB
i would like to help out, but i really hate Paypal, would it be ok if you could stop by my store @ Lil Tokyo? i'll just give you cash
tekmo05.11.09 - 8:34 pm
I would feel awkward accepting cash. I may just have a screenprint party raise the cash that way.
Roadblock05.11.09 - 8:36 pm
i believe all the sites using the software i wrote are not public, but I sent you my resume.
I think that we can make a few modifications to the existing site to hold us over until the new one is ready.
my framework is extremely lightweight, it won't require more powerful servers. i think it will actually speed the site up.
i came up with another idea too. a map which shows all the rides (location based on meetup spot) that can be filtered by the day.
i don't use the photo gallery, but if there is a per-person monthly quota similar to what flickr has, it will encourage people to make sure they only upload their favorites.
snowcone05.11.09 - 8:37 pm
By quote function do you mean automated <blockquote> tags? Why not just write the html?
Testing the blockquote CSS style
braydon05.11.09 - 8:44 pm
improving the forum doesn't mean making it like the other ones out there. i agree with you, i think the forums are overkill and ugly and have all sorts of useless crap. i'm a minimalist, so i am all about providing useful and thoughtful features with very clean and simple interfaces.
these are some things i think would help the forum:
-making it easier to tell where one post ends and another begins such as with a line, border, or other visual indicator
-removing the embedded scrollbar so you scroll the whole page in order to read the thread
-showing the thread or the post to which you are replying on the page where you type your post
-using visual indicators to show how new posts are, maybe highlight all the posts made in the last 12 hours? or instead of just showing the timestamp... show how long ago the post was made
posted 14 minutes ago, posted 3 days ago on May 8
snowcone05.11.09 - 8:45 pm
That sounds good snowcone, threaded might be a good substitute for quoting.
braydon05.11.09 - 8:48 pm
"By quote function do you mean automated
tags? Why not just write the html?"
adding quoting would mean when you press "reply" it automatically quotes the post to which you are replying. that would introduce the need for a second link to post without replying
snowcone05.11.09 - 8:48 pm
ooo... what about an optional post preview so you can see it before you post it
snowcone05.11.09 - 8:48 pm
oh, i was meaning so that on the page where you type your post, you can see the thread. i didn't mean having it like digg, with subthreads/branches, that would get very confusing i think.
snowcone05.11.09 - 8:50 pm
You guys familiar with Laconica at all?
braydon05.11.09 - 8:54 pm
Correcting the timezone would be nice as well ;)
braydon05.11.09 - 8:58 pm
as far as quotes go I like how vanilla does it where it just inserts the quoted text into the reply box and you can go from there.... perhaps then it could have a reply link and a reply with quote icon that does both....
Roadblock05.11.09 - 9:01 pm
also getting a system of markup language on here so people can't break the site like they do....
Roadblock05.11.09 - 9:03 pm
I would consider that #1 priority.
braydon05.11.09 - 9:10 pm
that can be handled in multiple ways
-php can strip out any harmful code
-we can provide a wysiwyg editor like
-alternatively, we can use a wiki-style markup like
snowcone05.11.09 - 9:12 pm
i'm all pumped, i'd like to get started haha
snowcone05.11.09 - 9:21 pm
I wish were online right now. It sounds like most of the suggested improvements would make look like their site.
Hmm... maybe Kev would be willing to share coding or whatever?
Also, I like the idea of putting the comment box on the same thread. You guys have no idea how many times I've gotten halfway through a comment, only to forget what I was saying and have to start over to go back and look at the thread.
That said, I think I would prefer the big projects of this master plan- Roadblock's [add your city] function, and snowcone's integrated ride calendar/map. I like the awesomosity of the site as-is, and would prefer adding more awesome to changing what we already have.
danya05.11.09 - 9:32 pm
yeah the ride calendar map thing sounds really cool actually
Roadblock05.11.09 - 9:38 pm
does somebody have a beer they can give me?
sexy05.11.09 - 9:55 pm
We need a MR calender iPhone app!!
SPOOK05.11.09 - 10:25 pm
would love to help but realistically won't be able to do anything big until after ALC.
might be able to sneak in a quote function though and html stripper though.
ephemerae05.11.09 - 11:32 pm
this site is perfect!
05.11.09 - 10:49 pm
there's your fucking quote function
+100000, coldcut!
dont change the site!!!
tortuga_veloce05.11.09 - 11:38 pm
Lets take a vote on which format to use for quoting. PC and I will vote for mine, and tortuga_veloce, black randy, poodles dude, and newRBI is voting for tortuga_veloce verison.
User105.12.09 - 1:32 am
Fuck a motion. Fuck a function. We want real change.
stillline05.12.09 - 3:20 am
Dude. Official integrated chat room? how awesome would that be. also, it might help clean up the threads a bit for more serious business.
danya05.12.09 - 4:53 am
I can't find the other thread with this info, but another suggestion for MR v2.0 when you guys get around to it- the time out on our logins means that we every now and then type up a nice long post, hit the 'Post' button, and then find that everything's been lost since we've been asked to login again. I'm sure there are a few ways to fix this, I'd just like to see it fixed.
Thanks, and don't worry about it til you've healed up (and hopefully caught that fuckwad!)
danya05.22.09 - 10:14 am
yup... that's already on the list
snowcone responding to a
comment by danya
05.22.09 - 10:58 am
Vanilla, chocolate or strawberry?
SPOOK05.27.09 - 10:26 pm
Very interesting...
SPOOK responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.27.09 - 10:39 pm